Welding Stress Relieving

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Analytical Modeling of Thermal Stress Relieving

in Stainless and High Strength Steel Weldments

One-dimensional analysis is extended for calculating residual

stresses after the welding of thin plates and subsequent

stress relief heat treatment


ABSTRACT. An analytical and experimen- Introduction avoided when stress relieving by

tal investigation of the effectiveness of mechanical means (through overstressing
stress relief heat treatments — in terms of During welding, local nonuniform heat- or vibratory treatments), mechanical
the attained reduction of residual stress- ing and subsequent cooling cause the means are usually less effective and not
es—is presented. A cost-effective analyt- development of complex thermal strains universally accepted.
ical model is employed for the calculation and stresses that finally lead to residual In order to judge the effectiveness of a
of temperatures, strains and stresses dur- stresses and distortion. These effects are stress relief heat treatment with regard to
ing and after welding and subsequent usually detrimental - directly or indirect- the accomplished reduction of residual
stress relief heat treatments of thin plates. ly—to the integrity and the service stresses, it should be necessary to mea-
Stress relaxation due to creep at high behavior of a welded structure. In partic- sure the maximum residual stresses
temperatures is modeled. Any tempera- ular, high tensile residual stresses in the before and after the treatment. The dif-
ture history during the heat treatment can region near the weld might promote ference would be a realistic measure of
be input to the model. Uniform tempera- brittle fracture, change the fatigue performance. However, an acceptable
ture heating in a furnace and line heating strength, or lead —under suitable envi- alternative to the time-consuming, costly,
with a flame are further examined. ronmental conditions —to stress corro- and usually destructive residual stress
Initial verification experiments are per- sion cracking. Compressive residual measurements, would be a proper ana-
formed with 3/B in. (9.5 mm) thick Type stresses combined with initial distortion lytical model. Furthermore, such a model
304 stainless steel plates. The specimens may reduce the buckling strength, would be very helpful in determining —
are edge-welded and stress relieved in a whereas excessive distortion might by a series of parametric analyses —an
furnace. The plates are finally sectioned, directly prevent the structure from per- optimal lower temperature heat treat-
and residual stresses are measured by forming its intended function (Ref. 1). ment, where a properly selected heating
stress relaxation. Some further experi- Several methods aimed at reducing or pattern would most effectively reduce or
ments are also performed with Vi in. redistributing residual stresses have been redistribute stresses while keeping the
(12.7 mm) thick HY-130 high strength proposed and are currently in use. These metallurgical changes minimal.
steel plates. Good correlation between include both postweld mechanical and In the past, various investigators devot-
experimental results and analytical predic- stress relief heat treatments. The latter ed extensive research efforts to the anal-
tions can be obtained, if the model basically involve heating of the weld- ysis of residual stresses and their conse-
assumptions are not seriously violated. ment, or of the structure as a whole, to quences. Recently at M.I.T., an over ten-
an elevated temperature, and holding at year long research program dealing with
that temperature in order to permit stress this subject has been completed. In the
relaxation. This is followed by slow cool- course of this program, analytical and
Paper presented at the 64th Annual AWS
Convention held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ing to prevent the reintroduction of numerical models were developed for
during April 25-29, 1983. stresses. Due to the required high tem- the analysis of heat transfer, transient and
peratures, stress relief heat treatments residual stresses, and fracture characteris-
j. £ AGAPAKIS is a Research Assistant and K typically have undesirable effects on the tics of weldments (Refs. 1, 2).
MASUBUCHI is Professor of Ocean Engineer-
microstructure and mechanical proper- The study reported in this paper was
ing and Materials Science, Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachu- ties of both the base metal and the weld undertaken in order to integrate the
setts. metal. Although such effects can be aspects of both analysis and control of


soaking) period, the temperature is kept which would make parametric analysis
TEMPERATURE constant, and residual stresses are infeasible. Instead, a one-dimensional
reduced due to creep. Finally, during the model was developed similar to the one
cool-down period, residual stresses successfully employed at M.I.T. in the
increase due to the temperature depen- past for the prediction of residual stresses
dence of the mechanical properties, but in long, thin butt or edge welded plates
hopefully (when the treatment is success- (Refs. 1, 11). This model was modified to
ful) not to their initial levels (Ref. 5). calculate strains and stresses during and
In analyzing the residual stress relax- after uniform-temperature treatments
ation during heat treatments, various and line heating with a flame. Stress
approaches have been followed by dif- relaxation due to creep at high tempera-
ferent investigators. Very simple uniform tures was also included in the model.
residual stress distributions are usually
Fig. 1 — Temperature history during stress relief assumed so that the uniaxial stress-strain Temperature Distribution
heat treatments curves of the material can be directly
employed. Such analytical results are For estimating the non-uniform and
residual stresses associated with welding. obtained and experimentally tested by changing with time temperature distribu-
The effectiveness of stress relief heat Tanaka (Ref. 6). tions during the welding of butt or edge
treatments in terms of the attained reduc- For more complex cases and two- or joints in plates (Fig. 2), the following
tion of residual stresses was both analyti- three-dimensional stress states, numerical fundamental assumptions are incorporat-
cally and experimentally investigated models have been proposed to handle ed in the model:
(Refs. 2, 3, and 4). Analytical models the thermal-elastic-plastic and creep anal- 1. The plate is infinitely large and very
developed for welding were extended so yses required. Ueda and Fukuda present- thin.
as to also handle a subsequent stress ed a finite element model capable of 2. The welding arc can be modeled as
relief heat treatment. Verification experi- calculating welding residual stresses and a line heat source and, therefore, no
ments were then performed with stain- stress relief due to creep (Ref. 7). Fujita et temperature gradient exists through the
less (Type 304) and high strength (HY- al. developed a thermo-visco-elastic-plas- thickness of the plate (two-dimensional
130) steel plate specimens. tic model to study the mechanism of temperature distribution).
stress relief annealing (Ref. 8). Cameron 3. The temperature distribution is sta-
and Pemberton proposed a numerical tionary if viewed from a coordinate sys-
model of the thermal stress relief in thin tem moving with the heat source (quasi-
Analysis of Residual Stress shells of revolution (Ref. 9). Finally, Josef- stationary case).
Relaxation son in a recent study, employed axisym- The temperature distribution can then
metric finite element analysis to calculate be obtained by modifying the well
Background the redistribution of residual stresses dur- known Rosenthal solution for a line heat
Residual stress changes can arise during ing annealing of thin-walled girth welded source (Refs. 12, 13), as described in
all three stages of a heat treatment. pipes (Ref. 10). Appendix A.
Referring to Fig. 1, during the heating part For the purposes of the study reported During heat treatment any arbitrary
of the process, residual stresses decrease here, it was decided not to use the finite temperature distribution can be input to
due to the temperature dependence of element models previously developed at the model. In this initial study, however,
the mechanical properties (mainly M.I.T. for the analysis of welding residual only uniform temperature treatments and
through a reduction of the yield strength stresses. This decision was based on the flame heating along a line were analyzed.
with temperature). During the holding (or high computer implementation cost In the former case, a uniform tempera-

Fig. 2— Weldment configuration (plates welded using butt joint)



Fig. 3 (right) — Arrangement of the heat source images for a finite-width

and finite-thickness plate

188-s | JUNE 1984

ture distribution was assumed over the 6;5(y) + A^(y)]dy both plastic and creep behaviors are
entire plate, changing with time as in Fig. present simultaneously. Prior creep
1. In the case of line heating, the temper- - (A2 - yA 3 ) deformations influence subsequent plas-
ature distribution was calculated in a way tic behavior and vice versa (Refs. 18, 19).
analogous to welding, by modifying the +C Since only limited information is available
j E[a • (6(y)-eo) + ^(y) + A^MJydy
Rosenthal solution for a point-heat on these mutual interactions, the t w o
source moving on a semi-infinite body behaviors were modeled separately in
(Refs. 12, 13). In order to describe the where A-,, A 2 , and A3 can be obtained this study, as already noted in the previ-
temperature distribution more accurately from the known temperature distribution ous section.
for the case of a finite width and finite and the material properties. Very little information is available in the
thickness plate heated by a traveling heat The above t w o equations, together literature on the creep behavior of high-
source, an infinite series of heat source with a uniaxial stress-strain law and a strength, quenched and tempered steels
images have to be used (Fig. 3) as detailed relation between stress and creep strain such as HY-80 and HY-130. Only some
in Appendix A. increments, are sufficient for the solution data on the minimum creep rupture time
of the stress problem. Some further are reported (Ref. 20). For stainless steels,
required assumptions and the iterative on the other hand, numerous studies
Stress Analysis
solution procedures are briefly outlined have been performed to investigate their
To calculate the transient and residual below: elevated-temperature inelastic behavior.
stresses during and after welding and 1. During welding and during the heat- Uniaxial creep behavior of stainless steels
subsequent stress relief heat treatments, ing and cooling stages of a uniform tem- during the primary and secondary stage
the method of successive elastic solutions perature heat treatment (Fig. 1), creep is can be modeled by an equation of the
is employed. The procedure, outlined by not taken into account. In that case, the form:
Mendelson (Refs. 14, 15) was first used in inelastic strain increments are entirely due
the solution of welding problems by Tall to plastic deformation. At each time step,
«x(o-x,t,0) = f(o-x,0) [ l - e - ^ - 9 " ]
(Ref. 16), and later by Masubuchi ef al. it is initially assumed that no plastic strain
(Ref. 17). exists and thus equation (2) can be used (3)
For the analysis of the stress state at a for a first approximation of the total and + g(<rx,0) • t
center cross section of a plate (Fig. 2) due the mechanical strain. From the assumed
to an arbitrary and changing with time stress-strain law, a first approximation of
temperature distribution, 0(y,t), it is the plastic strain can then be obtained. where £ is the uniaxial creep strain, <rx the
assumed that at time t, the section is a This value can be further used in equation applied stress, 6 the test temperature and
part of an infinitely long plate subject to (2) for a second approximation of the t the time. The functions f(<rx,0), r(crx,0) and
the same temperature distribution over total strain, and the process can be g(<Tx,#) can be deduced from creep test
its entire length. This temperature profile repeated until convergence is reached. data by curve fitting. Clinard ef al. (Ref.
is assumed to remain the same during the 2. During the holding stage of heat 21), report the following representation
current time increment, At. It is further treatment, it is assumed that residual at 6 = 1100°F (594 °C) for Type 304 stain-
assumed that stress is non-zero only in stresses can be changed only through less steels:
the direction of the weld and this stress is creep deformation. At each time step,
only a function of the transverse distance the inelastic strain increments are only
from the weld center line (one-dimen- due to creep, and the previously accu- f(<rx) = 5.436 X l O ' V
sional stress distribution ox = <rx(y)). mulated plastic strain remains constant. It
If crx(y) and cx(y) are the stress and strain is initially assumed that the creep strain r(<7x) = 5.929 X 10" 5 exp(0.2029<rx) (4)
distributions at the end of a time interval increment during each time step is zero,
so that a first approximation of the total g(crx) = 6.73 X 10~9 [Sinh (0.1479a x )] 30
At, the total strain can then be decom-
posed to elastic, thermal and inelastic strain can be obtained from equation (2).
(plastic and creep) components as fol- This value can be substituted in equation
lows: (1) to obtain a first approximation of the where <rx is expressed in ksi (1 ksi = 6.894
stress <rx, which in turn can be used in the MPa), t in hours and the creep strain (e$) in
creep law of the material to get a second in./in. (mm/mm). Creep response to
tx(y) = — + « • approximation of the creep strain incre- constant uniaxial compression is usually
assumed to be identical to that in tension
(D ment. Then again, the process can be
repeated until convergence is reached. (actually a reflection of it with respect to
(%) - «0) 4- e"i(y) 4- Ae-(y) At the start of the next time step, the total the time axis).
inelastic strain will be equal to the initial For the complete description of the
plastic strain plus the accumulated creep time dependent behavior of the material,
where E is the Young's modulus, a the strain during the previous time incre- a "hardening rule" is needed in order to
coefficient of thermal expansion, e'S(y) the ments. predict the creep response when the
accumulated inelastic strain during the stress levels are changing. The t w o most
previous time increments, Ae'S(y) the commonly used rules, time hardening
Creep Laws
change of inelastic strain during the cur- and strain hardening, are strictly correct
rent time increment, and 0O the initial Creep, the time dependent deforma- only in step changes of stress that are of
temperature. tion and fracture of materials, is probably long duration. Experimental evidence
Since no external forces and moments the most general type of material behav- tends to support a strain hardening for-
act on the plate, the following expression ior. The current state of the art in inelastic mulation for the case of Type 304 stain-
can be derived from global equilibrium high-temperature analysis requires that less steels. However, in our problem
for the total strain, tx(y), as outlined in plasticity and creep constitutive equa- where small changes of stress take place
Appendix B: tions be formulated largely on indepen- at each infinitesimal time step, it was
dent bases. However, elevated-tempera- decided to adopt time-hardening for
ture deformation is, essentially, the result computational efficiency. Specifically, the
«x(y) = (AT - yA 2 ) J+_CE[a • (9(y)-0o) 4- creep strain increment Ac£(y) accumu-
of time-dependent processes where


o / A T 3.0 in.
o / A T 1.5 in.
^ A T 2.0 i i r / -
* ^AT I.Oin.
cn —ff\\ S'
-.7| l\V
- !\
;J- : '""""AT 0.5 in.

2 -i.< - | // <§>
< 1 /
I /
O -2 I 1 /
1 /
| /
1 /
-2.8 •> 1 1 I 1 i i i

0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 270

90 360 450 180540 630
TIME (seconds) TIME ( seconds)
Fig. 4 — Temperatures and mechanical strains as predicted by the one-dimensional program during edge welding of Type 304 stainless steel:
A — temperatures; B — mechanical strains


At 0.5 in.


.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 -.0 3.0

1.0 4.0 5.02.0 6.0
Fig. 5 —Results of uniform heating at 1100°F (593°C) (Type 304 stainless steel): A—assumed temperatures; B — stresses as predicted by the
one-dimensional program

lated between time t and t 4- At (at each The predictions of the one-dimensional plotted in Fig. 4. For ease of comparison
point along the cross section) is: model for the case of edge welding and with experimental data, the same loca-
subsequent uniform temperature stress tions of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 in. (12.7,
relief heat treatment of Type 304 stain- 25.4, 38.1, 50.8 and 76.2 mm) from the
A^(y) = c&orM t + At, 0(y)] less steel plates are presented here. weld line are selected. During the uni-
(5) Welding and stress relief heat treatment form stress relieving, the assumed tem-
- e£My), t, % ) ] conditions were assumed exactly the perature history is shown in Fig. 5A and
same as in the stainless steel experiments the predicted variations in stress are plot-
described in the next section. Tempera- ted, versus time, in Fig. 5B. Comparisons
In the above equation, the creep strain
tures, strains, and stresses were calculat- of the predicted residual stress distribu-
rate Ae x (y)/At is a function of stress, time ed across a center strip of the specimen tion after welding and after stress reliev-
and temperature. Time hardening was throughout welding and stress relief ing are given in Fig. 6.
assumed in order to avoid the added operations.
computations of solving equation (3) for
The assumed variation of material
time, as a strain hardening formulation
would require.
properties with temperature was ob- Experimental Study
tained from the literature (Refs. 3, 21, 22,
Initial Verification Tests on Type 304
23). A range of values was found for the
Implementation and Results Stainless Steel Plates
arc efficiency and the surface heat loss
In the computer implementation of the coefficients. Since no experimental mea- To compare with the analytical predic-
previously described model, most of the surements of these parameters were tions, initial experiments were performed
integrations were performed numerically. made in this study, the actual selected using Type 304 stainless steel plates. The
Significant simplifications were also possi- values within that range were such as to geometry and the dimensions of the main
ble in special cases due to symmetry or minimize the deviation of the predicted specimens are shown in Fig. 7. All plates
uniformity of the temperature distribu- welding temperature history from the were edge welded, and all but one were
tions. Several sample cases were tested experimentally measured one (Refs. 3, subsequently stress relieved in a furnace
(Refs. 3, 4), and the results generally 4). at different holding temperatures. The
showed good correlation with experi- The predicted temperatures and plates were finally sectioned, and residual
mental data for thin plates. mechanical strains during welding are stresses were measured by stress relax-

190-s|JUNE 1984
35 -AFTER WELDING S/G and T/C o 5in
3/8" for 3 0 4 ST. ST.
l/2"for HY-I30 a.
-22.0in •x
.18 2.7 3.6 4.5 5.4 6.3
I inch = 2 5 . 4 mm
Fig. 7 —Specimen geometry and instrumentation
Fig. 6 —Comparison of residual stresses before, during, and after 2
heating at 500"F (260"C) and at 1100CF (593°C) as predicted by the
one-dimensional program (Type 304 stainless steel) —i

Q. tUU.U X
if) i V.\--.. O
UJ CO tr
cr o 0.0 ^ <
T3 V)
Q ui
o -400.0 tr
a> i-
v 3.0 z
tn « -800.0 ui
2.0 S
X a
L5 O
< z -I200.0
A \ _i
cr -
L0 >
UJ £ -I600.0 / \ Ul
o / 0.5 Q

z oXtr
5 -2000.0
o <
o cr UJ
2 -2400.0
tr z
X i i I i i i I i i i
z ?Qnn n
0.0 j I i I i i i £
< 0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 a.
0.0 4 0 0 . 8 0 0 . I200. I600. 2000. O
Fig. 8 —Results obtained during welding of specimen #2 (Type 304 stainless steel): A -measured temperatures; B - measured strains (strains corrected >
for temperature induced apparent strain and gage factor variations) a

ation. The temperature and strain 23 V, arc current —90 A, welding wire The observed temperature and strain <
changes during welding and subsequent feed speed — 175 ipm (4445 mm/s), and histories, shown in Figure 8, for specimen ui
heat treatment were measured by ther- welding travel speed—16 ipm (406.4 #2, were almost identical in all specimens uu
mocouples and electrical-resistance strain mm/s). (Ref. 3). Based on this similarity in the tr
gages attached on the plates —Fig. 7.
Failure of the strain gages at the high
temperatures encountered near the weld
Table 1—Stress Relief Heat Treatment Conditions for the Verification Tests ui
line dictated positioning them at some £
distance away. This, however, prevented a.
measurement of the tensile residual stress Specimen Holding temperature Time in Furnace, O
number °F (°q h
Short-circuiting gas metal arc welding 1 500°F (260°C)
was performed on all specimens utilizing 2 Not stress relieved
a 0.035 in. (0.89 mm) diameter Type 308 3
Approx. 379°F (188°Q otr
stainless steel welding wire, and a 90% 1100°F (593°C)
500°F (260°C) <
He-7'/2 % A-2!/2 % C 0 2 gas mixture. The Ul
370°F (188°C) Vi
finally selected welding conditions were UJ
the same for all specimens: arc voltage — tr


distribution of transient temperatures and ticular, are shown in Fig. 10. Finally, after weld metal at temperatures between
strains, it is reasonable to assume that very stress relieving, the destroyed gages 950°F (510°C) and 1050°F (566°C).
similar residual stress distributions existed were replaced, the plates were sec- However, a severe degradation of notch
in all the specimens after welding. tioned, and the obtained distribution of toughness may also occur at these tem-
After welding and cooling, one speci- residual stresses was compared with the peratures. This embrittlement, which is
men (#2) was directly cut in order to one in the as-welded case —Fig. 11. phenomenologically similar to temper
determine the residual stresses in the It should be noted at this point that embrittlement, is believed to be influ-
as-welded condition, whereas the rest austenitic stainless steels have to be heat- enced by the soaking temperature, the
(specimens # 1 , #3 and #4) were stress ed to about 1650°F (900°C) to attain time at temperature, the cooling rates,
relieved at different holding tempera- significant stress relief because of their the plastic strain, the exact alloy composi-
tures before cutting. good creep resistance. Only partial stress tion, and prior heat treatment.
Details on the stress relief heat treat- relief can be attained at temperatures Extensive investigation on the subject
ment conditions are given in Table 1. The lower than 1600°F (870°C). Best stress- was performed by the U.S. Steel Corpo-
temperature history during stress reliev- relieving results are usually achieved by ration and the U.S. Navy (N.S.R.D.C.
ing is depicted in Fig. 9 for specimens #1, slow cooling. Nevertheless, an optimal Materials Laboratory). Results by Rosen-
#3 and #4. Strain measurements during stress relieving temperature is usually dif- stein (Ref. 24) indicated that stress relief
stress relieving were only taken for spec- ficult to select, since the heat treatments cycles are cumulative in nature; this con-
imens #1 and #3, since the gages were that would provide adequate stress relief clusion was reached when comparing the
destroyed at temperatures above 550°F can be detrimental in terms of corrosion tensile and Charpy properties resulting
(288°C). Strains for specimen #3, in par- resistance; also, the ones that are not from consequent heat treatments of
harmful to corrosion resistance may not short duration and one single treatment
provide adequate stress relief. of long duration, both having the same
In the final selection of a proper stress soaking times. Furthermore, it was
ity*lAiWW>j|wvjw«Vu relief heat treatment, due consideration observed that the degradation of notch
must, therefore, be given not only to the toughness was maximum when stress
(THERMOCOUPLE INSULATION material, itself, but also to the fabrication relieving at 950°F (510°C) and minimum
parameters and to the operating environ- when at 1050°F (566°C). However,
investigations of the effects of stress
ment (Ref. 22). For Type 304 stainless
relieving on the weld metal have shown
steel in particular, stress relieving temper-
that the higher temperatures may sub-
SPECIMEN # l atures between 900°F (482°C) and
stantially reduce the yield and tensile
1000°F (538°C) are usually recommend-
strength of the weld metal, and thus may
ed in order to knock off the peak stresses
cause undermatching. Therefore, the
and to ensure dimensional stability.
most practical temperature range for
Further Experiments on HY-130 High effective stress relieving of HY-130 weld-
Strength Steel Plates ments is between 1000°F (538°C) and
1025°F (552°C).
The very high residual stresses that
0.0 5000. I0000. I5000. 20000. 25000.
develop during welding of HY-130 The geometry and the configuration of
TIME IN SECONDS quenched and tempered steels make the tested HY-130 steel specimens is
Fig. 9—Measured temperatures during heating stress relief heat treatments very attrac- shown in Fig. 7. All plates were edge
of specimens #1, §3, and #4 (Type 304 stain- tive. Substantial reduction of stresses was welded, and all but one were subse-
less steel) shown to occur in both the base and quently stress relieved by either uniform

0.0 t\
c_> -I00.0 - \ / 2.0
z V
-200.0 / / /""
ul r i ; /
X -300.0 V
Z °>
— TJ
8- -^
CJ c —\ —
2 S -500.0
Z v_
z \
< -700.0 -V 0.5 1.5
-800.0 - 1.0
I- -900.0
tr .• I 0 0 0 . 0 i i i i l i
-1000.0 j i i i_
o 0.0
0 5000. 10000. 15000. 20000. 0.0 5 0 0 0 . 10000. 1 5 0 0 0 . 2 0 0 0 0
Fig. 10 — Measured mechanical strain during heating of specimen §3 (Type 304 stainless steel). Strains were corrected for temperature induced strai
and gage factor variations

192-s|JUNE 1984
a AS WELDED (#2)
\- 0.0

ft -10.0

-20.0 ,1 .1 L
0.0 3.0 6.0
< 0.0 4 0 0 . 0 800.0 I200.0 I600.0 2000.0
Fig. 11 - Comparison of measured longitudinal residual stresses Fig 12 -Measured temperatures during welding of specimen #2 (HY-130
after welding and after stress relief heat treatment (Type 304 steel)
stainless steel)

heating or line heating by an oxyacety- ting. Their location is again depicted in v o l t a g e - 2 7 V, arc c u r r e n t - 2 2 5 A,
lene flame. The plates were then cut, and Fig. 7. welding wire feed speed —285 ipm
residual stresses were measured by stress Spray-transfer gas metal arc welding (120.7 mm/s), and welding travel
relaxation. Only temperatures were mea- was performed on all specimens utilizing s p e e d - 2 1 ipm (8.9 mm/s).
sured during welding and stress relieving 0.045 in. (1.145 mm) diameter Airco AX- The observed temperature distribution
operations. Strain gages were installed on 140 welding wire and a 98% A-2% 0 2 was very similar in all plates —Fig. 12.
all specimens (in both the longitudinal and gas mixture. The selected welding condi- After welding, specimen #1 was direct-
the transverse direction) only before cut- tions were (same for all specimens): arc ly cut in order to determine the as-

180.0 At 3.0
UJ 160.0 i \ / /At 2.0
i ^^A*L^
120.0 t /' // // / \
At 1.5 in.
^ - ^
^ ^
100.0 M \
< w
§V \ At 1.0 in.
UJ 60.0 - \ A t 0.5 in.
Q. HEATED STRIP at y « 4 . 3 i n .
O 40.0
X 0.0 1 1 1 l i
1000. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 0 .0 500.1000.1500.2000.2500.3000.
Fig. 13-Measured temperatures during heating of specimen §2 (HY-130 steel): A-during uniform heating; B- during flame heating


welded residual stress distribution. Speci- I40 ing the treatment can be also assumed.
men #2 was heated in a furnace at The one dimensional model is simple
1000°F (538°C) and air cooled to room AS WELDED and, unlike finite element models, is very
temperature. Since no comprehensive cost-effective in its computer implemen-
creep data were available for HY-130 tation. Therefore, it allows for a series of
O EXPERIMENT, y= 1.6 in.
steels, stress relaxation during uniform I00 parametric analyses to be performed and
PROGRAM, y= 1.6tn.
heating could not be handled by the the relative importance of various param-
A EXPERIMENT, y = 4.3in.
analytical model. Thus, the plates were eters to be easily investigated. Some
r= 80
only left in the furnace until a uniform fine-tuning of the model is also possible
temperature of 1000°F (538°C) was through a limited number of experiments.
attained. £60 Such features are essential when deter-
Specimens #3 and #4, on the other tr
mining an optimal stress relieving treat-
hand, were flame heated using an oxy- CO 4 0 ment, where a properly selected heating
acetylene torch. The torch was moved at pattern would maximize stress relief.
a constant speed of 1 ipm (25.4 mm/min) The analytical model can be effectively
along a line parallel to the weld center 2 20 used as long as the previously outlined
line and at a distance of 1.6 in. (40.6 mm) assumptions are not severely violated,
from it for specimen #3 and 4.3 in. (109.2 0 - especially with respect to the two-dimen-
mm) for specimen #4. The selection of sionality of the temperature distribution
the torch velocity and location was based and the one-dimensionality of stresses.
-20 The high temperature inelastic behavior
on analytical predictions for maximum
stress relaxation (Ref. 4). I 2 3 4 5 6 of the material must also be well estab-
The temperature distributions during DISTANCE FROM WELD LINEtin.) lished and modeled, as was the case for
heating are shown in Fig. 13. The experi- Fig. 15 —Longitudinal residual stresses after the Type 304 stainless steels.
mentally observed residual stress distribu- we/ding and strip heating (HY-130 steel) For the case of HY-130 high strength
tions are given, together with analytical steels, the creep behavior was not mod-
predictions, in Figs. 14 and 15. eled, and further investigation is needed
tively low cost of these systems should before definite conclusions are drawn. It
Computer-Aided Welding Experimentation be contrasted to the significant effort and should be noted, however, that the one-
time required for the manual data reduc- dimensional welding model was found in
An important by-product of the exper- tion. These considerations coupled with the past (Ref. 1) as not being able to
imental part of this study was the devel- the availability of compact, powerful and accurately predict the welding residual
opment of a highly flexible microcomput- inexpensive microcomputers led in the stress distribution in high strength
er-based data acquisition and processing decision to develop a computer-aided quenched and tempered steels, especial-
system for welding and heat-treating data acquisition system. ly in the area near the weld line. The
experiments. In the past, light-writing observed discrepancies can be attributed
The system would not only be used for
oscillographs have almost exclusively to departure from the assumptions of the
recording temperatures, strains, displace-
been used as data recording devices analytical model and the fact that phase
ments and welding conditions during
during welding experiments. However, transformations during cooling are not
experiments but would also ultimately
the simplicity of operation and the rela- taken into account.
become the necessary data acquisition
and processing element in real-time weld- Analytical models for the study of
ing process control applications. The welding residual stresses do not have the
main components of the configured wide applicability and the predictive
I40 modular system are: capability of numerical ones. Nonethe-

1. A MINC-23 microcomputer manu-
factured by D.E.C.
less, it should be noted that they are
significantly less expensive to implement
2. A 9000 data acquisition system and thus can be readily employed in
n EXPERIMENT parametric analyses or in order to obtain
made by Daytronic Corporation.
100- AFTER HEATING AT I000°F a first approximation of the stress distri-
Software and hardware were devel-
PROGRAM oped so that high speed data acquisition butions. Furthermore, it should be men-
80 x EXPERIMENT under various configurations was possi- tioned that simple analytical models are
ble (Refs. 25, 26). Interfacing with other also becoming increasingly important in
co computers or test instruments, and use of augmenting simple feedback in control
LU 60 - the system for welding process control applications where capability for real-
are directly feasible. time implementation or closed-form rep-
resentation is essential. Further work
< along the same lines is now under way in
O Conclusion current M.I.T. research programs where
U~> 20" simplified analytical models will be used in
LU The study presented in this paper was the control of temperature distribution
tr an initial step towards an integrated and history during and after welding and
0 - approach in the analysis and control of in the control of laser forming of steel
welding residual stresses. The one-dimen- plates.
-20- sional stress analysis was extended to
calculate residual stresses not only after
I 2 ,3 4 5 6 welding of thin plates but also after
subsequent stress relief heat treatments. Acknowledgment
Fig. 14—Longitudinal residual stresses after Although only uniform heating and line This study was performed as a final
welding and after uniform heating at 1000"F heating with a flame were examined, any part of a 4'/2 year contract with the
(538 °C) - (HY-130 steel) temperature history and distribution dur- Office of Naval Research (Contract no.

194-s | JUNE 1984

N00014-75-C-0469). T h e authors grate- 15. Mendelson, A., Hirschberg, M. H , and are not taken into account.
fully a c k n o w l e d g e the financial s u p p o r t Manson, S. S. 1959 (Dec). A general approach U n d e r these assumptions, t h e closed
p r o v i d e d b y O.N.R. Special thanks are to the practical solution of creep problems. f o r m solution o f t h e c o n d u c t i o n d i f f e r e n -
Transactions, ASME, journal of Basic Engineer-
also d u e t o M r . Kevin P. Carpentier w h o tial e q u a t i o n is:
ing: 585-598.
p e r f o r m e d the HY-130 experiments, t o
16. Tall, L 1964. Residual stresses in welded
Dr. Vassilios J. Papazoglou f o r his help in Q
plates, a theoretical study. Welding journal - ^ • K 0 (Avr) (A-1)
the heat source m o d e l i n g , a n d t o M s . 43(1): 10-s to 23-s. 2irkH
M u r i e l J. Bernier f o r her e f f o r t s in d r a w i n g 17. Masubuchi, K., Simmons, F. B., and w h e r e 60 is t h e initial t e m p e r a t u r e , Q t h e
the figures. Monroe, R. E. 1968 (July). Analysis of thermal
t o t a l heat input, v t h e w e l d i n g s p e e d , H
stresses and metal movement during welding,
RSIC-820. Alabama: Redstone Scientific Infor- the plate thickness, t t h e t i m e , k t h e
mation Center, Redstone Arsenal. t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y , V2X t h e t h e r m a l
1. Masubuchi, K. 1980. Analysis of welded 18. Corum, |. M „ et al. 1974 (Dec). Interim diffusivity (V2X = k / p c ) , p t h e density, c
structures — residual stresses, distortion and guidelines for detailed inelastic analysis of high- the specific heat, a n d K 0 (x) t h e m o d i f i e d
their consequences. Oxford, England/New temperature reactor system components. Bessel f u n c t i o n o f s e c o n d kind a n d z e r o
York, USA: Pergamon Press. Report ORNL-5014. Tennessee: Oak Ridge o r d e r . In t h e m o v i n g c o o r d i n a t e system:
2. Agapakis,). E., Papazoglou, V. J., Imakita, National Laboratory.
A., and Masubuchi, K. 1982 (Nov.). Study of 19. Pugh, C. E., ef al. 1972 (Sept.). Currently £ = x—vt a n d
residual stresses and distortion in structural
weldments in high strength steels. Final report
recommended constitutive equations for r = (¥ + y2)l/2
inelastic design analysis of FETE components.
under Contract No. N00014-75-0469 (M.I.T. Report ORNL TM-3602. Tennessee: Oak Ridge Heat losses t o t h e a t m o s p h e r e c a n b e
OSP #82558) to the Office of Naval Research, National Laboratory. t h e n taken i n t o a c c o u n t b y replacing in
20. Domis, W . F. 1968 (July). Creep and the Bessel f u n c t i o n t h e f a c t o r \ v b y :
3. Agapakis, |. E. 1982 (May). Welding of creep rupture properties of HY-80 and HY-130 Vi
high strength and stainless steels: a study on (T) steels. Report No. 39.012-006 (1), U.S. Steel h-i + h 2 ,
weld metal strength and stress relieving. S.M. Applied Research Laboratory. [(Xv)2 +
thesis, M.I.T. kH
21. Clinard, |. A., et al. 1977 (Sept.). Verifi-
4. Carpentier, K. P. 1982 (May). Thermal cation by comparison of independent comput-
stress relief of HY-130 weldments. S.M. thesis, er program solutions. Pressure vessels and w h e r e b-\ a n d h 2 a r e t h e heat transfer
M.I.T. piping computer program evaluation and qual- coefficients at t h e t o p a n d b o t t o m o f t h e
5. Burdekin, F. M. 1969. Heat treatment of ification, energy technology conference, plate respectively.
welded structures, 2nd ed. Abington, England: Houston, Texas, A.S.M.E: 27-49. Further, in o r d e r t o take i n t o a c c o u n t
The Welding Institute.
22. American Society for Metals, 1981. the t e m p e r a t u r e d e p e n d e n c e o f material
6. Tanaka, I. 1972. Decrease in residual Metals handbook, volumes 1 and 4, 9th ed. properties, an iterative a p p r o a c h is f o l -
stresses, change in mechanical properties and 23. Peckner, D., and Bernstein, I. 1977.
cracking due to stress relieving heat treatment l o w e d . Specifically, as detailed b y Imakita
Handbook of stainless steels, New York: e f al. (Ref. 11), t h e f u n d a m e n t a l heat
of HT-80 steel. Welding in the World 10(1/2). McCraw Hill.
7. Ueda, H., and Fukuda, K. 1975. Analysis source solution w i t h material p r o p e r t i e s
24. Rosenstein, A. H. 1970 (March). Phe-
of welding stress relieving by annealing based at some t e m p e r a t u r e — say 300° C
nomenological investigations of stress relief
on finite element method. Trans, of japan embrittlement. Welding lournal 49(3): 122-s to (572 °F) — p r o v i d e s t h e first a p p r o x i m a t e
Weld. Res. Inst. 4(1): 39-45. 131-s. solution at a particular point. This t e m p e r -
8. Fujita, Y., Nomoto, T., and Aoyagi, A. 25. Agapakis, I. 1983 (March). Fundamen- ature is c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e initial guess
1973 (May). A study on stress relaxation due to tals of computer aided experimentation for a n d if t h e t w o t e m p e r a t u r e s differ b y
heat treatment. Dept. of Naval Architecture, welding. MIT Department of Ocean Engineer- m o r e t h a n 0 . 5 ° C (0.9°F), n e w p r o p e r t i e s
University of Tokyo, IIW doc. X-697-73. ing report No. 83-16. are f o u n d f o r a t e m p e r a t u r e halfway in
9. Cameron, 1. C , and Pemberton, C. S. 26. Agapakis, J., and Masubuchi, K. 1983 b e t w e e n . These n e w values are used t o
1977. A theoretical study of thermal stress (May). A flexible microcomputer-based data o b t a i n a n e w t e m p e r a t u r e estimate. T h e
relief in thin shells of revolution. Intl. ) . for acquisition and processing system for welding
Num. Meth. in Eng. 11: 1423-1437. process is r e p e a t e d until c o n v e r g e n c e is
experiments. Paper presented in the 1983
10. losefson, B. L. 1982 (August). Residual reached.
spring meeting of the Society for Experimental
stresses and their redistribution during anneal- Stress Analysis, Cleveland, Ohio. For t h e case o f line heating, t h e t e m -
ing of a girth-butt welded thin walled pipe. / p e r a t u r e distribution c a n b e calculated b y
of Pressure Vessel Technology 104: 245-250.
m o d i f y i n g t h e Rosenthal solution f o r a
11. Imakita, A., Papazoglou, V. J., and Mas-
Appendix point-heat source m o v i n g o n a semi-
ubuchi, K. 1982 (luly). One-dimensional com-
puter programs for analyzing heat flow, tran- infinite b o d y :
A. Temperature Distribution During
sient thermal strains, residual stresses, and Welding and Line Heating
distortion in weldments. Report to ONR from AvR
M.I.T. prepared under Contract no. N00014- T h e Rosenthal solution (Refs. 12, 13) (A-2)
75-C-0469 (M.I.T. OSP No. 82558). f o r t h e quasi-stationary t e m p e r a t u r e dis- 2rrk R
12. Rosenthal, D. 1941. Mathematical theo- t r i b u t i o n in an infinitely large plate h e a t e d
ry of heat distribution during welding and b y a line heat source is based o n t h e w h e r e R = (£ 2 4- y 2 4- z 2 )' / 2 a n d all t h e
cutting. Welding journal 20(5): 220-s to 234-s. o t h e r variables are t h e same as in e q u a -
assumptions that:
13. Rosenthal, D. 1946 (Nov.). The theory
1. T h e physical properties o f t h e c o n - t i o n (A-1).
of moving sources of heat and its application
to metal treatment. Transactions, ASME: 849- d u c t i n g m e d i u m are constant. T o satisfy t h e adiabatic b o u n d a r y c o n -
866. 2. Heat losses t o t h e s u r r o u n d i n g ditions o n t h e t o p , b o t t o m , a n d sides o f a
14. Mendelson, A. 1968. Plasticity: theory a t m o s p h e r e are n e g l e c t e d . finite plate, a n infinite series o f heat
and application, New York: MacMillan Publ. 3. Phase changes a n d their a c c o m p a - source images have t o b e a d d e d - Fig 3.
Co. nying a b s o r p t i o n o r release o f latent heat T h e solution t h e n b e c o m e s :



wher t
Rl = V ? 2 + y2 + (2nH-z) 2 , R^= V | 2 + ( O ^ - y) 2 4-z 2
R^ = Air + y2 + (2nH4-z)2, R* = V£ 2 4- (0* 4- y) 2 4- z2
Qif, = O^a-T 4- 2G with 0\ = 2C, O j = Q ^ , 4- 2F with O ^ = 2F
T 2 2 2
Rn ^ = V^ + ( O ^ - y ) + (2nH+z) , R l = V ^ 2 4- ( O ^ - y ) 2 + (2nH+z) 2
Rffii = V? + ( 0 * + y ) 2 4- (2nH-z) 2 , RBnRm = V ? 2 + ( 0 £ + y ) 2 4- (2nH-z) 2

B. One-Dimensional Stress Analysis where all the variables have been previ- obtained, as in equation (2) of the paper,
ously defined. where:
A one-dimensional stress distribution
It should be also noted that the inelastic
("X = Cx(y)) is assumed for an infinitely
strain is assumed to be composed of
long plate subject to a temperature distri-
plastic and creep components: A! = J^ C Ey 2 dy /B, A2 =
bution 6(y) non-varying along its entire
length. Compatibility equations for one-
dimension reduce to:
fx = CTFC2Y (B-1)
4n(y) = 4(y) + 4 (y)
From the global equilibrium on a cross
/ :
Eydy / B , A 3
which essentially states that plane sec- section, it follows that:
tions remain plane.
<rx dy = O and:
As was mentioned earlier, the follow- / :
ing will hold along the cross section at the
end of any time interval:
f- o-xy dy = O

which together with (B-1) and (B-2) can

«Tx(y) = (B-2) give expressions for the determination of
coefficients c^ and c2. In this way an
E[fx(y) - a(6(y)-80) - e«i(y) - Ac^fy)] expression for the total strain can be

WRC Bulletin 284

April, 1983
The External Pressure Collapse Tests of Tubes

by E. Tschoepe and J. R. Maison

An experimental program was performed to confirm or refute the applicability of Figure UG-31 in
Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code to the design of tubes under external
pressure. Commercially available tubes were subjected to external pressure until collapse occurred. The
data generated indicates the current ASME design rules for tubes under external pressure are suitable
for continued application.

Publication of this report was sponsored by the Subcommittee on Shells of the Pressure Vessel
Research C o m m i t t e e of the Welding Research Council.

The price of WRC Bulletin 284 is $12.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for postage and handling. Orders should
be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, Room 1 3 0 1 , 345 East 4 7 t h St., New York, NY

1%-S | JUNE 1904

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