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National Aptitude Test in Architecture

A Solar Eclipse will take place when

Options :
a. the sun is between the moon and the earth

b. the earth is between the moon and the sun

c. the moon is between the sun and the earth

d. the moon does not lie on the line joining the sun and the earth

Correct Answer : c

What should be the minimum height of a plane mirror required to view the full
image of a person who is 6 feet tall?

Options :
a. 3 feet

b. 6 feet

c. 4 feet

d. 5 feet

Correct Answer : a

A jet engine works on the principle of conservation of which of the following?

Options :
a. Angular momentum

b. Linear momentum

c. Energy mass

d. Mass velocity

Correct Answer : b

What is the cause for twinkling of stars?

Options :
a. Atmospheric pollution

b. Atmospheric reflection

c. Atmospheric refraction

d. Atmospheric dispersion

Correct Answer : c

The speed of light will be the minimum while passing through which of the

Options :
a. Vacuum

b. Air

c. Water

d. Glass

Correct Answer : d

For a given circle with a center O and radius OA, if two arcs B and C are drawn
on the circumference of the circle from 1 by taking the measurement of OA as the
radius of the arc, what will be the shape of the triangle obtained by joining the
points 1, B and C?

Options :
a. An isosceles triangle

b. A Scalene triangle

c. A right angled triangle

d. An equilateral triangle

Correct Answer : d

When the sum of two angles makes 90°, what are the angles referred to as?

Options :
a. Complementary angles

b. Supplementary angles

c. Acute angles

d. Obtuse angles

Correct Answer : a

If a straight line is used to connect V 3, what will be the angle formed between
the lines V3 and V1?

Options :
a. 30⁰

b. 45⁰

c. 60⁰

d. 90⁰

Correct Answer : a

Which of the following solids may not be generated by revolving a planar surface
along an axis?

Options :
a. Cylinder

b. Cone

c. Prism

d. Sphere

Correct Answer : c

Find the angle of “X” from the figure given below.

Options :
a. 110

b. 120

c. 140

d. 160

Correct Answer : c

Replace the underlined word with an answer choice such that the meaning of
the sentence does not change.

‘As a free marketer, I hate monopoly of any sort, be it economic, cultural or


Options :
a. Corruption

b. Control

c. Opposition

d. Optimism

Correct Answer : b

In question below, there is a sentence which is incomplete. The sentence has to
be completed by using parts which are labeled P, Q, R and S to produce the
correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence of the parts to complete the

‘She sat………………………………………………………………’

P: through the Town Hall Park

Q: which flanked a path running

R: under the boughs

S: of a spreading tamarind tree

Options :




Correct Answer : b

In sentence given below, a part of the sentence is italicized and underlined.
Below are given alternatives to the italicized and underlined part which may
improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement
is needed, your answer will be Option ‘D”.

India gained Independence in the year 1947 at 12am on 15 August

Options :
a. on 15 August in the year 1947 at 12am

b. in the year 1960 on 15 August at 12am

c. at 12am on 15 August in the year 1947

d. No improvement

Correct Answer : c

In the question below four words printed in bold type are given. These are
lettered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of the words may be wrongly spelt or
inappropriate in the context of the sentence.

Find out the word that is inappropriate to context or wrongly spelt

Options :
a. To solve a

b. problem, one needs to have

c. intelligent and firm

d. determination

Correct Answer : c
* Candidates attempted the question will be awarded full marks.

Select the pair which has same relationship.


Options :




Correct Answer : d

D-X)1 Section1 Test name

Carefully read the passage given below and provide the answers to the 4
questions based on the passage.

‘Pratik a professional man who had worked in an office for many years
had a fearful dream. In it, he found himself in a land where small slug-like
animals with slimy tentacles lived on people"s bodies. The people
tolerated the loathsome creatures because after many years they grew
into elephants which then became the nation"s system of transport,
carrying everyone wherever he wanted to go. Pratik suddenly realised
that he himself was covered with these things and he woke up

In a vivid sequence of pictures this dream dramatized for Pratik what he

had never been able to put in to words; he saw himself as letting society
feed on his body in his early years so that it would carry him when he
retired. He later threw off the "security bug" and took up freelance work.’

In his
found the

Options :
a. in his village

b. in his own house

c. in a different land

d. in his office

Correct Answer : c

Which one of the following phrases best helps to bring out the precise
meaning of 'loathsome creatures'?

Options :
a. Security bug and slimy tentacles

b. Fearful dream and slug-like animals

c. Slimy tentacles and animals

d. slug-like animals and security bug slug-like

Correct Answer : c

The statement that 'he later threw off the security bug' means that

Options :
a. Pratik succeeded in overcoming the need for security

b. Pratik stopped giving much importance to dreams

c. Pratik started tolerating social victimisation

d. Pratik killed all the bugs troubled him

Correct Answer : a

Pratik’s dream was fearful because

Options :
a. it brought him face to face with reality

b. it was full of vivid pictures of snakes

c. he saw huge elephant in it

d. in it he saw slimy creatures feeding on people's bodies

Correct Answer : a

D-X)2 Section1 Test name

Carefully read the passage given below and provide the answers to the 4
questions based on the passage.

Until the end of his first year at school, Vedant retained many of the
pleasures and pursuits he had brought with him from home, and he kept an
old interest in butterflies and fossils. His grandmother had presented him
with a fine bird"s eggs cabinet, but he could never bring himself to risk in
climbing trees. Once or twice he dissected dead birds from sheer
determination to overcome his horror of the operation. Probably it was his
envy of those physically unlike himself that brought on a phase during
which he drew massive athletes with thick necks and square shoulders.
Again he was pitying himself for what he could never be.

was that

Options :
a. though he admired them, he lacked a fine physique himself

b. he loved violent exercises

c. athletics was a passion with him

d. he had to complete an assignment

Correct Answer : a

Vedant dissected dead birds to

Options :
a. see if he would like to become a doctor

b. please his grandmother

c. satisfy his curiosity

d. overcome the fear of act

Correct Answer : d

Vedant did not want to climb trees because he

Options :
a. loved to play on the ground

b. was scared of falling down

c. disliked trees

d. thought it was childish

Correct Answer : b

Vedant's early schooling was in some ways like home life because

Options :
a. he had all his old friends with him

b. the food and the climate where same as at home

c. he kept an doing what gave joy and recreation at home

d. his family visited him often

Correct Answer : c

D-X)3 Section1 Test name

Carefully read the passage given below and provide the answers to the
4 questions based on the passage.

The assault on the purity of the environment is the price that we pay for
many of the benefits of modern technology. For the advantage of
automotive transportation we pay a price in smog-induced diseases; for
the powerful effects of new insecticides, we pay a price in dwindling
wildlife and disturbances in the relation of living things and their
surroundings; for nuclear power, we risk the biological hazards of
radiation. By increasing agricultural production with fertilizers, we
worsen water population.

The highly developed nations of the world are not only the immediate
beneficiaries of the good that technology can do; they are also the first
victims of environmental diseases that technology breeds. In the past,
the environmental effects which accompanied technological progress
were restricted to a small and relatively short time. The new hazards are
neither local nor brief. Air pollution covers vast areas of continents and
radioactive fallout from the nuclear explosion is worldwide. Radioactive
pollutants now found on the earth surface will be for generations, and in
the case of Carbon-14, for thousands of years.

use of

Options :
a. reduced the number of wild animals

b. caused imbalance in the relationship between living beings and their environment

c. eliminated diseases by killing mosquitoes and flies

d. caused biological hazards

Correct Answer : b

The passage emphasizes that modern technology.

Options :
a. has benefited highly developed nations

b. is an unmixed blessing

c. has produced powerful chemicals

d. has caused serious hazards to life

Correct Answer : d

According to the passage the increasing use of fertilizers is responsible

Options :
a. abundance of food

b. disturbance in the ecological system

c. water pollution

d. increase in diseases

Correct Answer : c

The harmful effects of modern technology are

Options :
a. widespread but short-lived

b. widespread and long-lasting

c. limited and long-lasting

d. severe but short-lived

Correct Answer : b

D-X)4 Section1 Test name

Carefully read the passage given below and provide the answers to the 4
questions based on the passage.

‘The casual horrors and real disasters are thrown at the newspaper
reader without discrimination. In the contemporary arrangements for
circulating the news, an important element, evaluation is always weak
and often wanting entirely. There is no point anywhere along the line
where someone put his foot down for certain and says, "This is important
and that does not amount to row of beans; deserves no one’s attention,
and should travel the wires no farther". The junk is dressed up to look as
meaningful as the real news.’

of news
which of

Options :
a. less dependence on modern systems of communication

b. more careful analysis of each news story and its value

c. separating beans from junk

d. discriminating horrors from disasters

Correct Answer : b

The writer of the above passage

Options :
a. seems to be happy with the contemporary arrangements for circulating news

b. shocked by the casual stories about horrors and disasters reported in the

c. wants better evaluation of news before publication

d. wants to put his foot down on news stories

Correct Answer : c

In the above passage, the phrase "amounts to a row of beans" means that
the news

Options :
a. is weak and often wanting entirely

b. deserves no one's attention

c. should travel the wires

d. is junk dressed up as real news

Correct Answer : b

Newspapers lack a sense of discrimination because

Options :
a. they do not separate the real news from mere sensationalism

b. they have to accept whatever is received on the wires

c. limited manpower makes serious evolution impossible

d. people don't see the difference between 'junk' and 'real' news

Correct Answer : a

D-X)5 Section1 Test name

Carefully read the passage given below and provide the answers to the 4
questions based on the passage.

‘Many sociologists have argued that there is a functional relationship

between education and economic system. They point to the fact that
mass formal education began in industrial society. They note that the
expansion of the economies of industrial societies is accompanied by a
corresponding expansion of their educational systems. They explain this
correspondence in terms of the needs of industry for skilled and trained
manpower, needs which are met by the educational system. Thus, the
provision of mass elementary education in Britain in 1870 can be seen as
a response to the needs of industry for a literate and numerate workforce
at a time when industrial processes were becoming more complex and
the demand for technical skills was steadily growing.’

needs a

Options :
a. its expansion needs sound learning

b. it relies heavily on expertise

c. it promotes a competitive spirit

d. its operations need intricate technical knowledge

Correct Answer : d

The author argues that

Options :
a. formal education can be traced to industrial society

b. industrial society is responsible for expansion of education at mass level

c. industrial society gave rise to vocational education

d. industrial society changed the pattern of education

Correct Answer : a

The observation of the Sociologists are based on a study of

Options :
a. the statistical data available in a historical context

b. economic system of the 19th century

c. the correlation between industry and education in a historical context

d. growth of industry in the 19th century

Correct Answer : d

The Sociologists referred to it in the passage say that the relationship
between industry and elementary education was one

Options :
a. based on mutual need

b. based entirely on the need of the industry

c. based entirely on economic need

d. based on some inexplicable historical forces

Correct Answer : b

The highlighted area in the image of the Taj Mahal below is given a decorative
treatment, different from that for the upper part of the wall. What is the
architectural terminology for the same?

Options :
a. Skirting

b. Tracery

c. Plinth

d. Dado

Correct Answer : d

Identify the kind of roofing system used in the structure below.

Options :
a. Dome

b. Vault

c. Shell

d. Arcade

Correct Answer : b

The set of images given below indicate a functional and structural element that
protrudes from the plane of a sloping roof surface.

What is the correct terminology for this element?

Options :
a. Bay window

b. Hipped window

c. Dormer window

d. Clerestory window

Correct Answer : c

The image of the vernacular dwelling given below displays an architecture that
is responsive to tropical climate and context. In which tropical country can this
type of dwelling be found?

Options :
a. Suriname

b. Indonesia

c. Ecuador

d. Jamaica

Correct Answer : b

To which cultural aesthetic and landscape do the elements such as Tea house,
dry landscape garden, ‘Treasure tower’ pagoda, ‘Drum’ bridge, trees, water and
rocks attributed?

Options :
a. Japanese

b. Vietnamese

c. Taiwanese

d. Mongolian

Correct Answer : a

Which of the following forts famous for its water management has been
nominated and submitted by The Government of India in the year 2020 for its
inclusion in World Heritage List?

Options :
a. Golconda Fort

b. Gwalior Fort

c. Mehrangard Fort

d. Jaigarh Fort

Correct Answer : a

The south-west monsoon contributes ……….. of the total rain in India.

Options :
a. 86%

b. 50%

c. 22%

d. 70%

Correct Answer : a

Which of the following measures are effective for soil conservation in India?

(i) Avoiding crop rotation

(ii) Afforestation

(iii) Encouraging the use of chemical fertilizers

(iv) Limiting shifting cultivation

Options :
a. (i) and (ii)

b. (ii) and (iv)

c. (iii) and (iv)

d. (i), (ii), and (iii)

Correct Answer : b

Which is the oldest monument from the list given below?

Options :
a. Qutb Minar, Delhi

b. Ajanta and Ellora Caves

c. Shore temple, Mahabalipuram

d. Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi

Correct Answer : b

Identify the tallest building from the set of pictures given below.

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

Which of the following states in India have the most forest cover?

Options :
a. Maharashtra

b. Madhya Pradesh

c. Kerala

d. Arunachal Pradesh

Correct Answer : d

Which event is celebrated on 22nd March every year?

Options :
a. World Water Day

b. World Environment Day

c. World Yoga Day

d. World Architecture Day

Correct Answer : a

Which number replaces the question mark?

Options :
a. 11

b. 22

c. 33

d. 44

Correct Answer : b

A four-person crew from Super Colors is painting Mr. Ranjith's house. Manu is
painting the front of the house. Raju is in the alley behind the house painting the
back. Jack is painting the window frames on the north side, Shanu is on the
south. If Manu switches places with Jack, and Jack then switches places with
Shanu, where is Shanu?

Options :
a. in the alley behind the house

b. on the north side of the house

c. in front of the house

d. on the south side of the house

Correct Answer : c

Look carefully at the sequence of arrows to find the pattern. Which arrow
replaces the question mark?

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : b

An Informal Gathering occurs when a group of people get together in a casual,
relaxed manner. Which situation below is the best example of an Informal

Options :
a. A debating club meets on the first Sunday morning of every month.

b. After finding out about his salary raise, Jai and a few colleagues go out for a quick
dinner after work.

c. Meena sends out 10 invitations for a bachelorette party she is giving for her elder

d. Whenever she eats at a Chinese restaurant, Roop seems to run into Divya.

Correct Answer : b

If the given box is unfolded into which of the following answer choices given
would it unfold as?

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : d

The visuals of the architectural elements given below belong to which style of
architecture in the west?

Options :
a. Renaissance style

b. Victorian style

c. Gothic style

d. Classical style

Correct Answer : c

Identify the given plan of a classical building, a building which was erected for
the purposes of mass scale entertainment.

Options :
a. Greek Amphitheatre

b. Roman Colosseum

c. Roman Circus

d. Greek Agora

Correct Answer : b

The given painting belongs to De Stijl, meaning ‘The Style‘, a modern art
movement developed in the Netherlands in the early twentieth century, the art
movement influenced modern architecture as well. Choose the correct interior
image that belongs to the particular style - De Stijl.

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : b

Which of the following symbols does not fall under a spiritual category?

Options :

a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

Identify the correct colour scheme that is used in the current Google logo

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : a

Look carefully at the different brand logos and identify the odd brand out

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : b

The given images below are single line sketches of various cities in the world
depicting their famous landmarks. Identify which is the appropriate skyline of
Sydney in Australia

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

What does the diagram given below represent?

Options :
a. Rule of Thirds

b. Fibonacci Series

c. Diagonal method

d. Random Sequence

Correct Answer : b

Which among the following brand logos is the odd one out?

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

Identify the correct side view for the given 3D volume.

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

Identify the correct side elevation view for the given 3D object from the view
point of the given arrow.

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : d

Identify the correct side elevation view for the given 3D object from the view
point of the given arrow.

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : a

Which of the given three dimensional compositions given below can pass
through the cut out panel?

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : d

If solids (P) and (Q) are combined to form solid (R) there will be a new solid (X)
is generated due to the intersection (P) and (Q) as represented in highlighted
colour. How many surfaces does this new solid have?

Assume solids (P) and (Q) are identical regular hexagon with six sides.

Options :
a. 6 SIDES

b. 8 SIDES

c. 10 SIDES

d. 12 SIDES

Correct Answer : c

The side view belongs to which of the 3D objects given below?

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : b

Choose the Pantone colour(s) of the year 2021 from the given palette below

Options :

a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : b

Identify the colour TEAL. from the options given below:

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : b

What is the colour scheme used in the given logo of a food brand?

Options :
a. Secondary colour scheme

b. Analogous colour scheme

c. Split complementary colour scheme

d. Triadic colour scheme

Correct Answer : d

Choose the two most important visual principles in the given 2-dimensional
black and white composition.

Options :
a. Intricacy

b. Rhythm

c. Hierarchy

d. Focal point

e. Order

f. Flow

g. Repetition

h. Continuity

Correct Answer : Focal Point, Repetition

Choose the two most important visual principles in the given 2-dimensional
black and white composition

Options :
a. Repetition

b. Parallelism

c. Vibration

d. Continuity

e. Intricacy

f. Flow

g. Focal point

h. Datum

Correct Answer : Parallelism, Flow

Choose the two most important visual principles in the given 2-dimensional
black and white composition

Options :
a. Paradigm shift

b. Focal point

c. Contrast

d. Symmetry

e. Repetition

f. Hierarchy

g. Flow

h. Direction

Correct Answer : Symmetry, Repetition

Choose from the given sets of paintings, one that does not fall under the art
movement of “Surrealism”?

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

ACTION PAINTING is best depicted by which of the following paintings?

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

Raja Ravi Varma’s art are the best examples of the fusion of European
academic art with a purely Indian sensibility and iconography.Identify the correct
artwork by the famous painter Raja Ravi Varma from the options given below.

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

Which of the given abstract artwork best depicts the emotion of JOY /

Options :

a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : b

Identify the hues given below which would find the correct fit in rows 4, 6 and 7
in that order.

Options :
a. P, T, Q

b. T, Q, R

c. P, Q, R

d. S, Q, R

Correct Answer : b

John's mother has 4 children, one child is named April, another child is named
May, another child is named June. What is name of the fourth child?

Correct Answer : John

If an electric train is moving north at 100mph and a wind is blowing to the west
at 10mph, which direction does the smoke blow?

Correct Answer : No direction

Turn me on my side and I am everything. Cut me in half and I am nothing. What
am I?

Correct Answer : Number 8

A driver needs to pass under a bridge, but his truck is one inch too tall. However
despite this issue, the driver finds a way to continue further. How?

Correct Answer : Walking

King Akbar sentenced a man to the death for some crime he had committed.
Akbar known for his kindness told the culprit that he may choose his own
method to die. The culprit was clever and said something that saved him from

What method do you think he must have chosen for his death?

Correct Answer : Old age

A family had a chicken coop for their one dozen, egg producing hens. Late one
night, a terrible storm came through their area and killed all but eight chickens.
How many chickens did the family have in the next morning?

Correct Answer : 12

A murderer is condemned to death. He must choose between three rooms after
his sentence is passed. The first is full of raging fire. The second is full of
assassins with loaded guns. The third is full of lions that haven’t eaten in three

Which room should he choose?

Correct Answer : Third room

In which of the following sports are the shoes made of metal?

Soccer, Athletics, Horse racing, Basketball, Tennis

Correct Answer : Horse racing

The figure given below is the front elevation of a square pyramid made of 83
cubes of size 10 feet x 10 feet. There is a right angled cone inserted into the
pyramid composition, the height of which is 4 times the height of a single cube
and with a base of 38 feet diameter. Find the number of cubes which have
surfaces overlapping with volume of the cone.

Correct Answer : 35

How many total squares can you find in the image?

Correct Answer : 40

In a pond, there are some flowers with some bees hovering over them. How
many flowers and bees are there if both the following statements are true: 1. If
each bee lands on a flower, one bee doesn’t get a flower? 2. If two bees share
each flower, there is one flower left out.

Enter the number of bees and flowers separately

Correct Answer : 4 bees 3 flowers

A nonstop train leaves Mumbai for Pune at 60 kmph. Another nonstop train
leaves Pune for Mumbai at 40 kmph.

How far apart are the trains 1 hour before they pass each other?

Correct Answer : 100 km

Jack leaves school by walk to go to his home passing many building units. If
Jack walks along the depicted path, what is the distance that he has walked?

Assume the width of building as 1 unit and length of the building as 2 units.

Correct Answer : 10 units/ 10 buildings

What is the percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is
increased by 20%?

Correct Answer : 44%

Find out the wrong number in the series.

15,16, 34, 104, 424, 2125, 12756

Correct Answer : 104

A man's swimming speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the
current is 2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is

Correct Answer : 10 km/hr

How many times do the both the hands of a clock coincide in a day, considering
a day is 24 hours?

Correct Answer : 22

A farmer travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hours. He travelled partly on foot @
4 km/hr and partly on bicycle @ 9 km/hr. What is the distance (km) travelled on

Correct Answer : 16

Find the area of the Square given below, which is made up of 5 different
rectangles all of equal areas. One of the sides of the rectangle is given as 4.

Correct Answer : 256

In the given figure a cube is inserted within a hemisphere such that the top four
corners of the cube touch the inner surface of the hemisphere. Find the length
of the green line which connects between the top center and bottom corner of
the cube, if the radius of the hemisphere is 10cm.

Correct Answer : 10 cm

For the given tile pattern calculate the area shaded in BLUE colour if one of the
length of the tile is 10 cm.

Correct Answer : 25π – 25 or 14.27cm

Q.100 A baby’s bath should be at a temperature of 37°C. The bath already contains
10kg of water at 15°C. Approximately how much hot water with a temperature
of 50°C, should be added to achieve the desired temperature?

Correct Answer : 16.9 kg or 17 kg

If you are running towards a plane mirror at a speed of 10cm/s, at what speed
does your reflection approach you?

Correct Answer : 20 cm/s

How many blocks make the shape below?

Correct Answer : 26

The figure below shows an unfolded pattern of a die. If four such identical dice
are stacked one on top of another, as shown on the right, what is the sum of
the numbers appearing on the faces which are parallel to the ground?

Correct Answer : 27

Locate the hidden teddy bear without bow and identify the segment in which
located; for example P/ 2, R/4, and so on

Correct Answer : S/4

Locate the odd image and identify the segment in which located; for example
A/1, E/5, and so on

Correct Answer : F/5

* Candidates attempted the question will be awarded full marks.

Please indicate the five most important visual design principles and elements
used by Italian Renaissance painter Giovanni Bellini in his work of Madonna of
the Meadow.

Options :
a. Texture

b. Scale

c. Symmetry

d. Balance

e. Rhythm

f. Repetition

g. Direction

h. Form

Correct Answer : Texture, Scale, Balance

Please indicate the five most important visual design elements / principles
used in the three dimensional metal sculpture.

Options :
a. Hierarchy,

b. Balance

c. Dynamism

d. Delicateness

e. Unstable

f. Direction

g. Form

h. Distortion

Correct Answer : Balance, Dynamism, Direction, Form

Below is an art work by El Lissitzky, a Russian painter whose works are greatly
influenced by Bauhaus and Constructivist movements. Please indicate the five
most important visual design elements / principles used in the art work given

Options :
a. Stability

b. Minimalism

c. Intricacy

d. Asymmetry

e. Depth

f. Pure forms

g. Convergence

h. Delicate

Correct Answer : Minimalism, Asymmetry, Depth, Pure forms

Choose from the options below, the composition that best relates to the given

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : d

Choose from the given options below the composition that best relates to the
given composition.

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : c

The plan given below represents the famous square that St Peter’s Basilica in
Rome opens out to.

Studying the plan form identify the three main built elements that define the

Options :
a. Shopping arcade

b. Colonnade

c. Obelisk

d. Dome

e. Avenue trees

f. landscaped gardens

g. Porch.

h. Water body

Correct Answer : Colonnade, Obelisk, Porch

The following sketch is the plan of the Minakshi temple in Madurai which has
temples within the temple complex each with its own set of enclosures and
built forms defining them.

From the given plan form identify three most important built elements that
define these enclosures

Options :
a. Gopurams

b. Vimanas

c. Mandapas

d. Stambhas

e. Tanks

f. Prakarams

g. Bazaar

h. Kalasas

Correct Answer : Gopurams, mandapas, prakarams

The sketch given below is the plan of the Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur
designed by Architect Charles Correa. The plan form of this complex is an
analog of the plan of the city of Jaipur.

From the given plan sketch below identify the three most important spatial
planning and visual principles adopted.

Options :
a. Mandala

b. Bazaars

c. Distortion

d. Kund

e. Symbolism

f. Maze

g. Illusions

h. Ponds

Correct Answer : Mandala, Kund, Symbolism

Q.114 In the two images given below there are some very subtle differences. Can you
identify the total number of differences therein?

Options :
a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 7

Correct Answer : A=2, B=3, C=1, D=0

Q.115 Spot the number of differences in the two pictures given below:

Options :
a. 10

b. 11

c. 12

d. 09

Correct Answer : A=3,B=1,C=0,D=2

D-X)1 Section2 Test name

This image belongs to Q.1, Q.2

Carefully observe the image given below. This image will be

visible only for 30 seconds and will not appear again once
accessed and viewed.

How many
benches are there
in the park?

Options :
a. 4

b. 3

c. 6

d. 5

Correct Answer : D

How many old people are in the park?

Options :
a. 2

b. 3

c. 1

d. 4

Correct Answer : A

D-X)2 Section2 Test name

This image belongs to Q.3, Q.4

Carefully observe the image given below. This image will be

visible only for 30 seconds and will not appear again once
accessed and viewed.

How many
stationery items
did you see?

Options :
a. 8

b. 6

c. 4

d. 7

Correct Answer : D

How many objects were there which tell time?

Options :
a. 3

b. 6

c. 4

d. 2

Correct Answer : A

D-X)3 Section2 Test name

This image belongs to Q.5, Q.6

Carefully observe the image given below. This

image will be visible only for 30 seconds and will
not appear again.

In the given tile pattern how
many unique pieces of tiles were

Options :
a. 6

b. 4

c. 5

d. 10

Correct Answer : B

How many tiles appeared in pairs of TWO?

Options :
a. 6

b. 4

c. 5

d. 3

Correct Answer : D

D-X)4 Section2 Test name

This image belongs to Q.7, Q.8

Carefully observe the image given below. This

image will be visible only for 30 seconds and will
not appear again once accessed and viewed.

Enter the correct colour of the
shape given below that
appeared in the geometric

Options :
a. (A)

b. (B)

c. (C)

d. (D)

Correct Answer : A

Enter the number of times that the shape given below was repeated in the
geometric pattern.

Options :
a. 6

b. 3

c. 8

d. 4

Correct Answer : D

D-X)5 Section2 Test name

This image belongs to Q.9, Q.10

Carefully observe the image given below. This image will be

visible only for 30 seconds and will not appear again once
accessed and viewed.

How many times
does the given leaf

Options :
a. 9

b. 4

c. 7

d. 3

Correct Answer : B

How many times does the given colour appear?

Options :
a. 7

b. 8

c. 5

d. 10

Correct Answer : A


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