Jacinto Sumiwan Learning Experience

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Andres Bonifacio College

The Pioneer Builder of Leaders

Industry, Intelligence, Integrity
College Park, Dipolog City

Jacinto S. Sumiwan Jr. April 25, 2024


Overall Learning Experience

Engaging with the community at Purok 1 One Heart, Sta Isabel is crucial in promoting
inclusivity, teamwork, and positive societal transformation. By actively participating in decision-
making, addressing local issues, and backing group efforts, it fosters trust, fortifies social
connections, and nurtures a sense of community. In the end, it empowers individuals and fosters
robust, flourishing communities.

During the past seven Saturdays of visiting the designated area at Purok One Heart, Sta.
Isabel in Dipolog City, I have acquired a variety of skills and refined my capabilities as part of a
larger community. The essence of teamwork was the fundamental value that propelled us
forward and shaped us into the best we could be. Despite unforeseen obstacles along the way, we
managed to overcome them. We had to deal with uncontrollable factors such as unpredictable
weather and health risks, but these were inevitable challenges we faced.

(DAY 01 - March 02, 2024)

The photograph above captures the initial day of our Civic Welfare Training Service
(CWTS) community observation. This marked the commencement of our journey, where we
began to establish relationships with each other, familiarize ourselves with our respective
backgrounds, and engage in team bonding activities.

On this particular day, a sense of excitement was palpable, albeit tinged with a hint of
nervous anticipation. Our directive for the day was to visit the community, observe the
surroundings, and locate the residence of the Purok President.
Unexpected weather conditions presented themselves, adding an element of
unpredictability to our mission. However, we remained undeterred, adhering to the belief that life
must continue, irrespective of the challenges that may arise.

As the designated medic of the team, I took it upon myself to ensure that the medical kit
was readily available. This kit, equipped with essential medical supplies, was a crucial resource,
underscoring our commitment to prioritizing health and safety during our community service

This experience served as a valuable learning opportunity, reinforcing the importance of

teamwork, adaptability, and preparedness in effectively carrying out community service

(DAY 02 - March 09, 2024)

On the second day of our community service, we approached Mr. Duterte, the Purok Vice
President, to discuss the prevalent issue of proper waste disposal in their Purok. Despite the
unfavorable weather conditions, we persevered and managed to make the most of the day.

This experience underscored the importance of effective planning and communication.

Even though we were at the mercy of the elements, we were able to successfully conduct
interviews with several residents to understand the needs of their community.

As is widely acknowledged, effective communication is the bedrock of any successful

initiative. It promotes understanding, fosters trust, and nurtures strong relationships. Clear
communication ensures that ideas are conveyed accurately, misunderstandings are avoided, and
cooperation is facilitated. In both personal and professional contexts, it is instrumental in
resolving conflicts, achieving objectives, and cultivating a harmonious environment.

During one of the interviews, a resident expressed her agreement with any actions taken
for the collective benefit of the community. As a member of Purok One Heart, she had no
reservations or criticisms about such initiatives.

This experience served as a valuable lesson for me, reinforcing the importance of
effective planning and communication in achieving our goals, and the significance of community
consensus in implementing beneficial initiatives.

(DAY 03 - March 16, 2024)

The image above represents the third day of our community service visit to Purok One
Heart. We were eager to engage with the local residents and approached the Pantawid parental
leader. Our objective was to establish contact with the area’s authority figures, those responsible
for the welfare and development of Purok One Heart. Our aim was to foster a reciprocal
relationship, allowing us to contribute to society by assisting those in need.
Our team leader, along with Mr. Sumiwan, personally visited the Purok Leader and other
individuals with authority to discuss our proposed project plan, which at the time was the
Material Recovery Facility.

Engaging with the people in charge is crucial for effective decision-making and
cultivating a sense of inclusivity and transparency within any organization or community. By
soliciting input from those in leadership roles, we can gain valuable insights and perspectives,
ensuring that our decisions are well-informed and considerate of a variety of viewpoints. This
process not only enhances the quality of our decisions but also fosters trust and cooperation
among team members.

Moreover, engaging with the people in charge promotes a culture of accountability and
ownership, as individuals feel valued and empowered to contribute to the collective goals and
objectives. Ultimately, this leads to more successful outcomes and strengthens the overall
integrity of the organization.

This experience served as a valuable lesson, reinforcing the importance of effective

communication, planning, and collaboration in achieving our goals.

(DAY 04 - March 23, 2024)

This experience served as a valuable lesson, reinforcing the importance of effective

communication, planning, and collaboration in achieving our goals. make it as a learning
experience assistant’ On the sixth day of our Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), we
continued our efforts to engage with the residents of Purok One Heart. We were dedicated to
informing them about our project objectives and proposal, with the aim of fostering a sense of
community involvement and mutual support.
Our team leader, in collaboration with Mr. Sumiwan, made a personal visit to the Purok
Leader and other authoritative figures. The purpose of this visit was to discuss our proposed
project plan, which at that time was the Material Recovery Facility.

The significance of interacting with key stakeholders was further underscored. Such
interaction is essential for effective decision-making and for cultivating a sense of inclusivity and
transparency within any community or organization. By seeking feedback from those in
leadership roles, we were able to gain valuable insights and perspectives. This ensured our
decisions were well-informed and considerate of diverse viewpoints. This process not only
improved the quality of our decisions but also fostered trust and cooperation among team

Furthermore, this interaction promoted a culture of accountability and ownership.

Individuals felt valued and empowered to contribute to the collective goals and objectives. This
led to more successful outcomes and strengthened the overall integrity of the organization.

We were pleased to receive positive and encouraging feedback from the community. This
experience served as a valuable lesson, reinforcing the importance of effective communication,
planning, and collaboration in achieving our goals. It was a learning experience that highlighted
the significance of community engagement in the successful implementation of a project. user’
can you paraphrase this about our day 7 of cwts we are preparing for program and engagement to
the people who live at the one heart and inform them about our project goals and proposal, then
were glad to know there good and happy feedback ’ The image above represents the third day of
our community service visit to Purok One Heart. We were eager to engage with the local
residents and approached the Pantawid parental leader. Our objective was to establish contact
with the area’s authority figures, those responsible for the welfare and development of Purok
One Heart. Our aim was to foster a reciprocal relationship, allowing us to contribute to society
by assisting those in need.

(DAY 05 - APRIL 6, 2024)

The photos above were taken on the fifth day of our community visit. We were checking
out the area where we would be placing the MRF. Together with Mr. Duterte, we set a path
through the Rotonda and found the final project site.

I've learned that successful community monitoring and engagement initiatives require
strong partnerships and collaboration among various stakeholders. Whether it's grassroots
organizations, government agencies, non-profit entities, or academic institutions, forging
partnerships amplifies the impact of community-led initiatives and facilitates the exchange of
knowledge, resources, and best practices. Working collaboratively enables communities to
leverage complementary strengths, pool resources, and mobilize support at local, national, and
international levels. Moreover, partnerships foster mutual learning and capacity-building,
empowering communities to develop sustainable solutions that resonate with their unique
contexts and aspirations.

(DAY 06 - APRIL 13, 2024)

On this particular day, we convened at the waiting shed to brainstorm and finalize the
materials and other necessities for the turnover. The photograph above depicts the events of our
sixth day. Our initial plan was to visit the community, but due to the absence of some team
members, we had to modify our plans. Instead, we were tasked with creating a map to guide us
to our project site within Purok One Heart of Sta. Isabel, Dipolog City.

This experience underscored the importance of punctuality for both personal and
professional success. Punctuality is a reflection of reliability and a sign of respect for others’
time, which helps build trust and strong relationships. It is a demonstration of discipline and
responsibility, qualities that are highly valued in any endeavor. In a professional context,
punctuality enhances productivity by ensuring that deadlines are met and operations run
smoothly. It also showcases professionalism and dedication, enhancing one’s reputation and
opportunities for advancement. Furthermore, punctuality cultivates self-discipline, aiding in time
management and goal achievement. Overall, being punctual not only benefits oneself but also
contributes to a harmonious and efficient society, emphasizing the importance of honoring
commitments and valuing time as a precious resource.

(DAY 07 - APRIL 20, 2024)

On April 21, 2024, I was part of a team that successfully implemented a project in
Zamboanga del Norte. This experience was more than just a project; it was a journey of learning
and growth that has left an indelible mark on me.

As a member of Team Temperance, I learned the importance of teamwork. Each team

member had a unique role, and we all worked together like a well-oiled machine. From ensuring
safety to managing funds, from providing transportation to documenting progress, every role was
crucial. This taught me that every contribution, no matter how small, is significant and valuable.

Our team leader, Ms. Sangoan, demonstrated effective leadership, guiding us throughout
the project. Her leadership style was a lesson in itself, teaching me the importance of clear
communication, decision-making, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

The project also highlighted the importance of community engagement. We arrived early,
cleaned the area, and prepared for the program at a local residence. We interacted with the locals,
including the vice Purok president and other community members. This experience taught me
that serving the community is not just about implementing projects, but also about building
relationships and understanding their needs.

Transparency and accountability were key lessons I learned from managing and auditing
the team’s funds. It taught me the value of trust in a team and the importance of being
responsible and accountable for our actions.

Lastly, the project underscored the importance of documentation. Documenting our

progress and achievements was not just about record-keeping, but also about reflecting on our
journey, learning from our experiences, and sharing our story with others.

The day ended smoothly, with no conflicts or accidents, and everyone returned home
safely. But what we brought back with us was much more than just the satisfaction of a job well
done. We brought back lessons and experiences that will guide us in our future endeavors.

This project was a rewarding experience that went beyond the completion of a task. It
was a testament to the power of teamwork, leadership, and community service. It motivated me
to continue to learn, grow, and make a difference in the world. And for that, I am truly grateful.

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