Dbrand Compro 2023

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Brand Consulting &

Insigh t · St rate gy · People

Communication Service

Contents Company Profile 31

Story Behind 6
5 step process of 8

brand development

The Passion 19


Brand Development 12
Brand Deployment 14
People Engagement 15
Digital Strategist 17

People 23
4 Company Profile Lorem Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum
About Us Company Profile 5

Story Behind
5 step process of
brand development
6 Company Profile About Us - Story Behind

Dbrandcom starts with the
passion of sharing knowledge and
expertise from the practitioners

Behind of brand management, marketing

communication, creative design,
event production, as well as online
and offline multimedia.

We have strong passion in people.

Such combination has inspired
dbrandcom not only to work on
products and corporate branding,
but also to enhance personal and
employer branding.

Using insights and

more than 5-step process of

brand development,
dbrandcom has the
power to support
professional and
individuals and
consultancy experience
in contributing to the organizations to
success of some companies. perform at its best.
8 Company Profile ded
About Us - 5 steps of brand development

5 steps evaluates company’s current

position for its strategic

of brand
use from the combined
perspectives of marketing,
operations, finance

- 1. internal 2. external
analysis analysis

examines opportunities
and threats present in
the surroundings
About Us - 5 steps of brand development Company Profile 9

the blue print of your brand;

encapsulate the guiding identify your organization’s
principles that underpin who core values and focus on one
you are and how you appear attribute that becomes the
to the audience brand position

3. brand 4. visual 5. brand brand
platform execution journey equity
& corporate
brand is not a logo, yet each
design elements should reflect
the brand strategy; careful
choice of color, font, and
images will tell your brand
identity to the audience
10 Company Profile Lorem Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum

Our approach
in developing
brand strategy
is simple, yet
The Expertise
Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum Company Profile 11

- Brand Development
Brand Deployment
People Engagement
Digital Strategist
12 Company Profile The Expertise - Brand Development
With you, we identify your
brand challenges such as:

How to increase
your sales?

- How to rejuvenate
your brand?
A. Brand Consultant
A brand governs how your How to enhance brand
stakeholders perceive you. KPI - Brand Awareness,
Brand Association,
We leverage your company strength
Brand Loyalty?
to organize a robust brand strategy.
Your corporate identitiy is beyond
How to improve each
the design. It is about connection
between you and your target
steps of the journey
audience, consumers, employees, to brand development?
investors, goverments, and others
The Expertise - Brand Development Company Profile 13

If you already have well brand

strategy, have you ensured that
everyone understand the essence
of your brand? What does your logo
stand for? What is the identity of
your corporate brand?
What kind of people fitting to be
your brand ambassador?
B. Brand Workshop
If you think you can build your own We will guide you to make the story
“brand”, let’s collaborate by creating out of your brand identity, that
a brand workshop. We provide tools is easy to understand and make
to develop your brand and integrate people excited to support your
marketing communication strategy. brand deployment’s journey.

Nobody knows your

aspiration better,
but us your partner
to brand it!
14 Company Profile The Expertise - Brand Deployment

You’ve got
Great strategies are meaningless if A robust brand strategy only
they’re not executed systematically works with extraordinary creative
or unable to relate emotionally design. We work together to

a strategy, or practically to consumers/

employees’ hearts & minds.
create engaging stories on
product, corporate, retail

now what? We can help you to develop

branding and many more.

Integrated Marketing
Communication Strategy
Ensuring your touch points that
are aligned with your target
audience and your budget lead
to high impact.
The Expertise - People Engagement Company Profile 15

Our passion is about People
Engagement. People make strategy
work. Our learning approach is unique.

Our special module will do the magic

on the execution into next level. It
enables participants to learn new
things, cultivate self-motivation, reflect
on insights, then take actions.
16 Company Profile The Expertise - People Engagement

Effectiveness People in
and Leadership Working and Organization
Challanges Bulding Team Alignment
If you feel your team has spent too Our focus is to make individuals Key: Build shared visions.
much energy but the result is not able to take extra miles efforts. Working in a team and cross-
what is expected, then it’s time to Therefore, it will give more function alignment are essential to
join this workshop. It will inspire your values to the team, celebrate achieve organization’s objectives.
team to unleash their unreached the differences, and build team’s Experiencing conflicts is common,
potentials, make time to reflect, and dynamic. Working together is yet it is actually managable. We can
reinvent their paths to success. The a mandatory as it makes our make your team passionate for their
module will cover personal goals, life experience richer. roles, and able to align themselves
work-life balance and leadership. with everyone in organization.
The Expertise - Digital Strategist Company Profile 17

The key is:

Digital We build digital
strategy that
Strategist aligns with your
We serve you solutions to the
problems your company is
Our digital strategy leads to a
roadmap that focuses on improving
brand identity
facing in this digital world. your performance. We apply digital
technologies to your business and business
Today, technology has models to form new capabilities,
integrated with business and make it possible for innovations.
incorporating digital strategy
has become pervasive in
many organizations. Thus,
helping businesses create and
implement digital strategies
is one of our main expertise
at dbrandcom.
18 Company Profile Lorem Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum

Our passion is on brand and people.

Building a brand is about the
people behind its journey.
The Passion Company Profile 19

Nurturing a brand is like nurturing a baby. Affection
given and the upbringing process define future
characters. Consequently, people’s characters are

the brand itself.
20 Company Profile The Passion

It leads our focus

to, not only Product
Branding, but also
Personal & Employer
Branding. Leverage
our steps on how Listen Manage
we get involved in Our approach in designing In order to produce remarkable
process is guided by our clients. result, smart project management
making things better:
We begin by maintaining strong is critical from beginning to
take ownership, communication with you. Before end. Dedication to the project
responsibility, and we respon, we ask questions, is required on both client’s and
we listen, then we develop firm’s sides. Our management
above all, the pride.
based on your company’s skills help achieve long-term
goals and objectives goals for brand identity.
The Passion Company Profile 21

Focus Discover Collaborate

Our focus is to find the value We consider each project as an We’re committed to inspire
in your organization, product, opportunity to grow intellectually. and build confidence with all
or service. By developing concepts Maintaining an open mind to the stakeholders around us; clients we
that reflect the changes and possibility of “what can be”. We collaborate with, those with whom
developments in the market, we avoid being predictable. We let our clients engage, and our own
aim to create brand experience the art of exploration to take us, team who is always determined
that appeal to the specific together with our clients, in such to produce exceptional work.
needs of your consumer. unique directions. Solid teamwork will generate
great outcomes.
Company Profile Lorem Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum Company Profile 23


Lorem Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum

- - -
Mirza Muhamad Ria R. Christiana Ahmad Nasyiruddin
Director Brand Strategist Managing Partner
1. Brand Development
2. Brand Deployment
3. People Engagement

Portofolio 15
People Engagement -
Rumah BUMN Pertamina

Client : Pertamina
Objective : Managing 30 locations of RB
Recruitment & Human
Resource Management
Training Development for UMKM
(Small & Medium Sized Enterprise)

Year : 2018 - 2021

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

Rumah BUMN Pertamina

UMKM Incubation
Overview : Intensive training program specially designed for
Top 50 MSMEs partner consists of 4 modules;
Entrepreneur Leadership, Setting Business Goals,
Product Branding, and Digital Marketing with
experienced team of experts.

Objective : Develop local MSMEs from 30 cities & districts

across Indonesia to Go Global by providing
relevant knowledge & skills enhancement.

Overview : Online sharing session from national business
practitioner created for micro, small, and medium
business owner to become role model for other

Objective : Develop new insight and motivation for MSMEs to

improve the ability of managing business.

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

Rumah BUMN Pertamina

Online Bazaar

Overview : Online showcase product representing Top 30

MSMEs from 30 local area of RB Pertamina with
various promos and benefit.

Objective : Increase sales volume by bringing together MSME

partners with potential buyers in one-stop online

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

Brand Deployment -
Product Video Campaign
Arrum Haji Fleet

Client : Pegadaian Syariah

Objective : Introducing new product service

from Pegadaian Syariah

Year : 2021

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pegadaian

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina
Brand Deployment -
Video Production


Brand Deployment -
Video Production

TV Commercial

Brand Deployment -
Video Production

Music Video

TV Program

Non Fuel Retail (NFR) -
Strategic Formulation

Client : Pertamina

Objective : Understanding trend of NFR

strategies global
Understanding brand, customer
experience & category interaction
Understanding CVP and develop
CVP for Bright & NFR

Days : 2

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina
Strategic Planning &
Internal Alignment

Client : Fuel Retail Marketing, Pertamina

Objective : Percecption is reality -- Getting

common ground understanding
about brand & branding
Brand Health Check -- Turning data
into valuable insight
for strategy
Brand Roadmap -- Shaping the
brand strategy for actions

Days : 2

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

Brand Development -
Pertamina Lubricant

Client : Pertamina

Objective : Percecption is reality -- Getting

common ground understanding
about brand & branding
Brand Health Check -- Turning data
into valuable insight
for strategy
Brand Roadmap -- Shaping the
brand strategy for actions

Days : 2

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina
Personal Development &
Team Building Workshop
for Fresh Graduate

Client : Pertamina

Objective : Personal development

Team commitment
Personal Branding

Days : 1

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina
People Engagement -
SPBU Operator

Client : Pertamina

Objective : People in organization alignment

Days : 1

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina
National Sales

Client : Pertamina Retail

Objective : Faster, Better, Exellent

Days : 2

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina
Brand Deployment -
Pertamax Ramadhan

Client : Pertamax

Objective : Increasing Brand Awareness by

facilitating homecoming trips in
the month of Ramadhan

Scope : 1. Program Concept

2. Press Conference

3. Media Buying

4. Digital Campaign

5. Offline Activation

Year : 2012, 2014, 2018,2019

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamax

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamax
Brand Awareness -
Youth Segmentation

Client : Pertamax

Objective : Brand Awareness

Increase Selling

Days : 3 months

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamax

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamax
Brand Awareness -
Women Segmentation

Client : Pertamax

Objective : Brand Awareness

Women & Mother

Days : 2 months

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamax

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamax
Brand Deployment -
Pertamax Motivator

Client : Pertamax

Objective : To educate Indonesian youth

through dialogue, motivation,
and humor

Days : 4 months

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamax

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamax
Focus Group Discussion -
Branding & Corporate

Client : Pegadaian
Objective : Aligning personal branding to
corporate culture to provide a new
color and enthusiasm, both for the
team and individual

Days : 1

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pegadaian

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pegadaian 45
Pegadaian Brand

Client : Pegadaian

Objective : Getting common ground

understanding about brand
& branding

Days : 2 days

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pegadaian

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pegadaian
Brand & Team

Client : Funstation Indonesia

Objective : Understand brand strategy

Aligning implementation
Though teamwork

Days : 2

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Funstation Indonesia

Self Leadership

Client : Public

Objective : Understand and strengthen

personal branding in a highly
complex organization
Able to dealing with the
complexities of office politics
Able to facing challenges and be
smart in making desicions

Days : 2

Portofolio ---------- Public

dbrandcom 49
dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Public
Brand for Stundents

Client : Akademi Berbagi (Solo)

Universitas Kristen
Satya Wacana (Salatiga)
Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya)
AIESEC (Jogyakarta)
ITS Perkapalan (Surabaya)

Objective : Brand knowledge

(dbrand academy)

Days : A week

dbrandcom Portofolio
dbrandcom Portofolio
Brand Development

Client : Timor GAP, EP.

Objective : To develop brand DNA

To create logo, identity,
and its guidelines

Days : 1

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Timor GAP, EP.

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Timor GAP, EP.
dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Timor GAP, EP.
Brand Workshop -
Brand for Sales People

Client : Total Indonesia

Objective : Perception is reality -- Getting

common ground understanding
about brand & branding
Understanding about and using
compelling CVP
Personal branding session

Days : 2

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Total Indonesia

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Total Indonesia
Brand Workshop -
Brand for Distributors

Objective : Perception is reality -- Getting

common ground understanding
about brand & branding
Understanding about and using
compelling CVP
Personal branding session

Days : 2

dbrandcom Portofolio
dbrandcom Portofolio
Brand Deployment -

Client : Open Goverment Indonesia

Objective : To collect public aspiration for
improvement in public service,
transparency, and handing
corruption issue

Days : 2 months

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Open Goverment Indonesia

Portfolio Documentation

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Open Goverment Indonesia

Brand Workshop -
I’m Possible

Client : Mulia Keramik

Objective : Dominate the market

Days : 2 days

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Mulia Keramik 62

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Mulia Keramik
People Engagement -
Sales Agent Competition,
Sales Performance and
Business Leadership Work-

Client : Pertamina

Objective : Motivate and improve the sense of

ownership of the sales team
to Pertamina IFM
Increase the knowledge and
expertise of the sales team,
especially for the B2B (Business to
Business) digital ecosystem
Assess the sales skills of the
sales team in communcation
and negotiation
Year : 2019, 2020, 2021

dbrandcom Portofolio ---------- Pertamina

BKI still hasn’t become the top of mind in customer’s eyes when it comes to classification,
testing, inspection, and certification business fields. This happened because they still haven’t
optimized their marketing and sales functions, moreover there is also competitors from

1. Brand name and logo that don’t communicate the services provided by BKI
Current visual is not consistently distributed to all BKI channels

Conducting 5-step of brand journey to strengthen the business in the classification, testing,
inspection, and certification business fields to be able to compete in the global arena through
Brand Development, Brand Deployment and People Development Programs. The tools used for
the business strategy creation were:

Scope of Work

Bullseye Analysis SWOT Analysis Effort Impact Matrix

Brand Health Check GAP Analysis Brand Architect

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Documentation

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Documentation


dbrandcom Portofolio
Video Highlight Workshop
Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia


dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Brand Development
In order to leap on the bandwagon of visual & design in the market, PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
need to nourish its brand name and corporate identity. It is expected this brand uplifting move is
able to enhance the spirit to achieve all the business goals. As well, to cohere the communication

externally and internally.

Nusantara 1. Developing a new brand identity that is still inline with the old values and beliefs, with some new
Power added values
2. The worry and hesitation that the new brand identity couldn’t be accepted by the public
3. Finding the way to socialize the new identity both to internal and external stakeholders

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Logo Exercise


Conducting internal and external

brand analysis, including desk
research and stakeholder mapping

Researching market trend in energy


Developing complete brand platform,

which includes brand philosophy,
brand name meaning, brand name
pronunciation, brand logo

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio People Engagement


Boosting Skills, Elevating Sales

Overview: 28 29
September Hotel
Sales Mastery Bootcamp is a program that aims to increase the knowledge and skills of 2022
Salesman agents, distributors of fuel and petrochemical relating to marketing, sales
management, and B2B selling, so that they can increase sales and cross selling.

1. Increasing the sense of ownership so the salesman agents are highly committed in
selling Pertamina products
2. Learning about B2B selling, including relationship management between individuals
3. Increasing competence in sales skills

2 days training conducted offline at Hotel Platinum Surabaya, where participants got to
learn important skills in the B2B industry from certified experienced facilitators. The
subjects delivered in this program were: Corporate Sales Jatimbalinus
Scope of Work

Sales Management Personal Branding for Sales Team Negotiation Skills

Digital Selling Understanding Behavior for B2B Marketing

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Documentation

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Workshop Design

Sales Agent
Pertamina memerlukan sales agent yang kuat dan profesional untuk mendukung
Business performance dan Memperkuat Reputasi sebagai Market Leader

1. Perlunya komitmen & loyalitas Sales Agent dalam menjual produk Pertamina
2. Perlunya peningkatan sales kompetensi yang mendasar untuk mendukung kinerja
3. Tidak dapat terlaksananya offline karena pandemi

Approach -
Pelaksanaan pelatihan secara online dengan menggabungkan e-learning mandiri
melalui online platform dan Coaching session melalui Zoom dengan 4 Silabus Kom
petensi, Yang Terdiri Dari ;

Scope of Work

Personal Branding Negosiasi Bisnis

Presentasi Bisnis B2B Sales Management

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Documentation

Alhamdulillah atas kesempatan yang saya dapatkan, dari

“Pembelajaran ini sangat bermanfaat sekali, dengan adanya ma
"Pelatihan ini sangat berkesan sekali, terima kasih untuk pembelajaran ini akhirnya menambah wawasan serta informasi
teri-materi terkait personal branding, bisnis negosiasi, sales man
Pertamina memberikan kesempatan untuk kita belajar." saya mengenai dunia marketing. Selain itu, dengan adanya session
agement dan presentasi bisnis sangat berguna bagi saya pribadi."
ini, sekarang saya merasa naik satu tingkat kepala level berikutnya."

Rahmad Iman - Marketing Angeline Dite - Procurement Rohanda - Marketing

PT. Makmur Inti Energi PT. Jaya Trade Indonesia PT. Samugara Artajaya

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Social Media Activation


dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Social Media Activation

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Social Media Activation

CSR program by Pegadaian is a program initiated by the company as proof of the company's
concern and care for social issues and aims at providing more benefits to the community. Their
current priority is to highlight and communicate the programs especially in education,
environment, and SME development to raise awareness and engagement from public to
participate in one of their programs.

1. Competition between other BUMN’s CSR Programs
2. Low awareness for some of Pegadaian’s CSR Program, such as the Gade Creative Lounge
3. Pegadaian’s csr programs are severely underrated and need more recognition especially from
the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises

Scope of Work

Developing a thorough communication and campaign strategy

Creating an online presence for the programs on social media
Developing the content pillar including creating the contents that
are catchy and align with the current trend
Creating an online presence for the programs on social media

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Social Media Activation

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Corporate Social Responsibility

Rumah BUMN is a place for gathering, learning and developing SME’s member to become a
high quality Indonesia resources, as well as we build a platform for collaboration to shaping the
Digital Economy Ecosystem to increase the capacity and capabilities of SMEs themselves.
Otherways, RB is serving a data and information center for education, development and
digitalization of SME’s.

1. SME’s Development
2. SME’s Class Shifting
3. Social and Environement Responsibility

Scope of Work

E-learning platform E-catalogue product Effort Impact Matrix

Incubation (Inkubasi) Online Business Clinic

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Corporate Social Responsibility

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Brand Deployment

Pertamina Mudik is a program specifically designed as an appreciation to
Pertamina’s Pertamax Series loyal consumers. The main objective from this
program is to provide unforgettable customers experience during peak season
of Ramadhan and to build the spirit of synergy by forming B2B partnership.

1. Maximizing brand recall and activation during peak season of Ramadhan
2. Developing the right communication and activation program to target customers

Developing the right campaign strategy to up the awareness level for Pertamina
and the program developed

Scope of Work

Distributing hampers for loyal customers that are eligible to claim

Creating a thorough customer journey for customers to claim the prizes
Booth activation for official Moto GP Pertamina merchandise

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Corporate Social Responsibility

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Corporate Social Responsibility

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Press Conference

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Branding

Client wanted to enter the F&B industry by developing and building a “warteg”, which is an
Indonesian traditional restaurant, and very popular among the middle-lower class. Warteg can be
easily found especially in the Jabodetabek area, so we need to give it a twist to differentiate it from
any other warteg out there.

Challenges: Key Point

- The market is already saturated with a lot of warteg
- The target customer is slightly above the usual warteg diners Outstanding, Semangat, Relax, Jenaka
- Develop a differentiation strategy to attract a lot of diners especially during the low season (afternoon to night)

Approach C: 72,3% M: 0% C: 72,3% M: 0% C: 17,06% M: 100%

Y: 12,54% K : 0% Y: 12,54% K : 0% Y: 93,73% K : 6,81%
A distinctive event called Jakarta Ramadhan Festival (JRF) was designed for 19 days long during
Ramadhan-Ied Fitr with the title of Vibrant Halal Lifestyle. The concept used in this year was
Experience Turkey Delight that brought up Turkey’s environment into detailed concept. The RGB: #009FEE RGB: #AE1D19 RGB: #AE1D19
creative activities were: Bazaar, Believer Bliss, Fashion Show, Talk show, Art and Performance,
Counseling Booth, One Day Khatam Al-Qur’an that inviting many notable performances and
speakers in Indonesia.

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Branding

A Pattern Design B Apron

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Branding

C Tshirt

D Polo Shirt

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Branding

G Poster


E Signage

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Branding

H Design Exterior I Design Interior

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Workshop

Truly Path

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Workshop

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Workshop

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Key Visual

Flayer Twibbon

X Banner Lanyard

20 April — 8 Mei 2022 20 April — 8 Mei 2022

20 April — 8 Mei 2022
Mall of Indonesia Mall of Indonesia
Mall of Indonesia

Adam Muhammad Shakila Adiba

Hermansyah Fikri Albab Atmarini

LED Screen Instagram Post


20 April — 8 Mei 2022

Mall of Indonesia



20 April —
8 Mei 2022
Talk Talk Show yang akan di
selenggarakan di Mall of Indonesia

bekerja sama dengan beberapa
@jakartaramadhanfestival @jakartaramadhanfestival tokoh partner.
Liked by and 15 others
@jrf.id coming soon!
See the 1,234 comments 1 5 1
1 hours ago

A Merchandise T-Shirt B Brand Collateral

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Documentation

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Documentation

dbrandcom Portofolio
Portfolio Documentation

Video Opening
Jakarta Ramadhan Festival 2022


dbrandcom Portofolio
26 Company Profile Thank You

Feel free to contact
Andriana Hendrawati

+62 817 700 385

@2020 dbrand Communication
Insight -- Strategy -- People

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