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Open Root Center – The adrenalin junkieopen centers Human Design System open root

If you have an open Root Center and don’t live your nature, then you have a tendency to be addicted
to stress and adrenaline and the rush of life. Maybe you run around a lot like a crazy rabbit, you
incline accidents, and you are always busy with getting rid of the pressure and stress that you take
on from others. But the sad thing is that you can never get rid of that stress because as long as you
are around people, you constantly are confronted with new stress and eventually totally burn out.

open centers Human Design System open root

The addiction to adrenalin can be expressed by some people in the ways when they do Bungee-
Jumping or Freestyle-Climbing, to feel alive and awake through the adrenaline rush. This addiction
also exists in daily life. The secretion of adrenalin produces a peak performance and a high in you,
and you feel the pulse of life.

With an open Root Center, you can have kind of a hate-love for adrenalin. On the one hand, you
want to feel how the adrenalin flows through your veins so that you feel vital and alive. On the other
hand, you feel the surrounding stress, which you take in in an amplified way, overwhelmed and
swamped, so you totally exhaust yourself. It can also happen that when you are exposed to too
much stress and pressure, then you feel almost paralyzed and cannot act.

The solution?! Get to know your design and learn to distinguish who you really are and where you
only reflect others – in this case, the stress and pressure of others – so that you find more relaxation
and peace in your life.

Open Sacral – Addicted to Energy & Sex

open centers Human Design System open sacral

If you have an open Sacral Center, you probably have an addiction to sex, work, people, and energy.
These are the typical “Energy vampires.” Perhaps you permanently have a feeling that you cannot
keep up with others and try to deliver even more performance, BUT in the end, it is still not enough.
With an open Sacral Center, you belong to the 30% of the world population which has little energy
and cannot work a typical 8h day. Yet this is not your fault or even a problem, because you are not
designed genetically for this and when you still try to perform like a Generator, you’ll feel exhausted,
bitter or angry, you’ll get sick in the long run, AND you won’t get to live out your true expertise.

If you have an open Sacral Center, you are addicted to people with a defined Sacral Center because
they make you feel alive and energized. You feel their Sacral Center in your Deign as amplified, and
finally, you have a feeling of a massive energy blast. Being pumped up with that energy, you don’t
know when enough is enough, and you permanently exhaust yourself and cross your own limits.
AND you also cross the boundaries of other people!
Perhaps you think that you have a high sex drive, but with an open Sacral Center, you don’t have too
much sexual desire in your natural condition. However, when you are surrounded by people with a
defined Sacral Center who have a naturally strong sexual drive, then you amplify their sexuality and
always want to have more of it. This addicted desire can lead to the fact that you are unfaithful or
totally burnt out, and instead of regenerating this sexuality only exhausts you.

The solution?! Get to know your specific Type (Projector, Manifestor or Reflector), so that you don’t
punish yourself for being different. Your addiction will slowly lose its power over you, and at the
same time, you will come more into your strength!

Open Spleen – Addiction to existential security & feeling well

open centers Human Design System open spleen

If you have an open Splenic Center as it is shown on the drawing on the left or noted in my free short
description of your Design, then you are probably addicted to feeling well and sacrifice your life for
the supposed comfort zone. As soon as you meet people with a defined Splenic Center, your
immune system gets activated, you relax, feel safe, and fine being close to them. This center has an
enormous addictiveness, and if you have this center open, then you stubbornly hold on too long to
people and things that are not good for you.

Because if you are close to the person who has a defined Spleen, you are in direct contact with the
instinct for survival. It gives you a sense of security. The security that your life is not threatened and
your survival is secured. With your open Spleen, you often would do anything to stay in the
frequency field of this safety and well-being. Through your addiction, the other people can exert an
enormous influence on you and manipulate you. Well, if the other person lives from his/her
shadows. Because if you don’t want to do as he/she wants, then they can withdraw the security and
their Splenic Center, and you already fall into a massive hole of existential fear. Then you are ready
to do everything, only to get your fix again, exactly like a drug addict. Only your drug is not cocaine
but the other person.

open centers Human Design System open spleen

This addiction and dependency lead to the situation when you allow the other to mistreat you, as
long as you get your fix from security and well-being.

The solution?! By trusting your Strategy and Authority, you’ll learn to trust your self and your body
and what secures your survival and keeps you healthy. In this way, you are less and less driven by
your addiction – mostly by the wrong people – and instead, live an independent life!

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