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Integrating Office
L van der Post
CH Dixie
M Taljaard
H Irvine
Table of Content
1. Integrating Office Applications ................................................................................................................1
A. About Object Linking and Embedding .................................................................................................... 2
B. Creating a Static Link Between Applications ......................................................................................... 2
C. Creating a Dynamic Link Between Applications .................................................................................... 5
D. Breaking the Link Between Linked Objects ........................................................................................... 6
E. Using the Office Clipboard....................................................................................................................... 7
F. Importing Excel Data into an Access Database ..................................................................................... 9
G. Using Access Data in a Mail Merge ...................................................................................................... 12
PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
References ....................................................................................................................................................... 21

Integrating Office Applications

1. Integrating Office Applications

One of the great advantages of working with the Microsoft Office suite of programs is that data is very easily
shared between the different applications. For example, a chart created in an Excel worksheet can easily be
used in a Word report or a PowerPoint presentation. When a report in Word requires a flow diagram to describe
how processes work, you could draw it using the Word drawing tools, or more easily create it in the actual graphics
application, PowerPoint and then copy the diagram into the Word document.

This is possible because Office supports Object Linking and Embedding, (OLE, which is a way of transferring and
sharing information between applications). OLE is often referred to as integration.
In this section, you will copy data between applications, link data that you copy so it can be updated in both
locations at once, and use data from one application to create new data in another, for example in a Mail Merge.

As a user, you should be able to:

• Understand the difference between linking and
embedding objects so that you can decide which is
preferable in any given circumstance (A).
• Embed and link objects between applications so that you
can use existing data in a second file (B).
• Modify embedded objects to change the format in the
destination file (C-F).
• Update linked objects so that changes occur in both
source and destination files (C-F).
• Break the link between objects so that they can be saved
and edited separately (C-F).
• Create a mail merge so that a single document can be
customized and sent to multiple recipients (G).

Case: Go-Travel
In this lesson, you will work with various existing pieces of information to create new documents for Zach to send
to his parent company and his clients.

Integrating Office Applications
A. About Object Linking and Embedding
Object linking and embedding is a way of transferring and sharing information between different applications.
An object can be defined as any piece of data that can be treated as a unit, for example, a table, chart, graphic
or amount of text. The file containing the original object is known as the source file. The file to with which the
object is shared is known as the destination file.
When an object is inserted using a dynamic link, the connection between the source and destination is
maintained, with the object only existing in the original file. When the object is edited in the source file (original),
the destination file is also updated.
When an object is inserted using a static link, a copy of the source object (original) is created in the destination
file. The two objects exist separately, and can be edited independently.
When an object is embedded, it exists in the destination file only, having been created using a different
application, but not saved separately in that application.
Linking is done using the Clipboard. You will need to copy the relevant data/object, and then, instead of pasting
into the destination document, you select the relevant option from the Paste Special dialog box.

Select Paste to Select the

create a static link. relevant option.

Select Paste link to

create a dynamic

B. Creating a Static Link Between Applications

When you want to use an existing object in a new location, you must first decide whether to create a dynamic or
static link. If it is a once off occurrence, and there is no need for the object to be updated at a later stage, or if
you want to begin with the existing object and change it in some way in the destination file, then a static link is
the better choice.
Exercise 1.1 is an example where a static link is appropriate: an existing Excel chart will be used in a Word

Integrating Office Applications

Exercise 1.1:
 Adding a Sales Chart to a Report
At the end of the first quarter, Zach of GO-Travel needs to send a brief report of his quarterly sales figures
to the sales manager of the national parent company. He already has the sales data in an Excel
workbook, so will include the existing chart in his report. He will not need to update the chart at a later
stage. Also, he would like to change the formatting slightly in the final report, so you recommend a static
link as the preferable option.

Figure 1 Report with Excel Chart

1. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1 data file from Moodle (Learning Materials
block FCS Data Files\Integration\Lesson 01), Report.docx.
2. Switch ON the Show/Hide Tool on the Home tab, so that you can see where the paragraph
markers are.
3. Position the insertion point where you want to insert the chart: in the blank line before the
paragraph beginning The name GO-Travel…
4. Leave the Word document open and start Excel as usual.
5. Open Sales Quarter 1.xlsx (available in the FCS Data Files\Integration\Lesson 01 folder).
6. Click the First Qtr sheet tab.
7. Click the chart to select it (it is selected when sizing handles appear on the border of the chart
8. Click Copy on the toolbar.
9. Switch back to the report by clicking the Report.docx-Microsoft Word button on the taskbar.
10. Make sure the insertion point is in the correct place, then instead of selecting Paste, click on the
down arrow below Paste, and select the Paste Special option.
11. In the Paste Special dialog box, click on Paste, and select Microsoft Excel Chart Object in the As
box. Click on OK.
12. Resize the chart so that it fits the margins of the document (check where the margins are by
looking at the Ruler bar.
13. Zach wants to change the chart so that there are labels showing the actual values and the
Quarter 1 Total column is a different colour:
• Right click on the chart, and select Worksheet Object, then Edit. Two new tabs appear,
namely DESIGN and FORMAT.

• Select the DESIGN tab.

Integrating Office Applications

• Click Add Chart Element, select Data Labels from the menu, and select Outside End.

• Click the Quarter 1 Total column.

• It should now the only column selected – if not, click on it for a second time.
• Click on the FORMAT tab, click on Shape Fill, and select the colour Yellow.

• Click anywhere outside the chart to close the additional tabs.

14. Save the document as Report-student number.docx and CLOSE the file.
15. Note that the chart in the Excel workbook remains unchanged. This is because the chart in the
report is a copy of the original, is not linked and was edited separately.
16. Close Sales Quarter 1.xlsx without saving it.

Integrating Office Applications
C. Creating a Dynamic Link Between Applications
The main reason for linking objects dynamically is when you know that you will need to update both objects at a
later date. If the objects are dynamically linked, you need only update the source object (original) for the changes
to be automatically reflected in the destination object.
To link objects with a dynamic link you use the Copy and Paste Special command. Paste Special offers not only
the option to choose a specific format, but also the option to link the two objects.
In Exercise 1-2, you will link data from an Excel worksheet, which changes on a monthly basis, into a Word
Exercise 1.2:
 Adding Monthly Data from a Worksheet into a Poster
Every month GO-Travel has 4 packages which Zach can offer at a special price. Each month the specials
change. Zach enters the specials into his deals worksheet, puts “Yes” in the column next to the specials,
and sorts the list so the specials are in the top four rows of the list. He then adds them to a poster which
he puts up on noticeboards around campus.
It will save him time each month if he can create a dynamic link between the poster and the worksheet,
so that when he edits the worksheet, the deals on the poster are automatically updated.

Figure 2 Poster with Special Offers

1. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1-2 data file from SMark,
Poster- student number.docx.
2. Set the Show/Hide tool ON, so that you can see the paragraph markers, then click in the blank line
between the star and the logo (this will be in approximately in the middle, as the page layout has
been vertically justified).
3. Open Specials.xlsx (downloaded from the FCS Data Files\Integration\Lesson 01 folder and saved in
your tasks folder indicated in your weekly guide).
4. Hide columns D-F, as Zach only wants to include the Package Name (column C) and the Cost
(column G) on the poster.
5. Select cells C4:C7 and G4:G7.
6. Click Copy on the ribbon.
7. Switch back to Poster.docx
8. Click on the down-arrow below Paste, and select Paste Special.
9. Select Paste link, and Formatted text (RTF). Click OK. The spreadsheet data will be inserted as a
table without borders.
10. Select and format the text in the table to be font: Verdana, 20 pt.
11. Centre the table.
12. Change the column widths so each row of data shows on a single line.
13. Save the document as Poster-student number.docx and CLOSE the file.

Integrating Office Applications

14. Test that the link is working, so that when Zach needs to update the worksheet, the deals on the
poster will also update:
• Edit the specials in the worksheet by deleting the Yes next to Elephant Hills Hotel [row 4]
and adding a Yes next to Cape with Grace [row 12].
• Sort the list so that the new specials are in the first 4 rows: select Data menu, Sort, Sort by
Monthly Special, Ascending, then click OK.
• Save the changes to the worksheet.
15. Open Poster-student number.docx and select Yes when prompted to update the link.
16. The new specials will be displayed on the poster.
17. Save both the Word and Excel files and CLOSE the files.
17. Upload your solution to the SMark project FCS Integration Lesson 1-2 and CHECK the feedback
report, to ensure that you completed this set of exercises 100% correctly. If not:
i. Return to the relevant concept explanations to improve your understanding
ii. Check that you have followed the relevant Exercise instruction exactly.

D. Breaking the Link Between Linked Objects

Once you have inserted and completed editing a linked object, you may wish to store the source and destination
objects separately. This would happen in circumstances where you needed to edit the source object, but want
the destination object to remain unchanged. It would then be necessary to break the link.
Breaking the link means that the destination object is converted to an ordinary object in the destination object.
1. In the destination file, right click on the object, select the object (e.g. linked worksheet object).

2. Select to see the list of Links.

3. Select the relevant entry in the Source file list, then click Break Link, then Yes.
4. Save the destination file to make sure the link is broken.

Integrating Office Applications
E. Using the Office Clipboard
The Microsoft Office Clipboard allows you to collect text and graphic items from different Office files and then
paste them into any Office document. For example, you can copy some text from a Microsoft Word document,
some data from Microsoft Excel, a bulleted list from Microsoft PowerPoint, some text from Microsoft Expression
Web or Microsoft Internet Explorer and a datasheet from Microsoft Access, then switch back to Word and arrange
any or all of the collected items in your Word document.
Office Clipboard works with the standard Copy and Paste commands. Just copy an item to the Office Clipboard
to add it to your collection, then paste it from the Office Clipboard into any Office document at any time. The
collected items stay on the Office Clipboard until you exit Office.
The Office Clipboard can hold up to 24 items. If you copy a 25th item, the first item in the Office Clipboard is

Figure 3 Office Clipboard

1. The Office Clipboard can be opened in any one of the following ways:

• Click on the dialog box launcher on the HOME tab, clipboard group.
• Select Options on the Clipboard and select the appropriate option.
2. As items are added to the Office Clipboard, an entry is displayed in the Office Clipboard gallery. The newest
entry is always added to the top of the gallery.
Each entry includes an icon representing the Office program it was copied from and a portion of the copied
text or a thumbnail of a copied graphic.
Integrating Office Applications
3. You can paste items individually, or all at once.
• Selecting the normal Paste command will paste the last item you copied.
• Clicking Paste All in the task pane pastes all the items stored in the Office clipboard.
• To insert any specific item, either click it, or click its ▼ arrow and click Paste.
4. To remove all items from the Office Clipboard, click Clear All.

Exercise 1.3:
 Collecting and Inserting Items into a Single Document
Zach needs to create an advertising flyer that includes GO-Travel’s logo and his contact details, some
information about the benefits of using a travel agent, and the specials for the month. All this information
is already in other documents, so you will help him by copying the various items to the Office Clipboard
then pasting them into the new document.
1. Open Report.docx (available in the FCS Data Files\Integration\Lesson 01 folder).
2. Open the clipboard by clicking on the dialog box launcher on the HOME tab, clipboard group. If
anything is listed in the Clipboard item list, click Clear All.
3. Select the logo and Zach’s phone number and email address at the top of the picture, then click
4. Close the Report.docx file – do not close Word (File, Close).
5. Open Poster-student number.docx, saved at the end of Exercise 1.2. and select Yes when
prompted to update the link.
6. Select the table listing the specials, then click Copy.
7. If the Office Clipboard task pane does not open, open it again. The two items you have just copied
should be the top two items in the list.
8. Close the poster document without closing MS Word.
9. Open GO-Travel Info.docx (available in the FCS Data Files\Integration\Lesson 01 folder).
10. Select the information on page 2, from the heading How a Travel Agent Can Help You… down to
the paragraph ending …commission is higher!
11. Click Copy and then close the info document without closing Ms Word.
12. You now have all the items you need stored on the Office Clipboard.
13. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1-3 data file from SMark, GOTravelFlyer-student
14. Click the logo and contact details on the Office Clipboard to insert it at the top of the new

15. Make sure the insertion point is on the next line, and click to insert the information about How a
Travel Agent Can Help…

16. Type a second heading underneath the paragraph you just pasted:
This Month’s Specials
and apply the style Heading 1.
17. Press Enter to go the next line, then click the specials you copied to the clipboard

Integrating Office Applications
18. Select the table of specials and format the text so it is smaller, 14 pt.
19. Save the document as GOTravelFlyer-student number.docx and CLOSE the file.
20. Upload your solution to the SMark project FCS Integration Lesson 1-3 and CHECK the feedback
report, to ensure that you completed this set of exercises 100% correctly. If not:
i. Return to the relevant concept explanations to improve your understanding
ii. Check that you have followed the relevant Exercise instruction exactly.

F. Importing Excel Data into an Access Database

Often people begin recordkeeping using Excel spreadsheets. As their needs grow, they decide an Access
database will better serve their needs. When it comes to creating the Access tables, much of the necessary data
is already stored in the original Excel worksheets as lists.
There is no need to re-enter the data into the Access tables. As long as the Excel data is in a list format, it can
readily be imported into Access to create a table.
1. First check the format of the Excel data.
• Each column in the Excel list should have a label that can be used as the Access field name.
• Remove any blank rows or columns.
2. Open the Access database where you want to import the Excel list.
3. On the EXTERNAL DATA tab, Import & Link group, select Excel.

4. A dialog box prompts you to select the type of import:

5. Follow the steps in the Import Spreadsheet Wizard to create the table in Access.

Integrating Office Applications

Exercise 1.4:
 Import the Packages list into an Access Database
Zach’s business is going very well, and you decide it is time to create a database that he can use to keep
track of his business activity. There is data in Excel spreadsheets that can be used, for example, his list
of standard packages. Begin the creation of the GO-Travel database by importing this list to create the
Packages table.
1. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1-4a data file from SMark, Specials-student
2. Prepare this file so it is suitable for importing into Access:
• If columns D-F are hidden, Unhide them.
• Delete Column I (Monthly Special).
• Delete the first two rows (the heading and the blank row following).
3. Save the edited worksheet as Specials-student number.xlsx and CLOSE the file.
4. Upload your solution to the SMark project FCS Integration Lesson 1-4a and CHECK the feedback
report, to ensure that you completed this set of exercises 100% correctly BEFORE you continue
with this Exercise. If not:
i. Return to the relevant concept explanations to improve your understanding
ii. Check that you have followed the relevant Exercise instruction exactly.
5. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1-4b data file from SMark, GOTravel-student
number.accdb. Note that this is an empty database.

Integrating Office Applications

6. On the EXTERNAL DATA tab, Import & Link group, select Excel.
• If you see the following tools, make sure that you click on the Excel tool in the group on the

• If you do not have the Excel button in the Import & Link tools-group then click on the New Data
Source tool, then From File, then the Excel item as show below:

7. Click browse and open Specials-student number.xlsx.

8. Select Import the source data into a new table in the current database, then click OK.
9. Select the following options in the Import Spreadsheet Wizard:
• If you get a security message, ignore it and click on OK or Open to continue
• Make sure that Show Worksheets and Packages is selected.
• Click to select First Row Contains Column Headings, then click Next.
• The Packages worksheet should be selected, showing sample data (you may need to click
Next to see the next point).
• Accept the defaults by clicking Next.
• Click Choose my own primary key and select Code, then click Next.
• In the Import to Table box, it should use the name Packages, so accept this and click
• You do not need to save the Import steps, so click Close to complete the process.
10. The new table Packages will appear in the list of tables and be saved automatically.
11. Compact and Repair (DATABASE TOOLS tab) your database file before you CLOSE the file
12. Upload your solution to the SMark project FCS Integration Lesson 1-4b and CHECK the feedback
report, to ensure that you completed this set of exercises 100% correctly. If not:
i. Return to the relevant concept explanations to improve your understanding
ii. Check that you have followed the relevant Exercise instruction exactly.

Integrating Office Applications
G. Using Access Data in a Mail Merge
The term mail merge refers to the process of combining information from two separate documents to create
many documents, with the same basic information and structure, each differing in the details. This process can
be used for form letters, labels, envelopes, mass email or fax distributions.
The basic process is:
• Create the main document. This is the document that contains the information that will be the same in
every document eventually created.
• Open or create the data source. This is the document that contains the individual information, for
example, name, address, telephone number. It is in a tabular format, and can be a Word, Excel or
Access file. The table column headings are usually the field names, with each row containing the
individual information or records.
• Add Merge Field to the main document. A merge field relates directly to the information in the data
source (usually referenced by a label or field name), and specifies where in the document the individual
information is to be placed. Merge Field can be identified as they are enclosed in angle braces when
inserted in the document, for example, <<Name>>.
• Merge the two documents to create the third document, which contains numerous copies of the main
document, with each copy customised to include the individual data from each record in the data
source. For example, a letter can be merged with a list of name and addresses, so that each person
receives the same content, with their own name and address on the letter.
In Exercise 1.5 you will use data from an Access table as the data source and create a document to send as a
mass email. You would follow the same process for any other type of mail merge, just selecting different options
in terms of the document format and the nature of the data source.

There are usually THREE files involved in a Mail-Merge – make sure that you can recognise all
1. The MAIN document: Usually a word document, containing placeholders to add individual
2. The DATA SOURCE document: Usually an Excel Spreadsheet or Database table,
containing all the individual details in columns, with labels for each field in the first row.
3. The MERGED document: The result of merging the MAIN document with the DATA
SOURCE document, containing individualised sections that are copies of the MAIN
Exercise 1.5:
 Use an Access Table for a Mass Email
The new GO-Travel web site will be available from next month. Zach wants to mail all of his clients to tell
them about it, and give them the web address. He has a client file in an Access table, so this can be used
as the source data to create a mass email using Word’s Mail Merge tool.
1. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1-5a data file from SMark, Zachletter-student
number.docx. The GO-Travel logo and Zach’s contact details have been inserted in this document
and you will create the rest of the letter. Note that this file becomes the main file for the mail-
merge process.
2. You also need to download the Clients.accdb data source file from SMark. You do not need to
open this file – merely link it to your mail-merge document by following the steps below. Do NOT
add your student number to the data source file name.
3. On the MAILINGS tab, click Start Mail Merge, select Letters.
4. On the MAILINGS tab click Select recipients.

Integrating Office Applications
5. Click Use an existing list, then Browse to find the Clients.accdb data source file, by navigating
through your local storage
6. Click Clients.accdb, then Open.
7. Click on the blank line below the logo and Zach’s details and start creating the letter.
8. Type Dear followed by a space.
9. Now insert the merge field that will put each client’s own name in:
• Click the Insert Merge Field  tool.
• Click Title.
• <<Title>> appears in your document.
• Type a space – you need the space between the Merge Field, otherwise your names will
appear as MrZachBatyi (one item) instead of Mr Zach Batyi (three items).
• Click the Insert Merge Field tool again, then click FirstName.
• Type a space. Click the Insert Merge Field tool again, then click Surname, then press Enter
to go to the next line (or paragraph).
• Now type the body of the letter:
Thank you for supporting GO-Travel in previous months.
We are in the process of developing a Go-Travel web site, and I am contacting all my
previous clients to let them know that as from next month, our special offers and other
services will be advertised on the site.
The web site address will be:
Of course, you can still reach me on my cell (number above) or by email.
Please call me if I can help in any way.

Kind regards
Zach Batyi
10. Save the main document ZachLetter-student number.docx.
11. Click on the Preview Results tool.
12. Your document is now shown with the text inserted from the first record
of the data source, that is, the first client’s Title, FirstName and Surname.
You can click the back and forward arrows to view the other clients in the
list. Note: If you need to return to the main document to edit and fix mistakes, click on
Preview Results again to check your edits.
13. Click the Finish & Merge tool.
14. Select Edit Individual Documents.
• Select All.
• Click OK.
A new document is created and opened – your merged document.
15. Page through your new merged document to check that all the letters look good, with the details
appropriately spaced. If you are not satisfied, close this document without saving it, return to your
main document and edit it before repeating this process to create the merged document.
16. Save the merged document (with all the letters) as ZachLettersMerged-student number.docx and
leave it open.
17. Save the main document ZachLetter-student number.docx and CLOSE it.
18. Upload your main document ZachLetter-student number.docx to the SMark project FCS Integration
Lesson 1a
Integrating Office Applications

19. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1-5b data file from SMark, ALLZachLetters-student
number.docx. This is a blank document.
20. Use Ctrl+a in YOUR merged file ZachLettersMerged-student number.docx to select the entire
content then Copy and Paste it into the ALLZachLetters-student number.docx using the Keep
Source Formatting paste option and then CLOSE both files. Tip: There are many ways to select the
all the text in a document, but using the short-cut of holding down Ctrl and then tapping a on your
keyboard is the fastest.
21. Upload your merged document ALLZachLetters-student number.docx to the SMark project FCS
Integration Lesson 1-5b
22. CHECK the feedback reports from both Integration Lesson 1--5a (main document) and Integration
Lesson 1-5b (merged document), to ensure that you completed this set of exercises 100%
correctly. If not:
i. Return to the relevant concept explanations to improve your understanding
ii. Check that you have followed the relevant Exercise instruction exactly.
In Exercise 1.6 you will practise this process, using data from an Excel spreadsheet as the data source and create
a document to send as a mass email. You would follow the same process used above, just selecting different
options in terms of the document format and the nature of the data source.

Exercise 1.6:
 Use an Excel Worksheet for a Mass Email
The GO-Travel business is opening a new office on South campus. Zach wants to mail all of his clients
to tell them about it to invite them to an Open House event to thank them for their loyalty to date. He has
a client file in Excel spreadsheet, so this can be used as the source data to create a mass email using
Word’s Mail Merge tool.
1. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1-6a data file from SMark, ZachInvite-student
number.docx. The main content of the GO-Travel invitation have been inserted in this document
and you will need to convert it to the main mail-merge document.
2. You also need to download the Clients.xlsx data source file from SMark. As indicated in the
previous exercise, you do not need to open this file – merely link it to your mail-merge document by
following the steps below. Do NOT add your student number to the data source file name.
3. Use the same process described in Exercise 1.5 to convert your ZachInvite document into a Mail-
Merge Letter (main) and link it to the Clients.xlsx workbook as the data source. Replace the letters
next to To: with placeholders as follows:
• 666 with Title
• QQQ with FirstName
• XXX with Surname
4. Remember to switch on your Show/Hide tool so that you can clearly see the paragraph markers
and spaces when you insert the Merge Field. Make sure that you maintain the relevant spacing
between the placeholders inserted above.
5. Save the main document ZachInvite-student number.docx.
6. Click on the Preview Results tool.
7. Your document is now shown with the text inserted from the first record
of the data source, that is, the first client’s Title, FirstName and Surname.
You can click the back and forward arrows bext to the Preview Results
button, to view the other clients in the list. Note: If you need to return to the main document to edit
and fix mistakes, click o Preview Results again to check your edits.
8. Click the Finish & Merge tool.

9. Select Edit Individual Documents.

• Select All.

Integrating Office Applications
• Click OK.
10. Page through your new merged document to check that all the letters look good, with the details
appropriately spaced. If you are not satisfied, close this document without saving it, return to your
main document and edit it before repeating this process to create the merged document.
11. Save the merged document (with all the letters) as ZachInvitesMerged-student number.docx and
leave it open.
12. Save the main document ZachInvite-student number.docx and CLOSE it.
13. Upload your main document ZachInvite-student number.docx to the SMark project FCS Integration
Lesson 1-6a
14. Download and open the FCS Integration Lesson 1-6b data file from SMark, ALLZachInvites-student
number.docx. This is a blank document.
15. Use Ctrl+a in YOUR merged file ZachInvitesMerged-student number.docx to select the entire
content then Copy and Paste it into the ALLZachInvites-student number.docx using the Keep
Source Formatting paste option and then CLOSE both files.
16. Upload your merged document ALLZachInvites-student number.docx to the SMark project FCS
Integration Lesson 1-6b
17. CHECK the feedback reports from both Project Integration Lesson 1-6a (main document) and
Project Integration Lesson 1-6b (merged document), to ensure that you completed this set of
exercises 100% correctly. If not:
i. Return to the relevant concept explanations to improve your understanding
ii. Check that you have followed the relevant Exercise instruction exactly.



Check your module’s weekly Guides to find out which Projects you are required to do.
Project 1. Sales
1. Download and save (in the location specified in your weekly Guide) the FCS Integration Project 1 data file
from SMark, P01Sales-student number.docx, then open it from the saved location.
2. Select the Show/Hide tool on the Home ribbon so that all non-printing, formatting characters are visible.
3. Open the file P01Sales.xlsx from the location indicated in your weekly Guide.
4. Highlight cells A1 to F5 and copy the cells using the Copy (Ctrl-C) button in the Clipboard group of the Home
5. Alt-Tab to return to your Word document and Paste (Home tab ribbon, Clipboard group) the information below
the last line of the document.
6. Change the width of the 2014 – 2017 cells (title and data cells) to 2.75cm and the Total cells (title and data
cells) to 3cm.
7. Alt-Tab to return to the Excel (spreadsheet) document and copy the Congratulations graphic.
8. Alt-Tab to return to your Word document and Paste the graphic into the document at the end of the 1st
paragraph (before the paragraph marker).
9. Make sure the graphic is selected and use the Position tool on the Format ribbon to position the graphic at
the top right corner of the document.
10. Change the width of the graphic (Format ribbon) to 5cm.
11. Position the insertion point next to Date: (between the space and the paragraph marker) and use the Insert
Date and Time tool in the Text group of the Insert ribbon to insert the date, using the 23 February 2019
12. BEFORE you close MS Word, after you have saved, check that this file is in the location specified in your
weekly Guide and that the time indicates the latest time of the saved.
13. Return to the SMARK system. Upload the file P01Sales-studentnumber.docx from the location indicated in
your weekly Guide for online checking and review the feedback.
Your solution should resemble the document below:


Project 2. ECommerce
In this project you will add information to a document on Electronic Commerce. The completed document is
shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Completed document on Electronic Commerce

1. Download and save (in the location specified in your weekly Guide) the FCS Integration Project 2 data file
from SMark, P02ECommerce-student number.docx, then open it from the saved location.
2. Add a heading in a new line at the end of the document.
• The words of the heading are: Figures for E-Commerce.
• The heading should be formatted using the Heading 2 style.
3. Insert data from an Excel workbook in a new line under the new heading:
• Use the data from P02Ecommerce-Figures.xlsx (available in location specified in your weekly Guide).
• Insert the data in such a way that if the existing workbook is edited, data will automatically be updated
in the document.
• Insert the data as Formatted Text, then distribute the columns evenly over the width of the page.
4. Insert a PowerPoint slide at the end of the document under the Excel data, similar to Figure 5 – but create
this as an embedded object — that is, from within the Word document, not as a separate PowerPoint
presentation (INSERT, Object).
• Use any shape you like, and any colour.
• The shape should contain your name and student number.

Figure 5 Example of the PowerPoint Slide with your name and student number in an auto-shape
5. Use the Clipboard to copy some graphics into your document at the positions stipulated below. The
graphics can be found in P02Ecommerce-Graphics.docx (available in location specified in your weekly
• Copy the WordArt heading: Online Retail in South Africa to the start of the document. Change the
wrapping to Top and Bottom.


• Copy the Home Page at the end of the heading What can you buy online? Change the text
wrapping option to Square.
• Copy the Verisign and Thawte logos in their own paragraph (they should be next to each other), before
the last heading in the document: Figures for E-Commerce. Centre the paragraph containing these
images and insert 10 spaces between the two images.
6. Save the completed document as P02ECommerce-student number.docx and CLOSE the file.
7. Upload your solution to the SMark FCS Integration Project 2 and CHECK the feedback report, to ensure
that you completed this set of exercises 100% correctly. If not:
i. Return to the relevant concept explanations to improve your understanding
ii. Check that you have followed the relevant Exercise instruction exactly.


Project 3. CoveringLetter
In this project you will create a list of names and address and use the list to personalise a covering letter.
1. Create a covering letter (Figure 4) for the people you will send this document to and personalise it for a list
of people:
• Create the list shown in Figure 3 in a new Excel workbook. Save it as P03Names.xlsx in the location
specified in your weekly Guide. Note: No student number is included in your data source file name.

Figure 3 List of names and addresses

2. Download and save (in the location specified in your weekly Guide) the FCS Integration Project 3a data file
from SMark, P03CoveringLetter-student number.docx , then open it from the saved location – note that the
downloaded document is a blank document.
3. Use the list to create and personalise the letter shown in Figure 4. Create the covering letter (Figure 4) in
the downloaded, blank document P03CoveringLetter-student number.docx, for the people you will send this
document to and personalise it for the list of people created in P03Names.xlsx:

Figure 4 Covering Letter

4. Save the main covering letter as P03CoveringLetter-student number.docx (this letter should still have the
5. Do the merge to an editable file. Check the merged document’s letters and edit anything you need to, in
the main document, and then re-merge to create a new editable file.
6. Save the merged document (with all the letters) as P03CoveringLettersMerged-student number.docx in the
location specified in your weekly Guide and CLOSE it – this file will be marked OFFLINE after the deadline.


7. Save the main covering letter as P03CoveringLetter-student number.docx in the same location and CLOSE
8. Upload your main document P03CoveringLetter-student number.docx to the SMark project FCS Integration
Project 3a.
9. Download and open the FCS Integration Project 3b data file from SMark, P03ALLCoveringLetters-student
number.docx. This is a blank document.
10. Select the entire content (remember the short-cut Tip from Exercises 1-5 & 1-6) of your
P03CoveringLettersMerged-student number.docx then Copy and Paste it into the P03ALLCoveringLetters-
student number.docx using the Keep Source Formatting paste option and then CLOSE both files.
11. Upload your merged document P03ALLCoveringLetters-student number.docx to the SMark project FCS
Integration Project 3b
12. CHECK the feedback reports from both Project Integration 3a (main document) and Project Integration 3b
(merged document), to ensure that you completed this set of exercises 100% correctly. If not:
i. Return to the relevant concept explanations to improve your understanding
ii. Check that you have followed the relevant Exercise instruction exactly.



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