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2.LENAEA One-Act Play Scoring Rubric School: Play: Understanding Does the casi understand the environment being established and support that understanding through their actions? Do they remain consistent with lite to no deviation from that environment (reflected by consistent energy, volume, atitude, accent, et)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1o/Very litle ‘Some moments of | Maay nomen of | Considenble numberof | Full urdenanding derstanding uunderandin uundestanding” [moments of understanding Pace and Rhythm Doss the piece have an appropriate pace? Docs dialog low ina natural way? Are character beats and rations smo and not indulgent? Are blocking and transitions appropriately paced to promote the audiesce’s understanding? Does the mood and theme of the environmen created cohere ‘withthe speed and energy of entrances, exits, dialogue and breath between? 1 2/3 4|s5 6 | 7 8 9 10 ‘No/Very itis pace and | Some moments oF strong | Generally consistent pace | Song paceand tythm | Excellent pace and yam raytim piceand rhythm andrhyth Ensemble Is there evidence of retearsal? Is it clear that active listening and responding is taking place between performers? Is energy and volume matched by ‘each member ofthe entembe? Is the spotlighs ever imbalanced? Do cenais cast members pull focus? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Noememblectfect Some moments of —] May momens of Song easenb’e Exceptional ensemble cemeacive ememble work | efecthe ensembve work | effet moughout ‘eflect houghout Staging Have effective stage pictures been created? Were levels, angles, lines, exits. and entrances wed effectively? Is blocking motivated and appropriate to ‘mood and themes and suppor the pace and rhythm ofthe piece? Was the performance space utilized effectively’ 1 2/3 4] 5 6 [7 8 9 10 Ineffective use of staging | Some momenis Many momenis ‘Sirong staging Excepiional ofeffzctvestaging | of effective staging throughout staging throughout Scenery and Props Do te scnic ard prop detign choices support the environment being established? Are the designs of senery and props supporting the ory? How effectively does te set provide opportunity for levels and stage pictures Is rehearsal with se and props evident? Ira0 scenery an props are lnluded, is tat eholoeefecuve? 1 213 4|s 6 |7 8g 9 10 Thcfiecive semery & | Somewhat effective Eicctive scenery Swoag det of Exceptional effec of props. Ssconery and props. and props soonery and props scenery and props Costumes Do the costume choices contibute to the characters end environment being established? Do they indicate or communicete appropriate information about time, place, character taste, class, affiliation, ot? 1 213 4]5 6 [7 8 9 10 Tneffecivecomtanes | Somewhat eteaive | — Effective estes ‘Song eet oF Exceptional effes of costumes. costumes. costumes Overall Success How successfully isthe play executed? Is tere a clearly established vision thatis maintained throughout the play? Are theatrical elements successfully incorporated (ie. scenic, lighting, props, and costumes)? Is the overall piece impaciful and moving? 1 2/3 4 [os 6 [7 8 | 9 10 Notsuozessful Somewhat successfal_| Moderately sczessful_| Very succesful Completely susessful ‘Actual time: (Limit: 45:00 + 5:00 grace period) _10pt Penalty if time limit exceeded: Sensitive/Mature Content: Yes / No Total points: Respondent Name. Track, Shift Day. Time, am / p.m,

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