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000 001 002 003 009 010 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 039

Physical Scientists Physicists Chemists (Excluding Pharmaceutical Chemists) Geologists and Geophysicists Meteorologists Physical Scientists, n.e.c. Physical Science Technicians Physical Science Technicians Physical Science Technicians, n.e.c. Architects, Engineers, Technologists and Surveyors Architects and Town Planners Civil Engineers Electrical & Electronic Engineers Mechanical Engineers Chemical Engineers Metallurgists Mining Engineers Industrial Engineers Surveyors Architects, Engineers, Technologists and Surveyors, n.e.c. Engineering Technicians Draughtsmen Civil Engineering Overseers and Technicians Electrical & Electronic Engineering Overseers and Technicians Mechanical Engineering Overseers and Technicians Chemical Engineering Technicians Metallurgical Technicians Mining Technicians Survey Technicians Engineering Technicians, n.e.c.

040 041 042 043 044 049 050 051 052 053 059 060 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079

Aircraft and Ships Officers Aircraft Pilots Flight Engineers Flight Navigators Ships, Deck Officers and Pilots Ships Engineers Aircraft and Ship Officers, n.e.c. Life Scientists Biologists, Zoologists, Botanists and Related Scientists Bacteriologists, Pharmacologists and Related Scientists Silviculturists(The person who study cultivation and management of forest trees) Agronomists and Agricultural Scientists Life Scientists, n.e.c. Life Science Technicians Life Science Technicians Life Science Technicians, n.e.c. Physicians and Surgeons (Allopathic, Dental and Ve terinary Surgeons) Physicians and Surgeons, Allopathic Physicians and Surgeons, Ayurvedic Physicians and Surgeons, Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons, Unani Dental Surgeons Veterinarians Pharmacists Dieticians and Nutritionists Public Health Physicians Physicians and Surgeons n.e.c.

NCO CODE (Contd..)


080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 100 101 102 103 104 109 110 111 119 120 121 129

Nursing and Other Medical and Health Technicians Vaccinators, Inoculators, Medical Assistants Dental Assistants Veterinary Assistants Pharmaceutical Assistants Nurses Midwives and Health Visitors X-Ray Technicians Opthemetrists & Opticians Physio- Therapists and Occupational Therapists Nursing, Sanitary and Other Medical and Health Technicians, n.e.c. Scientific, Medical and Technical Persons, Other Scientific, Medical and Technical Persons, Other Mathematicians, Statisticians and Related Workers Mathematicians Statisticians Actuaries System Analysts and Programmers Statistical Investigators and Related Workers Mathematicians, Statisticians and Related Workers n.e.c . Economists and Related Workers Economists Economic investigators and Related Workers Economists and Related Workers, n.e.c. Accountants, Auditors and Related Workers Accountants and Auditors Cost and Works Accountants Accountants, Auditors and Related Workers n.e.c.

130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 139 140 141 142 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 159 160 161 169

Social Scientists and Related Workers Sociologists and Anthropologists Historians, Archaeologists and Political Scientists and Related Workers Geographers Psychologists Librarians, Archivists and Curators Philologists, Translators and Interpreters Personnel and Occupational Specialists Labour, Social Welfare and Political Workers Social Scientists and Related Workers, n.e.c. Jurists Lawyers Judges and Magistrates Law Assistants Jurists (including petition writers), n.e.c. Teachers Teachers, University and Colleges Teachers, Higher Secondary & High School Teachers, Middle School Teachers, Primary Teachers, Pre-Primary Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Craft Teachers, n.e.c. Poets, Authors, Journalists and Related Workers Poets, Authors and Critics Editors and Journalists Poets, Authors, Journalists and Related Workers, n.e.c.

NCO CODE (Contd..)


170 171 172 173 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 199

Sculptors, Painters, Photographers and Related Creative Artists Sculptors, Painters and Related Artists Commercial Artists, Interior Decorators and Designers Movie Camera Operators Photographers, Other Sculptors, Painters, Photographers and Related Creative Artists n.e.c. Composers and Performing Artists Composers, Musicians and Singers Choreographers Actors Stage and Film Directors and Producers (Performing Arts) Circus Performers (excluding Rope Dancers and Acrobats) Dancers Rope Dancers Acrobats Snake Charmers Composers and Performing Artists, n.e.c. (Excluding Snake Charmers) Professional Workers, n.e.c. Ordained Religious Workers (Those who confer holy orders on) Non-Ordained Religious Workers Astrologers, Palmists and Related Workers Athletes, Sportsmen and Related Workers Professional Workers, n.e.c. Elected and Legislative Officials Elected Officials, Union Govt. Elected Officials, State Govt. Elected Officials, Local Bodies Elected Officials, n.e.c.

210 211 212 213 219 220 221 229 230 231 239

240 241 242 243 249

250 251 252 259

200 201 202 209

Administrative and Executive Officials, Government and Local Bodies Administrative and Executive Officials, Union Government Administrative and Executive Officials, State Government Administrative and Executive Officials, Quasi-Government Administrative and Executive Officials, Local Bodies Administrative and Executive Officials, Government and Local Bodies, n.e.c. Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Wholesale and Retail Trade Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Wholesale Trade Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Retail Trade Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Wholesale and Retail Trade n.e.c. Directors and Managers Financial Institutions Directors and Managers, Bank Directors and Managers, Insurance Directors and Managers, Financial Institutions, n.e.c. Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Mining, Construction, Manufacturing and Related Concerns Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Mining, Quarrying and Well Drilling Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Construction Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers; Electricity, Gas and Water Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Manufacturing Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Mining, Construction, Manufacturing and Related Concerns, n.e.c Working Proprietors, Directors, Managers and Relate d Executives, Transport, Storage and Communication Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers and Related Executives, Transport Directors, Managers and Related Executives, Communication Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers and Related Executives, Storage and Ware houses Working Proprietors, Directors, Managers; and ReIated Executives, Transport, Storage and Communication, n.e.c . Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Other Services Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Lodging.and Catering Services Working Proprietors, Directors and Managers, Recreation and Entertainment Working Proprietors, Directors, Managers and Related Executives, Other Services

260 261 269

NCO CODE (Contd..)



Administrative, Executive and Managerial Workers, n.e.c. Administrative, Executive and Managerial Workers, n.e.c. Clerical and Other Supervisors Clerical Supervisors (Office),Superintendents, Head Clerks and Section Heads Others Supervisors (Inspectors), etc. Ministerial and Office Assistants Clerical and Other Supervisors, n.e.c. Village Officials Village Officials Stenographers, Typists and Card and Tape Punching Operators Stenographers and Steno Typists Typists Tele typists (Teleprinter Operators) Card and Tape Punching Machine Operators Stenographers, Typists and Card and Tape Punching Operators, n.e.c. Book-keepers, Cashiers and Related Workers Book-keepers and Accounts Clerks Cashiers Book-keepers, Cashiers and Related Workers, n.e.c.

358 359

Clerical and Related Workers, n.e.c (contd) Office Attendants, (Peons Daftries etc.) Clerical and Related Workers (including Proof Readers and Copy Holders) n.e.c

300 301 302 309 310 320 321 322 323 329 330 331 339 340 341 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357

Transport and Communication Supervisors

360 361 369 370 371 379 380 381 389 390 391 392 399 400 401 409 410 411 412 419 Station Masters and Station Superintendent, Transport Post Masters, Telegraph Masters and Other Supervisors Transport and Communication Supervisor, n.e.c Transport Conductors and Guards Guards and Brakesmen, Railway Conductors, Transport Transport Conductors and Guards, n.e.c Mail Distributors and Related Workers Postmen Messengers and Dispatch Riders Mail Distributors & Related Workers, n.e.c. Telephone and Telegraph Operators Telephone Operators Telegraphists and Signallers Radio Communication and Wireless Operators Telephone and Telegraph Operators, n.e.c. Merchants and Shop Keepers, Wholesale and Retail Trade Merchants and Shop Keepers, wholesale Trade Merchants and Shop Keepers, Retail Trade Merchants and Shopkeepers, Wholesale and Retail Trade, n.e.c. Manufacturer's Agents Sales Supervisors Purchasing Agents Selling Agents Manufacturers Agents, n.e.c.

Computing Machine Operators

Book-keeping and Calculating Machine Operators Automatic Data Processing Machine Operators Computing Machine Operators, n.e.c Clerical and Related Workers, n.e.c. Clerks, General Store-keepers and Related Workers Receptionists Library Clerks Time Keepers Coders Ticket Sellers Ticket Collectors, Checkers and Examiners

NCO CODE (Contd..)


Technical Salesmen and Commercial Travellers 420 421 429 Technical Salesmen and Service Advisors Commercial Travellers Technical Salesmen and Commercial Travellers n.e.c. Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related Workers Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Demonstrators Sales Canvassors, Salesmen Demonstrators, Order Suppliers and Home Delivery men Hawkers Newspaper Boys Milkmen Salesmen, Shop Assistants & Related Workers, n.e.c. Insurance, Real Estate, Securities and Business Service, Salesmen & Auctioneers Agents & Salesmen, Insurance Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Securities and Shares Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Advertising & Other Business Services Auctioneers Valuers and Appraisers Insurance, Real Estate, Securities & Business Service, Salesmen and Auctioneers, n.e.c. Money Lenders & Pawn Brokers Money Lenders (including Indigenous Bankers) Pawn Brokers Money Lenders & Pawn Brokers, n.e.c. Sales Workers, n.e,c. Sales Workers, n.e.c. Hotel and Restaurant Keepers Hotel and Restaurant Keepers House Keepers, Matrons and Stewards (Domestic and Institutional) House Keepers, Matrons and Stewards 6 520 521 522 529

430 431 432 433 434 439

530 531 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 549 550 551 552 559 560 561 562 569

Cooks, Waiters, Bartenders and, Related Workers (Domestic and Institutional) Cooks and Cook- Bearers Butlers(chief manservant), Bearers & Waiters Bartenders & Related Workers Cooks, Waiters, Bartenders and Related Workers (Domestic and Institutional), n.e.c. Maids and Related House Keeping Service Workers, n.e.c. Ayaha, Nurse, Maids Domestic Servants Maids and Related House Keeping Service workers, n.e.c. Building Caretakers, Sweepers, Cleaners and Related Workers Caretakers Buildings and Caretakers Monuments Sweepers (Sewer) Water men Scavengers (or Sweepers Dry) Scavengers (or Sweepers, Wet) Caretakers, Burial Place and Cremation Ground Building Caretakers, Sweepers, Cleaners and Related Workers, n.e.c. Launderers, Dry-cleaners and Pressers, n.e.c. Washing Machine Operators, Drying Machines Operators and Other Laundry Workers Dry-Cleaners and Pressers Washer men and Dhobis Launderers, Dry-Cleaners and Pressers, n.e.c, Hair Dressers, Barbers, Beauticians and Related Workers Hair Dressers, Beauticians, Manicurists, Make-up Men, Bath Attendants Barbers Borers of the earlobes Tattooers

440 441 442 443 444 445 449

450 451 459 499 500


NCO CODE (Contd..)


570 571 572 573 574 575 579 590 591 592 599

Protective Service Workers Fire Fighters Policemen and Detectives Customs Examiners, Patrollers and Related Workers Protection Force, Home Guards and Security Workers Watchmen, Chowkidars & Gate Keepers (excluding village watchmen) Village Watchmen Protective Service Workers, n.e.c. Service Workers, n.e.c. Guides Undertakers and Embalmers (Those who preserve corpse from decay) Grave Diggers Service Workers, n.e.c. Farm Plantation, Dairy and Other Managers and Supervisors Farm Managers & Supervisors, Crop Production Managers, Plantation Farm Managers, Horticulture Farm Managers, Livestock Farm Farm Managers, Dairy Farm Farm Managers, Poultry Farm Farm Managers & Supervisors, n.e.c. Cultivators Cultivators (Owners) Cultivators (Tenants)

624 625 629 630 640 641 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661

600 601 602 603 604 605 609 610 611


Cultivators, n.e.c. Farmers, Other than Cultivators Planters Livestock Farmers Dairy Farmers Poultry Farmers

662 663 664 665 666 667 669

620 621 622 623

Farmers, Other than Cultivators (Contd..) Insect Rearers Orchard, Vineyard & Related Workers Farmers, Other than Cultivators, n.e.c Agricultural labourers Agricultural Labourers Plantation labourers and Related Workers Plantation Labourers Tappers (palm, Rubber Trees, etc.) Plantation Labourers & Related Workers, n.e.c. Other Farm Workers Farm Machinery Operators Farm Workers, Animal, Birds and Insect Rearing (excluding Cattle Breeders, Rearing of Goat and Sheep, Pig Rearing, Horse Breeding) Gardeners & Nursery Workers Cattle Breeders Rearers of Goat and Sheep Pig Rearers Horse Breeders Shearers (Sheep wool cutters), Sheep Grass Cutters Other Farm Workers, n.e.c. (excluding Shearers, Sheep and Grass Cutters) Forestry Workers Foresters & Related Workers Harvesters & Gatherers of Forest Products including Lac (except Logs, Gatherers of Firewood, Collectors of Tendu Leaves and Collectors of Honey) Log Fellers & Wood Cutters Charcoal Burners and Forest Product Processors(excluding Charcoal Burners) Collectors of Tendu Leaves Collectors of Honey Gatherers of Fire Wood Charcoal Burners Logglers & Other Forestry Workers, n.e.c.

NCO CODE (Contd..)


670 671 672 673 679 680 681 682 689 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726

Hunters and Related Workers Hunters Trappers (excluding Bird and Snake Catchers) Bird Catchers Snake Catchers Hunters and Related Workers, n.e.c. Fishermen and Related Workers Fishermen, Deep Sea Fishermen, Inland & Coastal Waters Conch & Shell Gatherers, Sponge & Pearl Diven Fishermen & Related Workers, n.e.c. Miners, Quarrymen, Well Drillers and Related Workers Supervisors & Foremen, Mining, Quarrying, Well Drilling & Related Activities Miners Quarrymen Drillers, Miners & Quarriers Shot Firers Miners & Quarrymen, Other Well Drillers, Petroleum and Gas Well Drillers, Other than Petroleum and Gas Mineral Treaters Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers, n.e.c. Metal Processors Supervisors & Foremen, Metal Smelting, Converting and Refining Metal Smelting, Converting and Refining Furnacemen Metal Rolling Mill Workers Metal Melters & Reheaters Metal Casters Metal Moulders & Core-Makers Metal Annealers, Temperers & Case Hardeners

727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 739

Metal Processors (Contd..) Metal Drawers & Case Hardeners Metal Platers & Coaters Metal Processors, n.e.c. Wood Preparation Workers and Paper Makers Supervisors & Foremen, Wood Preparation and Paper Making Wood Treaters Sawyers, Plywood Makers & Related Wood Processing Workers (excluding Wood Sawyers, Machine, General and Wood Sawyers Hand) Paper Pulp Preparers Paper Makers Wood Sawyers, Machine General Wood Sawyers, Hand Wood Preparation and Paper Making Workers n.e.c. Chemical Processors and Related Workers Supervisors & Foremen, Chemical Processing and Related Activities Crushers, Grinders & Mixers Cookers, Roasters & Related Heat Treaters (except Lime Makers) Filter & Separator Operator Still & Reactor Operator Petroleum Refining Workers Lime Makers Chemical Processors & Related Workers n.e.c.

740 741 742 743 744 745 746 749

NCO CODE (Contd..)


750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 769

Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and Related Workers Supervisors & Foremen, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, Dyeing & Related Processes Fibre Preparers Spinners and Winders Warpers and Sizers Weaving and Knitting Machine Setters & Pattern Card Preparers Weavers & Related Woikers Carpet Makers & Finishers Knitters Bleachers, Dyers & Textile Printers and Finishers Spinners, Weavers, Knitters. Dyers & Related Workers, n.e.c. Tanners, Fellmongers and Pelt Dressers Supervisors & Foremen, Tanning & Pelt Dressing Tanners & Fellmongers (excluding Skinners of Dead Animals of Flayers) Pelt Dressers Collectors of Bones and Hides Carcass Lifters Skinners of Dead Animals (or Flayers - beaters of animals to remove skin) Tanners, Fellmongers and Pelt Dressers, n.e.c. (excluding Collectors of Bones and Hides and Carcass Lifters) Food and Beverage Processors Supervisors and Foremen, Food & Beverage Processing Grain Miliers, Parchers & Related Workers Crushers & Pressers, Oil Seeds Khandsari, Sugar & Gur Makers Butchers & Meat Preparers Food Preservers & Canners Dairy Product Processors Bakers, Confectioners, Candy & Sweet Meat Makers & Other Food Processors Tea, Coffee & Cocoa Preparers Brewers & Aerated Water & Beverage Makers

780 781 782 783 784 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 809

Tobacco Preparers and Tobacco Product Makers Supervisors & Foremen, Tobacco & Tabacco Product Making Tobacco Preparers Cigar Makers Cigarette Makers Bidi Makers Tobacco Preparers & Tobacco Product Makers, n.e.c. Tailors, Dress Makers, Sewers, upholsterers & Related Workers Supervisors & Foremen, Tailoring, Dress Making, Sewing & Upholstery Work Tailors and Dress Makers Fur Tailors & Related Workers Milliners, Hat & Cap Makers Pattern Makers & Cutters Sewers & Embroiderers Upholsters & Related Workers Tailors, Dress Makers, Sewers, Upholsterers and Related Workers, n.e.c. Shoemakers and Leather Goods Makers Supervisors & Foremer, Shoe And Leather Goods Making Shoemakers & Shoe Repairers Shoe Cutters, Lasters, Sewers and Related Workers Harness and Saddle Makers Makers of Large Raw Hide Vessels Leather Container Makers Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers and Related Workers, n.e.c.

770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779

NCO CODE (Contd..)


Carpenters, Cabinet and Related Wood Workers 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 819 820 821 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 Supervisors & Foremen, Carpentry, Cabinet Making & Related Wood Working Processes Carpenters Cabinet Makers Wood Working Machine Operators Cart Builders & Wheel Wrights Coach & Body Builders Ship wrights & Boat Builders Carpenters, Cabinet Makers & Related Workers, n.e.c. Stone Cutters and Carvers Supervisors & Foremen, Stone Cutting & Carving Stone Cutters & Carvers Stone Cutters and Carvers, n.e.c. Blacksmiths, Tool Makers and Machine Tool Operators Supervisors & Foremen, 8lacksmithy, Tool Making & Machine Tool Operation Blacksmiths, Hammersmiths & Forging Press Operators (excluding Village Blacksmiths) Metal Markers Tool Makers & Metal Pattern Makers Machine Tool Setters Machine Tool Operators Metal Grinders, Polishers & Tool Sharpeners (excluding Knife Sharpeners) Village Blacksmiths Knife Sharpeners Blacksmiths, ToolMakers & Machine Tool Operations, n.e.c. Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers and Precision Instrument Makers (except Electrical) Supervisors & Foremen, Machinery Fitting, Assembling, Repairing & Precision Instrument Making (except Electrical) Watch, Clock & Precision instrument Makers (except electrical) Machinery Fitters &. Machine Assemblers Motor Vehicle Mechanics 844 845 849

Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers and Precision Instrument Makers (except Electrical) (Contd..) Aircraft Engine Mechanics Mechanics, Repairmert, Other Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers & Precision Instrument Makers (except Electrical), n.e.c. Electrical Fitters and Related Electrical and Electronic Workers Supervisors 8. Foremen, Electrical & Electronic Equipment Fitting, Assembling, Installing and Repairing Electricians, Electrical Fitters & Related Workers Electronic fitters Electrical & Electronic Equipment Assemblers Radio & Television Mechanics and Repairmen Electrical Wiremen Telephone & Telegraph Installers & Repairmen Elestric Linemen & Cable Jointers Electrical Fitters & Related Electrical and Electronic Workers, n.e.c. Broadcasting Station and Sound Equipment Operators and Cinema Projectionists. n.e.c. Projectionists Supervisors, Broadcasting, Audio-Visual Projection and Sound Equipment Operations Radio Broadcasting, Television Operators Sound Equipment Operators and Cinema Projectionists Broadcasting Station and Sound Equipment Operators and Cinema Projectionists. n.e.c. Plumbers, Welders, Sheet Metal and Structural Metal Preparers and Erectors Supervisors & Foremen, Plumbing, Welding, Structural & Sheet Metal Working Plumbers & Pipe Fitters Welders and Flame Cutters Sheet Metal Workers Metal Plate & Structural Metal Workers Plumbers, Welders, Sheet Metal & Structural Metal Preparers & Erectors, n.e.c.

850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859

860 861 862 863 869

870 871 872 873 874 879

840 841 842 843


NCO CODE (Contd..)


880 881 882 883 889

890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 909 910 911 919 920 921

Jewellery and Precious Metal Workers and Metal Engravers (except Printing) Supervisors, Jewellery & Precious Metal Working Jewellers, Goldsmith; & Silversmiths Jewellery Engravers Other Metal Engravers (except Printing) Jewellery and Precious Metal Workers and Metal Engravers, n.e.c. (except Printing) Glass Formers, Potters and Related Workers Supervisors & Foremen, Glass Forming, Pottery & Related Activities Glass Formers, Cutters, Grinders & Finishers (excluding Makers of Glass and Lac Bangles) Potters & Related Clay & Abrasive Formers (except Village Potters, Brick and Tile Moulders) Glass & Ceramics Kilnmen Glass Engravers & Etchers Glass & Ceramics, Painters and Decorators Village Potters Brick and Tile Moulders Makers of Glass and Lac Bangles Glass Formers, Potters and Related Workers, n.e.c. Rubber and Plastic Product Makers Supervisors & Foremen, Rubber & Plastic Product Making Plastics Product Makers Rubber Product Makers (except Tyre Makers and Vulcanisers) Tyre Makers & Vulcanisers Rubber and Plastic Product Makers, n.e.c. Paper & Paper Board Product Makers Supervisors & Foremen, Paper & Paper Board Product Making Paper & Paper Board Product Makers Paper and Paper Board Product Makers, n.e.c. Printing and Related Workers Supervisors & Foremen, Printing & Related Work Compositors

Printing and Related Workers (Contd..) 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 Type Setters & Photo Type Setters Printing Pressmen . Stereo-typers & Electro Typers Engravers, Printing (except Photo-engravers) Photo Engravers Book Binders & Related Workers Photographic Darkroom Workers Printers & Related Workers, n.e.c Painters 930 931 932 933 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 Supervisors & Foremen, Painting Painters, Construction Painters, Spray & Sign Writing Village Painters (on Wall and Clay Objects, etc.) Painters, n.e.c. (except Painter on Wall and Clay Objects, etc.) Production and Related Workers, n.e.c. Supervisors & Foremen, Production & Related Activities, n.e.c. Musical lnstrument Makers and Tuners Bamboo, Reed and Cane Furniture Makers and Makers of Broom, Chic, etc. Non-metallic Mineral Product Makers (excluding Salt Makers) Basket Makers Mat Weavers Leaf Plate Makers Winnowing Fan Makers Salt Makers Production & Related Workers, ne.c


NCO CODE (Contd..)


950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 959

960 961 962 963 969

Bricklayers and Other Construction Workers Supervisors & Foremen, Bricklaying & Other Construction Work Bricklayers, Stone, Masons & Tile Setters Reinforced Concreters, Cement Finishers & Terrazzo Workers Roofers Parquetry Workers Plasterers Insulators Glaziers Hut Builders & Thatchers Well Diggers and Construction Workers, n.e.c. Stationary Engines and Related Equipment Operators Oiler and Greaser Supervisors & Foremen, Stationary & Related Equipment Operation Stationary Engine & Related Equipment Operation Boilermen & Firemen Oilers and Greasers (including Cleaners, Motor Vehicles) Stationary Engine & Related Equipment Operators, n.e.c. Material Handling and Related Equipment Operators (Loaders and Unloaders) Supervisors & Foremen, Material & Freight Handling & Related Equipment Operations (Loaders and Unloaders) Loaders & Unloaders Riggers & Cable Splicers Crane & Hoist Operators Earth Moving & Related Machinery Operators Checkers, Testers, Sorters, Weighers and Counters Packers, Labellers & Related Workers Material Handling Equipment Operators, n.e.c. Transport Equipment Operators Supervisors & Foremen, Transport Equipment Operation Ship's Deck Ratings, Barge Crews & Boatmen Ship's Engine room Ratings Drivers, Railways

984 985 986 987 988 989 999 1001 1002 1009

Transport Equipment Operators (Contd..) Fire Men, Railways Pointsmen, Signalmen & Shunters, Railways Tram Car & Motor Vehicle Drivers Drivers, Animal & Animal Drawn Vehicles Cycle Rickshaw Drivers & Rickshaw Pullers Transport Equipment Operators and Drivers, n.e.c. Labourers, n.e.c. Labourers, n.e.c. New Workers Seeking Employment Workers without Occupations, Matriculates and Above Workers Without Occupations, Literates Workers Without Occupations, Others Workers Reporting Occupations Unidentifiable or Inadequately Described Workers Reporting Occupations Unidentifiable or Unclassifiable Workers not Reporting any Occupations Workers not Reporting any Occupations Army Navy Air force Housewife Pensioner Private tution Student Unemployed Children (below 6 years of age) Non-worker without pension post retirement Diamond cutter Beggar

1010 1099 1101 1102 1103 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119

970 971 972 973 974 975 976 979 980 981 982 983


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