Franco Jay Clopino: Technical Support

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Franco Jay Clopino
Makati City, Philippines


Determined jobseeker looking for a permanent employment. Extremely eager to be trained and willing to learn
new skills as well as build experience. Patient and has experience handling customers in an international level.


Communication skills, Customer service , Microsoft excel, Issue Resolution


Technical Support
Alorica Inc • Makati City 06/2016 - 12/2016
Assisted customers with their internet connection, cable tv and landline phone issues. Telco account AT&T.
Performed well enough to be recommended for promotion but lacked tenure to be accepted.

Technical Support
Aegis People Support • Makati City 05/2015 - 08/2015
Tasked to help customers with troubleshooting their landline phones. Most customers were elderly and not tech savvy
hence patience was a needed skill for the LOB. Unfortunately the account was dissolved due to Teleperformance
buying out the previous company.


Senior High School (New Curriculum)

University of Makati • Makati City 05/2019

High School (Old Curriculum)

San Antonio National High School • Makati City 04/2011
Editor -in -chief for the school paper , part of the Journalism team for English. Wrote several articles as contribution
and proof-read other members' work.Graduated as top 11th of the entire batch.


English - B2 to C1 level, Filipino - Native Speaker

Character References

Eugene Paulo Cabe / Quality Analyst / Teleperformance / 09151477640


Reading any interesting source material e.g Articles from Reader 's Digest, Magazines, Online News and Blogs.

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