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Crafting Mundane Alchemical Items
Item Name Materials Cost* Purchase Price Crafting Time Suggested DC**
Acid 13 gp 25 gp 1 day 10
Alchemist's Fire 25 gp 50 gp 1 day 10
Healing Draught 20 gp 40 gp 1 day 15
Smoke Stick 13 gp 25 gp 1 day 15
Swift Step Draught 25 gp 50 gp 1 day 20
Tanglefoot Bag 25 gp 50 gp 1 day 20
Thunderstone (common) 25 gp 50 gp 1 day 20
Thunderstone (crystalline) 30 gp 60 gp 1 day 20

 Alchemical Items

Using an alchemical item non-offensively, such as drinking a
draught or pouring acid into a lock, requires using an action

while in combat. Throwing an alchemical item at an enemy is
considered a ranged attack with an improvised weapon that
 a range of up to 20 feet.




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Improved Potency Alchemical Items
Tier Time Cost Mulitplier Effect DC Modifier Radius Increase
Greater 1 workweek 4x x2 +5 +5'
Superior 3 workweeks 40x x4 +10 +10'
Supreme 4 workweeks 400x x5 +15 +15'

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