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Advanced Classification of Failure-Related Patterns

on Solar Photovoltaic Farms Through Multiview

Photogrammetry Thermal Infrared Sensing by
Drones and Deep Learning
Yahya Zefri Mohammadreza Aghaei * Hicham Hajji
2023 International Conference on Future Energy Solutions (FES) | 979-8-3503-3230-8/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/FES57669.2023.10182940

Photogrammetry-Cartography Department of Ocean Operations and Photogrammetry-Cartography

Department Civil Engineering, Norwegian Department
School of Geomatics and Surveying University of Science and Technology School of Geomatics and Surveying
Engineering, IAV Hassan II (NTNU), 6009, Alesund, Norway Engineering, IAV Hassan II
Rabat, Morocco Department of Sustainable Systems Rabat, Morocco Engineering (INATECH), University of
Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany

Ghassane Aniba Imane Sebari

Mohammadia School of Engineers Photogrammetry-Cartography
Mohammed V University in Rabat Department
Rabat, Morocco School of Geomatics and Surveying Engineering, IAV Hassan II
Rabat, Morocco

Abstract— Here, we propose an approach that relies on temperatures, the intrusion of moisture, diverse precipitation
digital photogrammetry and deep learning to classify thermal types, and the UV sun radiation [3], [4]. Across the literature,
infrared patterns sheltering potential failures within solar the reported degradation rates vary differently, depending on
panels from aerial imagery collected by drones. We collect the panels’ location, along with the dominant degradation
images from a solar plant using a rotary-wing drone equipped factors [5]–[8]. In [5], the reported rates range from −0.8% to
with an onboard thermal camera. The captured images are −4.9% per year. The affected PV panels have degraded
processed using a photogrammetric pipeline that stitches the performance, because their individual components cease to
images together producing a georeferenced thermal
function properly; as a consequence, the overall performance
orthomosaic. The solar panels are digitized, extracted from the
orthomosaic, labeled into 4 classes, augmented using
is reduced. PV panels are arranged within arrays of multiple
transformations acting on their geometry and radiometry then layouts. When only one panel is degraded due to the presence
utilized to constitute a dataset to train from scratch and validate of either one or multiple failures, the whole PV array is
a developed deep learning classifier. The latter consists of a affected, because the output of the array is only as strong as
convolutional neural network architecture comprising two core its weakest component. If one panel is not performing
blocks: (1) a convolutional block that produces multi-level optimally, the entire array will be penalized [9], [10]. This is
feature maps from the images, followed by (2) a multi-layer why it is important to monitor PV panels and detect failures
perceptron block that classifies the constructed feature maps early to perform timely maintenance interventions [1], [11].
according to the considered categories. The final developed
model scores an F1-score of 98.2% on our validation sub-
Digital imagery, based especially on the thermal infrared
dataset, which confirms both its high performance and spectrum, has proven itself as an efficient and reliable way to
generalizability on additional data. The proposed approach diagnose PV panels. Panels with failures tend to overheat at
elaborates an efficient, comprehensive and cost-effective the affected parts, which makes from the long-wave thermal
framework to monitor solar farms through the use of drone- infrared spectrum ([8 − 14𝜇𝑚]) a suitable way to spot any
based thermal sensing, photogrammetry and deep learning, unusual excessive temperature patterns [11], [12]. Parallelly,
alongside addressing the drawbacks related to the use of classic the use of drones in monitoring is becoming increasingly
techniques. popular in a variety of industries [13]–[16], among which the
energy industry occupies a prominent place [17]–[19]. For PV
Keywords— Inspection; Solar farm; Deep learning; Drone; inspection, drones can be used to inspect hard-to-reach PV
Thermal sensing; failure arrays; they can also provide a time-saving and cost-effective
way to overfly large-scale farms collecting images using
I. INTRODUCTION lightweight cameras [20]–[22]. After image collection, failure
During their operating lifetime, solar photovoltaic (PV) detection can be carried out by analyzing the images, for color,
panels are affected by multiple failures because they are made texture or shape changes that are likely to shelter failures.
up of many assembled components, such as toughened glass,
aluminum framing, ethylene vinyl acetate encapsulation, Various works have been conducted on the use of aerial
wiring, and other manufacturing materials [1], [2]. These thermal sensing for failure detection on solar PV panels. In
components are subject to being damaged or degraded over [23], the authors performed a flight campaign of a utility-scale
time due to environmental factors, such as extreme ambient PV solar farm through aerial thermography. Post-flight image
analysis has been carried out to spot PV panels having failures.

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The use of aerial imagery was concluded to provide faster which makes the use of a GPS/GNSS-based system to
results; however, the study did not propose any automatic navigate the PV farm in search of panels with failures not
approach nor models for failure detection on images. The practical.
panels were browsed manually by an operator in search of
overheating components. In [24], the authors proposed a An analysis of the previous works highlights three main
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that classifies aerial issues summarized as follows:
captures into images containing one or multiple panels having • Automatic failure detection: some approaches rely on
failures, and images with entirely normal panels. The eyesight-based examination of the images, which is a
collected dataset comprised 3336 thermal images, with 811 tiring and error-prone process, especially when it
samples corresponding to the first class (images having no comes to big data collected from large-scale farms.
panel with a failure), on which several augmentations have
been applied to enhance the representativeness. The • The geolocalization issue, which relates to finding a
developed model scored an F1-score of 75%; however, the panel with a failure on-field based on its source aerial
global proposed approach has a major drawback, which is image: while the majority of works have gone into
providing no cues on the location of the affected panels, and failure detection on images, the posterior
this makes any on-field intervention a difficult task. geolocalization issue has received very little interest.
In [25], the authors adopted an object detection approach, • The multiplicity of failure-related thermal patterns:
where they used a YOLOv5-based architecture to extract PV hotspots are the predominant thermal pattern on PV
panels along with hotspot failures through drawing bounding models [29], which explains the reasons why their
boxes around. The dataset they have prepared comprised 5600 detection has received the major interest in the
aerial images with a total of 124000 modules approximately, literature. However, other failure-related patterns also
and has been captured from publicly available videos. The exist, and they also have to be addressed to perform a
final obtained model achieved a mean average precision of comprehensive diagnosis of any solar farm.
98.1%; however, the study presents two major drawbacks. This work addresses the aforementioned issues through
The first is related to the constitution of the dataset, where an developing an approach that relies on a deep neural network-
over duplication is observed due to the high overlap between based algorithm for the automatic detection of failure-related
the captured images. The second relates to the impossibility of PV thermal patterns. An exhaustive diagnosis is provided
retrieving a PV panel from its source image, since the through considering four classes. The approach uses as a
geolocalization information has been discarded along the starting point an orthomosaic generated through a
process of image capturing from the videos. A similar photogrammetry-based stitching process. The latter enables a
approach is proposed in [26] (the object detection approach). uniform imaging of the whole farm, along with making it
After extracting the PV panels, the authors used this time a possible and straightforward to locate the occurred failures
Region-based CNN (R-CNN) to extract hotspots from the conveniently on-field for posterior on-site interventions. The
images of panels. The approach was developed starting from remainder of this work is structured as follows: Section 2
a dataset that was collected from six PV farms, with a total describes the materials and methods used to carry out the
around 9000 panels. The obtained detector scored an accuracy work. Section 3 presents the obtained results that are discussed
of 96%; however, while the approach enables to locate PV in Section 4 prior to a general conclusion with
panels having failures through the use of orthomosaics, only recommendations.
hotspots were considered in this study. This makes from the
study not sufficiently extensive, since PV panels are subject to II. METHODOLOGY
other failure-related thermal patterns such as pointed heating,
entirely overheated panels and aligned overheating cells. A. Aerial image collection
Another study that relies anew on object detection through an A PV solar farm was selected in order to conduct our on-
R-CNN model was presented in [27]. At a first level, the field image collection. The site choice was determined by two
authors performed an extraction of the PV arrays, then at a criteria. The first is the possibility to conduct an acquisition
second level, they extracted the hotspots contained within mission, following permission from the farm owners. The
each array. While the study tackled the geolocalization issue second is comprising the highest possible number of panels
through relying on the exterior orientation parameters that are with diverse thermal failures so as to construct a representative
embedded within each captured image, it was tailored dataset for the classifier to develop. A prior flight planning has
according to a PV farm with a specific and rare panel been performed following three steps:
arrangement, which calls into question its generalizability to
other farms. In addition, only one failure pattern was • Delimitation of the interest area;
addressed (hotspots), while practically several other pattern • Determination of the flight height (30m) along with the
types are found within real-world scenarios. overlaps (85% for the end and side laps);
• Generation of the flight lines and saving the project
In [28], the authors proposed an approach where the issue plan as a KML vector file for on-field use.
of locating PV panels on field has been taken into account. For
that, they have generated a panorama of the stitched drone Aerial images were collected with a hexa-copter drone
images based on feature detection and matching, then type DJI M210 (Fig. 1). On it, was mounted a thermal infrared
performed image segmentation to extract the PV panels. The camera type Zenmuse XT2 of focal length 9mm, a pixel pitch
latter were fed to a CNN model that was trained and validated of 17μm and a resolution of 640×512 pixels. The panels were
to classify seven thermal failures. While the classifier overflown at early morning to avoid the apparition of sun
achieved an accuracy of 97.52%, the prepared dataset was too reflections with the camera set a nadiral viewing position.
small to be considered as representative. Also, the generated
panorama was deprived from a geographic reference system,

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Fig. 1. The used drone with the onboard camera (DJI Matrice 210).

B. Post-flight image processing

Fig. 2. Sample panels corresponding to each labeling class.
A photogrammetry-based post-flight processing workflow
has been applied to the collected images. It was carried out
D. Model development
using the software Pix4D, and comprises three steps:
To design the model, we have adopted a deep learning
• Image matching and parameter calibration: images are approach. The foremost benefit from using this approach is
matched by means of the SIFT (Scale-Invariant having no need for manual feature engineering, as it is the case
Feature Transform) feature extractor-descriptor, based for classic machine learning algorithms where the intervention
on which their interior and exterior parameters are of an experienced person is required to design hand-crafted
iteratively reoptimized to more accurate values ; features. Deep learning models also take advantage of large
datasets and improve accordingly, contrary to machine
• 3D reconstruction: a 3D point cloud is generated via
learning ones whose performance gets saturated [30]. Since
dense stereo matching of the calibrated images ;
we work on images, we have chosen a Convolutional Neural
• Orthomosaic generation: the point cloud-based dense Network (CNN) architecture. CNNs have demonstrated high
reconstruction is used to derive a numeric surface capabilities in computer vision-related tasks, and were proven
model, based on which an orthomosaic covering the to be highly performant when it comes to tasks such as image
entire overflown site is produced. classification, semantic/instance segmentation and object
detection [31]. A typical CNN is made of two parts [33]:
C. Data preparation
From the generated georeferenced orthomosaic, the PV • The first is an alternation of convolution and pooling
panels were digitized using a GIS-based tool. The digitization operations. Convolution, achieved by applying filters
process eliminates the background details that are likely to to the input image, is used to extract distinct and
generate false positives. Digitization was done by drawing valuable features, such as edges and textures, that help
polygons on top of the panels that underwent afterwards the network understand the underlying image patterns.
element-wise clipping to generate individual panel images. Pooling is employed to reduce the spatial dimensions
of the feature maps, making the input size smaller and
The clipped panel images were labeled manually by a PV more manageable. This reduction allows the network
maintenance expert into four classes depicted in Fig. 2: to focus on the most significant features and reduces
Class 0 refers to panels with no failure-related pattern; Class 1 computational complexity. Together, convolution and
refers to panels having one or multiple hotspots; Class 2 pooling layers build a hierarchical representation of the
groups modules having a row or a column of overheated cells; input data, progressively capturing more complex and
and Class 3 comprises panels that are entirely overheated. abstract features at each level of the network.
Each obtained image had a resolution of 40x24 pixels. To
enhance the representativeness of each class, the contained • The second is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network
images were augmented using four transformations: that is composed of multiple stacked layers of nodes
(1) horizontal flipping; (2) vertical flipping; (3) 180° rotation connected by weighted edges. By design, the MLP has
and (4) median blur. In the next step, the dataset was randomly the ability to figure out relationships between the input
shuffled, underwent label one-hot encoding then split into a and the output variables that are complex and non-
percentage of 80% allocated to train the model, and a linear. It maps the extracted feature maps by
percentage of 20% spared for parallel validation. One-hot convolution and pooling to one of the addressed
encoding converts each category into a binary vector with a classes of interest.
single "1", where each position corresponds to a specific class. We started with an initial CNN architecture that we
It allows deep learning models, to more effectively process trained/validated and modified iteratively using the prepared
and learn from categorical data by reducing the impact of dataset. Training was performed using the Adam (Adaptive
irrelevant numerical relationships between class labels, Moment Estimation) variant of gradient descent, with a
thereby enabling more accurate and interpretable predictions. learning rate of 0.001, a categorical cross-entropy loss
function, a batch size of 32 and 100 epochs. To evaluate the
model performance, we have chosen the F1-score as a metric.
The latter is calculated as follows: 𝐹1 − 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 2𝑃𝑅/(𝑃 +
𝑅), with 𝑃 and 𝑅 the model precision and recall respectively.
The F1 score balances both, providing a single metric taking

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into account false positives and false negatives at the same
For every training/validation iteration, the learning curves
(where the loss function along with the F1-score are plotted as
a function of epochs) were inspected in search of underfitting
or overfitting pattern. The complexity and hyperparameters of
the model were adjusted accordingly until obtaining a model
that has been trained under an optimal regime. In underfitting
cases, the model was mainly simplified through removing
fully-connected layers or reducing the number of neurons per
layer; reduction of convolutional/pooling layers and the filters
they contain was also performed. For overfitting cases,
opposite actions were carried out to obtain a less complex
model, along with using L2 regularization that penalizes large Fig. 4. A clipped region from the generated thermal orthomosaic,
showcasing various observed thermal patterns related to failures on the
model weights and dropout that randomly drops neurons at a overflown PV farm.
fixed rate during training.
Data preparation and model development were performed B. Dataset preparation and model development
using the Python programming language and the deep learning Table I summarizes the number of the obtained images for
library TensorFlow (V2.8). each class after panel extraction, then after image
augmentation. As presented, the final obtained dataset has a
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION high representativeness regarding all the considered classes.
A. Aerial image collection and post-flight image processing
In total, 325 images have been collected from the PV farm,
which contained polycrystalline panels. A sample image is Class Initial dataset Augmented dataset
0 177 885
illustrated in Fig. 3. Images have a resolution of 640x512 1 146 730
pixels each. At the chosen flight height (30m), a ground 2 69 345
sampling distance (GSD) around 5.6cm/pixel was obtained. 3 72 360
As shown in Fig. 3, the GSD enables spotting the overheating Total 464 2320
parts of the panels conveniently. The images also feature
significant radial lens distortions, since a wide-angle camera
has been used, with a focal length of 9mm. The distortions will The final adopted model is presented in Fig. 5 and consists
be corrected after the photogrammetric post-flight processing. of two blocks:
A convolution/pooling layer block, which contains:
• A 2D convolution layer (Conv2D_1) containing 8
filters of size 3 × 3, implemented with a stride of 1 and
a ''same'' padding, with ReLU activation ;
• A 2 × 2 2D MaxPooling layer (MaxPooling2D_1) ;
• A 2D convolution layer (Conv2D_2) containing 6
filters of size 3 × 3, implemented with a stride of 1 and
a padding of type ''same'', with ReLU activation ;
• A 2 × 2 2D MaxPooling layer (MaxPooling2D_2);
• A 2D convolution layer (Conv2D_3) containing 6
filters of size 3 × 3, implemented with a stride of 1 and
a padding of type ''same'', with ReLU activation ;
• A 2 × 2 MaxPooling 2D layer (MaxPooling2D_3) ;
• A Flatten layer, which transforms the feature elements
extracted by the convolution layers into a single one-
Fig. 3. A sample collected image from the dataset, featuring radial lens dimensional vector (𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , ⋯ , 𝑥𝑛 ).
A multi-layer perceptron block, which contains:
Fig. 4 shows a clipped part from the generated • A dense layer (Dense_1) of 64 neurons, with ReLU
orthomosaic. The latter suppresses lens distortions and activation and ridge regression (L2);
stitches the images in a way that produces a uniform scene • A dropout layer (Dropout_1) with a ratio of 0.5;
across the whole site. Various thermal patterns are observed • A dense layer (Dense_2) of 64 neurons, with ReLU
on the panels, which makes from the orthomosaic a suitable activation and ridge regression (L2);
basis to constitute a representative dataset for the addressed • A dropout layer (Dropout_2) with a ratio of 0.5;
four-class classification task. • A dense layer (Dense_3) of 4 neurons, with Softmax
activation, at which the network gives as output the
final predicted class.
Overall, the final adopted model comprised a total of
11092 trainable parameters.

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plateau from epoch 70. The curves converge around 98%
without a generalization gap, which confirms that model
learning has been performed within an optimal regime leading
to a high performance metric. The final obtained F1-score
value on the validation dataset was 98.2%.

Fig. 6. Variation of the loss function in function of epochs.

Fig. 7. Variation of the F1-score in function of epochs.


This study focused on developing a deep learning-oriented
advanced classifier for failure-related patterns on PV panels
through thermal image sensing. The latter shows up to be a
reliable technique to diagnose the panels and spot potential
failures. Aerial imaging facilitates data collection, alongside
sparing time as well as human and material resources in
comparison to conventional imaging procedures.
Thermal images provide insightful information about PV
surfaces; however, compared to RGB images, they lack
spectral information since they feature only one band and have
much lower resolutions, which may compromise image
matching and thus the calibration of their exterior parameters.
In this work we have used very high acquisition overlaps to
enhance image matching and remedy this problem, which has
yielded satisfying results, as shown on the final obtained
Fig. 5. The final architecture of the adopted model. orthomosaic (Fig. 4). Additionally, the use of the
photogrammetric approach does not only solve the issue of
Fig. 6 depicts the variation of the loss function as function finding a PV panel having a failure on-field; it also adds a
of epochs computed on the sub-datasets of training and geographic coordinate system, which enables the use of a
validation. The loss function decreases, which indicates that GPS/GNSS system to navigate the installation on-field.
the optimization process is minimizing the gap between the
initial given labels for the images and the model predictions. The use of a CNN to classify images enables to uncover
The curves reach a plateau starting from epoch 80 the patterns underlying each failure class automatically.
approximately and a convergence is observed around a low Applied to a series of panel images, especially within a large-
value of 0.11. No particular scheme referring to underfitting scale PV farm will enable a faster and more accurate diagnosis
or overfitting is observed. Fig. 7 depicts the progression of the of panels with less human intervention. The developed model
F1-score. The metric increases and reaches a saturation achieved an F1-score of 98.2%, which we consider

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