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Ixhuat-PDD fo 2 1310 22/11/23 20:06

FC4000 0901001
1310 nm

Cable ID:
Fiber ID: 5
Fiber Type: ConventionalSmf
Originating Location: start postion
Terminating Location: end postion
Trace Type: StandardTraceSingleFiber

Refractive Index: 1.468

Backscatter coef.: -80 dB
Acquisition Range: 4.18335 km
First data point: 0.00000 km
Last data point: 4.18335 km
Sampling Resolution: 0.260 m
Pulse Width: 30 ns
Averaging Time: 60 s
Pass/Fail ThresholdsFAIL Event Loss Threshold: 0.200 dB
A – SpanBegin Splice loss, dBFAIL0FAIL Reflectance Threshold: -40.000 dB
B – SpanEnd Conn. loss, dBFAIL0FAIL End of Fiber Threshold: 10.000 dB
Reflectance, dBFAIL0FAIL
Slope, dB/kmFAIL 0FAIL Span distance: 2.60182 km
Total loss, dBFAIL 0FAIL Span losss: 0.874 dB
Total ORL, dBFAIL 0FAIL ORL: 40.122 dB
Fiber length, FAIL 0FAIL Latency: 0.013 ms
# Status Distance, km Splice loss, dB Reflectance, dB Of loss, dB/km Cumulative loss, dB
0 (A) BeginOfFiber 0.00000 -54.852 0.000
1 Reflective 1.04583 0.071 -59.519 0.321 0.407
2 SpliceGain 2.59467 -0.020 0.313 0.871
3 (B) EndOfFiber 2.60182 -68.873 0.373 0.874

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