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22 OCT 2022 Instructor: Scarlett

Course Duration: 60min Attention Span:60min

1. Contents:
Series/Autho content
Review 1 A story, play, picture, etc. in which each character or event is a
symbol representing an idea or a quality, such as truth, evil, death, etc.,
Allegory typically a moral, political, or religious one.
2 Key points: A narrative/story
Characters, events, ideas—a bigger or deeper concept
Acts as an extended metaphor
Story has two meanings: literal & figurative

New Manor Farm

Old Major -- Karl Marx
Setting & Mr. Jones -- Tsar Nicolas II
characters Napoleon -- Joseph Stalin
Snowball -- Leon Trotsky
Squealer -- Government Propaganda
The dogs --KGB
Moses the Raven -- Eastern Orthodox 东正教
Mollie -- vain, selfish people
Boxer-- Dedicated, but tricked supporter
Benjamin -- skeptics

Chapter 1 Old Major summoned every animal for a meeting

He mentioned his dream, and passed on his wisdom about life.

Summary & “Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs or
has wings is a friend.”
“No animal must ever live in a house or sleep in a bed, pr ear clothes, or
drink alcohol, or smoke tobacco, or touch money, or engage in trade.”

Animals sang “Beasts of England”.

2. Feedback

课堂上提到了一些比较抽象难理解的词汇,比如说 propaganda 宣传,Orthodox 东正教,skeptics
怀疑主义者等。 如果还是不太明白,孩子们课后可以自己查一些资料。


3. Homework
(1) listen to the recordings of the story
(2) work on the vocabulary and key points listed above
(3) read chapter 3&4

4. Content of the next lesson

Animal Farm- chapter 2&3&4

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