Annotated Bibliography Template (Semester 2)

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Annotated Bibliography Template (Semester 2)

Below are the instructions for all Annotated Bibliography entries this semester.

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (bibliography) that includes notes

about each source (making it annotated).

Essential Question:
How do character motives and themes in literature connect to modern
Directions: Complete an entry for 3 or more reading passages for each unit. By the end
of the semester, you should have at least 9 entries. You will use the information from
your annotated bibliography to complete a final synthesis essay (Literature Review) at the
end of the semester.

Follow this format for each entry

For a website:

Last name, First name. “Title of the webpage.” Source, Date of

publication, URL. Accessed day month year, pp. x-x.
Lundman, Susan. “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow, 12 October
2012, Accessed
6 July 2015.

In 5 sentences or less, state the central idea and main events of the
passage. Please note that your citation should include the page
numbers of the scene you are summarizing.
For example:
In this passage, Gene “jounces” Phineas out of the tree (central idea).
The scene begins when they both climb up the tree together and Phineas
walks out a bit farther (main event 1/beginning). Things start to escalate
when Gene begins thinking of all the reasons he is jealous of Phineas
(main event 2/ rising action/ obstacles). Finally, the scene ends when
Gene decides to shake the branch and Phinny falls into the water below
(main event 3/ climax or resolution).

Assess Describe the purpose or bias of the passage.

Annotated Bibliography Template (Semester 2)

It may help to use the following frames:

● What point is the author trying to make about the topic?
● What happens in the story to make that point? (What did you
summarize above?)
● What aspect of modern society (current event) could connect to the
themes of the text?

Answer the essential question in a complete paragraph. (This could

become a body paragraph in your Literature Review at the end of the
How do character motives and themes in literature connect to
modern society?
● Sentence 1: Introduce text, author, and idea.
Reflect ● Sentence 2: Introduce a SPECIFIC current event that connects to
the themes of the text.
● Sentence 3: Topic sentence to answer the prompt question.
● Sentence 4: Cite evidence from the book. Remember to introduce
with a noun + verb and include citation at the end.
● Sentence 5: Connect your evidence to the current event. Explain
how or why they are the same.

Use the instructions above to complete THREE entries for our final unit.

Entry 1
Source: "Anthem for Doomed Youth" by Wilfred Owen

Owen, Wilfred. “Anthem for Doomed Youth.” Poetry Foundation,

Citation n.d.,
-for-doomed-youth , Accessed on 7 May 2024.
In "Anthem for Doomed Youth" Wilfred Owen presents how
violence and conflict can lead to dehumanization. The author starts
by including the portrayal of soldiers going off to battle. This is
followed by depictions of the harsh realities of war, including
Summarize gunfire and explosions. The poem then talks about the
dehumanization of war, depictions of the mourning of those left
behind and the contrast of traditional funeral rituals with the chaotic
and impersonal nature of war, highlighting the senseless waste of
youth and the brutality of conflict.
In "Anthem for Doomed Youth," Wilfred Owen conveys a powerful
anti-war message, highlighting the horrors and tragedy of war,
Annotated Bibliography Template (Semester 2)

focusing on the dehumanization of soldiers. The author's intent is to

evoke a sense of sadness at the senseless loss of life in war, and the
dehumanization of human lives, contrasting the idealized imagery
of traditional funeral rituals with the harsh reality of war. Owen uses
vivid imagery and strong language to depict the brutal conditions
and violent deaths that soldiers face, further emphasizing the
dehumanizing effects of war. This connects to the modern-day
conflict in the Israel-Palestine region, where dehumanization is a
widspead issue, with both sides often viewing each other as less
than human.

In "Anthem for Doomed Youth" by Wilfred Owen, the tragic reality

of war and violence, and shows how dehumanization is often a
result.We can see a connection to the Israel-Palestine conflict, where
Palestinians are often dehumanized as a result of violence and
war.This shows a clear connection between literature and modern
society. Owen writes, "What passing-bells for these who die as
cattle?", a comparison between soldiers and cattle serving no real
purpose, shows the dehumanizing nature of war (Owen). The
poem's portrayal of the violence of war and the mourning of those
left behind resonates with the experiences of Palestinians living
under occupation and facing violence, showing that violence can
often lead to dehumanization. We can see similar issues caused by
violence in Gaza, where Palestinian civilians are often treated
poorly as a result of Israeli violence in the area. The term "mowing
the lawn", used by some to describe Israeli military actions in Gaza
further emphasizes this dehumanization occurring in Gaza,
depicting Palestinians as mere obstacles to be cleared rather than
individuals with lives, families, and aspirations. This parallel
underscores the toll of the conflict on the Palestinian people,
showing how their lives and dignity are often disregarded in the
pursuit of political goals, as well as the soldiers seen with no real
purpose either, and just cattle. Dehuamization is a major problem
caused by violence, and can be seen throughout the world and

Entry 2

Holiday, Billie. “Strange Fruit.” BillieHoliday, n.d.,

Accessed on 7 May 2024.
In "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday, addresses the brutal reality of
Summarize lynching and racism. The author starts by describing southern trees
bearing strange fruit, which are revealed to be black bodies hanging
Annotated Bibliography Template (Semester 2)

from the trees. The speaker then describes the contrasting sensory
experiences of the south, where the scent of magnolias and the
beauty of the landscape are tainted by the presence of disfigured
corpses and the smell of burning flesh.The poem ends with a image
of crows gathering to feed on the corpses, highlighting the aftermath
and the cycle of violence and dehumanization.
In "Strange Fruit", Billie Holiday publicizes the brutality of events
caused by racism present towards African Americans in the South.
The author seeks to emphasize the brutality of lynching and racism
in the Southern United States. The poem's vivid imagery of "strange
Assess fruit" hanging from trees serves as a metaphor for the bodies of
lynched black individuals, highlighting the inhumanity caused by
racism. This theme of discrimination can be connected to modern
society through various current events, such as the Syrian refugee
In "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday, the poem portrays the negative
effects of racism and violence. This connects to the Syrian refugee
crisis, which can be seen as a result of racism and discrimination.
Despite the advancements society has made since the writing of the
poem, we still see several problems caused by racism in modern
society, showing the link between literature and modern society.
The line "Southern trees bear strange fruit" emphasizes the
deep-seated racism that leads to such violence (Holiday). This
connects to the Syrian refugee crisis, which can be seen as a result
of racism and discrimination. The poem's depiction of the brutal
treatment of black individuals reflects the consequences of racism,
Reflect where individuals are subjected to violence based on their race.
Similarly, the Syrian refugee crisis is a result of racism and
discrimination, where Syrians fleeing conflict are often met with
hostility and mistreatment due to their nationality and ethnicity.
Many Syrian refugees have faced discrimination and xenophobia in
host countries, making it difficult for them to access essential
services and integrate into their new communities. Racism has also
influenced government policies and public attitudes towards
refugees, affecting their rights and opportunities for resettlement.
Both the poem and the Syrian refugee crisis highlight the
destructive impact of racism and the urgent need for empathy and
understanding in addressing such issues in modern society.

Entry 3

Iqbal, Muhammad. “A longing”. Mypoeticside, n.d.,

Citation , Accessed on
May 7, 2024
Annotated Bibliography Template (Semester 2)

In "A Longing" by Allama Iqbal, the central idea is a deep yearning

for spiritual fulfillment and a connection with the divine. The poem
begins with a description of the speaker's longing for the "presence
of the Friend". As the poem progresses, the speaker reflects on the
transient nature of worldly pleasures and the ultimate futility of
material pursuits. The poem's climax comes when the speaker
resolves to seek solace and guidance from the divine, recognizing
the limitations of earthly desires.
In "A Longing" by Allama Iqbal, the author tries to convey the idea
of the temporary nature of worldly desires and the ultimate
fulfillment of spiritual connection. The poem uses imagery
metaphors to depict the speaker's yearning for spiritual
enlightenment and his realization of the limitations of material
pursuits. This connects to modern society's constant pursuit of
material wealth and success, highlighting the importance of finding
meaning and fulfillment beyond material possessions. The poem's
themes resonate with the challenges faced by individuals in
contemporary society, where the quest for spiritual fulfillment is
often overshadowed by the pursuit of material wealth and worldly
In "A Longing" by Allama Iqbal, the author explores the theme of
spiritual yearning and the quest for meaning beyond material
pursuits. This connects to the global pandemic of COVID, where
individuals grappled with uncertainty and isolation, leading to a
heightened need for spiritual connection.This shows a clear
connection between literature and modern society Iqbal writes, "Let
me not beguile myself with hopes / Of things that are not in Thy
will" (Iqbal). This reflects the speaker's recognition of the
temporary nature of worldly desires and the ultimate fulfillment
found in spiritual connection. Similarly, during the pandemic, many
people reevaluated their priorities and sought consolation and
guidance from their faith. Many individuals were left with time to
reflect, realize things they may have not, connect with themselves,
and realize things about themselves and what they want. Many
individuals felt lost during these times, as it was a global time of
panic, and turning to religion and spirituality was a changing factor
for many. The poem's themes of spiritual longing and fulfillment
resonate with the experiences of many during these challenging
times, highlighting the enduring relevance of literature in addressing
the human condition.

Entry 4
Annotated Bibliography Template (Semester 2)


Entry 5


Entry 6


Entry 7


Entry 8


Entry 9
Annotated Bibliography Template (Semester 2)



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