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I. Timeline
No. Activity Time (any day but within the
expected required week)

1 Teachers assign project to students Week 1

2 Students register project themes, book genres and Week 2

assign tasks to group members

3 Students prepare for the project: create products, Week 2 – Week 4

prepare for product launch day

4 Students submit their products (Assignment 1) Week 5

5 Project launch day: students present their products Week 6

(Assignment 2)

II. Content

▪ Group: 5 – 7 members/ group

▪ Theme: each group chooses a theme/s for their product. Either from the course book or

other outside source.

▪ Product: a flip book with audio + a presentation to launch the product (Assignment 2).

▪ Suggested book genres:

Short stories collection

Magazine (articles, fun corners, interviews, poems, etc.)
Non-fiction (travel, science, self-help, etc.)
Medium/ long story
Comic books
Others (students have to present ideas to teachers)

▪ Word limit: 1000-2000 words

III. Assessment
- Assignment 1 : Product Launch: 10% (MWF teacher)
- Assignment 2 : Product Presentation: 10% (TTH teacher)

Suggested presentation content for assignment 2.

 Introduce your team members.

 Introduce the theme or topic.
 Mention a few outstanding features in your assignment.
 Mention some key reasons why you chose that theme or topic.
 What have you learned from this project?
 What are the challenges encountered in this project? How did you solve them?
 Why is this project helpful for your soft skills?
 What suggestion you could provide given a chance to do again this project?
 Whom would you like to thank for this project?

 After the presentation, the teacher in charge should also provide about 2 key points from
the product that he/she thinks should be improved. The teacher should encourage the
members of the waiting team to take turns providing comments or questions about the
presenting team. This is a great opportunity for their social constructivism. Scores of
feedback and comments can be added to the content criterion.

NOTE: Rubrics and Score sheets are available in this folder.

IV. Task assigning

- Each group assigns specific tasks to all members, namely:

 1 project manager (manage the whole group’s activity)
 1 chief editor (assign and manage writing and reviewing tasks)
 1 chief graphic designer (assign and manage designing tasks)
 1 chief presenter (assign presenting and audio-making tasks)
 All members (contribute ideas, write drafts, present about the products)
- Each group creates a google drive folder for assigning tasks and submitting their
ideas/contributions. This folder should be shared with the class teacher so that the teacher
can check each member's contribution and monitor the project's progress.

- The project manager can report problems or cases of uncooperative members directly in
the shared file for the teacher to consider.

- Suggested file for assigning tasks: See the file Task delegation Form in this folder.

V. Flipbook maker
- Students will create their flipbooks at:
- On the website, teachers create classes and monitor each group’s progress.
- Teachers should examine the website carefully before the course starts.
- Guidelines:
Some samples

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