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BES-1 1

«-1. ™e[u yk…u÷ ºký rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE yuf {wÆk …h ykuAk{kt ykuAk 250 y™u ðÄw{kt ðÄw 300 þçËku{kt, મેેલ ગુણ /
ÞkuøÞ WËknhýku™ku ykÄkh ÷E™u r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. MARKS

1.1 21{e ‚Ëe{kt ƒktÄfk{ ûkuºku rðf‚e hnu÷e yk÷u¾™ (Design)-™e rð¼kð™k
કુલ ગુણ /
1.2 ƒktÄfk{ Rs™uhe þk¾k{kt AuÕ÷k ËkÞfk{kt ÚkÞu÷k {n¥ð™kt y™u W…Þku„e ‚tþkuÄ™ku TOTAL

1.3 Œ{khe árüyu M{kxo ‚exe r™{koý{kt r¼LLk «fkh™e R{khŒku™wt Y… y™u r™r{orŒ
«-2. ™e[u™kt ƒu rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE …ý yuf rðfÕ…™ku ykþhu 100 þçËku{kt rð[khrðMŒkh fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
y{u y{khe R{khŒku™u ykfkh yk…eyu Aeyu, íÞkhƒkË Œu y{™u ykfkh yk…u Au. MARKS

 – rðLMx™ [[eo÷
કુલ ગુણ /
2.2 ™nª Íhý, þe ‚hu ‚zf rM™øÄ ykMVkÕx™e; ™ «uŒ, …ý yk R{khŒ rðr[ºk fI ½kx™e... TOTAL
 – r™hts™ ¼„Œ MARKS: 10

«-3. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™ku (396 þçËku), {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ÷„¼„ 1/3 ¼k„{kt મેેલ ગુણ /
‚tûku… fhku.  OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /
ðirËf r¢Þkf{o. f{o yux÷u r¢ÞkÔÞk…kh, [uük. ÄkŒw™k rŒÊLŒ fu f]ËLŒ™ku yÚko. ‘ËuðË¥k V¤ ¾kÞ Au’ : TOTAL
yu ðkfâ{kt ‘¾kÞ Au’ yux÷u ¾kuhkf {w¾{ktÚke „¤u WŒkhðkY… ÔÞk…kh fhu Au, Œu f{o fnuðkÞ. ‘f{o’ yu MARKS: 10

™k{þçË Au y™u fkhf ‚tƒtÄu Œu r¢Þk ‚kÚku òuzkÞu÷ku nkuÞ Au. W…h™k ðkfâ{kt ‘V¤’ yu ™k{þçË Au y™u
f{ofkhf ‚tƒtÄu Œu ‘¾kÞ Au’ r¢Þk ‚kÚku òuzkÞu÷ku Au. fkhf ‚tƒtÄu RrÂŒŒ{, y™erÂŒ, yfrÚkŒ y™u
f{o-«ð[™eÞ Þku„{kt ÚkŒwt yu{ rðrðÄ f{o«fkhku ÔÞkfhýþkMºk{kt Au. ðiþur»kf Ëþo™™k {Œu f{o
[÷™kí{f-n÷™[÷™kí{f Au y™u Wíûku…ý, y…ûku…ý, ykfwt[™, «‚khý y™u „{™ yu{ …kt[ «fkh™wt
Au. ¼ú{ý, hu[™, M…þo™, rŒÞo„„{™ ð„uhu «fkhku y™u yLÞ ‚ðo r¢ÞkÔÞk…khku™ku yk …kt[ rð¼k„ku{kt
yLŒ¼koð ÚkkÞ Au. ™kuË™, yr¼½kŒ, „wÁíð, ðu„, «ÞíLk, ‚tÞku„, ÿðíð y™u ‚tMfkh ð„uhuÚke f{o
Wí…LLk ÚkkÞ Au. ‘yü’ yu …ý {™w»Þku™k f{o™wt yuf fkhý Au. yk ƒÄkt ¼kirŒf f{kuo Au. fýkËu Ëk™, Þ¿k,
…wÛÞf{o, …k…f{o yu ƒÄkt Ä{o fu yÄ{oY… f{kuo …ý „ýkÔÞkt Au. Ëk™ ð„uhu f{o Ä{ko™wfq÷ y™u ®n‚k
ð„uhu yÄ{ko™wfq÷ f{o fnuðkÞ. Ä{ko™wfq÷ f{oÚke yÇÞwËÞ y™u {kuûk «kÃík ÚkkÞ. fux÷ktf f{o «íÞûk V¤
yk…™khkt y™u fux÷ktf yü V÷ yk…™khkt Au. yü{ktÚke ‘y…qðo’™wt r™{koý ÚkkÞ Au. ðirËf …kihkrýf
f{ofktz{kt ‘f{o’ Äkr{of r¢ÞkrðrÄðk[f Au. ‘‚tæÞkf{o’, ‘Þ¿kf{o’, ‘rððknf{o’ yu þçËku{kt f{o
rðrÄr¢Þk™ku ðk[f Au. {e{kt‚k, Ä{oþkMºk ykrË y™w‚kh f{o r™íÞ, ™ir{r¥kf y™u fkBÞ – yu ºký
«fkh™wt Au. r™r»kØ y™u «kÞrù¥k yuðk ƒu «fkh …ý Au. «rŒrË™ fhðk™kt ykð~Þf f{o Œu r™íÞf{o.
‚tæÞk, MðkæÞkÞ yu r™íÞf{o Au. y{wf r™r{¥k™u y™w÷ûke fhðk™kt f{o Œu ™ir{r¥kf, su{ fu, s™™kþki[,
r…Œ]©kØ, „únýM™k™, [ki÷ ð„uhu ‚tMfkh yu ‚ðo ™ir{r¥kf f{kuo Au. fkuE V÷rðþu»k™e RåAkÚke fhkŒkt
f{kuo fkBÞf{kuo Au; su{ fu, …wºkurü, yï{uÄ, fkhehe Rrü ð„uhu.
÷„¼„ ƒÄktÞ Ëþo™ku y™w‚kh «íÞuf f{o™wt ftEf ™u ftEf V¤ {¤u s Au. fŒkoyu V¤ ¼ku„ððwt …zu Au.
Eïhk…oýƒwrØÚke fhu÷ f{o™wt V¤ ƒtÄ™Y… ™eðzŒwt ™Úke. RåAk, ykfktûkk yu f{o™kt «uhf ƒ¤ku Au. f{o
y™w‚kh {]íÞw …Ae swËe swËe Þkur™{kt sL{ {¤u Au. f{o™wt V¤ ¼ku„ððwt s …zu. ‚tr[Œ, «khçÄ y™u
r¢Þ{ký yu{ f{o™k ºký «fkh Au. su f{o™kt V¤ nS «„x ÚkÞkt ™Úke Œu ‚tr[Œ f{o, su f{o™u ykÄkhu
2 BES-1

‚kt«Œ sL{ y™u Œu{kt «kÃík ÚkŒkt ‚w¾Ëw:¾ ¼ku„ðkÞ Au Œu «khçÄ f{o y™u ðŒo{k™ sL{{kt su f{kuo ÚkkÞ
Au y™u su™wt V¤ ¼rð»Þ{kt fâkhuf {¤þu Œu r¢Þ{ký f{kuo Au. «f]rŒ™k „wýku y™w‚kh V÷k‚rõŒ rð™k
fhkŒwt ‚íð„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu ‚kríðf, hk„ fu yntfkhÚke «uhkÞu÷wt hòu„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu hksr‚f
y™u yrððuf Œu{s y¿kk™Úke fhkŒwt Œ{ku„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu Œk{r‚f f{o Au. yk f{kuo™k [¢Úke ‚t‚kh[¢
[k÷u Au.u
– ™khkÞý ft‚khk, ð‚tŒ …he¾
«-4. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™e ‚½™ ðk[™k fhe «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku.(5 «§ku × 2 „wý) મેેલ ગુણ /
ykí{k MARKS

‚]rü™k ‚so™ …nu÷kt ykí{k s nŒku. [khu ƒksw òuÞwt Œku …kuŒk™kÚke fþwt s y÷„ ™ skuÞwt. Œuýu ykht¼u
s fÌkwt – yn{T (nwt Awt) yux÷u Œu™wt ™k{ yn{T. …Ae …kuŒk™wt ƒeswt ™k{ fnu Au... કુલ ગુણ /
Œu™u ¼Þ ÷køÞku. yuf÷e ÔÞrõŒ ¼Þ …k{u Au, …Ae ßÞkhu òuÞwt fu ynª {khk r‚ðkÞ fkuE ™Úke Œku þk {kxu
¼Þ …k{wt ? yux÷u Œu r™¼oÞ ÚkÞku. …ý Œu «‚LLk ™ ÚkÞku, yuf÷ku {k™ðe h{{ký ™ ÚkÞku. yux÷u
…kuŒk™kÚke y÷„ yuðe fÕ…™k fhe. suðe heŒu yufƒeò™u yk®÷„™ fhŒkt Mºke…wÁ»k nkuÞ Œuðku Œu ÚkE
„Þku, Œuýu …kuŒk™e òŒ™u ƒu{kt ¼k„e ™k¾e. yux÷u nðu …rŒ…íLke ÚkÞkt, òýu fXku¤™kt ƒu VkrzÞkt.
Þk¿kðÕfâu fÌkwt Au, yu …wÁ»k™e yzÄe fkÞk ykfkþ. MºkeÚke Œu …qýo ÚkkÞ Au. Œu Mºke ‚kÚku™k ‚t„{ktÚke
{™w»Þ sLBÞku.
Œu Mºkeyu rð[kÞwO, Œuýu s {™u ‚So, y™u nðu Œu {khe ‚kÚku ‚{k„{ fE heŒu fhðk {k„u Au, yux÷u
Œu ‚tŒkE „E y™u „kÞ{kt VuhðkE „E, yux÷u …wÁ»k ð]»k¼ ÚkE „Þku y™u Œu™e ‚kÚku™k ‚{k„{ ðzu
„kÞ, ƒ¤Ë Wí…LLk ÚkÞk, …Ae Œu ½kuze ƒ™e „E y™u {™w»Þu yï ƒ™e™u ‚nðk‚ fÞkuo, …Ae Œu „Ëo¼e
ÚkE yux÷u Œu „Ëo¼ ÚkE „Þk. Œu™k ‚{k„{Úke yuf ¾heðk¤kt …þw sLBÞkt. …Ae Œu ƒfhe ÚkE, {™w»Þ
{u»k ÚkÞku, Œu™kÚke ƒfhkt-½uxkt sLBÞkt. yk{ fezeÚke {ktze™u su fkuE ™h{kËk Au Œu ƒÄk s Sðku™e Œu{ýu
‚]rü h[e.
– ƒ]nË ykhÛÞf W…r™»kË
Ǥku :
4.1 ykí{k™wt MðY… ðýoðku.
4.2 ykí{k™wt ƒeswt ™k{ yux÷u fÞwt ™k{ ?
4.3 ykí{k™u ¼Þ fu{ ÷køÞku ? yu ¼Þ{wõŒ þe heŒu ƒLÞku ?
4.4 ykí{kyu y«‚LLkŒk™kt r™ðkhý nuŒw fÞwt fkÞo fÞwO ? મેેલ ગુણ /
4.5 Sð‚]rü™k rðfk‚™e fÕ…™k h‚«Ë sýkÞ Au ? þk {kxu ? MARKS

«-5. ¼khŒ{kt «k[e™fk¤™e R{khŒku™kt ‚thûký™e sYrhÞkŒ y™u {n¥ð™u ‚{òðŒwt [[ko…ºk 'Œ Ä f’
ðŒo{k™…ºk™k ‚t…kËf©e™u ‚tƒkuÄe™u ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 200 þçËku) કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /
«-6. Œ{u ystŒk-E÷kuhk™e „wVkyku™e {w÷kfkŒ ÷eÄe. „wVkyku™kt rþÕ…ku y™u MÚkk…íÞ™kt MkkIËÞoÚke Œ{u MARKS

«¼krðŒ ÚkÞk. yu «¼kð™u ðýoðŒku ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 200 þçËku)

કુલ ગુણ /
BES-1 3

«-7. ™e[u yk…u÷ r[ºk rðþu Œ{khkt h[™kí{f r™heûkýku yk…ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /

«-8. yk…u÷ yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
It is a great profession. There is the fascination of watching a figment of the
imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to
realization in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings jobs and homes to men. Then it કુલ ગુણ /
elevates the standards of living and adds to the comforts of life. That is the engineer's TOTAL
high privilege. MARKS: 10

The great liability of the engineer compared to men of other professions is that his
works are out in the open where all can see them. His acts, step by step, are in hard
substance. He cannot bury his mistakes in the grave like the doctors. He cannot
argue them into thin air or blame the judge like the lawyers. He cannot, like the
architects, cover his failures with trees and vines. He cannot, like the politicians,
screen his shortcomings by blaming his opponents and hope that the people will
forget. The engineer simply cannot deny that he did it. If his works do not work,
he is damned. That is the phantasmagoria that haunts his nights and dogs his days.
He comes from the job at the end of the day resolved to calculate it again. He wakes in
the night in a cold sweat and puts something on paper that looks silly in the morning.
All day he shivers at the thought of the bugs which will inevitably appear to jolt its
smooth consummation.
On the other hand, unlike the doctor, his is not a life among the weak. Unlike the
soldier, destruction is not his purpose. Unlike the lawyer, quarrels are not his daily
bread. To the engineer falls the job of clothing the bare bones of science with life,
comfort, and hope. No doubt as years go by people forget which engineer did it,
even if they ever knew. Or some politician puts his name on it. Or they credit it to
some promoter who used other people's money with which to finance it. But the
engineer himself looks back at the unending stream of goodness which flows from
his successes with satisfactions that few professions may know. And the verdict of his
fellow professionals is all the accolade he wants.
4 BES-1

The engineer performs many public functions from which he gets only philosophical
satisfactions. Most people do not know it, but he is an economic and social force.
Every time he discovers a new application of science, thereby creating a new industry,
providing new jobs, adding to the standards of living, he also disturbs everything
that is. New laws and regulations have to be made and new sorts of wickedness
curbed. He is also the person who really corrects monopolies and redistributes
national wealth.
– Hoover
«-9. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «&Lkku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (10 × 1 = 10) મેેલ ગુણ /
9.1. YrZ«Þku„™ku yÚko yk…e Œu™ku ðkfâ{kt «Þku„ fhku. MARKS

– ƒ[fku …kAku ykððku

કુલ ગુણ /
9.2. fnuðŒ™ku yÚko ‚{òðku. MARKS: 10

– ðkt‚™k frsÞk{kt ð™ ƒ¤u

9.3. ‚{k‚™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™e yku¤¾ yk…ku.

– W…f]»ý{

9.4. …trõŒ™ku AtË yku¤¾kðku.

– ™nª ™kÚk, ™nª ™kÚk, ™ òýku fu Mnðkh Au.
yk ƒÄwt ½kuh ytÄkhwt, nS Œku ƒnw ðkh Au.
9.5. y÷tfkh yku¤¾kðku.
– Œ™u {U Ít¾e Au Þw„kuÚke Äe¾u÷k «¾h ‚nhk™e Œh‚Úke

9.6. þçË‚{qn {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.

– …nu÷kt™k ‚{Þ{kt ÚkE „Þu÷wt

9.7. þçË™e òuzýe ‚wÄkhku.

– ‚Œ«Œe…ûk

9.8. ðkfâ{kt skuzýe™e ¼q÷ku ‚wÄkhku.

– ytŒMVwhýk yux÷u Œfo™e fkuE «r¢Þk rð™k {¤Œe Œífk¤ ‚{s yÚkðk Œfo™e fkuE
 «r¢Þk rð™k ‚íÞ fu nfefŒ™wt ÚkŒwt ‚eÄw «íÞûkefhý.

9.9. þçË™e ‚trÄ Akuzku.

– s„ŒkÚk:

9.10. ðkfâh[™k yt„u yk…u÷ ‚q[™k {wsƒ W¥kh yk…ku.

– ‚tfw÷ ðkfâ ƒ™kðku. | Œ{u ykðþku. yk…ýu ‚kÚku s{eþwt.
BES-2 1

1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum મેેલ ગુણ /
300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the OBTAINED

subject in the best possible individual style having originality of thought and
expression. It must be well-argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially કુલ ગુણ /
with observance of grammatical rules. MARKS: 20

I. Role of RTI in Good Governance.

II. Is the world moving towards war?

III. “The ultimate test of relationship is to disagree but to hold hands.”

IV. “Our necessities are few, but our wants are endless.”

V. “If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating

2. Imagine you are in-charge of a Divisional Office of UGVCL. The Government મેેલ ગુણ /
has decided to impart updated safety-related training to the staff working OBTAINED
in Power Substations. Your Circle Head has sought your opinion about the
needful actions for the same. Write a letter, in about 150 words, to your Circle કુલ ગુણ /
Head offering needful suggestions. TOTAL

મેેલ ગુણ /
3. Write a report in about 200 words on your recent visit to the area in which MARKS

many agricultural farms have been affected due to the breakage in an

irrigation canal. કુલ ગુણ /

4. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about મેેલ ગુણ /
150 words. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /
2 BES-2

5. Draft a formal speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the મેેલ ગુણ /
Hon. Chief Minister on the inauguration of a new overbridge at Raksha MARKS

Shakti Circle at Gandhinagar.

કુલ ગુણ /
6. Write a precis of the following passage in about one-third of its original length.
મેેલ ગુણ /
Although the dairy industry has experienced various challenges in recent OBTAINED
years, the appetite and demand for dairy products is on the rise. With a
growing middle class who have more disposable income, consumers seeking
કુલ ગુણ /
out healthy alternatives to fit in with a more active lifestyle, and a focus on TOTAL
natural ingredients, milk and dairy products are growing in popularity.
As the largest producer of milk in the world, India is a key player in the
dairy industry and the opportunity for growth is significant. However, the
industry in India faces challenges of disorganization with only 18 to 20% of
the total milk produced going through the appropriate organized channels.
As one of the fastest growing beverage segments in the Indian market, dairy
is predicted to soon become a billion-dollar sector with three key categories
of flavoured milk, chaas and lassi, and functional yoghurt drinks leading the
way. All our Union Budgets provide a special focus on the rural sector in
order to contribute to the development of supply chain management and the
introduction of technology.
Alongside the technological developments to improve farming methods and
the organizational supply chain, big data is another arena which Indian
companies are turning to. In order to accurately predict consumer behaviour
and buying patterns, big data has become a key factor. Connecting to the
changing wants and needs of consumers is important for the dairy industry
to keep on top of trends. The flavour profile and preferences of Indian
consumers is quite varied; however, milk is a staple for the population from
toddlers to senior citizens. The health benefits of milk are widely recognized,
including its contribution to digestive wellness and the advantages of dairy
proteins. With consumers reconsidering their dietary choices, there has been
a reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates and sugar, leading to an
increase in protein-based diets.
BES-2 3

7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: મેેલ ગુણ /
(5 × 2 = 10) MARKS

In today’s lifestyle, we see plastic in every spot. Plastic is used daily for
કુલ ગુણ /
packaging, protecting, serving, and even disposing of all kinds of consumer TOTAL
goods. India is set to be the third largest consumer of plastics in the world. MARKS: 10

Today, plastic materials have become a mandatory part of daily life. Only 60%
of waste plastic is recycled in India. If not recycled, their current disposal is
either by land filling or by incineration, but both the processes have a certain
impact on the environment. Several studies have proven the health hazard
caused by improper disposal of plastic waste. Finding a proper solution for
the disposal of plastic waste is the need of the hour.
Use of disposed plastic bags in road construction appears to be the sustainable
option in urban areas to protect the environment and alleviate the problem of
clogging drainage systems. A detailed description of the process and guidelines
for laying roads with plastic blended bituminous materials has been reported
by the National Rural Road Development Agency in India. Such roads
have enhanced durability. The roads with plastic blended bitumen have an
extended life of at least one or two years more compared to 3-4 years under
normal ideal conditions.

It is hoped that there will be strong, durable and eco-friendly roads in the
near future. Therefore, keeping in mind the utility of plastic wastes in road
construction, a lot of research work needs to be carried out, which will help in
reducing the ill-effects of the environment caused by dumping of these wastes.

Questions :
I. Why has plastic become a mandatory part of our daily life?
II. Why is finding a proper solution for the disposal of plastic waste the
need of the hour?
III. How can the use of disposed plastic bags in road construction be a
sustainable option in urban areas?
IV. What has been reported by the National Rural Road Development
Agency in India?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage
4 BES-2

8. Do as directed: (10 × 1 = 10) મેેલ ગુણ /

Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle [l] as MARKS

well as write the correct answer in the bracket ( CAPITAL LETTER) as per
કુલ ગુણ /
the sample given below. TOTAL

Sample Ans.: ( C )    (A) �    (B) �    (C) l    (D) �    (E) �

1. I _______ this book since morning.

(A) had been reading
(B) has been reading
(C) have had read
(D) shall be reading
(E) has have read

2. He has safely preserved all the old paintings of his grandfather. (Change
the voice)
(A) All the old paintings of his grandfather has been safely preserved
by him.
(B) All the old paintings of his grandfather are being safely preserved
by him.
(C) All the old paintings of his grandfather were being safely preserved
by him.
(D) All the old paintings of his grandfather have been safely preserved
by him.
(E) All the old paintings of his grandfather are has been safely preserved
by him.

3. The technician said that he would repair the set-top box. (Change the
(A) The technician said, “I will repair the set-top box.”
(B) The technician said, “I would repair the set-top box.”
(C) The technician said, “I should repair the set-top box.”
(D) The technician said, “I can repair the set-top box.”
(E) The technician said, “I may repair the set-top box.”
BES-2 5

4. I will always remember your kind support. (Change into Negative

without changing its meaning)
(A) I will always forget your kind support.
(B) I will remember your support.
(C) Never will I remember your kind support.
(D) I will never always remember your kind support.
(E) I will never forget your kind support.

5. In _______ coming years, _______ water is going to be scarce.

(A) the, the
(B) a, no article
(C) a, the
(D) the, no article
(E) no article, the

6. Which newspaper do you subscribe _______?

(A) at
(B) to

(C) for

(D) on

(E) with

7. I just haven’t been able to get round to telephoning my mother. Could

you let her know I’ll be late for dinner? (Choose the correct meaning of
the underlined expression)

(A) reach

(B) see that

(C) find time for

(D) look for

(E) preform
6 BES-2

8. He’s full of hot air! He is so impressed with himself.

(A) energetic

(B) fun and happiness

(C) always exaggerating

(D) entertainment

(E) anger

9. The meaning of sanctity is ________.

(A) validity

(B) possibility

(C) ban

(D) approval

(E) purity

10. Choose the antonym of ‘candid’.

(A) sincere

(B) dishonest

(C) earnest

(D) serious

(E) solemn
BES-2 7

9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. મેેલ ગુણ /
„ktÄeS™wt Sð™ ƒk¤fku™k suðwt r™Ëkuo»k y™u ‚kËwt nŒwt. hk»xÙ y™u Ëwr™Þk™k srx÷ ‚ðk÷ku™ku ƒkuòu Œu{™k rþhu
nt{uþkt hnuŒku AŒkt ƒk¤fku™e nkshe{kt Œuyku yk™tËe y™u n‚{w¾k s sýkŒk nŒk. ‚tæÞk‚{Þu Vhðk sðk™ku
કુલ ગુણ /
„ktÄeS™ku ¾k‚ r™Þ{ nŒku. Œu ðu¤k ƒk¤fku ‚kÚku „B{Œ fhðk™e Œf „ktÄeS sðk ËuŒk ™nª. nt{uþk {wsƒ TOTAL
„ktÄeS yuf ðkh ‚ktsu Vhðk ™eféÞk nŒk. Œu{™e ‚kÚku yuf Mºke …kuŒk™wt ™k™wt ƒk¤f nkÚk{kt ÷E™u VhŒe nŒe.
[k÷Œkt [k÷Œkt …u÷e Mºke™k nkÚk{kt™wt ƒk¤f hzðk ÷køÞwt. Œu™u Ak™wt hk¾ðk …u÷e Mºkeyu {kŒk™e ƒÄe f¤k
ys{kðe …ý ƒk¤f hzŒwt ƒtÄ ÚkÞwt ™nª. yux÷u „ktÄeS™wt æÞk™ Œu ŒhV „Þwt. „ktÄeSyu {kŒk …k‚uÚke ƒk¤f
…kuŒk™k nkÚk{kt ÷E ÷eÄwt. ƒk¤f™k {]Ëw „k÷ …h „ktÄeSyu ðnk÷Úke …kuŒk™ku nkÚk VuhÔÞku y™u «u{¼he ykt¾u
ƒk¤f ŒhV òuE n‚ðk ÷køÞk. ƒk¤f þktŒ ÚkÞwt y™u „ktÄeS™k ðkí‚ÕÞ™ku òýu sðkƒ yk…Œwt nkuÞ Œu{
M™un™eŒhŒe „ktÄeS™e ykt¾ku ŒhV òuE™u n‚ðk ÷køÞwt. {kŒ]íð™ku ykðku „wý òuE …u÷e Mºke „ktÄeS ŒhV
ykùÞo{wøÄ ÚkE™u òuE hne nŒe.
8 BES-2

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