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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam)
Hari/ Tanggal : Jum’at, 30 Mei 2024
Nama :

1. Change to Simple Past Tense

a. Donatus (want) a can of coke

b. Mrs. Pramono (ask) for three bunches of spinach


c. We (need) two bars of soap.


d. Mummy (go) shopping yesterday.


e. Lala (buy) x of milk.


f. Andre (bring) a bottle of ketchup

g. They (visit) the museum yesterday.

h. You and I (watch) the cinema last weekend.


i. They (win) the basketball game last week.


j. My father (read) the newspaper this morning.


2. Change to Present Perfect Tense

a. The farmers (plant) corn

b. Mr. Sadinu (go) to the rice field


c. They (harvest) their corp.


d. Pedro (see) the rice field.

e. The children (play) in the village.

f. They (bring) a new car.


g. Hana, Winda and Farah (eat) 5 times a day.


h. My mother (cook) fried chicken for my birthday pasrty.


i. I (study) at library for 2 hours.


j. Sara and her family (move) to Yogyakarta.

Eat Eat Ate Eaten Makan
Tell Tell Told Told Memberi tahu
Ask Ask Asked Asked Bertanya
Cook Cook Cooked Cooked Masak
Send Send Sent Sent Mengirim
Buy Buy Bought Bought Membeli
Know Know Knew Known Mengetahui
Move Moved Moved Moved Pindah
Need Need Needed Needed Butuh
Study Study Studied Studied belajar
Win Win Won Won Menang
Bring Bring Brought Brought Membawa
Go Go Went Gone Pergi
Play Play Played Played Bermain
Want Want Wanted Wanted Ingin

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