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ISO 37001: 2016 Implementation Plan for Kimia Zue Huat

Company Overview:

Kimia Zue Huat is a waste management company based in Penang, Malaysia, dedicated to providing
comprehensive waste management solutions while ensuring the highest standards of safety and compliance.
The company aims to implement ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System to enhance its
commitment to ethical business practices and prevent bribery.


The objective of this implementation plan is to establish and integrate ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery
Management System (ABMS) within Kimia Zue Huat, ensuring compliance with international standards and
enhancing the company’s commitment to ethical practices.

10-Day Implementation Plan

Day 1: Project Kickoff and Initial Assessment


 Conduct a kickoff meeting with the management team to outline the project scope, objectives, and

 Perform an initial assessment of the current anti-bribery measures in place.

 Identify key stakeholders and form an implementation team.


 Project plan with timelines and responsibilities.

 Initial assessment report.

Day 2: Training and Awareness


 Conduct an introductory training session for the implementation team and key stakeholders on ISO
37001:2016 requirements and benefits.

 Develop a training plan for all employees.


 Training materials and schedule.

 Attendance records and feedback from the training session.

Day 3: Gap Analysis


 Perform a detailed gap analysis to identify discrepancies between current practices and ISO
37001:2016 requirements.

 Document the findings and prioritize areas for improvement.


 Gap analysis report.

 Action plan to address identified gaps.

Day 4: Anti-Bribery Policy Development


 Develop an anti-bribery policy tailored to Kimia Zue Huat’s operations and context.

 Review and approve the policy with senior management.


 Draft anti-bribery policy.

 Signed and approved anti-bribery policy.

Day 5: Risk Assessment and Mitigation


 Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential bribery risks.

 Develop and document risk mitigation strategies and controls.


 Risk assessment report.

 Risk mitigation plan.

Day 6: Procedure Development


 Develop procedures to support the anti-bribery policy, including reporting, investigation, and
disciplinary actions.
 Integrate these procedures into the company’s existing management system.


 Draft procedures and workflow diagrams.

 Approved procedures and integration plan.

Day 7: Communication and Training Implementation


 Communicate the new policy and procedures to all employees.

 Conduct comprehensive training sessions for employees, tailored to different roles and responsibilities.


 Communication materials (emails, posters, etc.).

 Training attendance records and evaluation.

Day 8: Implementation and Monitoring


 Begin implementation of the anti-bribery management system.

 Establish monitoring mechanisms to ensure compliance and effectiveness.


 Monitoring and reporting system.

 Initial implementation feedback and adjustment plan.

Day 9: Internal Audit and Review


 Conduct an internal audit to evaluate the implementation of the ABMS.

 Review findings and make necessary adjustments.


 Internal audit report.

 Corrective action plan.

Day 10: Management Review and Continuous Improvement


 Conduct a management review meeting to evaluate the overall implementation and performance of
the ABMS.

 Develop a plan for continuous improvement and ongoing compliance.


 Management review meeting minutes.

 Continuous improvement plan.


This 10-day implementation plan for ISO 37001:2016 at Kimia Zue Huat provides a structured approach to
establishing a robust anti-bribery management system. By following this plan, the company will enhance its
commitment to ethical business practices and compliance with international standards, fostering a culture of
integrity and accountability.

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