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SECCIÓN: Gramática

I. Read the following article and fill in the blanks with a suitable tense for the verbs in

brackets. (Don’t worry about the underlined words in capital letters. They have been
selected for Task 2).(15x2=30)

Twenty-first century cowboys

Cowboys …………………………… (1- always have) a romantic image. WHEN people first watched
Hollywood films, being a cowboy wasn’t a job. It WAS a life of adventure, freedom, horses. In reality,

the real American cowboys …………………………… (2- work) here in the west and south-west of the
United States for over three centuries, long before Hollywood.
Nobody …………………… (3- know) how many cowboys are still working. MANY modern ranches use
the latest technology and employ accountants. Some of the old traditional cattle ranches make more
money nowadays by offering holidays to tourists; people …………………………… (4- stay) for a
holiday to live the cowboy’s life.
But even with technology and Hollywood romance, real cowboys still do the same job they have done
for years. The CATTLE still need to walk ACROSS huge plains and eat grass many miles from the

ranch. Cowboys work in the middle of nowhere, in a place where you can’t make a phone call because
mobile phones …………………………… (5- not- work). Like the cowboys of the past, twenty-first
century cowboys still get up EARLY on freezing cold mornings and make breakfast over an OPEN fire.
So why …………………………… (6- people–choose) this life? Pat Crisswell had a good job with the

government. He …………………………… (7- make) good money but he …………………………… (8-

not-like) the city. He …………………………… (9- want) to do something different. So one day, he
…………………………… (10- give up) his job and moved to a ranch in Texas, earning much less as a

Two brothers Tyrel and Blaine Tucker ……………………………(11- live) on ranches since they
…………………… (12- be) children. Last winter, they looked after 2,300 cows. Every day from
December until April, they …………………………… (13- ride) across nearly 100,000 acres of land with
only the cattle, the horses, and each other for company. Eighteen-year-old Tyrel Tucker says, ‘It was
fun.’ Blaine …………………… (14- have) a large moustache and now Tyrel ………………… (15-
grow)HIS beard. They wear traditional COWBOY clothes with the famous hat and boots. You COULD
do the same job in a baseball cap and a truck but Tyrel and Blaine prefer the traditional cowboy culture.
Extracted and adapted from Life Pre-intermediate

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II. Re-read the article and identify the parts of speech of the underlined words in capital
letters. Provide as much information as you can about them (except for the syntactic
function they fulfill).(10x2=20)

1. WHEN: …………………………… 2. WAS: ………………………… 3. MANY:………………………

4. CATTLE: ………………………… 5. ACROSS: …………………………6. EARLY: ………………………
7. OPEN: …………………………… 8. HIS: ………………………… 9. COWBOY: ………………………
10. COULD: ………………………

III. Write meaningful grammatical sentences with at least 8 words each, using the
following words as instructed. If any of the instructions are not possible, INDICATE
“Not possible.”(5x10=50)

1) Fast (in the comparative degree of equality, as both adverb and an adjective, if possible.


2) That (as a determiner and a pronoun)

Determiner: ______________________________________________________________ Pronoun:


3) Comfortable(as a predicative adjective to talk about prediction based on beliefs)

4) see (as a monotransitive verb expressing a fixed arrangement)


5) Room (as a countable and uncountable noun, each preceded by a quantifier)

Countable: ______________________________________________________________ Uncountable:


6) Introduce (as a ditransitive verb to talk about a past action with no connection to the present)
7) Feel (as linking verb to talk about an action that started in the past and continues in the present)

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Reading Comprehension Section
A. Read Charles Chaplin’s biography.

Charles Chaplin

He was believed to have been born on April 16, 1889. There is some doubt whether
April 16 is actually his birthday, and it is possible he was not born in 1889, but some
years earlier. There is also uncertainty about his birthplace: London or Fontainebleau,
France. There is no doubt, however, as to his parentage: he was born to Charles
Chaplin, Sr. and Hannah Harriette Hill (aka Lily Harley on stage), both Music Hall
entertainers. His parents separated soon after his birth, leaving him in the care of his

increasingly unstable mother.

In 1896, Chaplin's mother was unable to find work; Charlie and his older half-brother
Sydney Chaplin had to be left in the workhouse at Lambeth, moving after several
weeks to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. His father died an
alcoholic when Charlie was 12, and his mother suffered a mental breakdown, and was
eventually admitted temporarily to the Cane Hill Asylum at Coulsdon (near Croydon).
She died in 1928 in the United States, two years after coming to the States to live with
Chaplin, by then a commercial success.

Charlie first took to the stage when, aged five, he performed in Music Hall in 1894,

standing in for his mother. As a child, he was confined to a bed for weeks due to a
serious illness, and, at night, his mother would sit at the window and act out what was
going on outside. In 1900, aged 11, his brother helped get him the role of a comic cat in
the pantomime Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. In 1903 he appeared in 'Jim, A
Romance of Cockayne', followed by his first regular job, as the newspaper boy Billy in
Sherlock Holmes, a part he played into 1906. This was followed by Casey's Court
Circus' variety show, and, the following year, he became a clown in Fred Karno's 'Fun

Factory' slapstick comedy company.

According to immigration records, he arrived in the United States with the Karno troupe
on October 2, 1912. In the Karno Company was Arthur Stanley Jefferson, who would
later become known as Stan Laurel. Chaplin and Laurel shared a room in a boarding

house. Stan Laurel returned to England but Chaplin remained in the United States.
Chaplin's act was seen by film producer Mack Sennett, who hired him for his studio, the
Keystone Film Company.

1. Read the text again and decide if the sentences below are True or False. Justify the
false statements. (5x2=10).

1. Chaplin was probably born some years earlier than it is currently believed.
2. Chaplin's mother died before her son was successful.

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3. Chaplin first performed on the stage after he arrived in the United States.
4. His first serious job was delivering newspapers.
5. He was discovered while working for a British organization in the UniteD

2. Ask questions for the following answers connected to the text.


1) _________________________________________?

After his birth.
2) _________________________________________?
When Charlie was 12.
3) _________________________________________?
In 1894

4) _________________________________________?
Stan Laurel.
1. Choose a word from the box to fill in the sentences below. Write the word in the correct
form. ( 6x1=6)

cash-sapping wet date lifestyle dry hub cheer thriving suitable dating best neon-lit

glad watching overcast penchant haven

a. Paris is one of the top 10………………..destinations in the world.

b. The Atacama desert is the ……………desert in the world.

c. Seoul is the …………….of technology

d. The fans…………….when they saw Justin Bieber.
e. According to their needs, the most ………………option for a perfect holiday is a package
f. My sister has been …………….her boyfriend for two years.

2. Write grammatically correct and meaningful sentences using the words or

phrases given. Each sentence must have at least 8 words (5x4= 20)
1) melting pot _______________________________________________________________
2) suit (verb) _______________________________________________________________
3) B&B accommodation __________________________________________________________
4) on the rocks_______________________________________________________________
5) restored _______________________________________________________________

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C. Writing Section (33p)
Write a brief story of about 150 words that contains the following line: “As I carefully entered

the haunted house, the door shut behind me and...”

Follow the instructions below to complete the task:

*Pay attention to form.
* Use content-specific vocabulary.
* Use connectors to show the relationships between ideas.
* Write a title to the story
* Include the word count at the end.
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Nombre: …………………………… Comisión: ……… DNI:………………



SECCIÓN: Gramática
1- Fill in the blanks with the suitable tense of the verbs in brackets. Important: you should pretend
that this piece of news has appeared in today´s newspaper. (16x2=32)

JetSMART kicks off pricea war as itb enters Argentina’s low

cost market

CEO Estuardo Ortiz says ‘flight for a peso’ promotion is sign Chilean firm intends to shake up
February, 15th, 2019JetSMART airlines 1)_______________________(now/enter) the competition in
Argentina’s lowcost air travel market with a host of new routes and prices that
2)__________________________(attract) the attention of customers.

The Chilean firm officially 3)_________________________(launch) in the country with a bold romotion last
Tuesday, offering up to 5,000 tickets for any of its 12 round-trip domesticc flights for practically nothing: 1
peso per passenger, with fees included.
JetSMART 4) __________________________(sell) 54,735 lowcost flights in its first 24 hours of online

sales, the company reported last Wednesday. Flight prices outside the promotion
5)____________________(start) at 299 pesos, executives confirmed. Beginning next April, new
JetSMART6)_________________(connect) passengers from Buenos Aires to Mendoza, Córdoba,
Neuquén, Bariloche, Iguazú, Salta and Tucumán. At a press conference on Tuesday, JetSMART CEO
Estuardo Ortiz said the company was committed to extending accessible flights across the continent.
“JetSMART 7)___________________ (be) born in 2017 with a clear vision: to establish an airline that offers
low prices to all of South America,” Ortiz said. “It’s an extensive continent, and a great majority of its people
8)__________________ (be) in the middle class. High prices 9)__________________(be)prohibitive to
travel for decades, butd this situation 10) _________________________(change) next April because our
prices are affordable.”
Fellow airlines like Flybondi and Norwegian 11) _____________________(roll out) low-cost flight options

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since price floor restrictions on round-trip flights were eliminated last August for tickets purchased 30 days
in advance. Traditional players like Aerolíneas Argentinas and Latam 12) ___________________(come up
with) their own promotions and economy options to adapt to the new competition too.
Transport Ministry Resolution 5/2019 13) __________________________(already/grant) the company 261
routes for both domestic and international service.
While the airline will be operating solelye in Buenos Aires for now, new routes
14)____________________(open up) in the coming months. Connections between Córdoba and Salta and
Córdoba and Neuquén routes15) ______________________(begin) operating in April, followed by9
Mendoza and Neuquén in May. Flights connecting Bariloche with Córdoba and Mendoza will be up and
running in June, airlines representatives added10.
Ortiz says that low-cost flights16) ____________________________(spread) soon to new destinations
across the continent too, including Chile and Brazil.

Adapted from:

2- Read the text again and identify the part of speech in italics. (7x2=14)

a) Price:
b) It:

c) Domestic:
d) But:
e) Solely:
f) by:
g) added:
3- Write a coherent and meaningful sentence for each word given below. Use the word
as it is instructed. Each sentence must have at least 8 words. (total 54)

1. difficult (predicative use) (5)


2. paper (uncountable noun) (5)

3. seem (as a linking verb) (5)


4. Either (as a pronoun) (5)

5. Well (as an adverb in the comparative degree: superiority) (5)

6. A great number of (as a quantifier) (5)

7. work (as an intransitive verb/an action that started in the past and continues up to the

present) (6) 8. annoying (superlative degree: superiority) (6)

9. open (as a ditransitive verb/on the spot decision) (6)

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10. give (as a ditransitive verb/an action that was in progress when another action happened) (6)

Read about this very strange hotel, then work on the exercises.

The Hotel of the Famous

What would your life be like if you were Albert Einstein. What clothes would be in your
wardrobe if you were Marilyn Monroe? Or Madonna?

Well now you can discover the answer to all these questions and many more at the Fame

Hotel in California. Ten miles outside Los Angeles, the Fame Hotel promises to answer the
question "What if?" When you check into the hotel, you choose a room. Each room has a
name. There's Clint Eastwood on the second floor and Elvis Presley on the third floor. In total,
the Fame Hotel has 32 rooms, most of which are named after stars of Hollywood or music.
But there are also famous writers (Mark Twain and Agatha Christie) and even some scientists
and sports stars, such as Mike Tyson.

When you enter the room, you enter the life of that person. There are pictures everywhere.
The owner of the hotel has tried to fill the room with objects, clothes, even food that he thinks

the stars would have liked. Marilyn Monroe's wardrobe is full of beautiful white dresses, Albert
Einstein doesn't have any socks in his wardrobe because the real Einstein never wore them! If
you choose Mike Tyson's room, you'll be able to practice boxing in one corner of the room.
And there's even a skipping rope too!

I spoke to one guest staying in the Elvis Presley room. "I love this hotel," he said to me. "I
wanted to know 'What would Elvis Presley eat for breakfast?' and now I know". That guest
eats pancakes and strawberry ice cream every morning, just as Elvis liked to do. On the next
table, the Einstein room's guest is eating cabbage soup!

The company plans to open another Fame Hotel in New York next year and there are plans to
expand into Europe too. I look forward to staying in the Winston Churchill suite in London!

A. Answer True (T) or False (F) and correct False statements. (8x2=16)

1) You can meet famous people in the hotel.

2) Some famous people have stayed at the hotel.
3) The Fame Hotel is near Hollywood.
4) Guests are able to choose which room they stay in.

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5) Each room has a celebrity's signature on the door.
6) The hotel's owner has tried to make the wardrobe authentic.
7) Each guest eats something different in the hotel restaurant.
8) There is also a Fame Hotel in London.

B. Make questions to these answers (5x3=15)

1. _____________________________?
The answers to all these questions.
2. _____________________________?
Ten miles.
3. _____________________________?

On the third floor.
4. _____________________________?
32 rooms.
5. _____________________________?
No, it doesn’t.

A. Replace the words underlined in each sentence with a word from the list. (10x1=10)
camp-site - book - hostel - accommodation - double -

hitch-hike - a fortnight - guest-house - vacancy - porter

1. I stayed in France for two weeks last year.


2. It’s difficult to find anywhere to stay in this town in summer.

3. We were short of money so we decided to get lifts in other people’s
4. I’d like a room for the night please. A room for two people.
5. The place where we stayed wasn’t a hotel but a private house where you pay to

stay and have meals.

6. I’d like to reserve three single rooms for next week, please.
7. It was raining, and we couldn’t find a place to put our tents.
8. I’d like a room for the night please. Do you have a free one?

9. The school has its own place for students to stay.

10. We gave a tip to the person who carried our bags in the hotel.
C. Write grammatical and meaningful sentences. Use the words


a) to be prone to


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b) B & B


c) strenuous


d) megadraw


e) cash-sapping


You have just returned from your holidays in an exotic place. Write an email to a friend telling

him/her about your experience there. Include the following information (150 words) -a
description of the place you have been to -a brief narration of something extraordinary you did
during your holidays.

SECCIÓN: Fonética

1. You will hear each sentence twice. Circle the word you

hear. (15) a- I´ve lost my pills/ bills.


b- I think there is something wrong with my niece/ knees.

c- He took the wrong/ long way.

d- The price of peas/ peace is huge.

e- They are watching/ washing the fastest car in the world.

f- I found a my cart/ card.

g- That hat/ hut is really expensive!

h- I need a pen/ pan fast!

i- She owns a farm/ firm in the South.

j- The cock/ cork is in the kitchen

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k- Look! That`s a nice peach/ beach

l- Her house is full of pins/ bins.

m- That pie/ tie is so expensive!

n- That´s a tidy/ tiny room.

o- The crowd cheered/ jeered last night at the theatre.

Describan a algún miembro de su familia, le hagan preguntas al compañero, hablen de alguna
unidad, de alguna short story, comenten sobre algun personaje famoso, etc


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