Unit 1 & 2 Terms List

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Unit 1 & 2 Terms





Directions: Terms are due to your team members and will need to be submitted to
Canvas TWO DAYS prior to a quiz/test! Everyone needs a fair chance to study the
terms. All members of the group must work on the document that will be submitted. The
document's edit history will be used to determine who worked on the document and how
much. Only the person who originally created the document is able to submit it to
Canvas. If your group is having a problem, please see me ASAP. Terms are vital to
success on the AP Exam because you are expected to know a variety of people, events
and concepts across all areas of American history – these will help with both the
multiple choice AND written questions. Also note, some terms appear in more than one
unit. Make sure you address how that term applies to the unit being studied.

Unit 1 – Period 1 Corresponds approximately to Ch. 1-2

Term Relevant Definition







Iroquois Confederacy

Portuguese slave trade

Vasco da Gama

Christopher Columbus

Old world diseases – Smallpox, measles,

yellow fever

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

Vasco Nunez Balboa

Ferdinand Magellan

Juan Ponce de Leon

Francisco Coronado

Hernando De Soto

Hernan Cortes

John Cabot

Giovanni da Verrazano

Robert de La Salle

Father Junipero Serra


Mound builders



plantation system

Columbian exchange





Pope’s Rebellion

Black Legend

Ferdinand of Aragon
Isabella of Castille

Francisco Pizarro

Bartolome de Las Casas


Queen Elizabeth I

Sir Francis Drake

Sir Walter Raleigh

Philip II (Spain)

Spanish Armada

French Huguenots

Laws of Primogeniture

Roanoke Island

colonial charter

James I

Unit 2 - Era 2 - Corresponds approximately to Chapters 3-5

1. Joint stock companies

2. Virginia Company of London

3. Jamestown

4. Captain John Smith

5. John Rolfe

6. Anglo-Powhatan Wars (First and


7. Powhatan

8. Pocahontas

9. Lord De La Warr

10. House of Burgesses

11. Lord Baltimore

12. Maryland Act of Toleration

13. Charles II

14. English Restoration

15. James Oglethorpe

16. Protestant Reformation

17. Barbados slave code

18. Tuscarora War

19. Yamasee Indians

20. buffer colony

21. Henry VIII

22. Calvinism

23. Predestination

24. Church of England

25. Puritans

26. Separatists

27. Mayflower Compact

28. Massachusetts Bay colony

29. Great Migration

30. Captain Myles Standish

31. Fundamental Orders

32. Pequot War

33. King Philip’s War

34. New England Confederation

35. English Civil War

36. Dominion of New England

37. Navigation Acts

38. Glorious Revolution

39. Salutary neglect

40. Quakers

41. Blue laws

42. William Bradford

43. John Winthrop

44. Anne Hutchinson

45. Roger Williams

46. Massasoit

47. Metacom

48. Charles II

49. Sir Edmund Andros

50. William III

51. Mary II

52. Henry Hudson

53. New Amsterdam

54. William Penn

55. Indentured servants

56. Headright system

57. Bacon’s Rebellion

58. Middle passage

59. Slave codes

60. Congregational Church

61. Half-Way Covenant

62. Salem Witch Trials

63. William Berkeley

64. Nathaniel Bacon

65. Leisler’s Rebellion

66. Paxton Boys

67. Regulator movement

68. Triangular trade

69. Molasses Act

70. Stono Revolt

71. Harvard College

72. Great Awakening

73. Old lights

74. New lights

75. Poor Richard’s Almanac

76. Royal colonies

77. Proprietary colonies

78. Jonathan Edwards

79. Benjamin Franklin

80. George Whitefield

81. John Trumbull

82. Phillis Wheatley

83. John Peter Zenger

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