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4 3 2 0
Std applies the use of future, tag Completes Completes Completes Doesn’t do
questions and vocabulary through 100% to 90% of 80% to 70% of 69% or less of anything
the completion of practices in the practices the practices the practices
notebook and book

Std shows respect to teacher and Respects Sometimes Almost never Never
classmates in every activity classmates and respects respects respects
teacher all the classmates classmates classmates
time and teacher and teacher and teacher
Std applies the use of future, tag Participates Sometimes Almost never Never
questions and vocabulary through actively in every participates in participates participates
the oral participation during the activity asked the activities in the in the
different activities (2 stamps of activities activities
no (3 or more
participation) stamps of no
Std applies the use of future, tag Accomplishes all Misses one of Missed one Doesn’t
questions and vocabulary by the aspects the aspects or two of the make the
presenting a dialogue using the asked for the asked or has 4 aspects asked presentation
topics presentation to 6 grammar or has more
with 0 to 3 mistakes or 4 than 7
grammar to 6 grammar
mistakes or pronunciation mistakes or
pronunciation errors more than 7
errors pronunciation

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