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HS 222 - SROSTATINTICS a ¥* Octoher DS COURSE TITLE Time allow et: ther Momins Section A: Answer all questions tn this section Write “T for Tra and “F before each question ___ For s normal distribsation its mean, median. made ase equal __ Sampling error imeremtes as we increase the campiing size ~ in random sapling the probability of selecting 2x fae from 2 popwianio: ackxown. __ in Bincrniel Distribution. the mean and variance are ool ___ if A ted B ace two mutually exchasive events witk (a) are also independent 6) ___ ims sample space S, if P (2) = 0. then A is independent of any other coe 7) __ the total ares under # normal distribution is infie wat Pre 10) __ the 2 value comesponding to 2 number below the mean is always negate: )__ the ares under the standard normal distribution to the left of. Interval estimates are preferred over point estimates since 2 confidence lewel cam be specie |__ for a specific confidence interval, the larger the sample size, the smaller ‘he sarsin of =r ‘Subjective probability bas little use in the real world. Classical probability uses 2 frequency distribution to compute profabilities eae nS Sot mat) complement Sas coer af che same ome Amer al esiniees te oR section (tomar Pg 20) Nocmal Diseibation in applied for * Ceninaces Rance Diaribetiin ) Dice Random Variahe ao, "Stier Random Variitiie @) Unwertain Random Varishic 7). The pectedhiicy that ap crest happens ix G4: What is the probity Set tee erect wx "a = em sass ae ai 38) Whee tee ce ae mailed he: as Sample Space commsts of how samy cveats” an os 39) The ape of the worm carve depen At cvert tnd its complement can cecer a Ge ame Ses ’ 26) Normal Distritation is applied for : ©) Continous Randoms Duoeton 6) crts Hawa Verse ay ©) irregular Random Variable 4) Unewrtahe Pander V arisable L 7) The probability that wn event haps it O47. Wat isthe pretabtliny that the event won't bac). soa 8§68 OS 6 ai 78) Ween two dice re rolled, the sample space camtiteof harm may events? =s an “% an 27s Sat of te Norah Cars ©) Bell Shapedis) Flat Create 4) Soph 30) Neral Dissibton sym baht — Mem —«) Suandrd devistion ©» 6) Covariance 31) Tee area ender a sancard momma carveis? 9) 6} 6) 6) not defined ~ 32) The best pant entimate of the population mman a & The sample meas The menple median -¢. The sumnple mode ¢ The sample midrange 33) Wines the population standard deviation is knoe std the sample size is less than 30, vtiat table ‘aloe should be used in competing s confidence interval for 8 meat) sz be ©, Chi-square 4. None of the shove $4) Tee semen tet AB) = (A) whenever A and 8 ave independent events” is: Please select the oe 1b) Never True +) Net Excugh Information, we would need 10 enon if z by The protebility that the mull hypothesis is true, observed revue are ¢) The probability tht the sxnialy sisiice, hes iht he a iste she hypothesis 2 Teer soenig eka cme worm exten timely tht pete ire (ome observed, given 36) Azy population which we want to study is referred ax? : a 4) Neganve by Positive 39) The shape of the normal carve depends cm its Bee Ne a random variable with prohability 4 <@Dotherwise The protedility P (0s - . < ans dos OManuily Excdasive events Commis all sampic pounts © Owes ant oetan ary umpc pont b) Contain it commen maple pats 4) Does not conesin any commen serie price find mean and variance : apg d) ma — SMA wei we two events suck that P(A) = 0.4 md MAB)-02 Tha ATS) "gee 02 _g05 aos (‘Sep Whee Se walt of is increased. the probsbility of commiting 2 trpe lL eror 5s 2 Decreased 1b. Increased © The same Nose of the above a ee i portato 100, the appropiate anil bypotbeus as100 bp ps0 4 p=l00 iy Rare eee ey 34 and P(d) = ‘4 then PUA. 4B) is oul » ak % ‘¢) 0, since mutually exclusive D% 53) Ws is the probability of an impossible event? 20 byt (©) Not defined 9) insufficient date $4) Two weabiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting st most one bead? ae ns ae an ‘55) A colitis bizsed so that its chances of landing Head is 3. If the coin is flipped 3 times, the probability ‘Sur the Set 2 flips are heads and the 3rd flip is tail is? ae wt o)% os 56) Busband and wife apply for two vecant spots in a company. If the probability of wife getting whected and thasband getting selected are 3/7 and 2/3 respectively:, what is the probability that neither of then: a te lll sry Senemiat iHidle about « population far tenting purpuwe Is called a) Statistic b) Hypothesis ¢)Level uf Siprifleanee — 4) Tewt- few : Si A searesnont whose validity is vexted on the hake af » suemple 6 eed? i ‘ah Null Hypothesis b)Statintioal Hypothewis ——¢) Semple Hypretoowie a) Composite Hypothesis ‘s0y if the null Ayputhenis is falve then which af ihe following ix accepted’? ‘9) Null Hypothesis) Positive Hypothesi» ©) Newative Hypothesis &) Alternative Hypothesis. " (68) The rejection probability of Null Hypothesis when it is rue ts called a7 a) Level of Confinhence b) Level of Significance 6) Lowel of Marpe & Level of Rejection 61) The poiat where the Null Hypothesis gets rejected is called a? 2) Significane Value >) Rejection Value ¢) Acceptances Value 6) Critical Vator 2) the Critical region is eventy distributed then the test is veferved ax? _ Steed ©) One tailed €) Three tailed 4) Zet0 tales 63) Type | exror coours when? a) We reject He if i is true 1b) We reject He if it is Pakse ‘¢) We accept He if it is Troe d) we accept Ho if it in False (6 Wiss os the assumption made for performing the hypothenis test with T distrituticn” a) The Gmnibunes 's avo-symmetne 'b) the distribution has more than ane mara! com (©) The cismibation has a constant variance 4) the distribution follows ¢ normal distr oy Deal the 5 Valera COMERRORNA Me givER seve sa) The aveenge Bias sore NRE Gwe acme « san) ation til we What ete OOM peenemaiie sewwe™ Whar ts he prodeteity Gant 2 Famcwedy setecend peuee exceeds |)" 7S) Fel cach. 2 TQp Kr Oe SP aredilone Perervel, Re 76 The masimam differance berwcen the point ese a june he wat vali of We perramoter is omit e 77) The seneoent “The average eight oo ma et 10 fae” 6 wenn ot NY ————— Se a sa et 7S) Rejecting the wall 79) To test dhe claim that the mean ts gear whan $7, son Casi och semen an esmpl lent psi eit HMMS. eayentive probability. shot a person wilt wah the Goeook eveing news HOS: os question. Make sare ghee all woniingy meant aot tear’) . Dowd LT days, A rewently ipwnveted dea cl the Zika virus és between,

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