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Mindy Harrison

Character’s Biography.

Written by Gus D.

born 10/02/2005
present 08/09/2024
hi nick

have in mind that the story that you are reading is very resumed because the
character is resumed. the literary line of the story tells all the significant
events that led the girl to be who she is. the focus of the biography is not to
give you a manual on how to act mindy, it is to tell you everything that
matters about her so that you can decide how to act mindy,

the movie will be a “character driven plot” so basically everything that

matters in the movie is mindy, the movie is about mindy and all the meanings
and nuances of the stories come out of mindy. she is the center, just because
her story is relatively small doesn't mean she is less.

read all the biography, in the end has some notes that i left to you about
specific details that i will want in your acting.

everything is in english but probably the film will be in portuguese, also sorry
for the lazy writing at the end, i was tired of writing her story and ended up
getting stuck on how to finish it in the way that i wanted. maybe there’s some
english mistakes.

and thanks for everything, I love u more than i can put in words.


Mindy is a ninety-years-old girl, she was born in Missouri but she

moved to New York at her’s five, which makes the little girl very
anxious during her teenages. Mindy was always forced by her parents to
go to church, around her twelves or thirteen this became a problem to
her, she never wanted to go the church but her parents also never left the
girl a choice.
Mindy was always a good girl to her parents but this time was
difficult, she began to take out her anger about this situation at home.
Mindy’s mother lost her own mom very, very young, so she practically
never had a mother, which resulted in never knowing the basics about
being a mother to Mindy, she always had a problem dealing with the
girl’s problems. After Mindy started to grow up, they started talking less
and less as the time went on, at some point they just didn't talk about
anything, except homework and buying tampons. Mindy’s mommy
issues reached the maximum, or maybe finished depending on your
point of view, at fifteen years of Mindy, because her parents divorced
that year, and of course, she goes to live with her dad, so she just going
to see her mom again in about eight months, and then she just going to
see her again in one year, and then her mom will die in a car accident, at
Mindy’s eighteen. But let’s get back to a few years before her mom died,
at Mindy’s fourteen, when she met her soulmate of life.
In her fourteens, at 2019, Mindy discover the big love of her life,
and I don’t talking about some stupid crush or shit like that, but about
her REAL soul fucking mate, the Cinema. The only thing that made
Mindy forget, at least a little, her problems, was movies, when she
watched “Licorice Pizza” by Paul Thomas Anderson for the first time in
2021, she get obsessed with that shit, she got a large poster of Bradley
Cooper in her wall in the year of movies release. But what really
engaged Mindy was the storytelling, she loved the idea of writing
stories, like, everything about it, characters, world building, dialogues,
relationships, etc… She thought about this idea every time, and of
course, it didn’t take too much long for her to start with the books also.
In some years she would be swallowed by this whole idea, completely in
love with movies, books, video games, everything which had words to
read or hear. At some point, it wouldn’t be much to say that art is the
most important thing to Mindy after her father. Well, after understanding
that, it is time to talk about… Lets say her second “soulmate” and yes,
this one, is some stupid ass crush which hurt her more than it would
At Mindy 's fifteen, in the end of 2020, a new girl pulled up in her
school, her name was “Jessica”; She wasn’t soo nice as she seemed, but
of course she was much cooler than 80% of Mindy’s schoolmates at that
time. It was a matter of days until Jessica and Mindy became very close,
they had the same interests in movies and songs, which is enough to get
a kiss these days! The girls were just friends for a looong time, for like a
year they just hung out at weekends and watched movies together, the
things start to get weird when they realize that after eight months none
of the girls had mentioned at least ONE boy at ANY conversation. This
“weird” feeling didn't last much longer than 9 months, because on the 1
year anniversary of the “friendship” they decided to go to watch “Last
Night In Soho” by Edgar Wright at the movie theater together. I don’t
even need to tell you what happened that night right? They kissed in the
middle of the movie session, three times, and after leaving the movie
theater, they went to their favorite square in the city, a quiet place with
some trees around. Where they confess all the feelings they had for each
other, and Mindy finally discovers herself as a lesbian girl (a cinephile
lesbian girl, which is kinda worse)
At this point, Mindy was sixteen, almost seventeen. After some
weeks and conversations with her parents, she and Jessica decided to get
into an official relationship, which was a really good relationship, they
fit and got along well. Jessica's parents were a part of the situation and
enjoyed Mindy's company a lot. On Mindy’s side, the situation was
more complicated, her father supported her as he always does, and
honestly never cared too much about his daughter's sexual orientation.
As always, with Mindy’s mom the whole thing was different, she
obviously doesn’t support this, but at the same time, she don’t know how
to deal with it, she don’t know how to talk, she don’t even know if she
have to say something about it, so, she just ignore it, the old woman
never mistreated Jessica, or stopped Mindy from doing something, but
she definitely never treated them well, never invited them to dinner,
offered them a ride, nothing.
And so it was for 1 year, despite all the problems with her mother,
Mindy was happy with Jessica and her dreams. She spent the whole year
of 2022 writing her stories, and having fun with her girlfriend while they
finished the penultimate year at school, until June 2023, when her mom
The darkest day of Mindy’s life was a Tuesday, at 11AM when she
was walking through the school corridors, she heard her name being
called by her math teacher, he was saying that she was being asked to
appear in the school principal’s office, the girl thought the situation was
strange but she attempt to the orders. There, the school's old director told
her that her mom had suffered a car accident, and was at the hospital.
After about fifteen minutes, her father goes to the school to pick the girl
up to go to the hospital. The following weeks were violent, the mom was
in a really bad situation, after some days, they discovered that she was
drunk while driving and heavily drugged with anti-depressants. Mindy
couldn't sleep for more than 30 minutes straight, as she didn't want to
overload Jessica by putting her in this situation, and her father needed to
work, she was alone most of the time. She knew the risks her mother
was passing through, the only thing that girl wanted was for her mother
to wake up and give to her a big hug. As we know, she didn't wake up
that night, she never did.
Mindy will never forget that day, she didn’t see Jessica for weeks,
she didn’t want to see anyone after what happened. Locking herself in
her room for days, she just cried every night for weeks, until there were
no more tears to shed from her eyes. The weeks passed, the days were
dissipating one after the other. Life in these situations loses its meaning,
she lost her mother without ever being able to resolve her issues with
her, she will never have the chance to do so again, her mother died,
forever, like the singular snowflake that melts in the summer. Mindy
feels that now an unclosed chapter in her life may never close. Mindy
needed to do something to feel better, so she appealed for the best she
could, the story telling.
She can't close this unclosed chapter, but a whole story cannot end
in a single chapter. So, Mindy thinks “When you can tell stories, why
limit yourself just in your story” stories are not just words, they are life
at a certain point, and this girl knows this. She will never get over the
thing with her mother, there is nothing she can do that will change that,
but she is not destined to live just with her own problems, depression
and this strange feeling of lonely mourning, she is a storyteller, she can
create cool worlds, situations, lives, the world for her is not just this
physically limited thing, it is everything we can think, everything we can
fucking tell.
Stories save Mindy’s life, in the following weeks she returns to the
movies, to books, and of course, to her secret world of stories. Outside
we think Mindy actually likes the violent stories, she loves to create
those violent characters and put them all to kill each other until the
whole thing goes on, she spends a lot of days just creating her own
stories for fun and to forget the things that just happen to her. What
actually really worked for her, but not worked so well for Jéssica.
With this amount of stuff happening, the relationship of the girls
was not going so well, Jessica gave the time that Mindy was needing,
but this time took longer than she thought it was. After 1 month, Mindy
goes back to the school in the start of august, one month and a half after
her mom passed away. They start to see each other again, but, somehow,
it’s different. Mindy was there, but at the same time she was in a
different place, now she stays the whole day writing, looks like she is
trying to “avoid” Jessica. Not Jessica's presence, but, avoid something.
The truth is, like her mother, Mindy doesn't know what to do, she loves
Jessica, but is strange for her because she knows that her dead mom
wouldn't be happy now, so she just tries to Immerse herself in her stories
as a way to avoid the inevitable. Jessica knows there’s something weird
going on. 1 Month later, on September 8th of 2023 they would put a
final point on it.
It was a friday night, around 7pm, when Mindy got off at the bus
stop about 5 blocks away from Jessica’s home, she talked with the
charming girlfriend earlier about sleeping at her house that night. When
she came there, what was meant to be a lovely night, turned into a
stressful discussion about how Mindy was strange after her mom died.
Of course, none of these things were things that Mindy planned to listen
that night, so she didn't listen to those things quietly. After just 30
minutes of Mindy's presence in that house, both of the girls were
screaming to each other, nothing of this magnitude had happened ever
before in their relationship, this was the result of months full of
repressed feelings in both girls, too complicated to put in those bad short
words that they shouted at each other, but among these empty insults,
there were some real truths. They broke up that night, Jessica is no
longer a part of Mindy's history now.
So, the days passed just like the normal days usually do, Mindy
had been struggling with her mother's grief for three months at this
point, so she casually knows how to fight the sadness. Everything is just
so calm now, but depressing calmly.
The year of 2023 came to a depressing end for the girl, which
started really well, with a relationship and a lot of inspiration to follow
her dreams, now, it's just this. Besides everything, she still holds the fort,
but not alone, she always has her father there, the old man is very
worried about the girl’s state of mind. They were watching a lot of
movies together at that time, which made both of them feel good for a
while. As time passed, the father and daughter started talking about
things they never had the chance to talk about before, including her
stories. Mindy never had anyone to listen to her stories, in fact, she
avoided talking about it with others, the most that Mindy used to talk
about her stories was some specific comments with Jessica. All this talk
did a lot of good for the girl, as she and her father were in a "movie
season" she felt even more inspired to return to writing after a few
months. Her father continued to inspire her until she returned to writing.
And so it was over the next few months, she obviously repeated a
year at school after so many skipping days due to her severe depression
in the last year, so she continued writing and working hard at school. For
a while, Mindy thought she was fine, which proved wrong as the days
went by. Mindy developed difficulty socializing after so many events,
her anxiety got worse, she continued taking antidepressants, and she
needed to talk about Jessica with someone. The girl had been seeing a
psychologist for months, but she didn't feel any change and after a lot of
conversation, she decided to change the psychologist.
Today, 08/09/2024 the girl will have her first visit to the new
psychologist, and I hope he wants to hear about her stories, because she had a
lot to tell.

She is an extroverted girl but was repressed by her shyness and somehow
never learned to deal with it

She gets excited when talking about things she likes

She has unusual anxiety, because she grew up in New York and spent a large
part of her life repressing this anxiety

Because of the church she was forced to go to, Mindy has a certain
involuntary filter for impropriety, she doesn't use swear words casually and
has a strange fear of trying things like drinking and drugs.

this is all u need to know.

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