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End of Season
Level 8, 7 & 6 with ISCED Broad Field Code

The details given are for general information only and do not form part of any contract. They are not intended for use in
determining whether any individual applicant is or is not entitled to an offer of a higher education place
Random * = Not all on this points score were offered places
# = Test / Interview / Portfolio / Audition
AQA = All qualified applicants
avp = Available Places
v = New competition for available places resulted in a higher points cutoff
R1 = Round One, R2 = Round Two, EOS = End of Season (Final)

CATEGORY (ISCED Description)

Engineering and engineering trades
Biological and related sciences
Business and administration
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Personal services
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Manufacturing and processing
Biological and related sciences

Page 1
Personal services
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Personal services
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Personal services
Business and administration
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Personal services
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Manufacturing and processing
Personal services
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

Page 2
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Personal services
Business and administration
Personal services
Personal services
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Humanities (except languages)
Social and behavioural sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Humanities (except languages)
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Personal services

Page 3
Personal services
Transport services
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Transport services
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Transport services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry and veterinary
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades

Page 4
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Engineering and engineering trades
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Social and behavioural sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Mathematics and statistics

Page 5
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Manufacturing and processing
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Business and administration
Humanities (except languages)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration

Page 6
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Mathematics and statistics
Mathematics and statistics
Journalism and information
Journalism and information
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades

Page 7
Engineering and engineering trades
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Humanities (except languages)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Journalism and information
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration

Page 8
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Journalism and information
Journalism and information
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Social and behavioural sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades

Page 9
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Manufacturing and processing
Biological and related sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Manufacturing and processing
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Manufacturing and processing
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Business and administration
Personal services
Biological and related sciences
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences

Page 10
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Manufacturing and processing
Transport services
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Hygiene and occupational health services
Biological and related sciences
Mathematics and statistics
Biological and related sciences

Page 11
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Manufacturing and processing
Biological and related sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Biological and related sciences
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Journalism and information

Page 12
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Humanities (except languages)
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Humanities (except languages)
Humanities (except languages)
Mathematics and statistics
Engineering and engineering trades
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Physical sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Humanities (except languages)
Humanities (except languages)
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration

Page 13
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Social and behavioural sciences
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences

Page 14
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, Mathematics and statistics
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Mathematics and statistics
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry and veterinary

Page 15
Business and administration
Biological and related sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

Page 16
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Personal services
Social and behavioural sciences
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry and veterinary
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, Mathematics and statistics
Manufacturing and processing
Manufacturing and processing
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Social and behavioural sciences
Personal services
Personal services

Page 17
Personal services
Manufacturing and processing
Personal services
Personal services
Manufacturing and processing
Personal services
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Manufacturing and processing
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Manufacturing and processing
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Personal services
Biological and related sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Personal services
Social and behavioural sciences

Page 18
Personal services
Humanities (except languages)
Social and behavioural sciences
Humanities (except languages)
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Journalism and information
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Physical sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration

Page 19
Business and administration
Business and administration
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Mathematics and statistics
Physical sciences
Hygiene and occupational health services
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Mathematics and statistics
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction

Page 20
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration

Page 21
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Physical sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Business and administration
Social and behavioural sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades

Page 22
Engineering and engineering trades
Personal services
Personal services
Business and administration
Personal services
Personal services
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Personal services
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Humanities (except languages)
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Journalism and information
Humanities (except languages)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Mathematics and statistics
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Manufacturing and processing
Manufacturing and processing
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Personal services
Biological and related sciences
Mathematics and statistics
Architecture and construction
Social and behavioural sciences

Page 23
Personal services
Physical sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Mathematics and statistics
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities
Humanities (except languages)
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, Mathematics and statistics
Biological and related sciences
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Mathematics and statistics
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Physical sciences
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, Mathematics and statistics
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Social and behavioural sciences

Page 24
Business and administration
Biological and related sciences
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Personal services
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Business and administration
Personal services
Personal services
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Social and behavioural sciences
Social and behavioural sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction

Page 25
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Hygiene and occupational health services
Biological and related sciences
Hygiene and occupational health services
Biological and related sciences
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Business and administration
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Architecture and construction
Architecture and construction
Engineering and engineering trades
Biological and related sciences
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

Page 26
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Personal services
Business and administration
Architecture and construction
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry and veterinary
Architecture and construction
Manufacturing and processing
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry and veterinary
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Biological and related sciences
Business and administration
Personal services
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Personal services
Architecture and construction
Business and administration
Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry and veterinary
Business and administration
Personal services
Architecture and construction
Business and administration
Architecture and construction
Physical sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

Page 27
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Business and administration
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Architecture and construction
Social and behavioural sciences
Biological and related sciences
Personal services
Personal services
Personal services
Physical sciences
Biological and related sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Business and administration
Personal services
Business and administration
Personal services
Architecture and construction
Biological and related sciences
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Engineering and engineering trades
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Personal services
Engineering and engineering trades
Business and administration

Page 28

You can filter your results by clicking on the dropdown icon. It is possible to filter by category (i.e. ISCED description), by level, by
HEI and by round.
Example: If you wish to know the points data for all Level 8 Health courses, click on the dropdown icon in the CATEGORY column
and select ‘Health’, then select ‘8’ in the Level column.
Clicking on these dropdown filters will return a list of all Level 8 Health courses in all HEIs, with the points requirements for Rounds
1 & 2, as well as EOS (end of season) and EOS Mid-point. For a new search, remember to clear filters from your previous search.

Course Title Course Code

Music and Instrument Technology AL605
Pharmacy Technician AL630
Dental Nursing AL631
Applied Science AL632
Business AL650
Culinary Arts AL660
Bar Supervision AL661
Business (Sport and Recreation) AL663
Computer Engineering for Network Infrastructure AL701
Software Design in Artificial Intelligence for Cloud Computing AL702
Software Design for Virtual Reality and Gaming AL703
Computer Engineering AL704
Software Design for Mobile Apps and Connected Devices AL705
Mechanical Engineering AL710
Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy AL711
Automation and Robotics AL712
Engineering (Common Entry to Automation and Robotics/Renewable/Mech Eng) AL713
Music and Sound Engineering AL718
Civil Engineering AL721
Biotechnology AL730
Veterinary Nursing AL731
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Drug Development and Analysis) AL734
Exercise and Health Science AL740
Digital Marketing AL751
Business AL752
Hotel and Leisure Management AL761
Graphic Design (portfolio) AL763
Early Years Care and Education AL764
Applied Social Studies in Social Care AL765
Software Design for Virtual Reality and Gaming AL801
Software Design in Artificial Intelligence for Cloud Computing AL802
Software Design for Mobile Apps and Connected Devices AL803
Computer Engineering for Network Infrastructure AL805
Quantity Surveying AL810
Civil Engineering AL811
Mechanical and Polymer Engineering AL820
General Nursing AL830
Mental Health Nursing AL832
Pharmacology AL835
Nutrition and Health Science AL836

Page 29
Sports Science with Exercise Physiology AL837
Biotechnology AL838
Microbiology AL839
Pharmaceutical Sciences AL840
Athletic and Rehabilitation Therapy AL841
Bioveterinary Science AL842
Physical Activity and Health Science AL843
Culinary Entrepreneurship AL849
Business AL850
Business and Law AL851
Accounting AL852
Sport Management (with international placement) AL854
Hospitality Management (with international placement) AL855
Digital Marketing AL857
International Business AL859
Social Care Practice AL860
Animation and Illustration (portfolio) AL861
Graphic and Digital Design (portfolio) AL863
Early Years Care and Education AL864
Applied Psychology AL870
Business CW006
Business (options) CW018
Sustainable Farm Management and Agribusiness CW027
Early Childhood Education and Care CW028
Business (options) CW037
Art (portfolio) CW038
Visual Communications and Design CW047
Creative Computing and Digital Innovation CW048
Art (portfolio) CW057
Tourism and Event Management CW058
Applied Social Studies in Professional Social Care CW068
Tourism and Event Management CW077
Sustainable Farm Management and Agribusiness CW078
Creative Computing and Digital Innovation CW087
Visual Communications and Design CW088
Physiology and Health Science CW106
Analytical Science CW107
Science (options) CW108
Pharmacy Technician Studies CW116
Biosciences CW117
Science - Applied Biology or Applied Chemistry CW126
Brewing and Distilling CW128
Sport and Exercise Science CW138
Strength and Conditioning CW148
Sport Rehabilitation and Athletic Therapy CW188
Computing - Applications or Programming CW206
Software Development CW207
Computer Games Development CW208
Information Technology Management CW217
Cybercrime and IT Security CW227
Computing in Interactive Digital Art and Design CW237
Software Development CW238
Information Technology Management CW248

Page 30
Cybercrime and IT Security CW258
Computing in Interactive Digital Art and Design CW268
Architectural Technology CW407
Construction Management with Building Services CW417
Civil Engineering CW427
Construction (options) CW438
Architectural Technology CW468
Civil Engineering CW478
Aircraft Systems CW507
Mechanical Engineering CW517
Electronic Engineering CW527
TV and Media Production CW547
Mechanical Engineering CW548
Electronic Systems CW558
Aerospace Engineering CW568
TV and Media Production CW578
Legal Studies CW706
Industrial Design CW707
Law - LLB CW708
Professional Social Care Practice CW717
Product Design Innovation CW728
Early Childhood Education and Care CW748
Professional Social Care Practice CW758
Sport Coaching and Business Management - GAA (portfolio) CW807
Media and Public Relations CW808
Sport Coaching and Business Management - Rugby (portfolio) CW817
Sport Coaching and Business Management - Soccer (portfolio) CW827
Digital Marketing with Analytics CW837
Digital Marketing with Analytics CW848
Sports Management and Coaching (options, portfolio) CW858
Business CW906
Business (options) CW908
Business (options) CW917
Business with Law CW926
Accounting CW936
Business with Law CW938
Accounting CW948
Arts and Humanities PC402
Applied Social Studies - Professional Social Care PC404
Social, Political and Community Studies PC405
Arts and Humanities (fulfils Teaching Council requirements) PC410
English and History (fulfils Teaching Council requirements) PC411
Applied Physics and Instrumentation CR001
Applied Biosciences CR006
Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry CR007
Agriculture (Year 1 - 2 days in Clonakilty Agri College and 3 days in CI CR010
Software Development CR016
Business (Common Entry) CR021
Business Administration CR022
Social Care Work CR031
Recreation and Leisure Management CR032
Community Development CR035
Tourism Management CR041

Page 31
Hospitality Management CR042
Automotive Technology and Management CR046
Civil Engineering CR051
Construction CR052
Interior Architecture CR053
Environmental Engineering CR055
Electronic Engineering CR061
Electrical Engineering CR062
Mechanical Engineering CR071
Biomedical Engineering CR075
Architectural Technology CR090
Nautical Science at National Maritime College of Ireland CR094
Marine Engineering at National Maritime College of Ireland CR095
Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Engineering CR105
Software Development CR106
Mechanical Engineering CR108
Structural Engineering CR109
Automotive Business Management and Technology CR110
Creative Digital Media at CIT Crawford College of Art and Design CR112
Computer Systems CR116
Music at CIT Cork School of Music CR121
Popular Music at CIT Cork School of Music CR125
Musical Theatre at CIT Cork School of Music CR130
Business Information Systems CR150
Contemporary Applied Art (Ceramics, Glass, Textiles) at CIT Crawford CR210
Fine Art at CIT Crawford College of Art and Design CR220
Photography with New Media at CIT Crawford College of Art and Design CR225
Physical Sciences (Common Entry) CR300
Physical Sciences (Common Entry) CR305
IT Management CR310
Biomedical Science - Offered jointly by CIT and UCC CR320
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology CR325
Nutrition and Health Science CR333
Biological Sciences (Common Entry) CR335
Analytical Chemistry with Quality Assurance CR340
Instrument Engineering CR360
Environmental Science and Sustainable Technology CR365
Agri-Biosciences CR370
Accounting CR400
Marketing CR420
International Business with Language CR425
Sport and Exercise Management CR430
Montessori Education CR440
Engineering (Common Entry) CR500
Sustainable Energy Engineering CR510
Biomedical Engineering CR520
Architectural Technology CR560
Interior Architecture CR565
Quantity Surveying CR570
Construction Management CR572
Electrical Engineering CR580
Electronic Engineering CR590
Visual Communications at CIT Crawford College of Art and Design CR600

Page 32
Early Childhood Education and Care CR620
Culinary Arts CR640
Beverage Industry Management CR650
Culinary Studies CR655
Hospitality Studies CR657
Tourism Management CR660
Theatre and Drama Studies at CIT Cork School of Music CR700
Marine Electrotechnology at National Maritime College of Ireland CR805
Information Technology CR888
Home Economics and Business CR930
Arts - 3 years CK101
Social Science CK102
Arts with Music - 3 or 4 years (BMus or Chinese/European/Int`l Pathway) CK104
Film and Screen Media - 3 years or 4 years (International Pathway) CK105
Geographical and Archaeological Sciences - 3 or 4 years (Int`l Pathway) CK107
Arts International - 4 years CK108
English - 3 years or 4 years (International Pathway) CK109
World Languages CK110
Early Years and Childhood Studies CK111
Theatre and Performative Practices - 3 or 4 years (Int`l Pathway) CK112
Criminology - 3 years or 4 years (International Pathway) CK113
Social Science (Youth and Community Work) CK114
Social Work - Mature Applicants only CK115
Digital Humanities and IT - 3 or 4 years (Work Exper. or Int`l Pathway) CK118
Applied Psychology CK120
Psychology and Computing - 3 or 4 years (Work Experience Pathway) CK121
Government and Political Science CK122
Anthropology CK123
Education - Gaeilge CK124
Sports Studies and Physical Education CK125
Commerce CK201
Accounting CK202
Business Information Systems CK203
Finance CK204
Commerce (International) with French CK205
Commerce (International) with German CK206
Commerce (International) with Italian CK207
Commerce (International) with Hispanic Studies CK208
Commerce (International) with Irish CK209
Commerce (International) with Chinese Studies CK211
Economics (through Transformational Learning) 3 or 4 years Int`l Pathway CK212
Food Marketing and Entrepreneurship CK213
International Development CK214
Law (Pathways) - 3 or 4 years CK301
Law and French CK302
Law and Irish CK304
Law and Business CK307
Computer Science CK401
Biological and Chemical Sciences CK402
Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences CK404
Genetics CK405
Chemical Sciences CK406
Mathematical Sciences CK407

Page 33
Physics and Astrophysics CK408
Industrial Physics - Offered jointly by UCC and CIT CK409
Data Science and Analytics CK411
Agricultural Science CK412
Nutritional Sciences CK504
Food Science CK505
Engineering CK600
Architecture - Offered jointly by UCC and CIT CK606
Medicine (Undergraduate Entry - HPAT required) CK701
Dentistry CK702
Pharmacy CK703
Occupational Therapy CK704
Speech and Language Therapy CK705
Public Health Sciences CK706
Medical and Health Sciences CK707
General Nursing CK710
Children`s and General Nursing (Integrated) CK712
Mental Health Nursing CK720
Intellectual Disability Nursing CK730
Midwifery CK740
Medicine - Graduate Entry (GAMSAT required) CK791
International Business AC120
Liberal Arts AC137
Computing and IT CT125
Business CT325
Education - Primary Teaching CM001
Education - Primary Teaching - Gaeltacht Applicants CM002
Oideachas - Bunmhúinteoireacht Trí Mheán na Gaeilge CM003
Oideachas - Bunmhúinteoireacht Trí Mheán na Gaeilge (daltaí Gaeltachta) CM004
Education Studies CM010
Early Childhood Education CM020
Higher Certificate in Science in Computing Level 6 (2 years) DS602
Bachelor of Business Level 7 (3 years) DS701
BSc in Computing Level 7 (3 years) DS702
Computing DB500
Computing (Cloud Computing) DB501
Computing (Data Analytics and Big Data) DB502
Computing (Software Development) DB503
Computing (Web and Mobile Technology) DB504
Audio Production and Music Project Management DB510
Business Studies DB512
Business Studies (Law) DB514
Business Studies (Human Resource Management) DB515
Marketing (Event Management) DB517
Marketing (Digital Media) DB518
Accounting and Finance DB521
Business (Information Systems) DB524
Marketing (Digital Media and Cloud Computing) DB525
Business (Cloud Computing) DB526
Applied Social Care DB527
Applied Social Care DB528
Marketing DB531
Sound Engineering and Music Production DB534

Page 34
Psychology DB562
Arts DB563
Social Science DB566
Film and Creative Media DB567
Law DB568
Business (Psychology) DB569
Business Studies DB571
Business (Accounting) DB572
Business (Marketing) DB573
Business (Information Technology) DB574
Film and Creative Media DB576
Education - Early Childhood Education DC001
Education - Primary Teaching DC002
Education - Primary Teaching - Gaeltacht Applicants DC003
Education - Primary Teaching (Church of Ireland Centre formerly CICE) DC004
Arts (Joint Honours) - Humanities DC009
Post Primary Teacher Education - Religious Education and English DC010
Post Primary Teacher Education - Religious Education and History DC011
Post Primary Teacher Education - Religious Education and Music DC012
Post Primary Teacher Ed - Gaeilge with French/German/Spanish DC013
BA in Jazz and Contemporary Music Performance (audition) DC014
Business Studies International DC110
Business Studies DC111
Global Business (France) DC112
Global Business (Germany) DC113
Global Business (Spain) DC114
Accounting and Finance DC115
Global Business (USA) DC116
Aviation Management / Aviation Management with Pilot Studies DC117
Gnó agus Gaeilge / Business and Irish DC118
Global Business (Canada) DC119
Computing for Business DC120
Computer Science DC121
Data Science DC123
Actuarial Mathematics DC126
Common Entry into Actuarial and Financial Mathematics DC127
Communication Studies DC131
Journalism DC132
Multimedia DC133
Applied Language and Translation Studies DC155
Analytical Science DC161
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences DC162
Chemical Sciences General Entry (Undenominated Entry) DC163
Environmental Science and Technology DC166
Genetics and Cell Biology DC168
Physics General Entry (options) DC175
Biological Sciences General Entry (Undenominated Entry) DC180
Biotechnology DC181
Electronic and Computer Engineering (with choice of four majors) DC190
Mechatronic Engineering DC193
Sustainable Systems and Energy DC194
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering DC195
Biomedical Engineering DC197

Page 35
Common Entry into Engineering (Undenominated Entry) DC200
Sport Science and Health DC202
Science Education DC203
Athletic Therapy and Training DC204
Physical Education with Biology DC205
Physical Education with Mathematics DC206
Psychology and Mathematics DC207
Psychology DC208
Health and Society DC209
Psychology and Disruptive Technologies DC210
General Nursing DC215
Mental Health Nursing DC216
Intellectual Disability Nursing DC217
Children`s and General Nursing (Integrated) DC218
Economics, Politics and Law DC230
International Relations DC231
Law and Society (BCL) DC232
Education and Training - Daytime and Flexible Delivery Mode (full-time) DC235
Social Sciences and Cultural Innovation DC238
Marketing, Innovation and Technology DC240
Digital Business and Innovation DC241
Arts (Joint Honours) - Media Studies DC291
Arts (Joint Honours) - Law DC292
Arts (Joint Honours) - International Languages DC293
Climate and Environmental Sustainability DC294
Arts (Joint Honours) - Politics DC295
Business - Applied Entrepreneurship DL701
Arts Management DL822
Business Management DL823
Applied Psychology DL825
Graphic Design DL826
Art DL827
Animation DL832
Photography and Visual Media DL833
Creative Computing DL836
New Media Studies DL837
Creative Music Production DL838
Interaction and User Experience Design DL839
Digital Marketing DL840
English and Equality Studies DL841
Film DL843
Television DL844
Design for Film (degree options) DL845
Business GC200
Accounting and Finance GC201
Computing Science GC230
Communications and Media Production GC250
Business GC300
Accounting and Finance GC301
Business - HRM GC302
Business (Marketing) GC307
Computing GC335
Business GC400

Page 36
Accounting and Finance GC401
Business (HRM) GC402
Law GC403
Business (Marketing) GC407
Marketing GC410
Business GC411
Computing Science GC430
Computing GC435
Communications and Media Production GC450
Music Production for Games (portfolio) GC460
Design Communication (portfolio) GC462
Communications GC465
Film and TV Production GC466
Photographic Media GC470
Photography GC475
Interior Architecture (portfolio) GC489
Interior Design GC490
Fashion Design (portfolio) GC494
Fashion GC495
Business BY001
Business BY002
Accounting and Finance ID001
Business Studies ID002
First Year Art and Design (Common Entry,portfolio) AD101
Graphic Design and Moving Image Design (portfolio) AD102
Textile and Surface Design and Jewellery and Objects (portfolio) AD103
Education and Design or Fine Art (Second Level Teaching,portfolio)) AD202
Fine Art (portfolio) AD204
Fashion Design (portfolio) AD211
Product Design (portfolio) AD212
Visual Culture AD215
Illustration (portfolio) AD217
Interaction Design (portfolio) AD222
Computing (Degree Award options) NC003
Human Resource Management NC005
Business NC009
Psychology NC010
Marketing Practice NC020
Accounting and Finance NC022
Technology Management (with specialisations) NC023
Early Childhood Education and Care NC030
Computing NC102
Business NC103
Business Computing NC104
Medicine - Undergraduate Entry (HPAT required) RC001
Physiotherapy RC004
Pharmacy RC005
Medicine - Graduate Entry (GAMSAT required) RC101
Montessori Education NM701
Montessori Education NM801
Psychology NM802
Electronic and Information Engineering TU605
Mechanical Engineering (General Entry) TU606

Page 37
Bar and Restaurant Management TU641
Culinary Arts (Cuisine and Wellness) TU642
Culinary Arts (Professional Cookery Practice) TU643
Food Management and Entrepreneurship TU644
Food Science and Management TU645
Applied Biology TU651
Computing TU652
Pharmacy Technician Studies TU654
Computing (Networking Technologies) Learn and Work TU655
Business (campus options) TU670
Business Management TU673
Business Studies TU674
Marketing TU675
Retail Management and Marketing TU676
Automation Engineering TU701
Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering TU702
Building Engineering TU703
Civil Engineering TU704
Electrical and Control Engineering TU705
Electrical Services Engineering TU706
Engineering (Common Entry with Award options) TU708
Engineering (General Entry) TU709
Mechatronic Engineering TU711
Computer Engineering TU713
Electronics and Communications Engineering TU714
Networking Technology TU716
Mechanical Engineering TU717
Design,Technology and Innovation TU719
Automotive Management and Technology TU720
Aviation Technology TU721
Process Instrumentation and Automation Learn and Work (Test&Interview) TU722
Mechanical Engineering (General Entry) TU725
Electronic Engineering (General Entry) TU726
Auctioneering, Valuation and Estate Agency TU731
Sports Management and Coaching TU735
Sports Science and Health TU736
Sports Studies TU737
Baking and Pastry Arts Management TU741
Culinary Arts TU742
Hospitality Management TU745
International Hospitality and Tourism Management TU746
Tourism Management TU747
Biosciences TU751
DNA and Forensic Analysis TU752
Industrial and Environmental Physics TU754
Science (General Entry) TU755
Computing TU756
Computing (Information Technology) TU757
Digital Forensics and Cyber Security TU758
Bioanalysis TU760
Ophthalmic Dispensing TU761
Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences TU762
Pharmaceutical Science TU763

Page 38
Business (options) TU772
Advertising and Marketing Communications TU780
Digital Marketing TU781
Digital Marketing TU782
Business (options) TU787
Accounting and Finance (campus options) TU788
Early Childhood Care and Education (campus options) TU790
Applied Social Studies in Social Care TU791
Community and Youth Development TU792
Visual Merchandising and Display TU795
Creative Digital Media TU796
Sustainable Energy Engineering TU801
Electrical Services and Energy Management TU802
Engineering (Common Entry with Award options) TU804
Engineering (General Entry) TU805
Computer Engineering in Mobile Systems TU807
Mechatronic Engineering TU810
Product Design TU811
Design,Technology and Innovation TU812
Sustainable Transport Management TU814
Mechanical Engineering (General Entry) TU828
Electronic Engineering (General Entry) TU829
Architectural Technology TU831
Architecture (Suitability Test and Interview) TU832
Construction Management TU833
Geographic Science TU834
Planning and Environmental Management TU835
Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) TU836
Quantity Surveying and Construction Economics TU837
Sustainable Timber Technology TU838
Analytical Chemistry (Environmental, Forensic and Pharmaceutical) TU851
Chemical Sciences with Medicinal Chemistry TU852
Science (General Entry) TU854
Science with Nanotechnology TU855
Computer Science TU856
Computer Science (Infrastructure) TU857
Computer Science (International) TU858
Computing TU859
Computing (Information Technology) TU860
Computing with Language (French/German/Spanish) TU861
Computing with Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning TU862
Digital Forensics and Cyber Security TU863
DNA and Forensic Analysis TU864
Cloud Computing TU865
Biomedical and Molecular Diagnostics TU866
Biomedical Science TU867
Clinical Measurement Science TU868
Environmental Health TU869
Human Nutrition and Dietetics TU870
Optometry TU871
Public Health Nutrition TU872
Mathematical Sciences TU874
Pharmaceutical Healthcare TU875

Page 39
Pharmaceutical Science TU876
Physics Technology TU877
Physics with Energy and Environment TU878
Physics with Medical Physics and Bioengineering TU879
Physics with Data Science TU880
Food Innovation TU881
Nutraceuticals in Health and Nutrition TU882
Business (options) TU902
Business and Management TU903
Business and Law TU904
Economics and Finance TU905
Human Resource Management TU906
Logistics and Supply Chain Management TU907
Accounting TU910
Business Analytics TU912
Business Computing TU914
Law (LLB ) with a Language TU917
Law (LLB) TU918
Advertising and Marketing Communications TU919
Digital Marketing TU920
Digital Marketing Technologies TU921
Marketing TU922
E-Commerce in Retailing TU924
Retail and Services Management TU925
Business (options) TU932
Accounting and Finance (campus options) TU933
Sports Management and Coaching TU935
Sports Science and Health TU936
Botanical Cuisine TU941
Culinary Arts TU942
Culinary Entrepreneurship TU943
Culinary Science TU944
International Hospitality and Tourism Management TU951
International Hospitality Management TU952
Tourism and Digital Marketing TU953
Event Management TU954
Sports and Leisure Management TU955
Commercial Modern Music (BIMM - assessment/audition) TU961
Drama (Performance, audition) TU962
Music (audition) TU963
International Business and Languages TU965
Languages and International Tourism TU967
Design - Visual Communication (portfolio) TU973
Fine Art (portfolio) TU974
Interior Design (portfolio) TU975
Photography (portfolio) TU976
Creative Industries and Visual Culture TU978
Creative Digital Media TU981
Media Production and Digital Arts TU982
Film and Broadcasting TU983
Game Design TU984
Journalism TU985
Early Childhood Care and Education (campus options) TU989

Page 40
Applied Social Studies in Social Care TU991
Community Development and Youth Work TU992
Early Childhood Education TU995
Social Care TU996
Applied Social Care TU997
Music TR002
History TR003
Law TR004
Philosophy TR005
Psychology TR006
Clinical Speech and Language Studies TR007
Music Education TR009
Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology TR015
Deaf Studies TR016
Law and French TR018
Law and German TR019
Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology TR021
Early and Modern Irish TR022
English Studies TR023
European Studies TR024
Drama and Theatre Studies TR025
Ancient and Medieval History and Culture TR028
Mathematics TR031
Engineering TR032
Computer Science TR033
Management Science and Information Systems Studies TR034
Theoretical Physics TR035
Engineering with Management TR038
Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language TR039
Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures TR040
Religion TR041
Film TR042
History of Art and Architecture TR043
Medicine (HPAT required) TR051
Dental Science TR052
Physiotherapy TR053
Occupational Therapy TR054
Radiation Therapy TR055
Human Health and Disease TR056
Biological and Biomedical Sciences TR060
Chemical Sciences TR061
Geography and Geoscience TR062
Physical Sciences TR063
Environmental Science and Engineering TR064
Pharmacy TR072
Global Business TR080
Business, Economic and Social Studies (BESS) TR081
Social Studies (Social Work) TR084
Business Studies and French TR085
Business Studies and German TR086
Business Studies and Russian TR087
Business Studies and Polish TR089
Business Studies and Spanish TR090

Page 41
General Nursing (Meath and St James`s) TR091
General Nursing (Adelaide School of Nursing) TR093
Mental Health Nursing TR095
Intellectual Disability Nursing TR097
Ancient History and Archaeology/Geography TR111
Ancient History and Archaeology/History TR112
Ancient History and Archaeology/History of Art and Architecture TR113
Ancient History and Archaeology/Modern Language TR114
Ancient History and Archaeology/Religion TR117
Classical Civilisation/English Literature TR166
Classical Civilisation/History of Art and Architecture TR173
Classical Civilisation/Modern Language TR177
Classical Civilisation/Philosophy TR179
Computer Science/Business Studies TR188
Economics/Geography TR198
Economics/History TR202
Economics/Mathematics TR207
Economics/Modern Language TR208
Economics/Philosophy TR209
Economics/Sociology TR212
Social Policy/Economics TR214
Classical Languages/English Literature TR228
Classical Languages/Linguistics TR230
Classical Languages/History of Art and Architecture TR231
Classical Languages/Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civilisations TR233
Classical Languages/Modern Language TR239
Computer Science/Geography TR240
Computer Science/Linguistics TR241
English Literature/History TR262
English Literature/History of Art and Architecture TR263
English Literature/Philosophy TR269
English Literature/Sociology TR272
English Literature/Drama Studies TR276
English Literature/Modern Language TR277
Film/Drama Studies TR311
Film/English Literature TR312
Film/Music TR320
Geography/History TR322
Drama Studies/Modern Language TR323
Film/Modern Language TR324
Film/History TR325
Geography/Modern Language TR326
Political Science/Geography TR328
Geography/Sociology TR332
History/History of Art and Architecture TR443
History/Modern Language TR447
History/Philosophy TR449
History/Religion TR454
History of Art and Architecture/Modern Language TR455
History/Political Science TR457
History of Art and Architecture/Philosophy TR479
Sociology/History of Art and Architecture TR482
Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civ./Ancient History and Archaeology TR547

Page 42
Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civilisations/Classical Civilisation TR548
Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civilisations/History TR554
Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civilisations/Modern Language TR563
Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civilisations/Music TR564
Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civilisations/Religion TR565
Business Studies/Law TR580
History/Law TR581
Political Science/Law TR582
Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civilisations/Linguistics TR587
Linguistics/Modern Language TR588
Linguistics/Philosophy TR589
Sociology/Middle Eastern,Jewish and Islamic Civilisations TR592
Mathematics/Modern Language TR597
Mathematics/Music TR598
Mathematics/Philosophy TR599
Music/Philosophy TR629
Music/Drama Studies TR635
Music/Modern Language TR636
Music/Religion TR638
Philosophy/Modern Language TR639
Philosophy/Sociology TR662
Religion/Classical Civilisation TR663
Religion/English Literature TR664
Religion/History of Art and Architecture TR665
Religion/Modern Language TR666
French/Modern Language TR667
German/Modern Language TR668
Irish/Modern Language TR669
Italian/Modern Language TR670
Russian/Modern Language TR671
Spanish/Modern Language TR672
Sociology/Modern Language TR756
Modern Language/Social Policy TR757
Social Policy/Political Science TR758
Sociology/Social Policy TR759
Dental Nursing TR801
Dental Hygiene TR802
Dental Technology TR803
Children`s and General Nursing (Integrated) TR911
Midwifery TR913
Architecture DN100
Landscape Architecture DN120
City Planning and Environmental Policy DN130
Engineering (Common Entry) DN150
Science (options) DN200
Computer Science (Common Entry) DN201
Actuarial and Financial Studies DN230
Sustainability DN240
Agricultural Science (options) DN250
Food Science DN261
Human Nutrition DN262
Veterinary Medicine - Undergraduate Entry DN300
Veterinary Medicine - Graduate Entry (GAMSAT required) DN301

Page 43
Veterinary Nursing DN310
Medicine - Undergraduate Entry (HPAT required) DN400
Medicine - Graduate Entry (GAMSAT required) DN401
Radiography DN410
Radiography - Graduate Entry DN411
Physiotherapy DN420
Health and Performance Science DN425
Sport and Exercise Management DN430
Biomedical, Health and Life Sciences DN440
General Nursing DN450
Children`s and General Nursing (Integrated) DN451
Midwifery DN452
Mental Health Nursing DN453
Joint Honours (options) DN520
Humanities (options) DN530
Modern Languages (options) DN541
Law (options) DN600
Business and Law DN610
Commerce DN650
Commerce International (options) DN660
Economics and Finance DN670
Social Sciences (options) DN700
Economics DN710
Psychology DN720
Social Policy and Sociology DN750
Business and Management DK710
Business and Technology DK711
Digital Marketing and Public Relations DK712
Computing DK721
Augmented and Virtual Reality DK722
Building Surveying DK730
Architectural Technology DK731
Construction Management DK732
Engineering - Electrical and Electronic Systems DK740
Engineering - Mechanical Engineering DK742
Engineering - Civil Engineering DK744
Hospitality Management DK750
Event Management DK752
Culinary Arts DK753
Sport, Exercise and Enterprise DK763
Community Youth Work (interview) DK767
Audio and Music Production DK768
Creative Media DK769
Theatre and Film Practice DK770
Musical Theatre (audition) DK771
Science - Bioscience DK781
Science - Pharmaceutical Science DK783
Veterinary Nursing DK784
Accounting and Finance DK810
Business Studies DK816
Computing in Games Development DK820
Computing in Software Development DK821
Augmented and Virtual Reality DK822

Page 44
Building Surveying DK830
Architectural Technology DK831
Construction Management DK832
Engineering (Common Entry) DK843
Mechanical Engineering DK844
Electrical and Electronic Engineering DK845
Civil Engineering DK846
International Tourism Management DK850
Arts DK861
Social Care DK862
Creative Media DK863
Film and Television Production DK864
Audio and Music Production DK865
General Nursing DK870
Intellectual Disability Nursing DK872
Mental Health Nursing DK874
Early Childhood Studies DK876
Midwifery DK877
Health and Physical Activity DK880
Agriculture (Award options) DK882
Science (Award options) DK883
Sustainable Agriculture DK884
Agri-Food Production DK885
Biopharmaceutical Science DK886
Environmental Science DK887
Business (Level 6) GA160
Business (Level 7) GA170
Business Information Systems GA171
Rural Enterprise and Agri-Business GA172
Marketing and Sales GA174
Finance GA175
Business with Entrepreneurship GA176
Accounting GA181
Business GA182
Business Information Systems GA183
Marketing and Sales GA184
Finance and Economics GA185
Business with Entrepreneurship GA186
Rural Enterprise and Agri-Business GA187
Heritage Studies GA272
Contemporary Art (portfolio) GA273
Design GA274
Film and Documentary GA281
Heritage Studies GA282
Contemporary Art (portfolio) GA283
Design GA284
Education (Art, Design and Graphics) GA285
Business in Tourism GA360
Culinary Arts GA361
Hotel and Hospitality Operations GA362
Heritage Studies GA364
Hotel and Catering Management GA370
Event Management with Public Relations GA376

Page 45
International Tourism Management GA377
Culinary and Gastronomic Science GA378
International Hotel Management GA380
International Tourism Management GA381
Culinary and Gastronomic Science GA382
Event Management with Public Relations GA384
Construction Management GA470
Quantity Surveying and Construction Economics GA471
Architectural Technology GA472
Civil Engineering GA473
Construction Management GA480
Quantity Surveying and Construction Economics GA482
Architectural Technology GA483
Civil Engineering GA484
Software and Electronic Engineering GA570
Software and Electronic Engineering GA580
Mechanical Engineering GA670
Energy Engineering GA673
Biomedical Engineering GA674
Agricultural Engineering GA675
Engineering (Common Entry to Manu/Agri/Biomed/Energy/Mech Eng) GA676
Manufacturing Engineering Design GA677
Mechanical Engineering GA680
Energy Engineering GA681
Biomedical Engineering GA682
Agricultural Engineering GA683
Engineering Common Entry to Manu/Agri/Biomed/Energy/Mech Eng GA684
Manufacturing Engineering Design GA685
Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology GA770
Applied Biology and Biopharmaceutical Science GA771
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science GA772
Physics and Instrumentation GA773
Science (Undenominated) GA774
Computing in Software Development GA775
Computing and Digital Media GA776
Agriculture and Environmental Management GA777
Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology GA780
Applied Biology and Biopharmaceutical Science GA781
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science GA782
Physics and Instrumentation GA783
Science (Undenominated) GA784
Medical Science GA785
Forensic Science and Analysis GA786
Computing in Software Development GA787
Computing and Digital Media GA788
Agriculture and Environmental Management GA789
Sport and Exercise Science GA790
Public Health Nutrition GA791
History and Geography GA862
Early Childhood Education and Care GA864
Outdoor Education and Leisure GA870
Early Childhood Education and Care GA871
Culture and Environment GA872

Page 46
Community Development and Youth Work (Level 7) GA876
Applied Social Care GA879
General Nursing GA880
Psychiatric Nursing GA882
Outdoor Education GA885
History and Geography GA887
Applied Social Care GA889
Early Childhood Education and Care GA890
Geography and Outdoor Education GA891
Community Development and Youth Work (Level 8) GA892
Furniture Design and Manufacture GA970
Furniture Making and Architectural Woodworking GA971
Furniture and Digital Manufacturing GA973
Furniture Design, Making and Technology - Common Entry GA974
Education (Design Graphics and Construction) GA980
Furniture Design and Manufacture GA981
Furniture Making and Architectural Woodworking GA982
Furniture and Digital Manufacturing GA983
Furniture Design, Making and Technology - Common Entry GA984
Arts (Joint-Honours) GY101
BSc (Psychology) GY104
Arts (History) GY105
Arts (Mathematics and Education) GY109
Arts (Children and Youth Studies - options) GY110
Arts (English and Creative Writing) GY111
Arts with Human Rights GY113
Arts with Performing Arts Studies GY115
Arts (Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies) GY118
Arts (Journalism) GY119
Na Dána (Cumarsáid agus Gaeilge) GY122
Applied Social Sciences GY123
Arts (Digital Arts and Technology) GY125
Arts (Film and Digital Media) GY127
Arts (Global Languages) GY128
Arts (Global Experience) GY129
Arts (Music) GY130
Government (Politics, Economics and Law) GY132
Education (Computer Science and Mathematical Studies) GY133
Geography and Geosystems GY134
Arts (Global Media) GY135
Na Dána (Léann Teanga - options) GY136
Commerce GY201
Commerce (International) with French GY202
Commerce (International) with German GY203
Commerce (International) with Spanish GY204
Business Information Systems (Work Placement and Optional Int`l Study) GY206
Commerce (Accounting) including optional Global Experience year GY207
Commerce (Gaeilge) GY208
Commerce (Global Experience) GY209
Law and Business GY250
Law (BCL) GY251
Law (BCL) and Human Rights GY252
Law and Taxation GY253

Page 47
Law (BCL), Criminology and Criminal Justice GY254
Business Studies in International Hotel Management (interview) GY261
Commerce in International Hotel Management (interview) GY262
Science GY301
Biomedical Science GY303
Biotechnology GY304
Environmental Science GY308
Financial Mathematics and Economics GY309
Marine Science GY310
Environmental Health and Safety GY313
Earth and Ocean Sciences GY314
Biopharmaceutical Chemistry GY318
Mathematical Science GY319
Physics (Degree options: Applied,Astrophysics,Biomedical,Theoretical) GY320
Genetics and Genomics GY321
Agricultural Sciences GY322
Computer Science and Information Technology GY350
Engineering (Undenominated) GY401
Civil Engineering GY402
Mechanical Engineering GY405
Electronic and Computer Engineering GY406
Biomedical Engineering GY408
Project and Construction Management GY410
Energy Systems Engineering GY413
Electrical and Electronic Engineering GY414
Medicine (five year/six year course, HPAT required) GY501
Occupational Therapy GY502
Speech and Language Therapy GY503
Podiatric Medicine GY504
General Nursing (Galway and Portiuncula) GY515
Mental Health Nursing GY516
Midwifery GY517
Business GB001
Business - Common Entry LY107
Business - Accounting LY108
Business LY118
Marketing with Online Technologies LY128
Sports Studies LY206
Law with Criminal Justice LY207
Law LY208
Sports and Exercise - Common Entry LY228
Culinary Arts LY317
Hospitality And Tourism - Common Entry LY327
Design - Common Entry LY408
Digital Film and Video LY427
Animation LY437
Fashion with Promotion LY447
Graphic and Digital Design LY457
Quantity Surveying LY507
Fire Safety Engineering LY508
Quantity Surveying LY518
Civil Engineering LY527
Construction Management LY528

Page 48
Architectural Technology LY538
Electric Vehicle Engineering LY606
Electronic Engineering LY607
Mechanical Engineering LY608
Mechanical Engineering LY617
Electronic Engineering LY618
Computer Games Development LY707
Applied Computing LY708
Computing LY717
Computer Security and Digital Forensics LY737
Computer Science LY748
Pharmacy Technician LY806
Dental Nursing LY816
Bioscience LY817
Science - Common Entry LY818
Health Science with Physiotherapy Studies LY826
Agriculture - Common Entry LY828
Health Science with Occupational Therapy Studies LY836
Food Science and Nutrition LY837
Health Science with Dietetics Studies LY846
Veterinary Nursing LY847
Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science LY867
Agriculture LY877
Early Childhood Care, Health and Education LY906
General Nursing LY908
Health and Social Care LY916
Psychiatric Nursing LY918
Intellectual Disability Nursing LY928
Early Childhood Care, Health and Education LY968
Health and Social Care - Common Entry LY978
Contemporary and Applied Theatre Studies MI001
Arts MI002
Education - Primary Teaching - International MI004
Education - Primary Teaching MI005
Education - Primary Teaching - Gaeltacht Applicants MI006
Early Childhood Care and Education MI007
Education and Psychology - Primary Teaching MI008
Education, Business Studies and Accounting MI009
Education, Business Studies and Religious Studies MI010
Education, Gaeilge and Religious Studies MI011
Education, Gaeilge and Business Studies MI012
Education, Mathematics and Gaeilge MI013
Education, Mathematics and Business Studies MI014
Counselling and Psychotherapy CI110
Counselling and Psychotherapy with Addiction Studies CI111
Counselling and Psychotherapy with Youth Studies CI112
Art and Design (Common Entry, portfolio) LC110
Fashion and Textiles for Product and Costume (portfolio) LC114
Art and Design Teacher Education (LIT and UL, portfolio) LC115
Digital Marketing LC220
Accounting and Finance LC221
Marketing and Management LC222
Law and Taxation LC223

Page 49
Accounting and Finance LC224
Marketing and Management LC225
Enterprise and Innovation LC226
Sports Development and Coaching LC228
Business with Computing LC230
Software Development LC233
Immersive Digital Media and Spatial Computing LC234
Internet Systems Development LC235
Internet Systems Development LC236
Computer Networks and Systems Management LC239
Construction Management LC241
Property Valuation and Management LC242
Quantity Surveying LC243
Built Environment (Common Entry) LC248
Civil Engineering LC251
Civil Engineering Management LC252
Applied Biology LC260
Medical Technology LC263
Forensic and Pharmaceutical Sciences LC265
Drug and Medicinal Product Analysis LC266
Forensic and Pharmaceutical Sciences LC267
Medical Technology LC268
Music Technology and Production LC270
Electrical Engineering LC271
Electrical Engineering LC275
Creative Broadcast and Film Production LC276
Industrial Automation and Robotic Systems LC277
Renewable and Electrical Energy Engineering LC278
Electronic Engineering with Computer Systems LC279
Automobile Technology LC281
Precision Engineering LC283
Agricultural Mechanisation at Salesian Agricultural College,Pallaskenry LC284
Mechanical Engineering LC285
Road Transport Technology and Management LC286
Mechanical Engineering LC288
Precision Engineering LC289
Sports Development Performance LC290
Social Care Work LC292
Business Studies with Travel and Tourism Management LC293
Business Studies with Event Management LC294
Business Studies with Sports Management LC295
Community and Addiction Studies LC297
Business LC320
Enterprise and Innovation LC322
Business with Computing LC330
Computing LC336
Interior Design LC340
Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical Sciences LC362
Creative Broadcast and Film Production LC371
Music Technology and Production LC372
Renewable and Electrical Energy Engineering LC374
Industrial Automation and Robotic Systems LC375
Electronic Engineering with Computer Systems LC376

Page 50
Automotive Engineering and Transport Management LC380
Business Studies in Beauty and Spa Management LC392
Early Childhood Education and Care LC393
Beauty and Spa Services LC396
Business Studies with Sports LC397
Culinary Arts LC398
Hospitality Supervision LC399
Social Care Work LC402
Environmental Science and Climate LC408
Business LC415
Business LC416
Computing - Games Design and Development LC418
Applied Strength and Conditioning LC422
Applied Strength and Conditioning LC423
Environmental Science LC425
Game Art and Design (portfolio) LC502
Creative Media and Design LC504
Creative Media and Design LC517
Digital Animation Production (portfolio) LC518
Social Care Work LC602
Social Care Work LC612
Arts LM002
Social Sciences LM019
Law and Accounting LM020
Performing Arts (audition format TBC) LM026
Criminal Justice LM028
Law Plus LM029
Psychology and Sociology LM038
Journalism and Digital Communication LM039
European Studies LM040
Applied Languages LM044
Business Studies (options) LM050
International Business LM056
Financial Mathematics LM058
Technology Management LM063
Environmental Science LM066
Food Science and Health LM068
Product Design and Technology (portfolio required) LM076
Aeronautical Engineering LM077
Construction Management and Engineering LM082
Sport and Exercise Sciences LM089
Physical Education with concurrent Teacher Education LM090
Languages with concurrent Teacher Education LM091
Science with Teacher Ed (Biology with Physics/Chemistry/Ag Science) LM092
Equine Science LM093
Materials and Architectural Technology with concurrent Teacher Education LM094
Materials and Engineering Technology with concurrent Teacher Education LM095
Science with Teacher Ed (Physical Sciences with Chemistry and Physics) LM096
Mathematics and Computer Science with concurrent Teacher Education LM097
Architecture LM099
Physiotherapy LM100
Medicine - Graduate Entry (GAMSAT required) LM101
Psychology LM102

Page 51
Paramedic Studies (Full B/Provisional C1 Drivers Licence) LM103
Exercise and Health Fitness Management LM105
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering LM115
Engineering (Biomedical/Civil/Design and Manufacture/Mechanical) LM116
Electronic and Computer Engineering LM118
Computer Science (Computer Systems/Games Dev/Mobile Comm Security) LM121
Creative Media and Interaction Design (Digital Design/Music Media Tech) LM122
Biological and Chemical Sc. (Biosci/Envir Sci/Ind Bio/Pharma and In LM123
Mathematics (Math Science/Maths and Physics/Economics and Maths) LM124
Physics (Applied Physics or Mathematics and Physics) LM125
General Nursing LM150
Mental Health Nursing LM152
Intellectual Disability Nursing LM154
Midwifery LM156
Equine Science LM180
Theology and Arts MU001
Theology MU002
Education - Primary Teaching (Froebel) MH001
Education - Primary Teaching - Gaeltacht Applicants (Froebel) MH002
Early Childhood - Teaching and Learning (full-time) MH003
Arts MH101
Music MH103
Psychology - 3 years MH106
Social Science MH107
Media Studies MH109
Community and Youth Work (Full-Time) MH116
Science MH201
Biotechnology MH202
Biological and Geographical Sciences MH203
Physics with Astrophysics MH204
Theoretical Physics and Mathematics MH206
Data Science MH207
Biological and Biomedical Sciences MH208
Psychology (through Science) - 4 years MH209
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Chemistry MH210
Science|Maths and Computer Science|Mathematics (with Education) MH212
Engineering (Computer/Electronic/Communications) MH304
Product Design MH305
Robotics and Intelligent Devices MH306
Finance (options) MH401
Quantitative Finance MH402
Accounting and Finance MH403
Business (options) MH404
Business and Accounting MH407
Entrepreneurship MH411
LLB Law - four year Single Major Law programme MH501
Law (options) MH502
Computer Science through Arts (options) MH601
Computer Science through Science (options) MH602
Computational Thinking MH603
Early Childhood - Teaching and Learning (part-time) MH801
Community and Youth Work (part-time, in service) MH802
Local Studies/Community Studies (part-time, evening) - Mature Students MH803

Page 52
Education, Home Economics and Biology - with concurrent Teacher Ed AS001
Education, Home Economics and Religious Ed - with concurrent Teacher Ed AS002
Education, Home Economics and Irish - with concurrent Teacher Ed AS003
Nutrition, Food and Business Management AS051
Home Economics AS054
General Nursing AS110
Intellectual Disability Nursing AS130
Business SG101
Computing (Level 6 - General Entry) SG102
Computing - Games Development SG131
Applied Sport with Business SG134
Business in Tourism with Event Management SG135
Computing - Software Development SG136
Computing in Computer Networks and Cyber Security SG137
Computing (Level 7 - General Entry) SG138
Business in Marketing SG139
Business SG141
Business and ICT SG145
Accounting SG146
Sport with Business SG147
Tourism with Event Management SG148
Business in Marketing SG150
Fine Art SG231
Creative Design SG232
Performing Arts (Theatre Design) SG235
Performing Arts (Acting) SG236
Performing Arts SG241
Early Childhood Care and Education SG242
Social Care Practice SG243
Fine Art SG244
Creative Design SG245
Computing SG246
English and Psychology SG247
Sociology and Politics SG248
Writing and Literature SG249
Software Development SG252
Computing in Computer Networks and Cyber Security SG253
Writing and Literature Online SG254
Law and Business SG255
Engineering (General Entry) SG300
Construction Economics SG302
Applied Construction Technology SG308
Engineering (General Entry) SG330
Interior Architecture and Design SG331
Advanced Wood and Sustainable Building Technology SG332
Mechanical Engineering SG333
Mechatronic Engineering SG334
Engineering in Mechatronic Systems (Interview, Work Based) SG335
Precision Engineering and Design SG336
Civil Engineering SG338
Quantity Surveying SG339
General Engineering SG341
Civil Engineering SG342

Page 53
Quantity Surveying SG343
Mechanical Engineering SG344
Construction Project Management and Applied Technology SG346
Architecture SG347
Interior Architecture and Design SG348
Electronics and Self Driving Technologies SG349
Robotics and Automation SG350
Science SG401
Environmental Science with Ecology (Level 6) SG404
Health and Exercise Science SG406
Pharmaceutical Science with Drug Development SG431
Occupational Safety and Health SG433
Human Nutrition SG434
Health Science and Physiology SG435
Biomedical Science SG436
Forensic Investigation and Analysis SG437
Environmental Science with Ecology (Level 7) SG439
Occupational Safety and Health SG442
Human Nutrition SG443
Science Undenominated SG444
Pharmaceutical Science with Drug Development SG445
Health Science and Physical Activity SG447
Forensic Investigation and Analysis SG448
Medical Biotechnology SG449
Environmental Science with Ecology (Level 8) SG450
Health and Medical Information Science (Online) SG530
Business Administration SG535
Business SG536
Science - Biological and Environmental Studies TL651
Science - Pharmacy Technician TL652
Animation, Visual Effects and Motion Design (Level 7, portfolio) TL701
TV, Radio and New Media (Level 7) TL702
Computing with Software Development TL710
Computing with Games Development TL711
Computing (Degree Award options) TL715
Computer Systems and Networking TL716
Business (Major Specialism in: Acctng or Mktg or Mgmnt) TL731
Construction Management TL742
Agricultural Engineering TL744
Civil Engineering TL745
Mechanical and Automation Engineering TL747
Agricultural Science TL748
Pharmaceutical Science (Degree Award options) TL755
Animal Bioscience TL758
Health and Leisure (Degree Award Options) TL771
Health and Leisure with Massage TL772
Coaching and Sports Performance TL773
Inclusive Sport and Physical Activity TL774
Early Childhood Care and Education TL780
Social Care TL781
Animation, Visual Effects and Motion Design (Level 8, portfolio) TL801
TV, Radio and New Media (Level 8) TL802
Computing with Software Development TL810

Page 54
Computing with Games Development TL811
Computing (Degree Award options) TL815
Event Management (3 year programme) TL823
Business Studies (Major Specialism in: Acctng or Mktg or Mgmnt) TL831
Construction Management TL842
Agricultural Engineering TL844
Civil Engineering TL845
Manufacturing Engineering TL847
Agricultural Science TL848
Wildlife Biology (Degree Award options) TL851
Pharmaceutical Science (Degree Award options) TL855
Veterinary Bioscience TL858
Health and Leisure (Degree Award options) TL871
Health and Leisure with Massage TL872
Coaching and Sports Performance TL873
Inclusive Sport and Physical Activity TL874
Early Childhood Care and Education TL880
Social Care TL881
Counselling with Addiction - Mature applicants only TL889
General Nursing and Mature Applicants TL890
Mental Health Nursing and Mature Applicants TL891
Applied Computing (options) WD001
Science (options) WD002
Business WD003
Health Sciences (options) WD005
Exercise Sciences (options) WD006
Engineering (options) WD007
Electronic Engineering WD010
Mechanical Engineering WD011
Legal Studies WD013
Applied Social Care WD018
Recreation and Sport Management WD019
Construction Management and Engineering WD025
Music WD027
Business (options) WD048
Forestry WD076
Accounting WD084
Hospitality Management WD091
Architectural Technology WD094
Horticulture (Waterford - Kildalton) WD096
Horticulture (Dublin - National Botanic Gardens) WD097
General Nursing WD116
Psychiatric Nursing WD117
Intellectual Disability Nursing WD120
Agriculture WD126
International Business WD134
Design (Visual Communications) WD137
Laws WD140
Architecture WD144
Pharmaceutical Science WD147
Criminal Justice Studies WD150
Software Systems Development WD151
Visual Art WD152

Page 55
Multimedia Applications Development WD153
Information Technology WD155
Business WD159
Computer Forensics and Security WD161
Quantity Surveying WD162
Psychology WD163
Food Science with Business WD164
Culinary Arts WD172
Hospitality Studies WD173
Tourism WD174
Pharmaceutical Science WD175
Science (Mol. Biology with Biopharm.,Food Science with Business,Pharm.) WD177
Electrical Engineering WD182
Retail Management WD184
Sports Coaching and Performance WD186
Social Science WD187
Applied Health Care WD188
Agricultural Science WD191
Social Care Practice WD192
Marketing and Digital Media WD193
Culinary Arts WD194
Architectural and Building Information Modelling Technology WD195
Arts (options) WD200
Molecular Biology with Biopharmaceutical Science WD205
Electronic Engineering WD206
Mechanical Engineering WD207
Manufacturing Engineering WD208
Software Systems Development WD210
Creative Computing WD211
Recreation and Sport Management WD212
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering WD230
Early Childhood Care and Education WD231
Business Information Systems WD232

Page 56

D description), by level, by

in the CATEGORY column

nts requirements for Rounds

om your previous search.

R1 Points R1 Random R2 Points R2 Random EOS Points EOS Random

211 211
308 308
311 311
297 297
AQA 153
207 207
220 220
211 211
210 210
250 250
243 243
238 238
247 247
226 226
242 242
242 242
261 261
421 421
244 244
251 251
241 241
223 223
642 642
260 260
300 300
300 300
313 313
350 350
321 321
328 328

327 327
451 * 444 440
440 * 431 431
356 356
346 346

Page 57
357 357
324 324
325 325
346 346
477 476 * 462
338 338
306 306
297 297
309 309
302 302
336 336
300 299 299
309 309
304 304
308 308
301 301
575 575
747 747
306 306
484 * 467 * 452
171 157 157
307 307
236 222 222
260 260
279 279
#700 700
241 270

#700 700
292 292
250 250
223 223
270 270

270 270
451 451
261 261
266 266
224 224
215 215
251 251
307 307
430 423 423
388 388
451 451
236 236
245 245
272 272
269 269
220 220
227 227
295 295
293 293

Page 58
292 292
291 291
234 234
225 205 205
208 208
260 251 251
291 283 283
465 465
293 293
290 280 280
226 226
303 303
330 328 328
280 280
371 359 359
318 318
174 174
241 241
292 292
271 262 262
246 246
290 290
360 358 358
700 700
247 247
700 700
700 700
215 215
269 269
700 700
164 164
272 272
228 228
204 204
207 207
270 270
319 319
203 113 113
200 100 100
263 235 235
262 230 230
243 224 224
292 292
420 420
272 272
336 336
351 351
253 253
172 172
360 360
343 343
133 133
212 180 180

Page 59
205 205
227 227
261 259
270 270
375 375
297 297
300 300
320 320
263 263
315 315
308 308
256 256
234 234
443 443
431 431
434 434
396 396
336 336
390 390
365 365
904 904 904
1028 1028
525 525
350 350
450 450
400 400
435 435
260 260
260 260
347 347
590 * 590 *
466 466
425 425
473 473
327 327
301 301
262 262
368 368
315 315
290 290
279 279
402 402
409 408 408
475 475
320 320
444 444
375 375
431 431
375 375
300 300
342 342
329 329
280 280

Page 60
397 377 336
220 178 174
193 162 162
196 113 113
171 171
246 246
609 609 609
229 229
300 300
518 * 510 *
300 300
434 431 420
339 339
421 420 * 420
312 312
440 * 440 440
367 357 352
488 488
409 403 378
371 371
464 463 456
# #

347 339 339

544 543 * 543 *
499 488 478
399 397
308 308
473 473
564 555 * 555 *
500 499 * 499 *
553 543 * 532 *
455 452 445
566 * 566 * 566
465 462
466 455 455
423 418 418
488 486 477
507 507
385 385
445 444 431
466 466
332 332
533 532 * 532
545 545
588 588
589 * 589 * 589
503 495 488
555 * 555 554 *
500 495 * 487 *
543 533
532 532
566 566

Page 61
566 555
465 465
531 531
506 506
555 554 * 544 *
463 463
510 509 * 499
543 543
738 737 * 737 *
625 * 625 * 625 *
613 * 613 * 613 *
601 * 590 *
568 566 * 566
500 500
578 * 578 *
498 * 497 * 495 *
565 565
455 452 452
431 429
509 * 509
60 * 60 * 60 *
294 294 294
271 270 270
242 242 242
253 253 253
508 508
462 462
513 513
480 480
382 327 327
317 317
120 273
136 136
136 136
234 234 204
178 178
267 233 233

217 217 217

243 210 210
239 225 225
242 217 217
233 225 225
307 209 209
243 228 228
247 239 239
288 288 288
244 244 244
254 219 219
146 104 104
288 176 176
139 139 139

Page 62
244 233 233
143 143 137
262 228 228
245 213 213
254 228 228
240 240 240
113 113 113
141 141 141
169 137 137
173 173 173
101 101 101
445 445
518 * 518 *
489 496
451 451
356 356
384 384
409 409
409 409
413 413
311 311
498 498
511 511
542 * 542 *
484 484
544 544
544 544
613 * 613 *
484 484
368 368
601 601
403 402 402
475 476
501 501
577 * 577 *
541 541
421 421
452 452
435 435
427 431
498 498
531 * 532
466 * 466 *
423 * 423 *
543 * 543 *
400 400
530 530
530 530
488 488
490 490
476 488
500 500
510 510

Page 63
511 510 510
511 511
462 462
558 558
565 565
521 521
521 521
565 565
477 477
506 506
456 * 456 *
420 420
382 382
521 * 521 *
431 431
398 399
469 469
302 302
387 387
499 499
509 509
350 350
400 400
379 379
475 475
349 349
162 162 189
254 254
220 220
418 413 413
591 591
574 574
989 989
671 671 665
235 235
298 293 293
713 713
757 757
210 210
277 277 277
987 874 874
566 566
628 630
269 242 242
260 226 226
300 289 289

264 264 264

251 251
377 377 329
289 270 270
171 171 171
250 228 228

Page 64
242 242 242

245 242 242

264 264 176
122 122 122
180 180 180
251 251 251
108 108 108
225 225 225

300 300
118 118 118
121 121 121
163 163 163
125 125 125
288 274 274
137 137 137
351 309
110 110 110
210 210 210
347 171 171

554 554
538 538
505 505
591 591
514 514
760 679 679
413 413
337 300 300
738 738
444 444
271 271
301 301
300 300
420 420
270 270
330 330
266 266
251 251 251
225 225
252 252
242 242
741 740 * 740 *
589 * 589 * 589 *
613 * 613 602 *
62 *
137 137 137
262 262
228 228
190 190
192 192

Page 65
243 243
154 AQA
242 242
250 250
251 251
361 361
240 240
350 338
502 502
224 224
301 301
307 307
301 301
290 290
243 243
249 249
273 273
260 260
272 272
245 245
AQA 263 263
400 400
225 225
222 222
262 262
249 249
301 301
261 261
232 232
302 302
346 346 346
222 222
215 215
330 330
270 270
484 484
250 250
231 231
158 158
252 252
157 144 144
263 263
418 418
500 442 442
273 273
361 361
201 201
227 227
223 223
360 360
316 316
320 320
391 391

Page 66
201 190 190
223 223
200 185 185
200 180 180
231 231
223 223
320 320
618 618
224 224
235 235
309 290
270 270
466 465 465
274 274
271 271
440 434 434
278 278
253 253 253
300 300
248 248 243
423 423
644 638 638
396 396
315 315
330 330
411 411
413 413
307 271 271
400 400
477 477
510 510
322 322
499 499
403 403
395 395
251 251
270 270
235 235 235
262 262
282 282
500 441 441
235 235
522 522
576 566 * 565
542 542
387 387
601 * 600
532 532
487 487
294 294 294
451 451

Page 67
445 445
314 314 314
339 339
346 346
412 412
309 309
380 380
270 270
477 477
462 462
460 460
386 377 377
300 300
420 420
331 311 311
322 322
356 356
463 463
219 219
270 270
230 230
412 412
307 307
307 307
211 211
251 251
300 300
484 484
311 311
252 252
261 261
336 336
244 244
309 309
308 308
326 326
275 275
536 536 536
448 448
364 364
357 357
298 298
700 700
549 549
544 544
700 700
299 299
280 280
369 369
462 453 453
414 414
367 367
270 270

Page 68
326 326
251 251
378 378
407 407
320 320
508 477 * 477 *
552 543 * 531
590 * 589 589
510 497 456
601 * 590 578 *
564 * 555 *
496 486 486
613 * 613 * 613 *
389 389
602 * 602 600 *
577 567 567
467 462 419
377 377
546 541 * 533
566 566
543 519 509
498 463 382
579 578 577
556 555 554 *
566 * 549 543
625 * 625 * 625 *
590 589 * 589
589 * 589 * 589 *
443 443
520 499 397
417 417
531 522 518
498 486 467
743 * 743 * 743
625 * 625 * 625 *
590 * 590 *
578 * 577 * 577 *
577 566 566
601 * 601
578 * 577 * 577
558 554 * 542
495 490
554 543 521
555 555
613 * 613 * 613 *
613 * 613 *
577 567 * 566 *
497 487 * 484 *
564 564
530 530
487 487
391 391
566 566

Page 69
462 456 * 454 *
473 473
442 432
412 410 401
496 509
577 577
528 528
507 507
494 494
552 552
420 420
484 484
508 521
584 584
601 601
613 * 613
589 589
588 589
589 589
611 611
555 555
501 501
613 613
583 583
543 543
482 482
495 495
576 * 576
571 571
555 555
553 553
555 555
554 554
578 578
576 576
584 584
578 613
495 495
577 577
578 613
451 451
564 * 564
522 * 522
581 581
576 576
579 579

451 451
576 * 576
509 519
522 522
543 543

Page 70
544 544
576 576
590 590

999 949 949

625 625
625 625
625 * 625

456 456
520 520
531 531
613 613
625 625
625 625
533 533
532 532
530 530

520 520
531 531
418 418
968 966
369 369

466 466
441 441
464 464
462 462
501 501
486 486
522 522
555 555
566 566
554 * 554
490 485 433
577 565 565
543 498 * 434
531 * 529 *
521 520
555 553
463 435 430
445 424 420
565 * 556 *
577 567 566
554 549 542
613 * 613 * 613
510 506
454 444 440
531 522
566 566
601 * 601 *
# #

Page 71
521 509 486
743 * 743 *
61 * 61 *
566 * 566 * 565 *
# #
601 * 601 * 601 *
544 543 541
484 476 473
613 * 613 * 613 *
462 * 462 *
533 532
510 509 * 507
442 441 *
381 378 356
397 388 359
320 320
576 567 * 566
573 567 566
555 554 *
555 554 * 554
625 * 625 625
475 474 463
534 532 * 522
566 564 555
421 408
120 120 120
140 140 140
206 195 190
120 120 120
207 207 179
243 204 204
253 210 210
243 229 229
163 163 163
166 166 166
165 165 165
223 157 157
224 211 211
192 192 192
205 165 165
240 240 240
329 285 280
265 209 179
140 140 140

376 341
346 346
451 430 399
307 307 307
301 301 301
309 309 309
320 316 307
320 320 307

Page 72
305 305
368 314 314
358 305 305
404 391 391
336 336 336
331 331 331
371 371 371
303 303 303
302 302 300
322 319 301
336 320 309
308 308
352 308
440 * 440 * 433
367 366 347
398 391
300 300 300
482 477 470
301 301 300
342 342
373 368 302
348 348

379 347
377 377
168 168 168
252 252
253 253
278 278
278 278
318 318
278 278
303 303
285 285
298 298
300 300
318 318
287 287
291 291
174 174 174
775 775
271 271
310 301 301
252 252
790 790
331 331
406 406
171 171
181 181
162 162 162
252 252 252
163 163 163
216 216

Page 73
180 180 180
200 160 160
218 218
252 252
235 235
230 230
246 246
234 234
260 260
304 304
302 302
304 304
281 273 273
377 377
225 225
300 300
294 294
279 279
308 308
290 290
304 304
308 308
400 400
312 312
331 331
304 304
413 413
336 336
303 303
302 302
310 310
302 302
302 302
280 280
244 244
281 281
366 366
381 381
356 356
301 301
445 445
517 510 510
408 408 408
310 310
270 270
340 340
376 366 366
368 368
195 195 195
170 170 170
166 166 166
196 171
201 201

Page 74

241 241
440 * 440 *
369 369
269 269
201 201
265 265
281 227 227
261 261

302 302
369 369

422 422
410 410
346 346
360 360

486 467 467

327 326 326
564 555 545
357 357
413 413
387 387
421 420 420
413 413
300 300
453 430 430
484 473 473
410 410
419 419
403 403
430 421 421
346 346
465 465
462 462
465 451 451
454 454
425 425
442 442
526 526
476 476
520 520
518 518
506 506
509 509
543 543
508 508
551 551
510 510
542 542
565 565
506 506

Page 75
548 548
503 503
709 709
489 488 488
613 613
498 495 495
431 430 430
509 509
467 467
412 412
422 422
555 555
543 543
465 465
532 532
485 485
495 495
522 520 520
533 521 521
541 541
555 555
554 554
431 431
509 509
433 433
737 * 737 * 737 *
601 601
578 578
531 526 510
502 496 476
475 441 412
520 509 507
189 189 169
312 312
288 288
261 261 261
147 126 126
161 161 161
300 290 290
290 290
205 186 186
180 178 178
301 301
217 217 217
183 183
189 189
188 188 188
204 163 163
283 283
304 304
164 164 164
262 262

Page 76
234 234 234
216 149 149
198 198 198
300 300
163 163 163
321 321
206 206
320 320
180 160 160
161 161 161
316 316
172 172 172
180 180
250 250
302 302
487 476 463
308 300 300
451 433 419
215 215 215
336 264 264
389 * 389
179 170 170
200 200
154 154
429 * 429 *
195 180 180
367 * 361
357 342
288 288
279 279
209 209
280 280
589 589
522 522
485 485
409 409
590 590
434 434
370 370
407 407
387 387
509 509
476 476
292 292
290 290
325 325
794 794
914 914
993 993
263 263
243 243
259 259
331 331

Page 77
300 300
298 298
255 255
214 214
241 224 224
280 280
226 226
207 207
260 260
317 317
326 326
308 308
278 278
300 300
205 205
264 264
338 338
391 391
498 498
252 252
400 400
384 384
354 354
329 316 316
361 347 347
310 300 300
261 261
306 283 283
242 242
277 277
207 207
192 192
299 292 292
294 294
378 369 369
261 261
208 208
374 374
271 264 264
279 279
262 262
272 262 262
381 381
228 228
328 308 308
219 223
391 368 368
429 429
325 310 310
377 377
337 319 319
309 309
357 357

Page 78
298 298
328 317 317
309 276 276
319 309 309
233 233
215 224
137 137
228 228
279 279
172 195
260 260
260 256 256
289 289
145 145
229 229
841 841
155 155
279 279
807 807
251 251
309 309
360 * 360 360
451 451
474 474
329 329
420 420
530 530
530 530
432 432
409 409
429 429
451 451
555 * 555 *
468 468
410 410
430 430
464 * 464 *
401 401
567 567
446 * 446 *
498 * 498 *
552 544 * 544 *
506 506
521 521
367 367
475 475
425 425
454 454
465 465
520 520
613 * 601 *
57 * 57 *
534 534

Page 79
429 429
441 441
476 476
498 * 498 *
445 445
402 402
382 382
498 * 498 *
455 455
489 489
498 * 487 474
478 466 440
462 443 433
521 * 508 498 *
351 351
294 294 291
564 556

381 381
338 336 336
# #
554 552
390 390
324 324
# #
401 400 397
490 489 489
451 451
422 422
521 521
444 444
543 533
529 517
510 510
452 443 434
351 351 351
326 326
362 362
370 370
476 476
424 424
441 441
423 423
378 378
507 507
465 465
381 381
400 400
520 520

Page 80
542 533 532
464 452 * 441 *
463 * 457 440 *
378 347 291
440 * 419 * 368
440 * 432 422 *
387 358 348 *
167 120 120
254 254
271 271
200 200
279 279
262 262
299 299
269 269
262 262
279 279
304 304
288 288
298 298
298 298
375 375 375
205 205
204 204
341 341
287 287
309 309
501 501
332 332
316 316
319 319
298 298
308 308
310 310
336 336
327 327
291 291
202 163 163
174 174
199 130 128
262 262
222 222
217 217
225 225
290 290
# # #
341 341
226 226
216 216
373 373
418 418

Page 81
300 300
412 412
313 313
403 403
359 359

384 384
282 128 128
388 388
396 396
287 287
243 243
299 299
296 296
260 260
252 252
253 253
307 307
376 376
358 358
357 357
326 326
308 308
315 315
310 310
387 387
241 241
233 233
215 215
222 222

222 222
297 297
238 238
261 261
227 227
232 232

220 220
243 243 234
254 254
233 233
228 228
234 234
211 211
236 236
207 207
121 121 121
100 100 100
261 261
718 718
322 322
308 308

Page 82
322 322
307 307
293 293
306 306

301 301
361 361
305 305
307 307
309 309
316 316
317 317
303 303
314 314
308 308
341 341
309 309
301 301

463 463
440 419 412 *
270 261 261
279 279
271 271
270 270
270 270 270
419 419
170 170
181 181
262 262
321 321
279 279
216 216
308 308
225 225
176 176
226 226
223 223
446 446
415 415
390 390
328 328
267 267
252 252
280 280
309 309
288 288
280 280
165 165
243 243

Page 83
195 195
195 195
191 191
270 270
226 226
456 456
328 328
158 158
224 224
205 455 205
190 190
261 261
276 276
220 220
377 377
271 271
279 279
237 237
279 279
201 201 201
180 180
172 172
317 317
260 260
270 270
262 262
230 230 230
266 266
261 261 261

Page 84

EOS Midpoints Course Level HEI

319 6 Athlone Institute of Technology
409 6 Athlone Institute of Technology
400 6 Athlone Institute of Technology
454 6 Athlone Institute of Technology
351 6 Athlone Institute of Technology
271 6 Athlone Institute of Technology
279 6 Athlone Institute of Technology
311 6 Athlone Institute of Technology
382 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
381 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
349 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
368 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
323 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
340 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
389 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
434 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
387 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
363 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
409 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
444 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
498 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
403 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
418 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
398 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
412 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
306 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
811 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
408 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
386 7 Athlone Institute of Technology
359 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
381 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
398 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
381 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
377 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
0 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
398 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
455 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
451 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
429 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
398 8 Athlone Institute of Technology

Page 85
409 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
434 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
408 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
402 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
489 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
413 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
358 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
327 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
369 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
357 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
466 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
349 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
378 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
398 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
371 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
359 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
760 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
808 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
366 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
480 8 Athlone Institute of Technology
281 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
381 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
342 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
378 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
429 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
700 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
372 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
0 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
700 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
356 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
306 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
398 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
363 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
0 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
290 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
528 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
466 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
361 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
376 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
445 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
408 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
349 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
462 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
409 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
488 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
299 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
395 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
333 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
368 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
360 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
378 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
387 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
338 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow

Page 86
382 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
384 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
369 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
361 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
346 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
336 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
353 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
465 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
408 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
400 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
371 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
382 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
396 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
380 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
433 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
358 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
357 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
478 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
390 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
360 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
370 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
377 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
397 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
700 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
316 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
700 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
700 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
349 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
336 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
700 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
309 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
348 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
387 7 Institute of Technology, Carlow
440 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
442 6 Institute of Technology, Carlow
382 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
454 8 Institute of Technology, Carlow
418 7 Carlow College, St. Patrick`s
270 7 Carlow College, St. Patrick`s
298 8 Carlow College, St. Patrick`s
336 8 Carlow College, St. Patrick`s
356 8 Carlow College, St. Patrick`s
498 7 Cork Institute of Technology
521 7 Cork Institute of Technology
531 7 Cork Institute of Technology
453 7 Cork Institute of Technology
445 7 Cork Institute of Technology
451 7 Cork Institute of Technology
348 7 Cork Institute of Technology
440 7 Cork Institute of Technology
422 7 Cork Institute of Technology
337 7 Cork Institute of Technology
343 7 Cork Institute of Technology

Page 87
356 7 Cork Institute of Technology
368 7 Cork Institute of Technology
431 7 Cork Institute of Technology
368 7 Cork Institute of Technology
463 7 Cork Institute of Technology
476 7 Cork Institute of Technology
465 7 Cork Institute of Technology
413 7 Cork Institute of Technology
475 7 Cork Institute of Technology
509 7 Cork Institute of Technology
475 7 Cork Institute of Technology
404 7 Cork Institute of Technology
441 7 Cork Institute of Technology
532 8 Cork Institute of Technology
476 8 Cork Institute of Technology
509 8 Cork Institute of Technology
465 8 Cork Institute of Technology
388 8 Cork Institute of Technology
455 8 Cork Institute of Technology
400 8 Cork Institute of Technology
1141 8 Cork Institute of Technology
1029 8 Cork Institute of Technology
600 8 Cork Institute of Technology
409 8 Cork Institute of Technology
450 8 Cork Institute of Technology
400 8 Cork Institute of Technology
560 8 Cork Institute of Technology
565 7 Cork Institute of Technology
357 8 Cork Institute of Technology
372 8 Cork Institute of Technology
601 8 Cork Institute of Technology
488 8 Cork Institute of Technology
455 8 Cork Institute of Technology
507 8 Cork Institute of Technology
400 8 Cork Institute of Technology
378 8 Cork Institute of Technology
347 8 Cork Institute of Technology
423 8 Cork Institute of Technology
423 8 Cork Institute of Technology
357 8 Cork Institute of Technology
419 8 Cork Institute of Technology
434 8 Cork Institute of Technology
431 8 Cork Institute of Technology
499 8 Cork Institute of Technology
393 8 Cork Institute of Technology
498 8 Cork Institute of Technology
436 8 Cork Institute of Technology
465 8 Cork Institute of Technology
429 8 Cork Institute of Technology
349 8 Cork Institute of Technology
401 8 Cork Institute of Technology
409 8 Cork Institute of Technology
510 8 Cork Institute of Technology

Page 88
466 7 Cork Institute of Technology
399 7 Cork Institute of Technology
367 7 Cork Institute of Technology
320 6 Cork Institute of Technology
261 6 Cork Institute of Technology
328 8 Cork Institute of Technology
894 8 Cork Institute of Technology
445 7 Cork Institute of Technology
391 7 Cork Institute of Technology
542 8 Cork Institute of Technology
400 8 University College Cork (NUI)
462 8 University College Cork (NUI)
485 8 University College Cork (NUI)
488 8 University College Cork (NUI)
425 8 University College Cork (NUI)
487 8 University College Cork (NUI)
462 8 University College Cork (NUI)
522 8 University College Cork (NUI)
445 8 University College Cork (NUI)
533 8 University College Cork (NUI)
486 8 University College Cork (NUI)
8 University College Cork (NUI)
8 University College Cork (NUI)
444 8 University College Cork (NUI)
555 8 University College Cork (NUI)
522 8 University College Cork (NUI)
465 8 University College Cork (NUI)
429 8 University College Cork (NUI)
522 8 University College Cork (NUI)
589 8 University College Cork (NUI)
532 8 University College Cork (NUI)
566 8 University College Cork (NUI)
490 8 University College Cork (NUI)
601 8 University College Cork (NUI)
522 8 University College Cork (NUI)
521 8 University College Cork (NUI)
441 8 University College Cork (NUI)
528 8 University College Cork (NUI)
534 8 University College Cork (NUI)
477 8 University College Cork (NUI)
474 8 University College Cork (NUI)
498 8 University College Cork (NUI)
451 8 University College Cork (NUI)
556 8 University College Cork (NUI)
564 8 University College Cork (NUI)
601 8 University College Cork (NUI)
601 8 University College Cork (NUI)
531 8 University College Cork (NUI)
577 8 University College Cork (NUI)
521 8 University College Cork (NUI)
554 8 University College Cork (NUI)
554 8 University College Cork (NUI)
601 8 University College Cork (NUI)

Page 89
601 8 University College Cork (NUI)
509 8 University College Cork (NUI)
577 8 University College Cork (NUI)
544 8 University College Cork (NUI)
566 8 University College Cork (NUI)
489 8 University College Cork (NUI)
555 8 University College Cork (NUI)
565 8 University College Cork (NUI)
743 8 University College Cork (NUI)
625 8 University College Cork (NUI)
625 8 University College Cork (NUI)
602 8 University College Cork (NUI)
589 8 University College Cork (NUI)
532 8 University College Cork (NUI)
601 8 University College Cork (NUI)
519 8 University College Cork (NUI)
578 8 University College Cork (NUI)
467 8 University College Cork (NUI)
451 8 University College Cork (NUI)
543 8 University College Cork (NUI)
61 8 University College Cork (NUI)
352 8 American College
334 8 American College
334 8 CCT College Dublin
337 8 CCT College Dublin
518 8 Marino Institute of Education
506 8 Marino Institute of Education
546 8 Marino Institute of Education
618 8 Marino Institute of Education
440 8 Marino Institute of Education
377 8 Marino Institute of Education
403 6 Dorset College
316 7 Dorset College
309 7 Dorset College
333 8 Dublin Business School
309 8 Dublin Business School
351 8 Dublin Business School
0 8 Dublin Business School
0 8 Dublin Business School
317 8 Dublin Business School
347 8 Dublin Business School
346 8 Dublin Business School
318 8 Dublin Business School
336 8 Dublin Business School
354 8 Dublin Business School
379 8 Dublin Business School
327 8 Dublin Business School
337 8 Dublin Business School
327 8 Dublin Business School
308 8 Dublin Business School
321 7 Dublin Business School
368 8 Dublin Business School
357 6 Dublin Business School

Page 90
342 8 Dublin Business School
414 6 Dublin Business School
319 8 Dublin Business School
298 8 Dublin Business School
347 8 Dublin Business School
338 8 Dublin Business School
462 7 Dublin Business School
464 7 Dublin Business School
367 7 Dublin Business School
339 7 Dublin Business School
399 7 Dublin Business School
474 8 Dublin City University
543 8 Dublin City University
509 8 Dublin City University
8 Dublin City University
431 8 Dublin City University
441 8 Dublin City University
455 8 Dublin City University
451 8 Dublin City University
510 8 Dublin City University
634 8 Dublin City University
526 8 Dublin City University
532 8 Dublin City University
564 8 Dublin City University
529 8 Dublin City University
562 8 Dublin City University
578 8 Dublin City University
625 8 Dublin City University
520 8 Dublin City University
419 8 Dublin City University
601 8 Dublin City University
440 8 Dublin City University
498 8 Dublin City University
542 8 Dublin City University
601 8 Dublin City University
566 8 Dublin City University
479 8 Dublin City University
487 8 Dublin City University
473 8 Dublin City University
476 8 Dublin City University
521 8 Dublin City University
543 8 Dublin City University
510 8 Dublin City University
466 8 Dublin City University
555 8 Dublin City University
479 8 Dublin City University
543 8 Dublin City University
544 8 Dublin City University
532 8 Dublin City University
532 8 Dublin City University
509 8 Dublin City University
521 8 Dublin City University
543 8 Dublin City University

Page 91
543 8 Dublin City University
532 8 Dublin City University
509 8 Dublin City University
578 8 Dublin City University
578 8 Dublin City University
544 8 Dublin City University
543 8 Dublin City University
577 8 Dublin City University
509 8 Dublin City University
532 8 Dublin City University
485 8 Dublin City University
440 8 Dublin City University
402 8 Dublin City University
554 8 Dublin City University
468 8 Dublin City University
458 8 Dublin City University
511 8 Dublin City University
370 8 Dublin City University
440 8 Dublin City University
532 8 Dublin City University
533 8 Dublin City University
440 8 Dublin City University
440 8 Dublin City University
467 8 Dublin City University
489 8 Dublin City University
409 8 Dublin City University
339 7 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
356 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
318 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
462 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
824 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
906 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
1098 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
877 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
339 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
359 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
979 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
1087 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
347 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
357 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
1000 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
947 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
900 8 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
377 8 Griffith College
270 8 Griffith College
351 8 Griffith College
8 Griffith College
377 8 Griffith College
251 8 Griffith College
377 8 Griffith College
289 8 Griffith College
278 7 Griffith College
318 8 Griffith College

Page 92
337 8 Griffith College
0 8 Griffith College
319 8 Griffith College
318 8 Griffith College
337 7 Griffith College
378 7 Griffith College
325 8 Griffith College
349 7 Griffith College
321 8 Griffith College
0 6 Griffith College
300 8 Griffith College
395 7 Griffith College
418 7 Griffith College
352 7 Griffith College
343 6 Griffith College
429 8 Griffith College
359 7 Griffith College
588 8 Griffith College
398 7 Griffith College
323 8 IBAT College Dublin
347 7 IBAT College Dublin
0 8 ICD Business School
340 8 ICD Business School
604 8 National College of Art and Design
625 8 National College of Art and Design
581 8 National College of Art and Design
620 8 National College of Art and Design
583 8 National College of Art and Design
679 8 National College of Art and Design
569 8 National College of Art and Design
380 8 National College of Art and Design
8 National College of Art and Design
488 8 National College of Art and Design
334 8 National College of Ireland (NCI)
360 8 National College of Ireland (NCI)
371 8 National College of Ireland (NCI)
465 8 National College of Ireland (NCI)
329 8 National College of Ireland (NCI)
390 8 National College of Ireland (NCI)
356 8 National College of Ireland (NCI)
308 8 National College of Ireland (NCI)
366 6 National College of Ireland (NCI)
372 6 National College of Ireland (NCI)
390 6 National College of Ireland (NCI)
741 8 RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
589 8 RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
613 8 RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
66 8 RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
387 7 St Nicholas Montessori College Ireland
320 8 St Nicholas Montessori College Ireland
338 8 St Nicholas Montessori College Ireland
339 6 Technological University Dublin
359 6 Technological University Dublin

Page 93
366 6 Technological University Dublin
330 6 Technological University Dublin
418 6 Technological University Dublin
451 6 Technological University Dublin
473 6 Technological University Dublin
474 6 Technological University Dublin
391 6 Technological University Dublin
452 6 Technological University Dublin
551 6 Technological University Dublin
378 6 Technological University Dublin
495 6 Technological University Dublin
484 6 Technological University Dublin
431 6 Technological University Dublin
386 6 Technological University Dublin
346 7 Technological University Dublin
444 7 Technological University Dublin
381 7 Technological University Dublin
378 7 Technological University Dublin
399 7 Technological University Dublin
327 7 Technological University Dublin
384 7 Technological University Dublin
531 7 Technological University Dublin
373 7 Technological University Dublin
400 7 Technological University Dublin
420 7 Technological University Dublin
367 7 Technological University Dublin
399 7 Technological University Dublin
391 7 Technological University Dublin
339 7 Technological University Dublin
423 7 Technological University Dublin
548 7 Technological University Dublin
398 7 Technological University Dublin
349 7 Technological University Dublin
419 7 Technological University Dublin
377 7 Technological University Dublin
532 7 Technological University Dublin
378 7 Technological University Dublin
456 7 Technological University Dublin
328 7 Technological University Dublin
368 7 Technological University Dublin
347 7 Technological University Dublin
367 7 Technological University Dublin
532 7 Technological University Dublin
500 7 Technological University Dublin
476 7 Technological University Dublin
523 7 Technological University Dublin
388 7 Technological University Dublin
388 7 Technological University Dublin
356 7 Technological University Dublin
426 7 Technological University Dublin
462 7 Technological University Dublin
520 7 Technological University Dublin
473 7 Technological University Dublin

Page 94
408 7 Technological University Dublin
371 7 Technological University Dublin
339 7 Technological University Dublin
340 7 Technological University Dublin
429 7 Technological University Dublin
462 7 Technological University Dublin
414 7 Technological University Dublin
399 7 Technological University Dublin
310 7 Technological University Dublin
900 7 Technological University Dublin
388 7 Technological University Dublin
329 8 Technological University Dublin
359 8 Technological University Dublin
361 8 Technological University Dublin
499 8 Technological University Dublin
339 8 Technological University Dublin
399 8 Technological University Dublin
479 8 Technological University Dublin
335 8 Technological University Dublin
349 8 Technological University Dublin
386 8 Technological University Dublin
354 8 Technological University Dublin
455 8 Technological University Dublin
682 8 Technological University Dublin
429 8 Technological University Dublin
370 8 Technological University Dublin
393 8 Technological University Dublin
444 8 Technological University Dublin
455 8 Technological University Dublin
385 8 Technological University Dublin
464 8 Technological University Dublin
499 8 Technological University Dublin
532 8 Technological University Dublin
382 8 Technological University Dublin
531 8 Technological University Dublin
443 8 Technological University Dublin
444 8 Technological University Dublin
336 8 Technological University Dublin
356 8 Technological University Dublin
370 8 Technological University Dublin
310 8 Technological University Dublin
346 8 Technological University Dublin
465 8 Technological University Dublin
308 8 Technological University Dublin
540 8 Technological University Dublin
578 8 Technological University Dublin
554 8 Technological University Dublin
434 8 Technological University Dublin
613 8 Technological University Dublin
544 8 Technological University Dublin
521 8 Technological University Dublin
434 8 Technological University Dublin
477 8 Technological University Dublin

Page 95
474 8 Technological University Dublin
422 8 Technological University Dublin
408 8 Technological University Dublin
430 8 Technological University Dublin
532 8 Technological University Dublin
423 8 Technological University Dublin
447 8 Technological University Dublin
327 8 Technological University Dublin
509 8 Technological University Dublin
486 8 Technological University Dublin
488 8 Technological University Dublin
412 8 Technological University Dublin
367 8 Technological University Dublin
462 8 Technological University Dublin
367 8 Technological University Dublin
377 8 Technological University Dublin
451 8 Technological University Dublin
499 8 Technological University Dublin
327 8 Technological University Dublin
339 8 Technological University Dublin
298 8 Technological University Dublin
446 8 Technological University Dublin
380 8 Technological University Dublin
368 8 Technological University Dublin
337 8 Technological University Dublin
346 8 Technological University Dublin
368 8 Technological University Dublin
498 8 Technological University Dublin
380 8 Technological University Dublin
348 8 Technological University Dublin
387 8 Technological University Dublin
393 8 Technological University Dublin
316 8 Technological University Dublin
398 8 Technological University Dublin
366 8 Technological University Dublin
402 8 Technological University Dublin
349 8 Technological University Dublin
881 8 Technological University Dublin
551 8 Technological University Dublin
561 8 Technological University Dublin
442 8 Technological University Dublin
390 8 Technological University Dublin
953 8 Technological University Dublin
704 8 Technological University Dublin
919 8 Technological University Dublin
952 8 Technological University Dublin
440 8 Technological University Dublin
347 8 Technological University Dublin
412 8 Technological University Dublin
496 8 Technological University Dublin
455 8 Technological University Dublin
409 8 Technological University Dublin
337 8 Technological University Dublin

Page 96
356 8 Technological University Dublin
311 8 Technological University Dublin
412 8 Technological University Dublin
440 8 Technological University Dublin
368 8 Technological University Dublin
513 8 Trinity College Dublin
558 8 Trinity College Dublin
601 8 Trinity College Dublin
510 8 Trinity College Dublin
602 8 Trinity College Dublin
577 8 Trinity College Dublin
530 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
440 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
588 8 Trinity College Dublin
501 8 Trinity College Dublin
473 8 Trinity College Dublin
555 8 Trinity College Dublin
589 8 Trinity College Dublin
552 8 Trinity College Dublin
474 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
581 8 Trinity College Dublin
578 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
531 8 Trinity College Dublin
531 8 Trinity College Dublin
476 8 Trinity College Dublin
532 8 Trinity College Dublin
519 8 Trinity College Dublin
751 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
601 8 Trinity College Dublin
589 8 Trinity College Dublin
577 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
590 8 Trinity College Dublin
564 8 Trinity College Dublin
531 8 Trinity College Dublin
566 8 Trinity College Dublin
578 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
589 8 Trinity College Dublin
508 8 Trinity College Dublin
577 8 Trinity College Dublin
533 8 Trinity College Dublin
521 8 Trinity College Dublin
432 8 Trinity College Dublin
589 8 Trinity College Dublin

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487 8 Trinity College Dublin
484 8 Trinity College Dublin
455 8 Trinity College Dublin
419 8 Trinity College Dublin
530 8 Trinity College Dublin
577 8 Trinity College Dublin
541 8 Trinity College Dublin
512 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
567 8 Trinity College Dublin
487 8 Trinity College Dublin
543 8 Trinity College Dublin
522 8 Trinity College Dublin
602 8 Trinity College Dublin
8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
611 8 Trinity College Dublin
611 8 Trinity College Dublin
606 8 Trinity College Dublin
611 8 Trinity College Dublin
583 8 Trinity College Dublin
501 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
583 8 Trinity College Dublin
558 8 Trinity College Dublin
541 8 Trinity College Dublin
532 8 Trinity College Dublin
600 8 Trinity College Dublin
576 8 Trinity College Dublin
584 8 Trinity College Dublin
567 8 Trinity College Dublin
589 8 Trinity College Dublin
586 8 Trinity College Dublin
578 8 Trinity College Dublin
590 8 Trinity College Dublin
601 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
589 8 Trinity College Dublin
589 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
500 8 Trinity College Dublin
590 8 Trinity College Dublin
554 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
576 8 Trinity College Dublin
590 8 Trinity College Dublin
8 Trinity College Dublin
512 8 Trinity College Dublin
590 8 Trinity College Dublin
531 8 Trinity College Dublin
541 8 Trinity College Dublin
543 8 Trinity College Dublin

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544 8 Trinity College Dublin
580 8 Trinity College Dublin
590 8 Trinity College Dublin
8 Trinity College Dublin
8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
8 Trinity College Dublin
519 8 Trinity College Dublin
553 8 Trinity College Dublin
539 8 Trinity College Dublin
613 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
625 8 Trinity College Dublin
533 8 Trinity College Dublin
532 8 Trinity College Dublin
555 8 Trinity College Dublin
8 Trinity College Dublin
540 8 Trinity College Dublin
542 8 Trinity College Dublin
442 8 Trinity College Dublin
8 Trinity College Dublin
494 8 Trinity College Dublin
8 Trinity College Dublin
508 8 Trinity College Dublin
521 8 Trinity College Dublin
533 8 Trinity College Dublin
498 8 Trinity College Dublin
525 8 Trinity College Dublin
552 8 Trinity College Dublin
545 8 Trinity College Dublin
566 8 Trinity College Dublin
597 8 Trinity College Dublin
579 8 Trinity College Dublin
498 7 Trinity College Dublin
613 7 Trinity College Dublin
509 7 Trinity College Dublin
544 8 Trinity College Dublin
543 8 Trinity College Dublin
577 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
484 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
474 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
601 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
589 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
558 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
625 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
532 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
489 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
544 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
577 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
613 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
8 University College Dublin (NUI)

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522 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
751 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
63 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
578 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
8 University College Dublin (NUI)
613 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
555 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
499 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
618 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
490 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
554 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
511 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
451 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
445 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
465 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
423 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
588 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
589 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
567 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
567 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
625 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
509 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
544 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
577 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
441 8 University College Dublin (NUI)
409 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
395 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
397 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
368 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
331 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
399 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
414 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
368 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
329 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
344 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
399 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
347 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
369 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
356 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
350 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
320 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
408 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
420 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
410 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
0 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
485 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
409 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
462 7 Dundalk Institute of Technology
399 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
382 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
381 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
379 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
340 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology

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378 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
377 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
362 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
466 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
435 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
434 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
465 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
417 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
347 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
348 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
432 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
399 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
404 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
451 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
368 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
414 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
357 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
495 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
397 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
402 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
384 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
397 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
0 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
388 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
440 8 Dundalk Institute of Technology
298 6 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
454 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
402 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
388 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
397 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
499 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
442 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
400 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
369 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
358 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
368 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
378 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
346 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
358 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
368 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
900 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
402 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
358 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
343 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
876 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
398 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
442 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
376 6 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
388 6 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
265 6 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
451 6 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
359 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
408 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

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376 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
350 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
320 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
317 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
375 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
340 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
362 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
392 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
466 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
434 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
359 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
388 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
361 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
421 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
400 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
388 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
431 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
359 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
520 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
420 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
498 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
378 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
455 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
392 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
413 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
390 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
456 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
377 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
429 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
484 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
499 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
465 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
496 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
391 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
352 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
385 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
435 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
442 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
398 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
387 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
466 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
532 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
462 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
381 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
314 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
392 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
431 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
431 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
420 6 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
338 6 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
407 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
423 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
246 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

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0 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
387 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
455 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
398 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
360 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
288 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
339 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
336 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
366 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
0 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
360 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
434 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
0 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
464 7 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
435 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
385 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
402 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
0 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
498 8 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
423 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
566 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
424 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
487 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
440 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
518 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
477 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
393 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
476 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
521 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
496 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
451 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
444 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
488 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
468 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
522 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
498 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
495 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
476 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
476 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
484 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
526 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
499 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
548 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
532 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
531 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
544 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
578 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
547 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
578 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
541 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
554 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
567 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
531 8 National University of Ireland, Galway

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566 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
647 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
743 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
529 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
613 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
522 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
473 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
565 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
499 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
452 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
463 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
581 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
589 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
533 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
565 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
518 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
521 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
555 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
545 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
589 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
566 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
578 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
455 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
543 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
476 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
740 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
602 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
590 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
533 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
507 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
451 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
532 8 National University of Ireland, Galway
429 7 Galway Business School
399 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
432 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
387 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
369 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
350 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
408 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
388 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
379 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
317 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
313 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
380 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
378 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
419 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
370 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
444 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
326 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
352 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
387 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
344 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
298 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology

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403 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
353 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
433 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
390 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
360 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
368 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
342 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
430 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
371 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
348 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
421 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
429 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
327 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
393 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
411 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
532 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
360 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
507 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
430 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
485 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
431 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
429 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
346 7 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
382 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
441 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
337 6 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
399 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
386 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
380 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
347 8 Letterkenny Institute of Technology
484 8 Mary Immaculate College
408 8 Mary Immaculate College
601 8 Mary Immaculate College
554 8 Mary Immaculate College
522 8 Mary Immaculate College
462 8 Mary Immaculate College
602 8 Mary Immaculate College
477 8 Mary Immaculate College
412 8 Mary Immaculate College
444 8 Mary Immaculate College
451 8 Mary Immaculate College
543 8 Mary Immaculate College
531 8 Mary Immaculate College
368 8 Irish College of Humanities & Applied Sciences
356 8 Irish College of Humanities & Applied Sciences
388 8 Irish College of Humanities & Applied Sciences
981 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
933 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
1058 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
322 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
507 6 Limerick Institute of Technology
430 6 Limerick Institute of Technology
410 8 Limerick Institute of Technology

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356 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
376 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
327 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
336 6 Limerick Institute of Technology
418 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
348 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
342 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
360 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
305 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
378 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
387 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
377 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
359 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
357 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
387 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
338 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
499 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
455 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
528 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
368 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
498 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
484 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
467 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
383 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
382 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
422 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
424 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
390 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
423 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
318 6 Limerick Institute of Technology
378 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
337 6 Limerick Institute of Technology
444 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
360 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
432 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
357 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
356 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
410 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
356 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
356 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
320 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
316 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
408 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
422 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
367 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
378 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
420 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
463 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
387 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
454 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
401 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
383 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
378 8 Limerick Institute of Technology

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340 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
358 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
339 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
387 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
418 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
433 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
309 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
306 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
347 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
409 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
300 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
320 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
359 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
358 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
409 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
1018 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
412 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
413 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
977 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
356 7 Limerick Institute of Technology
348 8 Limerick Institute of Technology
423 8 University of Limerick
507 8 University of Limerick
520 8 University of Limerick
451 8 University of Limerick
454 8 University of Limerick
554 8 University of Limerick
533 8 University of Limerick
473 8 University of Limerick
521 8 University of Limerick
485 8 University of Limerick
489 8 University of Limerick
589 8 University of Limerick
531 8 University of Limerick
452 8 University of Limerick
478 8 University of Limerick
495 8 University of Limerick
499 8 University of Limerick
601 8 University of Limerick
480 8 University of Limerick
533 8 University of Limerick
577 8 University of Limerick
541 8 University of Limerick
555 8 University of Limerick
431 8 University of Limerick
501 8 University of Limerick
452 8 University of Limerick
488 8 University of Limerick
499 8 University of Limerick
543 8 University of Limerick
613 8 University of Limerick
59 8 University of Limerick
565 8 University of Limerick

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455 8 University of Limerick
473 8 University of Limerick
520 8 University of Limerick
544 8 University of Limerick
487 8 University of Limerick
461 8 University of Limerick
467 8 University of Limerick
533 8 University of Limerick
532 8 University of Limerick
577 8 University of Limerick
496 8 University of Limerick
476 8 University of Limerick
474 8 University of Limerick
521 8 University of Limerick
444 6 University of Limerick
332 8 Pontifical University, St Patrick's College
411 8 Pontifical University, St Patrick's College
578 8 Maynooth University
8 Maynooth University
430 8 Maynooth University
409 8 Maynooth University
# 8 Maynooth University
555 8 Maynooth University
440 8 Maynooth University
393 8 Maynooth University
# 8 Maynooth University
456 8 Maynooth University
509 8 Maynooth University
477 8 Maynooth University
499 8 Maynooth University
578 8 Maynooth University
510 8 Maynooth University
554 8 Maynooth University
531 8 Maynooth University
532 8 Maynooth University
498 8 Maynooth University
454 8 Maynooth University
397 8 Maynooth University
445 8 Maynooth University
418 8 Maynooth University
521 8 Maynooth University
473 8 Maynooth University
473 8 Maynooth University
473 8 Maynooth University
409 8 Maynooth University
531 8 Maynooth University
498 8 Maynooth University
423 8 Maynooth University
444 8 Maynooth University
579 8 Maynooth University
319 8 Maynooth University
8 Maynooth University
8 Maynooth University

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555 8 St. Angela`s College
476 8 St. Angela`s College
487 8 St. Angela`s College
418 8 St. Angela`s College
430 8 St. Angela`s College
445 8 St. Angela`s College
387 8 St. Angela`s College
338 6 Institute of Technology, Sligo
254 6 Institute of Technology, Sligo
371 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
371 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
328 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
416 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
379 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
425 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
432 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
346 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
411 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
403 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
340 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
328 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
360 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
599 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
301 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
341 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
390 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
393 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
368 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
357 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
643 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
357 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
402 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
357 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
328 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
409 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
413 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
374 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
393 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
398 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
327 6 Institute of Technology, Sligo
380 6 Institute of Technology, Sligo
252 6 Institute of Technology, Sligo
416 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
398 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
357 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
352 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
380 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
0 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
445 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
374 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
385 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
467 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
498 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo

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385 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
509 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
362 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
462 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
410 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
0 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
478 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
403 6 Institute of Technology, Sligo
408 6 Institute of Technology, Sligo
520 6 Institute of Technology, Sligo
419 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
367 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
456 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
456 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
509 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
413 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
433 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
360 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
440 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
430 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
401 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
389 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
376 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
403 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
430 8 Institute of Technology, Sligo
531 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
320 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
411 7 Institute of Technology, Sligo
371 6 Institute of Technology, Tralee
368 6 Institute of Technology, Tralee
0 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
430 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
399 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
341 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
402 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
307 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
419 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
0 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
378 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
388 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
362 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
399 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
454 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
409 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
410 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
409 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
331 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
378 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
367 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
357 7 Institute of Technology, Tralee
823 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
413 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
399 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee

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342 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
453 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
369 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
408 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
0 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
392 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
395 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
338 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
367 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
400 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
419 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
402 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
389 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
381 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
371 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
476 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
369 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
377 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
0 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
484 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
430 8 Institute of Technology, Tralee
423 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
388 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
367 6 Waterford Institute of Technology
368 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
357 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
432 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
531 6 Waterford Institute of Technology
338 6 Waterford Institute of Technology
376 6 Waterford Institute of Technology
326 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
304 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
357 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
437 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
387 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
370 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
476 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
337 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
391 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
371 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
434 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
473 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
430 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
404 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
441 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
368 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
360 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
394 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
401 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
402 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
359 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
373 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
359 8 Waterford Institute of Technology

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356 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
379 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
409 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
347 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
337 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
487 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
453 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
329 6 Waterford Institute of Technology
320 6 Waterford Institute of Technology
320 6 Waterford Institute of Technology
409 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
453 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
363 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
337 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
358 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
367 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
402 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
434 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
336 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
358 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
321 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
367 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
376 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
434 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
367 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
356 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
368 7 Waterford Institute of Technology
373 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
392 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
304 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
361 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
366 8 Waterford Institute of Technology
329 8 Waterford Institute of Technology

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Test/Interview AVP v



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# avp


# avp

Page 135




Page 136




avp v


Page 137


avp v




Page 138

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