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ID Test Case Description Pre-Condition

Premises List

1 Blank username Input: ""

Input: Copy and paste "copypasteusername" (valid

2 Copy paste username
length) into the username field.

3 Trim spaces at beginning and end in username Input: " usernamewithspaces "

Invalid Values in age (String, decimal value, negative Input: "twenty" or "18.5" or "-18"

5 Age Limit Input: "17"

Test Case Procedure Expected Output Result Test date

Leave the username field blank and submit the form. Validation error indicating the username is required. Not Test

Copy "copypasteusername" and paste it into the

Username is accepted without any error. Not Test
username field, then submit the form.

Enter " usernamewithspaces " in the username field The username is trimmed to "usernamewithspaces" and accepted Not Test
and submit the form without any error if the trimmed length is within 10 to 20 characters.

Enter "twenty" or "18.5" or "-18" in the age field. Validation error indicating the age must be a whole number. Not Test

Enter "17" in the age field and submit the form. Validation error indicating the age must be 18 or above Not Test
Premises List

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