Forgotten Realms Prestige Classes Compendium 1 (SAMPLE)

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Hammer and Anvil

You can hit harder than ever, you can take hard
There are many different types of hits, and Moradin guides your thrown hammers
Fighters, from the expert archer to back to your hands.
the general that guides his troops by Starting at 7th level, any damage you would
example, from the noble knight to the suffer is reduced by 1 (before applying any
brutish brawler. resistance). Moreover, once per turn when you hit
The Hammer of Moradin is a dwarven with a bludgeoning weapon you deal an extra 1d6
tradition of fighters that focuses on bludgeoning damage.
resilience, the use of hammers and In addition, any light hammer you throw can be
also fighting the sworn enemies of the recalled back to your hand with a bonus action, if it
dwarves: orcs, goblins, drows and is within 30ft.

Hammer of Moradin Courage of the Dark Tunnels

Delving deep into the underdark to fight the drow
Within the halls of Citadel Adbar in the icy North, and their minions requires unflinching courage and
an elite order of devoted warriors stands ready to determination.
defend the dwarven people against the onslaught of Starting at 10th level, you and all allies within 10ft
fell giants, dark elves, and goblinoids. Called the can’t be frightened while you are conscious.
Hammers of Moradin, they serve as Citadel Adbar’s In addition, your Ancestral Enemies feature now
rallying point against the incursion of dark creatures works also against drows, spiders, quaggoths and
that haunt the North. The regular army, known as driders.
the Iron Guard, defends the city capably, but the
hammers actively strike out against the monsters
farther afield, bringing the righteous fury of the Soul Herald of the Earthquake
Forger to their enemies’ very doorsteps. The
Hammer of Moradin specializes in the use of A well placed strike with a hammer against the
hammers of all sorts, but are expert in the use of any ground, backed by your muscles and the will of
bludgeoning weapon. Moradin himself, can shake the earth and topple
your enemies.
Starting at 15th level, you can strike the ground
Restrictions with a warhammer or a maul as an action, forcing
Only dwarves can become Hammers of Moradin. any creature in a 60ft cone to fall prone unless
they succeed at a Strength saving throw
(DC=8+Constitution+proficiency bonus). If the
Acolyte of Moradin weapon is a +1 or better magical weapon, add the
You learn the Spare the Dying cantrip, and you enhancement bonus to the DC.
become proficient in History or Religion.

Ancestral Enemies Strength of the Mountains

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you Not even the mighty giants can stand against the
can add your proficiency bonus to weapon mighty blows of your hammers, and you are as
damage. This feature works only against goblins, immovable as the mountains themselves.
hobgoblins, bugbears, orcs and worgs at 3rd level, Starting at 18th level, you score critical hits with
but will apply against other creatures as well at light hammers, warhammers and mauls with a
later levels. natural roll of 19 or 20.
Activating this feature requires a bonus action, Moreover, you can’t be pushed, fall prone or be
and it lasts for 1 minute; you can use it twice, then moved from your position unless you want to.
you must finish a long rest to regain its uses. In addition, your Ancestral Enemies feature now
works also against creatures of the Giant type.

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