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■■■■■17■■■ ■■■■■■ Seventeen

Contradictions and the End of

Capitalism ■■ · ■■ (David Harvey) ■
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Welshimer P, Cap 21st Ill Vol
Weatherby J, L’t 51st O Vol
Weesner T A, L’t 14 & 15 Ill V Bat
Wyman E F, C S
West D J, L’t 6th Conn Vol
Ware E W, L’t 9th Me Vol
White Dan, Col 31st Me Vol
Washburne W, Cap 35th Mass Vol
Wing G H, L’t 14th N Y Art
Wilder G O, Adj 15th Mass Vol
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Wilcox C W, L’t 9th N H Vol
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Williamson J B, L’t 14th W Va Vol
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Warwick Jos F, L’t 101st Pa Vol
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Whitney J N, L’t 2d R I Cav
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Wanzer G G, Major 24th N Y Cav
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Wilson R P, L’t 5th U S Cav
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Jackson R W, L’t 21st Wis Vol
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Wenrick J E, Cap 19th Penn Cav
Young A, L’t 4th Penn Cav

In the closing of this book, we deem it fitting to

produce a very correct likeness of our beloved

President, who lies at death’s door, smitten by the

hand of the assassin Guiteau. This is done more in

appreciation of the peculiar sadness of the

circumstances and the anxiety of the people, than

because of any connection which the cut may have

with the other contents of the book.

H. R. 4495.
2d Session.


February 16, 1880.
Read twice, referred to the Committee on Invalid
Pensions, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Keifer, by unanimous consent, introduced the

following bill:
A BILL granting pensions to certain Union soldiers
and sailors of the late war of the rebellion who
were confined in so called Confederate prisons.
Whereas during the late rebellion many soldiers and
sailors of the Federal Army and Navy, through the
fortunes of war, became prisoners and were
confined in so called Confederate prisons, to the
detriment and permanent injury of their health, but
whose debility is of such a general and indefinable
character as to exclude them from the benefits of
existing pension laws: Therefore
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the
Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and required
to place upon the pension-rolls of the United States,
upon application and proof being made to the
satisfaction of the Department, all honorably
discharged soldiers and sailors of the Federal Army
and Navy who, during the late war, were captured
and confined, during the period of six months or
more, in any of the prisons or places commonly used
for the confinement of prisoners by the so called
Confederate authorities during the late rebellion, and
who are not now beneficiaries, nor entitled to
become so under existing pension laws of the United
Sec. 2. That such pension shall in each case begin
from the date of the discharge of the soldier or sailor
aforesaid from the military or naval service of the
United States, and shall be at the rate of eight dollars
per month in cases where the term of imprisonment
shall have been more than six months and less than
one year, and one dollar per month additional for
each full month of such imprisonment in excess of
one year. And the said pension shall be paid at the
same time and in the same manner as other
pensions are paid: Provided, That nothing in this act
shall be construed to authorize the reduction or to
prevent the increase of the pension of any person
now receiving or entitled to receive the benefits of
existing pension laws.
Each line of the List of the Dead gives as much information about
that soldier as was known. A missing item was left blank in the
original book, but has been given a - or — mark in this etext.
The format of each entry is as follows:
Grave number from 1 to 12916.
There are some gaps in the numbering and some
duplicates; this book states a total of 12,912 deaths over
the fourteen months.
Name with initials or first name, or —— if none known.
If he held a rank other than Private it is added after a
comma. The most common abbreviations are Cor and S’t
for Corporal and Sergeant, but others are used as well.
Branch of the Army, if not Infantry.
The most common are Cav for Cavalry, Art for Artillery, Bat
for Battery, Mar for Marine Corps, Cit for Citizen.
Cemetery number at Andersonville.
Nearly 200 separate numbered burial areas were used.
Assigned Company within Andersonville.
Thirteen groups or Companies, A through M.
Recorded date of burial.
Month and day. The year 1864 is assumed, unless 65 is
added after the date. The following entries will be assumed
65 as well, until a 64 is given, indicating a reversion to
1864. The original book also placed a 64 (sometimes 65) at
the first entry on a book page, and these have not been

The first few pages covering Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware and

District of Columbia, had the ‘Cemetery’ before the ‘Branch’ field
when that was present; also a few in Illinois; for example ‘1 Cav’
and ‘2 Art’. These have been reversed to ‘Cav 1’ and ‘Art 2’ to be
consistent with the rest of the List.
In most pages of the later States (Massachusetts to Pennsylvania)
the rank was missing; this has been added (Cor or S’t), when
present in the Library of Congress (LoC) source document.
In some cases the service branch has been changed to a shorter
abbreviation of 3-5 characters to maintain the table format. For
example ‘Tenn St Gd’ or similar has been changed to ‘StG’; ‘St
Militia’ or similar has been changed to ‘Mil’; ‘Mar Corps’ or similar
has been changed to ‘Mar’; ‘Sig Corps’ or similar has been
changed to ‘Sig’.
A few names had different spelling in this List versus the LoC
document. In general the List spelling has been retained unless
clearly a typo.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors in the diary

and in the List have been corrected after careful comparison with
other occurrences within the text and reference to the LoC
Some hyphens in words have been silently removed, some added,
when a predominant preference was found in the original book.
Except for those changes in the diary text noted below, all
misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have
been retained.
Pg 15: ‘not conformiug with’ replaced by ‘not conforming with’.
Pg 17: ‘eat everythihg on’ replaced by ‘eat everything on’.
Pg 21: ‘agrees with we’ replaced by ‘agrees with me’.
Pg 22: ‘quantities. Rlchmond’ replaced by ‘quantities. Richmond’.
Pg 27: ‘what he he is worth’ replaced by ‘what he is worth’.
Pg 30: ‘They Holy Sabbath’ replaced by ‘The Holy Sabbath’.
Pg 32: ‘friends Myres and’ replaced by ‘friends Myers and’.
Pg 40: ‘into the croud’ replaced by ‘into the crowd’.
Pg 45: ‘at comcealment’ replaced by ‘at concealment’.
Pg 48: ‘quarters near is’ replaced by ‘quarters near us’.
Pg 51: ‘stood i bravely’ replaced by ‘stood it bravely’.
Pg 54: ‘men at the time’ replaced by ‘men all the time’.
Pg 56: ‘slung shots’ replaced by ‘sling shots’.
Pg 57: ‘stortly after being’ replaced by ‘shortly after being’.
Pg 58: ‘and perhaps myelf’ replaced by ‘and perhaps myself’.
Pg 64: ‘ard negotiating’ replaced by ‘and negotiating’.
Pg 72: ‘the more peacable’ replaced by ‘the more peaceable’.
Pg 73: ‘sick a e again’ replaced by ‘sick are again’.
Pg 73: ‘Mang prefer to’ replaced by ‘Many prefer to’.
Pg 75: ‘tolera- no longer’ replaced by ‘tolerated no longer’.
Pg 80: ‘and perpaps a few’ replaced by ‘and perhaps a few’.
Pg 83: ‘if neccessary using’ replaced by ‘if necessary using’.
Pg 85: ‘business of g’ replaced by ‘business of living’.
Pg 86: ‘Statue has nothing’ replaced by ‘Stature has nothing’.
Pg 87: ‘much nore to eat’ replaced by ‘much more to eat’.
Pg 92: ‘Ang. 17.’ replaced by ‘Aug. 17.’.
Pg 100: ‘Knaw onion’ replaced by ‘Gnaw onion’.
Pg 105: ‘belive they would’ replaced by ‘believe they would’.
Pg 108: ‘never endnred any’ replaced by ‘never endured any’.
Pg 109: ‘WAR ELECTION DAY’ replaced by ‘WAR—ELECTION
Pg 110: ‘his portion is his’ replaced by ‘his portion in his’.
Pg 110: ‘see one onother’ replaced by ‘see one another’.
Pg 110: ‘little Bulluck who’ replaced by ‘little Bullock who’.
Pg 111: ‘a good murse’ replaced by ‘a good nurse’.
Pg 113: ‘and ver often’ replaced by ‘and very often’.
Pg 115: ‘occasions helped the’ replaced by ‘occasions I helped
Pg 122: ‘the heighth of’ replaced by ‘the height of’.
Pg 124: ‘and shave eaten’ replaced by ‘and have eaten’.
Pg 126: ‘a small pototoe’ replaced by ‘a small potatoe’.
Pg 129: ‘given me comfidence’ replaced by ‘given me confidence’.
Pg 132: ‘are alse entitled’ replaced by ‘are also entitled’.
Pg 135: ‘a though “Dave” says’ replaced by ‘although “Dave”
Pg 136: ‘joined one anotder’ replaced by ‘joined one another’.
Pg 137: ‘yon are Yankees’ replaced by ‘you are Yankees’.
Pg 137: ‘ate and and talked’ replaced by ‘ate and talked’.
Pg 141: ‘to Jocco’s hut’ replaced by ‘to Jocko’s hut’.
Pg 142: ‘caught halping’ replaced by ‘caught helping’.
Pg 142: ‘for his pictnre’ replaced by ‘for his picture’.
Pg 143: ‘a chain b at’ replaced by ‘a chain boat’.
Pg 144: ‘Wil stick to him’ replaced by ‘Will stick to him’.
Pg 145: ‘not go as as quiet’ replaced by ‘not go as quiet’.
Pg 146: ‘See kept talking’ replaced by ‘She kept talking’.
Pg 148: ‘and he wovld have’ replaced by ‘and he would have’.
Pg 149: ‘won’t get canght’ replaced by ‘won’t get caught’.
Pg 150: ‘or black cloth’ replaced by ‘of black cloth’.
Pg 152: ‘as near at we can’ replaced by ‘as near as we can’.
Pg 154: ‘also some shouttng’ replaced by ‘also some shouting’.
Pg 155: ‘and say tle’ replaced by ‘and say the’.
Pg 155: ‘must heep watch’ replaced by ‘must keep watch’.
Pg 156: ‘left them entirly’ replaced by ‘left them entirely’.
Pg 156: ‘2d Divisiom’ replaced by ‘2d Division’.
Pg 157: ‘the rebel cttizens’ replaced by ‘the rebel citizens’.
Pg 160: ‘In may interest’ replaced by ‘It may interest’.
Pg 161: ‘a delieate frame’ replaced by ‘a delicate frame’.
Pg 170: ‘this time Skelly’ replaced by ‘this time Skelley’.
Pg 172: ‘my descriipton of’ replaced by ‘my description of’.
Pg 178: ‘to the brian’ replaced by ‘to the bran’.
Pg 180: ‘from the balnket’ replaced by ‘from the blanket’.
Pg 184: ‘the Eng-ligh navy’ replaced by ‘the English navy’.
Pg 192: ‘cam grano salis’ replaced by ‘cum grano salis’.

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