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1-2 3-5 6-8 9 - 10
The presentation contains little The presentation has moments The presentation has a good The presentation has an
to no valuable material/ where valuable material is amount of material and exceptional amount of
It lacks organization and has present but as a whole content benefits the audience. valuable material and is
little evidence of preparation. is lacking. It also has organizing ideas but extremely beneficial to the
The presentation is not There are minimal signs of can be much stronger with audience.
creative. organization or preparation. better preparation. It is also well organized, well
The presentation needs The presentation is somewhat The presentation is creative. prepared and easy to follow.
Content significant improvements in creative. The presentation has a nice The presentation is highly
(30%) design, layout and neatness. The presentation needs design and layout. It is neat and creative.
There are frequent errors improvement in design, layout easy to read. There might be The presentation has an
(grammar, punctuation, or neatness. There are some minor errors (grammar, excellent design and layout.
spelling, formatting, etc.) on errors (grammar, punctuation, punctuation, spelling, It is neat and easy to
the slide spelling, formatting, etc.) on formatting, etc.) on the slides. understand the content. It is
the slides. basically free from errors
(grammar, punctuation,
spelling, formatting, etc.) on
the slides.
1–2 3-5 6-8 9 – 10
The presenter mumbles, The presenter incorrectly The presenter’s voice is clear. The presenter uses a clear
Pronunciation incorrectly pronounces terms. pronounces terms. Audience The presenter pronounces most voice and precise
(10%) Audience can hardly has difficulty hearing the words correctly. pronunciation of terms.
understand the presentation. presentation.
1-2 3-5 6-8 9 -10
The presenter produces basic The presenter uses a mix of The presenter uses a wide The presenter uses a full
sentence forms. simple and complex structures range of structures flexibly. range of structures naturally
Grammar &
Errors are frequent and may but with limited flexibility. The presenter frequently and appropriately.
lead to misunderstanding. The presenter may make produces error-free sentences The presenter produces
frequent grammatical mistakes. though some grammatical consistently accurate
mistakes persist. structures.
1-2 3-5 6-8 9 - 10
The presenter cannot respond The presenter usually The presenter speaks fluently The presenter speaks
without noticeable pauses and maintains flow of speech but with only occasional repetition fluently with only rare
Fluency speak slowly, with frequent uses repetition, self-repetition, or self-correction. repetition or self-correction.
(10%) repetition and self-correction. and/or slow speech to keep Hesitation is usually content-
going. related and only rarely to
search for language.
1-2 3-5 6-8 9 - 10
Body language The presenter holds no eye The presenter displays minimal The presenter has consistent The presenter holds the
(10%) contact with the audience as eye contact with the audience, use of direct eye contact with attention of the entire
the entire report is read from while reading mostly from the the audience, but still returns to audience with the use of
notes. notes. notes. direct eye contact, seldom
The presenter has little to no The presenter has limited use The presenter has overall looking at notes.
use of body language and eye of physical presence and body satisfactory physical presence The presenter has excellent
contact to communicate with language to communicate to and use of body language at physical presence and use of
the audience, with very little the audience, with very little times to communicate with the body language to effectively
care given to physical presence. eye contact. audience. communicate with the
1-2 3-5 6-8 9 - 10
The presenter cannot answer The presenter is able to answer The presenter shows adequate The presenter demonstrates
questions from judges or is only rudimentary questions knowledge by answering most full knowledge by answering
able to answer very few basic with partial explanation and of the questions with mostly all questions from judges
questions with minimal limited detail. clear, accurate explanation and with clear, accurate
explanation and little or no general detail. explanation and specific
detail. detail.
1-2 3-5 6-8 9 - 10
The teammates never worked The teammates sometimes The teammates worked from The teammates always
Group from others’ ideas. It seems as worked from others’ ideas. others’ ideas most of the time. worked from others’ ideas. It
Collaboration though only a few people However, it seems as though And it seems like everyone did was evident that all of the
(10%) worked on the presentation. certain people did not do as some work, but some people group members contributed
much work as others. are carrying the presentation. equally to the presentation.

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