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Performance Management Evaluation Form for Faculty (PME-FAC)

Teacher’s Name: Florence May L. Garcia Position: Secondary Teacher

Coordinator’s Name: Ms. Tessie Rose Colas Position: Science Area Coordinator

Department: Basic Education School Year: 2023-2024


Overall Assessment (Narrative):

She possesses a disciplined, reliable work ethic. She is always available to her team members. Helps team
members on projects she is not involved in. She provides support, key insights, ideas and direction when
possible. She makes a strong effort to educate herself and enrich her own critical thinking skills. She is well-
organized, efficient with her time and mindful of deadlines.


Instructions: Baseline /Teaching Competencies are defined as the knowledge, skills, behaviors, personal attributes
and other characteristics needed for successful performance of the job which are expected to be demonstrated by all St.
James Academy employees regardless of their employee category. Each competency has behavioral indicators which the
supervisor and employee need to discuss before the end of the school year. During the review critical observations may
be cited either as strength/s or performance gap/s as the case may be. A corresponding rating is then given to each
competency. To obtain the total score, add all the ratings and divide it by the number of competencies.

The rating scale is as follows:

Rating Description
4 Strongly Evident (Consistently Demonstrated)
3 Evident (Frequently Demonstrated)
2 Emerging (Moderately Demonstrated)
1 Not Evident (Rarely demonstrated/Not Observed)

Key Behavioral Indicators Critical Observations Rating

Competency (Strengths & Performance Gaps)
Commitment  Lives out the vision, mission and values of the  Shows compassion, with perseverance and 3
to the School school. altruism by actively engaging oneself in the
and  Shows compassion, with perseverance and altruism social involvement programs of the school.
Stewardship by actively engaging oneself in the social  Demonstrates Catholic and St. James
involvement programs of the school. Academy Identity in his/her ways that proves
 Demonstrates Catholic and St. James Academy s/he is cut above the rest.
Identity in his/her ways that proves s/he is cut above  Performs tasks as indicated in his/her job
the rest. description.
 Goes beyond the call of duty as may be necessary.
 Performs tasks as indicated in his/her job
Strong Work  Completes tasks on time and submits required  Reports for class regularly and on time. 3
Ethic and documents (LP, Test Questions, Rating Sheets,  Conforms to all rules, regulations, policies,
Service Syllabi, Grades, Course Outline, etc.), information, code of ethics of the school and other
Orientation data as s/he satisfies clients (e.g. parents, students, applicable government ethical standards.
co-employees, etc.) by responding to their needs  Conforms to all rules, regulations, policies,
promptly (i.e. quick service turn-around time). code of ethics of the school and other
 Reports for class regularly and on time. applicable government ethical standards.
 Does work without complaints and works with  Takes responsibility for one’s actions,
minimum supervision as s/he renders service with accepts corresponding consequences and
warm disposition to parents, students, co-employees open to feedback.
and other members of the community.  Updates knowledge and skills on a regular
 Conforms to all rules, regulations, policies, code of basis to stay current and apply new trends
ethics of the school and other applicable
government ethical standards. or best practices to her/his job (e.g. further
 Takes responsibility for one’s actions, accepts studies, attendance in seminars, skills
corresponding consequences and open to feedback. upgrading workshop, research and
 Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner. publication work. Membership in learned
Shows consistency in words and actions. Models organizations, readings, and other
high standards of ethics. development activities.
 Updates knowledge and skills on a regular basis to
stay current and apply new trends or best practices
to her/his job (e.g. further studies, attendance in
seminars, skills upgrading workshop, research and
publication work. Membership in learned
organizations, readings, and other development
Sense of  Resolves positively conflicts.  Resolves positively conflicts. 4
Community  Shows genuine concern for others by making  Shows genuine concern for others by
oneself available as needed. making oneself available as needed.
 Participates in all school programs, activities and  Participates in all school programs, activities
projects without any complaint. and projects without any complaint.
 Engages actively oneself with other members of the  Engages actively oneself with other
community and other stakeholders in productive members of the community and other
collaboration, positive teamwork and output driven stakeholders in productive collaboration,
cooperation. positive teamwork and output driven
Communication  Delivers oral and written reports clearly and  Delivers oral and written reports clearly and 3
Skills accurately. accurately.
 Conveys effectively or transmits data, message and  Shows tact, diplomacy and presents oneself
information that is understood by the listener. in an orderly manner as s/he listens to
 Observes proper etiquette and social graces in other’s views and opinions.
dealing with clients (parents, students, colleagues  Ensures the observance of protocol in
and other members of the community) in different communication situations as prescribed by
communication situations. the school.
 Shows tact, diplomacy and presents oneself in an
orderly manner as s/he listens to other’s views and
 Ensures the observance of protocol in
communication situations as prescribed by the
(Add rating & divide by the number of competencies)
Key Behavioral Indicators Critical Observations Rating
Competency (Strengths & Performance Gaps)
Mastery of  Complies with DepEd Learning Competencies  Complies with DepEd Learning 4
Subject Matter requirements and accomplishes instructional tasks Competencies requirements and
using her /his knowledge, skills and attitude to the accomplishes instructional tasks using her
satisfaction of her students /his knowledge, skills and attitude to the
 Displays comprehensive and accurate grasp of the satisfaction of her students
subject matter.  Displays comprehensive and accurate grasp
 Presents contents in an organized and logical of the subject matter.
manner.  Presents contents in an organized and
 Relates subject matter to broader aspects of life and logical manner.
allows students to clearly refer to their actual life  Relates subject matter to broader aspects of
experiences based on the lesson. life and allows students to clearly refer to
 Exudes self-confidence and is alert in reacting to their actual life experiences based on the
students’ questions behaviors and attitudes. lesson.
 Exudes self-confidence and is alert in
reacting to students’ questions behaviors
and attitudes.
Classroom  Maintains systematic and orderly classroom routine  Maintains systematic and orderly classroom 4
Management (begins and ends the lesson on time). routine (begins and ends the lesson on
 Establishes good rapport with the students. time).
 Sets a conducive learning environment (clean and  Establishes good rapport with the students.
orderly classroom, getting the students ready/proper  Sets a conducive learning environment
mind set). (clean and orderly classroom, getting the

students ready/proper mind set).
Instructional  Employs teaching strategies which are student-  Employs teaching strategies which are 4
Management centered and considers the individual differences student-centered and considers the
and multiple intelligences. individual differences and multiple
 Uses instructional tools and teaching aids effectively intelligences.
to reinforce learning.  Uses instructional tools and teaching aids
 Integrates values meaningfully and appropriately in effectively to reinforce learning.
each lesson.  Integrates values meaningfully and
 Gives relevant and purposeful assignments. appropriately in each lesson.
 Uses appropriate and meaningful assessment tools  Gives relevant and purposeful assignments.
to determine student learning  Uses appropriate and meaningful
 The Students’ academic performance meet the assessment tools to determine student
standard set by the teacher and school. learning
 The Students’ academic performance meet
the standard set by the teacher and school.
Command of  Expresses his/her ideas clearly and effectively.  Uses various speed and tone of voice to 3
the Language  Speaks in correct English and Filipino with proper avoid boring and monotonous discussions.
of Instruction enunciation, pronunciation and diction.  Uses words and expressions within
 Speaks clearly and audibly. students’ level of understanding.
 Uses various speed and tone of voice to avoid
boring and monotonous discussions.
 Uses words and expressions within students’ level
of understanding.
Student  Formulates and asks questions effectively to  Formulates and asks questions effectively to 3
Engagement develop critical and creative thinking. develop critical and creative thinking.
 Engages students in a dynamic and meaningful  Engages students in a dynamic and
discussion (relaxed, pleasant, democratic but meaningful discussion (relaxed, pleasant,
disciplined classroom atmosphere) respects democratic but disciplined classroom
differences of opinions.) atmosphere) respects differences of
 Uses effective variation in interaction mode as opinions.)
evidenced by meaningful exchanges of responses  Uses effective variation in interaction mode
between the students and the teacher. as evidenced by meaningful exchanges of
 Encourages students to practice verbal skills by responses between the students and the
allowing free expression of ideas. teacher.
 There are obvious signs of understanding by the  There are obvious signs of understanding by
Students. the Students.
(Add rating & divide by the number of competencies)


I certify that I have reviewed the result of the performance review and Employee Signature:
accept the same. Date: April 21, 2024
I certify that I have discussed the result of the performance review with my Supervisor Signature:
subordinate and have reached an agreement. Date: April 21, 2024
I certify that I have reviewed the result of the performance review and Next level Supervisor Signature: ___________________
have calibrated the same. Date: ___________________________


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