Physical Development For Prep

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1.We use our nose to______(a)to sense the world around us. (b)to smell house

2.How many nose do you have?(a)1. (b)3

3.How many holes does your nose have?(a)4. (b)2

4.The air in our nose protect us from ________(a)disease. (b)smell

5.What are the food under protein?(a)meat,beans,&egg. (b)butter,bread

6.What are the classification of food?(a) protein, carbohydrates, vitamins fat&oil. (b)yam&egg

7.What is energy?

(a)Energy is the ability to do work. (b) energy is ability to eat

8.What are the food under carbohydrates

(a)bread,yam,and rice. (b)meat,beans and egg

9.How to know dirty water is_________(a) dirty water smell&has taste. (b) dirty water clean& good
for drinking

10.What is siesta?(a)means afternoon sleep. (b)siesta means sleeping too much

11.Why do you need siesta?(a) because siesta is good for your brains. (b)siesta is good for your bag

12.What are the sources of water?(a)rain water ,tap water,and river water. (b)drum waterand cold

13.Why do we eat food?(a)we eat food to grow. (b)we eat food to get better

14.Show me your ankle?

15.Show me your feet

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