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Critical Thinking Study Skills Teacher: Mrs. V.

Assignment: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens (Introduction and Habits)
Please read the introduction and Get in the Habit of the book, “The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective Teens,” by Sean Covey. (Pages 1-21). Upon completion answer all questions below
using complete sentences when needed. Please be sure to capitalize the first word in a
sentence and punctuate accordingly. Submit assignment in TEAMS and answer questions in
1. Why did the author Sean Covey write this book?
Sean Covey decided to write this book because “I feel life is no longer a playground for
2. List 3 struggles he mentions teens may have at the beginning of the book?

3. Do you feel that you have the same struggles? If so why or why not?

4. List all the habits of highly defective teens and describe each?
Reat; begin with no end in mind; put first things last; think win-lose; seek first to talk, then
pretend to listen; don’t cooperate; wear yourself out.
5. List all the habits of highly effective teens and describe each?
Be Proactive; Begin with the End in Mind; Put First Things First; Think Win-Win; Seek
First to Understand’ Then to Be Understood.
6. Think about a time when you reacted and blamed someone else for the negative outcome.
Write about what transpired and who you blamed.
once I ate some chocolates that could not be eaten, my mom asked who had eaten it and I
blamed my brother for the fact that he had eaten the chocolates.
7. List three good habits that you have and explain how they help you?
Getting up early helps me seize the day.
Eating healthy helps me to be healthy internally.
Exercising helps me to have good health.
8. List three bad habits that you have and explain how they make your life more difficult?
1 Spend a lot of time on the phone and that makes it very difficult for me because I lose
2 watching a lot of series is a bad habit because instead of being aware of the tasks I
watch the series.
3 biting fingernails is a bad habit for me because it hurts me internally.
9. Pick 3 habits from the book that can help you and explain why?
1 increase your self-confidence, It helps me feel prepared to face life's experiences.
2 Be happy, It helps me to allow myself to live in harmony, in peace, in tranquility with
ourselves and the people around us.
3 Find balance between school, work, friends, dating, and everything else; they help me
generate positive effects on my physical, mental, and even academic health.

10. After, reading the introduction to the book. Do you think that you may benefit from
reading the book?

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