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English 4

Auxiliary Verbs
What are auxiliary verbs?
An auxiliary verb (or helping verbs) is used with a main verb to help express the main verb's tense,
mood or voice.
Let's recall each one of them.

to be In passive voice:
It is used to express the countinuous tenses: It is said
I am playing. They were blamed
You are jogging. And remember that as a main verb, it doesn't need
He is swimming. auxiliaries. (except in perfect tenses)
She was eating. You are a student You aren't a student.
They were looking. He is a teacher He isn't a teacher

to do
It is used in simple tenses. As a main verb, it needs auxiliaries.
I do not swim She does not eat He doesn't do
You don't swim We did not play You don't do
He doesn't know It didn't eat I didn't do.

to have
It is used in perfect tenses. As a main verb, it needs auxiliaries.
I have played He has eaten I have a doll I don't have a doll
I have been playing He has been eating She has a bike She doesn't have a bike
I haven't done He hasn't done You had a car You didn't have a car.
We had done
We had been doing
We hadn't done

They are used with other verbs as auxiliars to complete ideas
I can do I can't do He should do He souldn't do You may do You mayn't do
I could do I couldn't do We shall do Whe shan't do We will do We won't do
I would do I wouldn't do You must go You mustn't do We might do We mightn't do

In the following links you will find 4 videos explaining this topic. Go to Google Clasroom and complete
the activity


question tags tag questions

A tag question is a small question that is attached, or "tagged", to the end of a sentence.
Rather than repeat the main verb, a form of "be" or another auxiliary verb or modal is used in
the tag. Below are the rules with an example, and a few exercises. We use question tags to
check wether something is true or to ask for agreement.

4 basic rules
If the sentence is an
The sentence and the affirmative sentence, the
question tag will be in question tag will be
the same tense. negative and vice versa.

Simon will not do his work, will he?

Simon will do his work, won't he?
Use the contracted version of
"helping verb" and "not" for The pronoun is
negative question tags- e.g. always used in
didn't, hadn't, won't, can't etc. the question tag.

Exercises to practice these basic rules:

1 Samantha doesn't like cats very much, _________________________
2 You are pretty tired after the football match,___________________________
3 Kim has just finished her documentary film, __________________________
4 He is rude,_____________________
5 John smokes a lot, _________________________
6 I must answer this email immediately, ___________________________
7 Samantha will join us, _________________________
8 Teddy hasn't come back from his holiday yet, ___________________________
9 You can take us to the airport tomorrow, _________________________________
10 John and Liam are interested in science,_____________________
11 We sing well, _____________________
12 Amelia wasn't in Acuña, _______________________
13 You didn't keep your promise,_______________________
14 They have lost their keys,_____________________________
15 The cat has scratched the sofa,___________________


16 You would like to stay with us next week, ___________________________
17 You shouldn't work so much anymore, ____________________________
18 Your parents aren't watching TV at the moment, __________________________
19 You weren't allowed to buy the new cellphone,__________________________
20 He had tried to climb the mountain before 2023, __________________________
21 You wouldn't take their offer very seriously, ___________________________
22 She went to the library yesterday, ________________________
23 He didn't recognize me, ________________________
24 My car doesn't pollute the environment, _______________________
25 Lilly doesn't come home until 6 pm,_________________________
26 You weren't at school on Monday,_______________________
27 His friends speak English,______________________
28 The boys broke the window,__________________________
29 It isn't your pen,_________________________

more rules to follow...

1 There is no contracted form of "am not". We use "aren't I" in the question tag.

30 I am taller than George, ___________________________

31 I'm older than you,________________________________
32 Doctor, I'm not seriously ill, _____________________________
33 You bought a present for them,_____________________
34 You haven't seen my new car,___________________
35 The students have just passed their exams,_______________________
36 Lilly and Steven haven't arrived yet,_____________________
37 We left our passports at home,________________________
38 She hasn't met Pablo,__________________________
39 It has been a tough week,_______________________
40 The children joined a sports club,________________________
41 Your brother isn't married, _______________________

2 If the sentence starts with: "let us" / "let's", we use "shall we" in the question.

42 Let's have a rest for a while, _____________________________

43 Let's study for the English test, ______________________
44 Let's go to the movies, _____________________
45 Pedro hasn't studied hard recently,__________________
46 They haven't finished their report,_______________________
47 She is the richest woman in the town, ________________
48 She doesn't cook very well, ________________________
49 My mother has lovely hair, ________________________
50 You will eat with us today, ______________________
51 I had practiced the songs before the program started, _______________________
52 Mr. Benito has been to San Antonio recently, __________________________
53 This was an interesting exercise, __________________________
54 Myrna is studying at the University, _______________________
55 He had read different kinds of books, ______________________
56 She went to the coffee shop,________________________
57 We had taken an ice-cream before, __________________________
58 You're seeing Amy next week, _________________________
59 I'm not speaking first at the meeting, ______________________
60 They don't have a very nice house, ________________________

Collective nouns are used in singular forms so the question tag will have a singular verb
3 and a singular pronoun. e.g. The team has played very well, hasn't it?
But if the collective noun is not treated as one unit, we use the plural verb and the plural
pronoun. e.g. The team have to arrange for their own shoes, haven´t they?

61 The class has selected its monitor, _______________________

62 The family have to do it by themselves, _______________
63 The musical group was quite good, _______________________
64 BTS are happy with the tour, __________________________
65 The class has been working hard this unit, _________________
66 My team has won the competition,_______________________
67 You cannot visit your grandmother, _______________
68 Daniel doesn’t like to eat Chinese food, _____________
69 They will help you, ______________________
70 I’m not the person with the tickets, ________________

4 If the subject of the sentence is "there" or "one"... then the question tag will
contain "there" or "one". E.g. There is a mouse on the bed, isn't there?
One can be careful with strangers, can't one?

71 There were two car accidents yesterday, _______________________

72 There's really nothing more to say, __________________
73 One can not blame another, _________________
74 There is a big cockroach in the kitchen, ___________________
75 One can find a solution to this problem, ___________________
76 They had played baseball in that field before it started to rain, _________________________
77 We’re late again, ________________
78 They aren’t on their way already, ________________
79 Tourists used to come here, ________________________
80 You don’t have to follow him, ________________________


81 You had shopped in that market, __________________________
82 We can’t go to the movies, _____________
83 You are having a bad day, ________________________
84 Eddie won’t live in Mexico City, _______________
85 She’s from a small town in Chiapas, _______________________
86 You can’t tell the difference, _________________________
87 He is late this morning, _______________________
88 They always sleep after lunch, __________________________
89 They didn’t hurt the child, _______________________
90 You won’t go to the museum, ______________

The adverbs never, rarely, seldom, hardly, barely and scarcely have a negative
5 sense. Also the pronouns nobody, none, nothing, no one (*check also rules 6 and 7). Even
though they may be in a positive statement, the feeling of the statement is negative. The Tag
Question is normally positive. e.g. He never came again, did he?

91 Sarah can hardly ever be a pop-star when she grows up, _________________________
92 You rarely eat meat and milk products, _____________________________
93 I barely know you, _________________________
94 She can rarely ever came late, ________________________
95 You would scarcely expect her to know that, _____________________
96 You will never have a computer, ________________________
97 She barely likes quiet places, ______________________
98 Bob can rarely come these days, _______________
99 Tom seldom does his work very well, ________________________
100 Your uncle has never been out of the village, _________________________

Everybody, everyone, no one*, nobody*, none*, somebody, anyone, are singular. So we

use a singular verb and a singular pronoun with them. But in the question tag a plural verb and a
plural pronoun will be used. (*Remember Rule 5 of negative statement)
6 e.g.. Everybody has done the homework, haven't they?

101 * Nobody wanted to work on Saturday, ________________________

102 Everyone is happy about the decision, ____________________________
103 * No one came to the party, ______________________________
104 Somebody has watched this movie, ________________________
105 Anyone could have done it, _____________________
106 Everybody cooks well, _______________________
107 Anyone has a blue bike, ________________________
108 *Nobody messes with my friends,______________________
109 Somebody should take a break, _________________________
110 Everybody loves puzzles, ___________________



For sentences having "nothing*, anything, everything, something" as the subject

7 the question tag will have "it" as the pronoun.

111 Everything is all right, _______________________

112 Nothing can revive this worse situation, __________________
113 Everything is clear, _____________________
114 Nothing comes from nothing, ____________________
115 You don’t have to follow him, ________________________
116 You haven't forgotten that first day, _________________________
117 Most people cannot go to Africa, ________________________
118 My sister and Patty don’t go the gym, _____________
119 He had not practiced the song before he sang it in the program, ______________________
120 He was spoiled by his mother, ______________________________
121 He's not good-looking exactly ___________________________
122 Smoking ruins our health, ________________________
123 It doesn't sound a very long time, _________________________
124 You’re coming with us, _______________________
125 This isn’t very pleasant, _____________________

8 Affirmative imperative sentences "will you"

and "won't you" is accepted as tag questions, also "would
you", "could you", "can you" and "can't you" although "can't
you" can come across as quite impatient and annoyed.
In negative imperative
only "will you" is
126 Close the door, __________________
127 Just wait a minute, ________________
128 Open the window, _________________
129 Do it now, ___________________
130 Don't forget to post the letter, ______________________
131 Don't stay there long, __________________________
132 Take a seat, __________________
133 Give me a hand, _________________
134 Patty and Josue are going to travel, ______________________
135 My sister doesn’t like to eat pizza, _______________________
136 Ignacio works for Nissan, __________________________
137 Please hand me the salt,___________________________
138 The students see it everyday, ________________________
139 I am not disturbing you, _____________________
140 Tom doesn’t play the piano, _______________________

While everyone was celebrating little Gina's birthday, Date:
someone stole her mother's pearl brooch. Sherlock Holmes
and Watson are questioning the suspects.

Ron Raven (former thief): Gina Grand (birthday girl):

"Why are you keeping me? It was sheer " Oh, it was a fab birthday, wasn't it? I got
coincidence that I was around. I didn't steal the doll house that I had wished for, and
anything... I prefer cash to pearl brooches all my friends were there, too. There were even
anyway. The nanny sent me away before all the two birthday cakes for me, the first one with
guests had arrived, you can ask her. Silly old nuts, but I'm not allowed to eat nuts. The
cow, threatened to call the police if I didn't leave second one was with strawberries - yummy! I
right away. " had sooo much fun!”

Georgina Grand (mother):

"Such a lot of work... But Gina is our only Garret Grand (father):
child, and so we don't care. I suppose the "Yes, a birthday party for my little princess
thief came in through the garden. The terrace door has to be perfect, and I don't worry about
was open all the time, because the girls were the costs. That stupid baker for example forgot
running around all the time. I had left the brooch about Gina's nut allergy, and so I made him bring
on a little table in the hall, because I didn't want to a second birthday cake instantly. I couldn't risk
make the balloons burst. It was quite easy to steal, her becoming ill on her birthday, could I?"
wasn't it."

Jill Jeffries(maid): Sandy and Sunny (guests):

"So much work! Just look at that "It was a great party! Sooo exciting. There
mess. We had to serve tea one hour later than was that thief looking around behind the
expected, because we needed a second birthday fence. He was watching us all the time,
cake. Yes, Mr Boyle delivered it himself. But he wasn't he? But Gina's Nanny sent him
didn't go into the living-room, did he? He waited off - before we ate the birthday cake.
in the hall, and I took the strawberry cake from The one with the nuts was nicer, wasn't it?
him and then I brought him the nut cake." But the baker took it away. Then we played hide
and seek.”

Bert Boyle (baker):

"Those rich people, never know what Margaret March (nanny):
they want, do they? First they order a "Such a busy day! I know for sure we didn't order
nut cake, and then they claim that they had nut cake - I remember explicitly mentioning the
never ordered nuts and make you bake a nut allergy when I ordered the cake. The baker
strawberry cake within one hour. Yes, I had simply made a mistake, didn't he? Then that
taken the order myself, Mrs Marsh had phoned dreadful thief! But I sent him off in time, and he
me earlier. Of course I took the nut cake back to couldn't harm my precious princess."
the shop."


Complete with the correct question tags.

e.g. isn't he?
Ron Raven is a well-known thief, ____________________
1 He was arrested twice last year, ___________________
2 Watson has already questioned him, ___________________
3 It was Gina's sixth birthday, __________________
4 She had invited five guests, ___________________
5 They were playing hide and seek, ________________
6 Nanny isn't a strict person, __________________
7 The thief won't harm the girls, ___________________
8 Nanny sent him away, _________________
9 Ron was scared of Nanny, ____________________
10 Mr. Grand ordered two birthday cakes, ____________________
11 He won't order again with Mr Boyle, _______________
12 Mr Boyle can bake fast, __________________
13 The thief will be caught, _______________
14 Mrs. Grand will get her pearl brooch back, ________________
15 She will not leave it in the hall again, ______________
16 Normally she isn't such a careless person, _______________
17 Sandy and Sunny are cute, ______________
18 Gina can run fast, ________________
19 Gina isn't allowed to eat nuts, _____________
20 When she eats them, her face turns red, __________________
21 And she can't breathe, ________________
22 But she will be fine with the strawberry cake, ________________
23 She felt fine in the evening, _________________

Of course, Sherlock Holmes knows now who stole the brooch. Do you, too?

I think ___________________________________ stole the brooch because ________________


Vocabulary Unit 3


Make a video using sentences and tag questions in teams of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 people. All
the conversation has to have tag questions (except for the answers). Each tag must be different from the others.
Use all the rules learned during the unit. The four basic rules and the other eight). The video's length should
vary from one to three minutes (no less, no more). Also you must deliver a script printed. The way of delivering
must be said by your teacher.

Excelent Good Regular Needs to improve

Project Rubric.
Paper size is
Video length from
Yes 2 No 0
1 to 3 minutes.

Printed script Yes 3 No 0

Punctuality Yes 3 No 0

All the
members speak Yes 4 No 0
on the video

Well rehearsed
All of them 4 Most of them 2 Few of them 1 None 0

Different tags All of them 4 Most of them 2 Few of them 1 None 0



Write the name of a classmate in each sentence that you think best matches the statement.

e.g. Marie swims every day.

1 spends a lot of money on clothes.
2 isn't afraid of spiders.
3 went to bed late last night.
4 lives in a big house.
5 is romantic.
6 would like to travel around the world.
7 has had a haircut recently.
8 can juggle.
9 studies English everyday.
10 doesn't have a pet.
11 is interested in art.
12 wouldn't like to go sky diving.
13 doesn't like cats
14 has been to Saltillo.
15 didn't go out last weekend.
16 plays a musical instrument.
17 is feeling sleepy at the moment.
18 went to the movies this week.
19 hasn't been at the hospital this year.
20 can play football really well.

Annex 3

Now, change the previous sentences into the second person of

the singular (you) and add the name you predicted in the
previous page then go ask your classmates tag questions to
see if your statements are right or wrong. Award yourself one
point for each correct statement.



e.g. Marie: you swim every day, don't you? P




Annex 3

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