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Liên hệ ngay

Chủ đề: T - Shirt 1

Chủ đề: Weekends 2

Chủ đề: Small Business 3

Chủ đề: Library 4

Chủ đề: Days off 5

Chủ đề: Weather 6

Chủ đề: Doing Sport 8

Chủ đề: Fix Things 10

Chủ đề: Dream & Ambition 11

Chủ đề: Rain 12




Question 1: Do you like wearing T-shirts?

Yes, I do. T-shirts are comfortable and easy to wear, especially during the warmer months. I find
them versatile, as they can be dressed up or down, depending on the occasion. I also appreciate
the wide range of designs available, from basic solid colors to graphic prints.
versatile (adj): đa dạng, linh hoạt

Question 2: How often do you wear T-shirts?

I wear T-shirts quite often, especially during the summer season. On average, I would say I wear T-
shirts two to three times a week. However, during the cooler months, I tend to wear long-sleeved
shirts or sweaters more often.

Question 3: Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?

Yes, I do. I think T-shirts with pictures or prints can add a fun and unique element to an outfit. I
particularly like graphic T-shirts with bold designs or interesting patterns.
add a fun and unique element (phr.v): thêm một yếu tố vui nhộn và độc đáo
bold designs (n): thiết kế táo bạo
interesting patterns (n): mẫu hoa văn hấp dẫn

Question 4: Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?
I believe that fashion is subjective and personal, so it's difficult for me to say whether older people
who wear T-shirts are fashionable or not. However, I do think that anyone can look stylish and
confident in clothing that they feel comfortable and happy wearing, regardless of age.

Question 5: Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

Yes, I would. I think buying T-shirts as souvenirs is a great way to remember a trip or experience. It's
also a practical and affordable option, as T-shirts are easy to pack and can be worn repeatedly.
Additionally, souvenir T-shirts often have unique designs or logos that can't be found elsewhere,
making them a special and meaningful keepsake.
keepsake (n) = souvenir



Question 1: Do you like weekends?
Absolutely, I love weekends. They provide a much-needed break from the busy routine of
weekdays, and I look forward to them every week. Weekends give me the opportunity to relax,
pursue my hobbies and spend quality time with my family and friends. It's a time when I can
recharge my batteries and get ready for the upcoming week.
much-needed (adj): cần thiết
recharge one's batteries (idiom): nạp lại năng lượng

Question 2: What do you usually do on your weekends?

On my weekends, I like to engage in various activities that help me unwind and rejuvenate.
Depending on my mood, I may read books, watch movies, go for a walk, or play sports. I also enjoy
spending time with my family and friends, either by having meals together or going out for
sightseeing and shopping. I believe in making the most of my weekends, and so I try to strike a
balance between relaxation and exploration.
make the most of (idiom) tận dụng hết
strike a balance (idiom) đạt được sự cân bằng

Question 3: What did you do last weekend?

Last weekend, I went to the beach with my friends. We spent the day playing beach volleyball,
swimming in the ocean, and having a picnic. It was a great way to enjoy the warm weather and have
some fun with my friends. In the evening, we watched the sunset and had a bonfire on the beach.
Overall, it was a perfect day, and I felt refreshed and energized afterward.
bonfire (n) lửa trại, đống lửa

Question 4: Do you make plans for your weekends?

Yes, I usually make plans for my weekends. I believe in the importance of having a balance between
rest and productivity, so I try to plan my weekends accordingly. I may plan to catch up on some
work or household chores, but I also make sure to schedule some leisure activities that I can look
forward to. I find that having a plan helps me to make the most of my weekends and avoid wasting
time. However, I also leave some room for spontaneity and serendipity, as some of the best
weekends can be unplanned.
catch up on (phr.v): bắt kịp
household chores (collocation): các công việc trong gia đình
look forward to (phr.v): mong chờ
avoid wasting time (collocation): tránh lãng phí thời gian
leave some room for (collocation): để một chút không gian cho



Question 1: Do you know many small businesses where you live?
I would say that I am aware of several small businesses in my local area, particularly in the
downtown district. These businesses range from coffee shops and boutiques to family-run
restaurants and specialty stores. I appreciate the unique character and personalized service that
small businesses often provide, and I try to support them whenever possible.
personalized service (n): dịch vụ cá nhân hóa

Question 2: Do you prefer to buy things from a small business or a large company?
When it comes to my purchasing preferences, I tend to lean towards small businesses over large
companies. While I recognize that larger corporations often have lower prices and a wider selection
of products, I value the personal attention and quality customer service that small businesses offer.
Additionally, I feel that supporting small businesses helps to foster a sense of community and
support local economies.
quality customer service (n): chất lượng dịch vụ khách hàng
foster a sense of community (vp): nuôi dưỡng tinh thần cộng đồng
support local economies (vp): hỗ trợ nền kinh tế địa phương

Question 3: Have you ever worked in a small business?

In the past, I have indeed worked for a small business. It was a local bookstore and café, and I found
the experience to be both challenging and rewarding. While the work was demanding, I appreciated
the close-knit team atmosphere and the opportunity to learn a variety of skills.
close-knit team atmosphere (np): không khí làm việc đoàn kết

Question 4: Have you ever thought about starting your own business?
I have definitely considered the possibility of starting my own business at some point in the future.
While I recognize that entrepreneurship comes with its own set of challenges, I am intrigued by the
idea of creating something of my own and having more control over my work and career path. At
the moment, I am still exploring different options and trying to gain more experience and
knowledge in the business world.
intrigue (v): thu hút, thích thú
entrepreneurship (n): tinh thần khởi nghiệp
career path (n): lộ trình nghề nghiệp



Question 1: Do you often visit a library?
Yes, I do visit libraries quite often. As a student, I often need to find academic sources for my
research projects, and libraries are an excellent place to access a wide range of materials.

Question 2: What books or materials do you often read in a library?

When I visit a library, I usually read academic books, journals, and articles related to my field of
study. I also like to read literature and fiction books during my free time. In addition, I sometimes
borrow DVDs or CDs to watch or listen to at home.
academic sources (n): nguồn tài liệu học thuật
field of study (n): lĩnh vực nghiên cứu
fiction books (n): sách tiểu thuyết

Question 3: Do you prefer to borrow books from a library or buy them?

In terms of whether I prefer to borrow books from a library or buy them, it really depends on the
situation. If it's a book that I will only need to read once or twice, I will usually borrow it from the
library. However, if it's a book that I want to keep and reference repeatedly, I would buy it. That
being said, I do enjoy the convenience and cost savings of borrowing books from the library.
repeatedly (adv): nhiều lần
cost savings (n): tiết kiệm chi phí

Question 4: What do you think about libraries?

I think libraries are an invaluable resource for communities. They provide access to information and
resources that may not be available elsewhere, and they also offer a quiet and peaceful space for
people to read, study, or work. Furthermore, libraries often provide various educational and cultural
programs that are beneficial for people of all ages.
invaluable resource (n): tài nguyên vô giá
access to information (n): truy cập thông tin
peaceful space (n): không gian yên tĩnh
educational and cultural programs (n): chương trình giáo dục và văn hóa

Question 5: Did you go to the library when you were a kid?

Yes, I did go to the library when I was a kid. My parents would often take me to the local library on
weekends, and I would spend hours browsing and reading books. I think those experiences helped
to instill a love of reading and learning in me that has persisted to this day.
instill a love of reading (phr.v): truyền cho ai đó tình yêu đọc sách
persist (v): tồn tại, tiếp tục tồn tại



Question 1: When was the last time you had a few days off?
Oh gosh, let's see. I reckon the last time I had a few days off was, you know, about a month ago. I
had taken some time off for a mini-break - a little bit of rest and relaxation, you might say.
taken some time off (vp): có thời gian nghỉ

Question 2: What do you usually do when you have days off?

What do I usually do when I have days off? Hm, good question! Well, I guess I tend to potter around
the house a bit, just chill out and catch up on some much-needed rest. But, you know, I also like to
go out and about, explore new places in the city, or even dig into a good book. It's all about striking
a balance, isn't it?
much-needed rest (np): sự nghỉ ngơi cần thiết
go out and about (vp): đi ra ngoài và khắp nơi
strike a balance (vp): duy trì sự cân bằng

Question 3: Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
Ah, now there's a question! Honestly, it kind of depends on the day. I mean, sometimes I love
spending time with my parents, you know, just hanging out and catching up on each other's lives.
But on other days, I prefer hanging out with my friends - kicking back, having a laugh, that sort of
thing. So, I guess it's a bit of a mixed bag!
kick back (v): thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi
a mixed bag (n): một sự kết hợp đa dạng

Question 4: What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?
If I had a day off tomorrow, eh? Well, if I had my druthers, I'd probably head out to the countryside
for a breath of fresh air, you know? Perhaps go on a long hike, take some stunning pictures of the
landscape, and just enjoy the peace and quiet. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it?
had my druthers (v): làm theo ý mình



Question 1: What's the weather like where you live?
Well, the weather where I live is quite a mixed bag, honestly. Some days it can be bright and sunny,
and then the next it's overcast and chilly. I suppose it keeps life a bit interesting, you know, never
quite knowing what to expect.
mixed bag (np): tình hình phức tạp, không rõ ràng

Question 2: Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

If I had to pick, I'd say I prefer cold weather. I'm not a huge fan of the sweltering heat – it just sort of
saps my energy. But in the cold, you can always bundle up, stay cozy, and enjoy a hot drink – it's
much more up my alley.
sweltering heat (np): cái nóng oi bức
bundle up (vp): mặc nhiều lớp quần áo để giữ ấm

Question 3: Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

As for the question of dry versus wet weather, I reckon I lean more towards dry. Don't get me
wrong, I love the sound of the rain and all that, but I prefer not having to lug around an umbrella or
deal with soggy shoes, you know?
lean towards (vp): có xu hướng, thiên về.
deal with (vp): đối phó với

Question 4: Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast?When/How often?
Oh, I absolutely make it a point to check the weather forecast daily. With our unpredictable
weather, it really helps me plan my day better – what to wear, whether to carry an umbrella, and
stuff like that.
weather forecast (n): dự báo thời tiết
unpredictable weather (np): thời tiết không thể đoán trước
make it a point (vp): coi là một quy tắc, quen thuộc




Question 5: What do you think are the effects of climate change in recent years?
In recent years, the effects of climate change have been pretty stark. We're seeing more extreme
weather conditions, like heatwaves, heavy downpours, and so on. Not to mention, the noticeable
shifts in seasons. It's a wake-up call that we need to take action and safeguard our planet, isn't it?
extreme weather conditions (np): điều kiện thời tiết cực đoan
heatwaves (n): đợt nắng nóng
heavy downpours (np): mưa lớn
noticeable shifts (np): sự thay đổi rõ rệt

Question 6: Would you like to visit other cities that have different climates from where you
You bet, I'd love to experience different climates. I think it would be refreshing and exciting, plus it
would give me a chance to learn about and adapt to different environments. It's all part of the
adventure, isn't it?
adapt to different environments (vp): thích nghi với môi trường khác nhau




Question 1: What sports do you like?

There are several sports I find particularly enjoyable, but if I were to single out one, it would be
swimming. It's a comprehensive activity that engages all muscle groups and has a calming influence
on the mind. I've always been fond of water, and swimming offers the perfect combination of
physical activity and mental relaxation.
engages all muscle groups (vp): tham gia tất cả các nhóm cơ
physical activity (np): hoạt động thể chất
mental relaxation (np): sự thư giãn tinh thần

Question 2: Where did you learn how to do it?

I initially learned to swim during my childhood, thanks to a combination of formal swimming lessons
and supportive family members who were proficient swimmers. Those early lessons took place at
the local swimming pool, where I was trained by certified coaches. Over time, I perfected my
technique and developed an appreciation for the sport.
certified coaches (np): chứng nhận huấn luyện viên

Question 3: Did you do some sports when you were young?

Indeed, as a youngster, I was actively involved in various sports. In addition to swimming, I played
football, a sport that helped me develop team skills and endurance. I also tried my hand at tennis,
which refined my agility and coordination. I feel that being exposed to a variety of sports at a young
age has had a significant positive impact on my physical well-being and overall personal
physical well-being (np): sức khỏe thể chất




Question 4: Do you think students need more exercise?

Absolutely, I am convinced that students need more physical exercise. Many students spend
extensive hours in a sedentary position, studying or engaging with digital devices. This lack of
physical activity can lead to health problems like obesity and postural issues. Regular exercise could
help to combat these problems while also enhancing cognitive abilities and reducing stress levels.
Therefore, incorporating sports or physical activities into the curriculum is essential.
sedentary position (np): tư thế ngồi lâu

Question 5: Do you know any people who are good at sports?

Yes, I do know a few individuals who excel at sports. A close friend of mine, for instance, is an
exceptional tennis player. She has participated in numerous regional competitions and consistently
demonstrates a level of skill and dedication that I find truly admirable. Similarly, my cousin is a
professional footballer and his athletic prowess is something I respect greatly. Their commitment
and success in their respective sports are sources of inspiration for me.
exceptional tennis player (np): vận động viên tennis xuất sắc
professional footballer (np): cầu thủ bóng đá chuyên nghiệp

Question 6: Do you think it is important for people to exercise?

Absolutely, I believe it's crucial for individuals to engage in regular physical activity or exercise. It
provides a myriad of health benefits, such as maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of
chronic diseases, and improving mental health and mood. Beyond these, exercise also boosts
energy levels and promotes better sleep. In our increasingly sedentary modern lifestyle,
incorporating exercise into our daily routine has become more vital than ever.
chronic diseases (np): bệnh mãn tính
better sleep (np): giấc ngủ tốt hơn
sedentary lifestyle (np): lối sống thụ động



Question 1: Can you fix things?
Well, you know, I'm not exactly a whizz when it comes to hands-on tasks, but I can certainly hold my
own when it comes to fixing minor things around the house. For instance, I have managed to fix a
leaking faucet or assemble a piece of flat-pack furniture, although it can sometimes be quite a
hands-on tasks (np): công việc thực hành
leaking faucet (vp): vòi nước bị rò
flat-pack furniture (np): đồ nội thất tự lắp ráp

Question 2: Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?
Growing up, my dad was a real handyman, always fixing things around the house. I remember, as a
kid, I used to shadow him around, trying to pick up the ropes and learn a trick or two. He'd often
throw me a bone, letting me help out with the easier tasks and gradually I picked up some useful
handyman (n): người thợ làm mọi việc

Question 3: Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?

In my opinion, it's pretty beneficial for people to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of how to
fix things. Not only does it give you a sense of accomplishment, but it also saves you a pretty penny
in repair costs. Plus, let's not forget, it can come in very handy during emergencies when you can't
call a professional.
rudimentary knowledge (np): kiến thức cơ bản
repair costs (n): chi phí sửa chữa

Question 4: What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?

Ah, when something is beyond repair, well, I usually take a pragmatic approach. First, I'd make sure
if it's really unfixable, sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes. But if it's a lost cause, then I
believe it's best to recycle it or dispose of it responsibly, and then start shopping around for a
pragmatic approach (np): cách tiếp cận thực dụng
fresh pair of eyes (idiom): góc nhìn khác
lost cause (np): không thể cứu vãn



Question 1: What was your childhood dream?
From an early age, my childhood dream was to become an astronaut. The very idea of venturing
into the cosmos, exploring the uncharted vastness of the universe, utterly captivated my young
mind. I remember countless nights spent peering through my rudimentary telescope, imagining the
celestial bodies as distant lands waiting to be discovered.
venturing into (verb + preposition): tiến vào
celestial bodies (adj + noun): các thiên thể

Question 2: Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?

While I do consider myself a steadfast individual, the practicality and plausibility of dreams often
temper my adherence to them. My childhood ambition to become an astronaut, for instance, while
incredibly inspiring, did not remain my foremost goal. As I grew older and my interests broadened, I
realized the importance of aligning my dreams with my abilities and interests. This didn't signify
giving up, rather it was a process of refining my aspirations to better suit my personal and
professional growth.
foremost goal (adj + noun): mục tiêu hàng đầu

Question 3: What is your dream job?

My dream job, interestingly enough, lies in the field of AI research. It is a fascinating blend of
technical proficiency and creative problem-solving that truly excites me. The possibility of creating
intelligent systems that can revolutionize how we interact with technology and solve complex
problems presents an irresistible challenge that I aspire to meet.
technical proficiency (adj + noun): sự thành thạo kỹ thuật
creative problem-solving (adj + noun): giải quyết vấn đề sáng tạo
intelligent systems (adj + noun): hệ thống thông minh

Question 4: Do you think you are an ambitious person?

I would indeed classify myself as an ambitious person. My ambitions, however, are not confined to
the conventional sense of achieving a high-ranking job or accumulating wealth. Instead, my
ambition is rooted in a desire to contribute meaningfully to society, to utilize my skills and
knowledge to their full potential, and to continuously learn and grow both personally and
professionally. I believe that ambition is a driving force that motivates us to surpass our perceived
limitations and to strive towards achieving our dreams, no matter how lofty they may be.
personal and professional growth (adj + adj + noun): sự phát triển cá nhân và chuyên môn
driving force(verb + noun): động lực chính
perceived limitations (verb + noun): giới hạn được nhận biết
lofty dreams (adj + noun): những giấc mơ cao cả



Question 1: Do you like rainy days? Why?
You know, I've actually got a bit of a soft spot for rainy days. I suppose it's because they give me an
excuse to stay indoors, curled up with a good book, sipping on a warm cup of tea. It's just a
comforting, cozy atmosphere that really hits the spot for me, you know?
soft spot for (np): có một tình cảm đặc biệt đối với
curled up (vp): cuộn mình với
sipping on (vp): nhâm nhi

Question 2: Does it rain much in your city?

Well, talking about my city, it's rather notorious for its unpredictable weather. One minute the sun is
shining brightly, and then, out of nowhere, it starts to pour down. I guess you could say it keeps us
on our toes. We certainly see our fair share of rain, to put it mildly!
unpredictable weather (np): thời tiết không thể đoán trước
pour down (vp): mưa lớn, mưa như trút nước
fair share of (np): phần đủ của

Question 3: Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?

Ah, that's an interesting question. I think I'd lean more towards living in a wet place. There's
something about the vibrant, lush greenery after a rainfall that's just enchanting to me. Not to
mention, the fresh, crisp air post-rain is quite invigorating, don't you think?
vibrant, lush greenery (np): cảnh quan xanh tươi, rực rỡ
fresh, crisp air (np): không khí trong lành, sảng khoái

Question 4: Would you change your plan if it rained?

Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not one to let a little rain throw a spanner in the works. I mean,
unless it's pouring cats and dogs or I have outdoor activities planned, I'd generally stick to my
original schedule. After all, you can't control the weather, right? It's best to just roll with the
throw a spanner in the works (vp): gây rối, làm hỏng kế hoạch
pouring cats and dogs (vp): mưa tầm tã
original schedule (np): lịch trình ban đầu
roll with the punches (vp): thích nghi với hoàn cảnh khó khăn

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