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TAHUN AJARAN 2023 - 2024




Complete the following dialogue by choose the correct answer a, b, c or d

1. Anthony : There is someone in the backyard, I don't know who, but I'm scared. .....?

a. Should I call the police

b. I should call the police

c. you should call the police

d. should you call the police

2. Billy : We are 10 minutes late. It's no way we could be at the school before the first lesson begin.

Joe : Wait a minutes, I think we could.

Billy : How?

Joe : ,,,,,, take a short cut, there is a way behind gas station, that way lead directly to the
school, we won’t be rapped in traffic jam.

a. Why do we c. we are not allowed

b. Why don't we d. why we must

3. Dhika : Oh no, I’m so dead.

Digo : Why? What happened?

Dhika : My mom Tupperware is gone. ,,,,,,,,?

Digo : You could tell her the truth, she will be fine.

Dhika : You don’t understand.

a. Do you see it
b. Do you know where it is
c. where it is
d. what shall I say to my mom

4. You see an old man is trying to open a bottle. What is your help offer?
a. Could I help you with the bottle.
b. Could I have that bottle
c. could I have some water?
d. would you like to drink of water.

5. Complete the following dialoque!

Lex : I have an important call from my uncle, shall I pick up the phone?

Eza : ………. Mrs. Dita will be ok.

a. Yes, you should pic up the phone

b. No, it’s not important
c. Yes, you could answer that
d. No, you couldn’t answer that

6. “your friend should attend OSIS meeting, but he also to pick up his brother”. Your best
suggestion will be …….

a. you should attend the meeting and forget about your brother

b. you should attend the meeting and forget about your meeting

c. if I were you, I would ask for permission for minutes to OSIS leader to pick up the brother and t
hen back to attend the meeting

d. why did not you attend the meeting until finish and then pick up the brother

7. We will stay home ........ it rains tomorrow

a. If

b. And

c. but

d. then

8 I’m going to buy a new car ........ i have enough money.yes, yoi

a. If

b. And

c. but

d. then

9 If Ali is in class tomorrow, I ........ ask him to join us for coffe after class.

a. Don’t

b. Will

c. would
d. can

10. I ........ home tomorrow if the weather is nice.

a. Will stay

b. Will not stay

c. may stay

d. May not stay

11. When I ask someone politely to open the door, the suit modal auxiliary is ……

a. Would

b. May

c. can

d. must

12. A : Where are my keys to the car?

B : I don’t know. Where …… you usually keep them?

a. Is

b. Are

c. does

d. Do

13. Are you going to came to class tomorrow morning?

a. Yes, I am

b. Yes, I did

c. No, I don’t

d. No, I didn’t

14. Did you eat breakfast tomorrow morning?

a. Yes, I did

b. Yes, I am

c. No, I am not

d. No, I don’t

15. This book belongs to me. It’s ……. book.

a. My
b. Her

c. his

d. their

16. What do you know about the News Items Text?

a. A text informs the readers about newsworthy of the day

b. A text informs the readers about the entertain

c. A text informs the readers about the healthy

d. A text informs the readers about the kids only

17 The purpose of news item text is .........

a. to tell the reader about important and up to date events

b. to tell the reader about the scedule of work

c. to tell the reader about the point of entertain

d. to tell the reader about the list of channel

18. One of the an example of the news item text can be show below, except ...........

a. comic

b. Newspapaer

c. magazine

d. Online news article

19. News item text consistst of 3 part, they are ..........

a. main event, backround, and source

b. main event, backround, and song

c. backround, source, and data

d. main event, source, and data

20. Main event, backround, and source are the part of news item text that call by .........

a. the heading

b. The title

c. the generic structure

d. the list media

21. The police said, “the car should not have been trying to pass the bus, since overtaking is not
allowed on jalan Sultan.”

The sentence above is an example of generic structure that consists ...........

a. Main event
b. ource
c. Backround event
d. The heading

22. “Seven Killed in Accident on Jalan Sultan”.

The title above is .......... of news item text.

a. Main event
b. Baclround
c. source
d. list media

23. When creating news texts, we must pay attention to linguistic rules. One of them is .......

a. the adress

b. Quoted speech

c. name of person

d. number of paraghraph

24. The police said, “the car should not have been trying to pass the bus”.

This sentence is called by ..........

a. Quoted speech
b. List speech
c. Nominal speech
d. media speech

Complete the sentences below with the correct verb2 ! ( 25-27 )

25 He ........... ,” she was looking for her keys.

a. saying

b. Say

c. said

d. told

26. He ..........,”his friend had given him a bar of chocolate.

b. said

c. say

d. saying

27. He ..........,”he would finish his report.

a. said

b. say

c. saying

d. told

28. A text that explains or helps us how to make or use something called by ............

a. main events

b. news item text

c. procedure text

d. media text

29. The way to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of steps called
by ..............

a. social function

b. media text

c. list of media

d. news text

30. One of the using Prosedure Text is ..........

a. to explain how to use instruction

b. to explain how to read the text

c. to explain how to watch the media

d. to explain how to listen the news

31. Some of the example to instruct how to do a particulary activity as a procedure text is .........

a. comic and poetry

b. newspaper and magazine

c. article online and newspaper

d. recipes and rules of game

32. There are 3 items in making a procedure text, except ..........

a. goal / purpose

b. materials / tools

c. steps / methods

d. an expensive of tools

33. “ How to make Sayur Kelor “ is one of procedure text. This item called by ........

a. the heading

b. materials / tools

c. steps

d. goal of procedure text

34. The linguistic rules in making a procedure text is using adverb of sequences, that is ...........

a. one, two, three etc

b. should, shall etc

c. first, second, third, last etc

d. will, may be, etc

35. Make, take, cook, boil etc are the group of words when we make a procedure text. These words
called by .........

a. actions verb

b. adverb

c. asking verb

d. expression verb

36. A composition of tone or voice in sequence , combination and temporal relation to produse a
musical composition that has unity and continuty is the meaning of ........

a. song

b. music

c. poetry

d. novel

37. There are too much of purpose of song, except ........

a. to express feeling and idea

b. to deliver the moral values that hidden in the lyric

c. to deliver social criticism

d. to read the lyrics

38. In general, there are parts of song, except ...........

a. intro, verse, refrain of chorus

b. refrain of chorus, bridge, coda

c. intro, bridge, coda

d. verse, refrain, music

39. Kinds of figurative language are ............

a. metafora

b. simile

c. hyperbola

d. personification

40. A letter written with the aim of being accepted for work according to the position desired by the
applicant. This is one of the meaning of ............

a. application letter

b. application job

c. interview job

d. part of application

41 In general, part of application letter are ................

a. heading, salutation, body, and closing b. heading, body, and closing

c. salutation, body and closing d. heading, salutation and closing

42. The heading of application letter consist of ...........

a. name, addres, phone and email

b. name and address

c. name n phone

d. name and addres of letter

43. The body of paragraph is consist by 3 paragraph, except ............

a. salutation paragraph
b. opening paragraph

c. the body of paragraph

d. closing paragraph

44. Application for the post of a computer programmer. The letter above shows that you ...........

a. have expertise in repairing vehicles

c. have expeetise in the field of agriculture

b. have expertise in computer programming

d. have expertise in repairing residences

45. Complete the following dialoque

Student: welcome back professor, how was your trip?

Prof : Thank you, it was nice and tiring.

Student: May I bring your briefcase Sir?

Prof : ...... Just help me with my car, can you park my car?

Student: very wellSir.

a. Yes, I’d love to

b. That would very nice
c. c. Yes please
d. No, I’m good. Thank you

46. Wildan : it’s really borring Sunday. Everything feels so boring. Gadget is boring, online game is
boring. I want to do something else.

a. lets’s go to Cinema

c. Let’s swim at the river

b. let’s go to the mall

d. Let’s play chess

47. Erica : I need to download some files, but I have an unstable internet connection.

Mary : I think you should go to the lobby, there is a free wifi. The connection is stable.

Erica : ...... Thanks for your suggestion.

Mary : No problem.

a. May be some other time

b. I’m not sure about that
c. c. I’d better not
d. That’s good idea

Complete the following the dialogue for number (48-50)

48. Siska : Have you finished your report?

Rosi : ...... , I’m still working on it. I have to check some data on the computer and then copy
those documents.

a. Not yet
b. Yes I am
c. c. Yes of course
d. No I don’t

49. Siska :That’s a lot of things to do.

Linda : ......

a. Oh no, I can’t believe it

b. No problem
c. c. I know
d. I don’t think so

50. Siska : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Linda : Thank you, you are so helpful

a. Would you like some coffee?

b. What can I do for you?
c. Would you like me to copy this documents?
d. You can handle it

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