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TITLE: Standard Operating Procedure for Rotarod

Department: Pharmacology Page: 1

S.O.P. No- Revision no:00
Effective date: / /202 Review date: / /202

Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Rotarod Apparatus


The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to provide guidelines for the safe and
effective use of a rotarod apparatus. The rotarod is a device used to assess motor coordination,
balance, and endurance in experimental animals.


This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the operation of the rotarod apparatus and related

Responsibility of Users:

 Familiarize themselves with this SOP and adhere to the guidelines outlined herein.
 Attend appropriate training on the proper operation and maintenance of the Rotarod.
 Report any malfunctions, abnormalities, or safety concerns related to the Rotarod to the
supervisor or relevant authority

Pre-Experiment Preparations:

 Familiarize yourself with the rotarod apparatus and its operation. Read and understand the
manufacturer's instructions.
 Ensure that the rotarod apparatus is clean and in good working condition.
 Prepare the experimental animals according to the study protocol, ensuring proper animal
handling and care in compliance with ethical guidelines.
 Prepare the test environment, ensuring a clean and safe area with adequate lighting.

Experimental Procedure:

1. Wear appropriate PPE and ensure a clean and organized work area.
2. Calibrate the rotarod apparatus according to the manufacturer's instructions and as per the
study requirements.
3. Handle the animals gently and minimize stress during the experiment.
4. Set the appropriate speed and duration for the rotarod test based on the experimental protocol.
5. Place the animal on the rotating rod, ensuring proper positioning and avoiding excessive
pressure on the animal's paws.
6. Start the rotarod and begin timing using a stopwatch or timer.
7. Observe the animal's ability to maintain balance and coordination while on the rotating rod.
8. Note the time at which the animal falls from the rotarod or shows signs of motor impairment.
9. Repeat the procedure for each animal, adhering to the experimental protocol and any
necessary controls.
10. Allow sufficient time for the animals to recover between trials, if required.
11. Record the data accurately, including animal identification, time on the rotarod, and any
observed abnormalities or behaviors.
12. Repeat the rotarod test at appropriate time intervals, as determined by the experimental
13. Record all observations and results promptly and accurately.

Post-Experiment Procedures:

 Carefully remove the animals from the rotarod, ensuring their safety and well-being.
 Clean the rotarod apparatus according to the manufacturer's instructions and established
laboratory protocols.
 Properly dispose of any waste generated during the experiment, following institutional
guidelines and regulations.
 Analyze the collected data as per the study objectives and statistical requirements.
 Document the results, including any calculations or statistical analyses conducted.
 Report the findings following the established reporting procedures and guidelines.

Note: This SOP should be reviewed periodically to ensure its continued effectiveness and compliance
with relevant safety regulations and industry best practices.


Sign and Date


Designation Lab Technician Lab Incharge Principal

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