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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No.

X | Month Year

Development of Students’ Mathematics Perseverance Scale within

the Project-Based Learning (PBL) Approach
Cherry Mae L. Bedoya1, Kareen Mar B. Catisay2, Freziel Ann M. Darong3, Maylyn Z. Mangkaw4
, Desiree N. Panilagao5, Cielo Mae L. Peñaranda6, Av Francis Secretaria7, Honey Joice S. Tanio8
Student, Institute of Teacher Education, Davao del Norte State College1-8,,,, ,,,

Abstract – A concise and factual abstract is required (between 200 - 250 words). The abstract should
state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. It should be bold Italic.
The whole manuscript except the title must follow the Times New Roman Font Style with 11 font size and
single spaced. The title of the article must be written in both small and capital letters with first letter of the
word capital, using font size 14 and bold. The 8.5” x 11” is the size of the paper to be used with margin of
1” in all sides. The name and surname of the author(s), their title, and the affiliation they work for and email
must be written. This provides the researchers a general template in preparation of the research paper for
publication in APJMR.
Keywords – Exploratory factor analysis, Mathematics Perseverance, Project-based learning
INTRODUCTION United States, Bettinger et al. [6] found that students
In recent years, Project-Based Learning (PBL) has who lacked perseverance had lower self-belief in their
emerged as a prominent pedagogical approach in learning ability, negatively affecting their performance
mathematics education, emphasizing inquiry-based in a PBL approach to mathematics education.
learning and real-world problem-solving skills [1], [2]. Similarly, a study in Indonesia conducted by Prastiti
Within this framework, students engage in authentic, [7] revealed that students who lacked perseverance in
collaborative tasks that require sustained effort and solving mathematical problems were less likely to
perseverance to navigate complex mathematical achieve higher-order thinking skills. However, on a
challenges, enhancing their 21st-century learning skills positive note, the study of Asmi et al. [8] in the same
[3]. According to Fisher et al. [4], in order to enhance country found that the PBL model positively impacted
students' ability to create work that is relevant to real- learning achievement, higher-order thinking skills,
world contexts, it is highly recommended to use a conceptual understanding, learning motivation, creative
learning approach that incorporates Project-Based thinking skills, and critical thinking skills.
Learning (PBL). Learning is not just about acquiring Despite implementing PBL approaches within the
knowledge but also about collaboratively creating new Philippines' educational system, the country continues
knowledge to solve complex problems. It requires to demonstrate persistently low performance in
interdisciplinary knowledge and perseverance to assessments such as the Programme for International
understand mathematics deeply [5]. Students must now Student Assessment (PISA). PISA data reveals an
be cognitively and emotionally well prepared to work alarming trend in students' mathematics performance in
together and solve complex challenges they may face in the Philippines. The Philippines showed concerning
their future professional lives. outcomes in both the 2018 and the most recent
Dinapoli [5] defines perseverance in problem- assessment. In the 2018 PISA results, the performance
solving as the ability to initiate and maintain productive was already below average, with only 27% of students
efforts in the face of mathematical obstacles, setbacks, achieving proficiency in mathematics, significantly
or discouragements. Overcoming obstacles and lower than the OECD average. The recent 2022 result
tolerating uncertainty have consistently been recognized remains dire, with only 16% of students attaining at
as crucial processes facilitating deep learning. In the least Level 2 proficiency, considerably less than the

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year

OECD average [9]. In these challenges, schools should instruments to effectively measure students'
prioritize strategies to actively engage students and perseverance in PBL-based mathematics instruction.
instill a deep appreciation for perseverance, particularly This study builds upon previous research on
in challenging subjects such as mathematics [10]. perseverance in mathematics education and assessment
In the local context, interviews with mathematics practices within the PBL framework. By synthesizing
teachers have revealed concerns about students' limited insights from scholars such as [10]–[11], [16], it seeks
perseverance in problem-solving tasks, aligning with to address the limitations of existing assessment tools
international research emphasizing its critical role in and contribute to the advancement of instructional
enhancing mathematical proficiency. Despite practices in PBL-based mathematics education.
recognizing PBL’s potential to cultivate perseverance Through developing and validating a Students'
and deepen understanding, teachers cited various Mathematics Perseverance Scale tailored specifically
barriers to its implementation, including resource for PBL, this research provides educators and
constraints and the need for comprehensive training. researchers with a valuable instrument for assessing and
These insights underscore the urgency of addressing promoting students' perseverance and achievement in
perseverance-related challenges and highlight PBL as a mathematics within authentic, real-world contexts.
promising approach to foster resilience and problem-
solving skills in mathematics education, necessitating OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
tailored support and strategies to integrate it into local This study aims to develop a comprehensive
teaching practices effectively. Students' Mathematics Perseverance Scale tailored to
While several research studies have attempted to the Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach. This scale
identify classroom practices that support students' addresses the research gap in the availability of a
perseverance in challenging mathematics [5] –[7], [11], contextually relevant instrument to measure students'
little is known about how these practices can perseverance within PBL environments. By developing
specifically improve students' perseverance over time. and validating this scale, the study seeks to enhance
Studies investigating the nature of productive struggle assessment tools in mathematics education, providing
have generally found that providing consistent educators and researchers with a valuable instrument to
opportunities for students to engage with unfamiliar accurately evaluate and understand students'
mathematical tasks encourages more variability in perseverance in mathematical problem-solving within
problem-solving strategies and more significant the context of PBL. Ultimately, the study aims to
learning gains than providing consistent opportunities to improve instructional practices and curriculum
engage with more procedural mathematics [12]. In PBL development in PBL-based mathematics education,
approaches, student perseverance is fostered by fostering students' perseverance and achievement in this
grappling with complex, real-world problems. As pedagogical approach.
students encounter challenges and uncertainties inherent
in these problems, they develop resilience and MATERIALS AND METHODS
determination to seek solutions [1]. Through
collaborative problem solving, iterative Research Design
experimentation, and reflection on failures and This study will utilize an explanatory sequential
successes, students cultivate a mindset of perseverance research design characterized by qualitative inquiry
essential for navigating complex subjects like followed by collecting and analyzing quantitative data
mathematics [4]. to explain and interpret the qualitative results [17].
Existing literature underscores the importance of Qualitative and quantitative research designs will
perseverance in mathematics education, highlighting its investigate the factors influencing students'
role as a predictor of academic achievement and mathematics perseverance understanding within the
problem-solving skills [13]–[15]. However, traditional context of Project-Based Learning (PBL). This study's
assessments often fail to capture the dynamic and sequential design comprehensively explores the
multifaceted nature of perseverance, particularly within complex factors influencing students' perseverance in
the collaborative and inquiry-driven environment of mathematics education within the PBL framework.
PBL [2], [8]. Consequently, there needs to be more Qualitative research designs focus on collecting data
research on the availability of contextually relevant that provides a naturalistic view of social phenomena
and understanding the meaning of the social world from

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year

the perspective of social actors in an actual setting [18]. sequential research design is well-suited for instrument
This type of research uses methods such as in-depth development. This design allows for the initial
interviewing and ethnographic observations to gather collection and analysis of qualitative data to establish
empirical evidence and develop theories [19]. On the the underlying structure and validity of the instrument.
other hand, according to Creswell & Creswell [17], Subsequently, the quantitative phase offers a deeper
quantitative research involves validating objective understanding of these factors, providing contextual
theories by exploring connections between different insights and enriching the interpretation of qualitative
factors. These factors are often measurable through findings. Through techniques like Exploratory Factor
instruments, enabling the collection of numerical data Analysis (EFA), the quantitative phase provides insights
that can be analyzed using statistical methods. into the essential factors influencing students’
The qualitative phase of the research involves mathematics perseverance within the PBL framework.
collecting in-depth qualitative data to explore further By integrating both qualitative and quantitative
and contextualize the quantitative findings. Key approaches, this design ensures a robust and
Informant Interviews (KIIs), influenced by the works of comprehensive development process for the assessment
researchers like [17]–[19], will be employed to provide instrument. It facilitates its validity, reliability, and
a comprehensive understanding of the mathematics effectiveness in measuring students' perseverance in
perseverance within PBL. KIIs, as suggested by [20], mathematics education within the PBL framework.
[21], will involve in-depth conversations with students Research Respondents
who demonstrate mathematical perseverance. The aim
The respondents of this study will be first-year
is to gain deeper insights into their experiences,
students at the Institute of Teacher Education at one of
perceptions, and perspectives related to perseverance in
the state colleges in Panabo City. A total of 332
mathematical problem-solving within the Problem-
students enrolled in the second semester of the
Based Learning (PBL) approach. These interviews with
academic year 2023-2024 will be the respondents'
key informants possessing expertise in the field will
population. They will be chosen as respondents based
contribute a nuanced perspective that complements the
on their Mathematics in the Modern World (MMW)
quantitative findings. Qualitative data analysis
course enrollment. Additionally, stratified random
techniques, such as thematic analysis, are employed to
sampling will be used to determine each set of samples
identify recurring themes, patterns, and detailed
from each program in the institute. Stratified random
descriptions that elucidate the quantitative findings and
sampling is used in statistical research to ensure
provide a deeper understanding of the factors
representation across various subgroups within a
influencing students' perseverance in mathematical
population [23]. This method involves dividing the
population into distinct and non-overlapping groups,
On the other hand, the quantitative phase involves
called strata, based on specific characteristics or
developing and administering a survey instrument to
variables relevant to the research. This approach will
assess students' mathematics perseverance within the
suit the current study's context as the respondents are
PBL framework. The survey includes items designed to
drawn from five (5) programs of the Institute of Teacher
measure various facets of PBL implementation, such as
Education students, representing a diverse population.
the clarity of project goals, collaborative learning
Implementing this technique guarantees equitable
experiences, teacher support, and student engagement in
representation of respondents across the entire
problem-solving. Data collected from the survey are
population being investigated. On the other hand, the
analyzed using statistical techniques, including
participants in the KIIs will exclusively comprise high-
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), to identify latent
achieving mathematics students. Studies have indicated
factors influencing students' perseverance. EFA is a
that students who exhibit greater perseverance in
statistical method used in quantitative research to
problem-solving achieved higher levels of success in
identify the underlying structure of a dataset by
mathematics [24], [25]. These students have
focusing on a smaller number of essential items called
consistently demonstrated exceptional proficiency and
factors [22]. This phase provides quantitative insights
success in mathematics, showcasing attributes such as
into the relationship between PBL implementation
advanced problem-solving skills, a deep understanding
factors and students' mathematics perseverance.
of mathematical concepts, and a strong intrinsic
The researchers will use an explanatory sequential motivation to excel in the subject [26].
research design to address the objectives. Explanatory
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year

Research Instruments interviews, transcriptions will be carefully reviewed for

This research will utilize two instruments to gather accuracy and completeness, with any discrepancies
data for the study. Data will be collected through semi- addressed promptly.
structured interviews using a researcher-made interview Survey. The researchers will cascade the
guide for the qualitative inquiry. The questions within questionnaires to the respondents with enough time to
the interview guide are designed to elicit in-depth complete them during the study. The researchers will
responses and facilitate rich data collection, allowing interact with the respondents while the questionnaires
for a comprehensive analysis of the research are administered. After the respondents have answered,
phenomenon. In the quantitative part, the instrument the researchers will double-check the questionnaires to
will be a researcher-made 5-point Likert scale, ranging ensure all items are completed. The quantitative data
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). This collected will be tallied in Microsoft Excel following
scale will comprise a series of items and indicators the survey. Once collated, the data will be sent to an
derived from the findings of the qualitative interviews. official statistician, who will analyze and interpret the
These items have been meticulously crafted to measure data using licensed software.
various dimensions or constructs identified as relevant Data Analysis
to the research objectives. Participants will be asked to The data will be analyzed and interpreted per the
rate their agreement or disagreement with each item, purpose of the study through the following qualitative
providing quantitative data that will complement and analysis method and statistical tool:
enrich the qualitative insights from the interviews. Thematic Analysis. The researchers will use simple
Data Gathering Procedure thematic analysis to analyze the participants’ responses.
The researchers will identify different codes, which will
Asking for Permission to Conduct the Study. The
be words or phrases that are repeated in the participants’
researchers will prepare a permission letter for the
responses relevant to the study’s questions.
study, which will be addressed to the dean of the
Exploratory Factor Analysis. This statistical tool
Institute and signed by the adviser, institute dean, and
will identify the underlying structures related to
program chairperson.
perseverance within PBL. EFA will reduce data
General orientation and seeking of consent from
complexity, identify latent factors, and validate
research respondents. The researchers will provide the
constructs, providing insights into the relationships
respondents with a study summary and explain the
among variables and enhancing understanding of
ethical considerations in data collection. They will
perseverance in PBL contexts.
request the respondents to sign an informed consent
Ethical Consideration
form to indicate that they are fully aware of their
participation in the study. The researchers will collect The researchers will inform the participants about
the consent forms the same day the respondents the nature and purpose of the study by circulating
complete the interviews and questionnaires. informative papers. The participants will not be
compelled to obtain information from them. They will
Qualitative inquiry. Before commencing the
also be given informative consent forms to protect their
interviews, the researchers will establish
rights and acknowledge their vulnerability, assuring
communication with the participants to explain the
them that their declination will not affect their grades.
purpose and nature of the study. The researchers will
Furthermore, the participants will be assured that
conduct the interviews upon mutual agreement,
personal data will not be disclosed to the public under
ensuring participants have sufficient time and space to
the revisions of RA 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of
express their perspectives. During the interview
2012. If the results are published, their identities will
sessions, the researchers will engage in interactive
remain unknown for their privacy and protection.
dialogue with the participants, facilitating an open
exchange of ideas and insights. Following the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
completion of each interview, the researchers will
The contents of the journal are peer-reviewed and
review the responses to ensure clarity and
archival. The international journal publishes scholarly
comprehensiveness, addressing any potential
ambiguities or omissions. The researchers will audio- articles of archival value as well as tutorial expositions
record the entire conversation with the consent of the and critical reviews of classical subjects and topics of
participants. Upon completion of the qualitative current interest. Authors should consider that the
technical papers submitted for publication must advance
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year

the state of knowledge and must cite relevant prior sufficiently described so that without reading the text,
work. The length of a submitted paper should be figure should be understandable. All figures, tables, etc.
commensurate with the importance, or appropriate to must have a caption, centre-justified. Tables and figures
the complexity, of the work. For example, an obvious should appear as close to their point of reference as
extension of previously published work might not be satisfactory formatting of the final document permits.
appropriate for publication or might be adequately
treated in just a few pages. Authors must convince both
peer reviewers and the editors of the scientific and A conclusion may review the main points of the
technical merit of a paper; the standards of proof are paper, do not replicate the abstract as the conclusion. A
conclusion might elaborate on the importance of the
higher when extraordinary or unexpected results are
work or suggest applications and extensions.
Because replication is required for scientific REFERENCES
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P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year

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P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year

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Appendixes, if needed, appear before the references.

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |

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