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MRK 233 Services Marketing

Winter 2024 - Week 11

Advertising/ Communication Assignm


STUDENT NO.: 128305224

02 APRIL 2024

Unlike physical goods, service products are characterized by their intangibility, which
presents unique challenges and opportunities for businesses. This intangible nature
means that services cannot be seen, touched, or stored, making the quality and value of
a service highly dependent on the individual experience and perception.

For many services it is difficult for the service companies to communicate and advertise
the real benefits, and with some services the difficulties are more dramatic than others
e.g. – insurance, management consulting, legal services, investment services,
advertising services, public relations, fitness, personal trainers.

As the service sector grows and competition increases many service firms are starting
to advertise and promote their services more. It is not enough to simply create
awareness. Many law firms, especially personal injury law firms are advertising their
services much more aggressively than ever before using television, radio, Out of Home
media, Transit advertising, and social media. And the same is seen in education with
schools like Seneca, Humber College, and Centennial College advertising more than
they ever have.

In this report, we will look into the advertising campaigns of Sokoloff Lawyers and
Diamond and Diamond in overcoming the intangibility of its services. Also, we will
discuss on the significant communication tactics that are present in the websites of 2
schools, Centennial College and Humber College, to overcome service intangibility in
the minds of prospective students.


Overcoming the intangibility of services in personal injury law firm involves a strategic
approach that makes the abstract nature of legal services more relatable and
understandable to potential clients. Here are some recent advertisements from two
firms in overcoming the intangibility of their services.

Sokoloff Lawyers
1. Free and Multi-lingual Approach

Sokoloff Lawyers’ personalized approach is designed to cater to a diverse

clientele. By offering support in over 30 languages, they can communicate
effectively with clients from various linguistic backgrounds, making legal services
less intimidating and more inclusive.
Free consultations add another layer of accessibility, allowing potential clients to
explore their legal options without the pressure of upfront costs. These practices
contribute to a client-centered service that feels tangible—clients can see and
experience the value immediately—and accessible, as barriers like language and
cost are significantly reduced.

2. Website and Client Testimonials

Their official website features client testimonials and emphasizes their
commitment to personal injury cases, offering a free consultation and highlighting
their approachability and professionalism.

Sokoloff Lawyers’ official website showcases client testimonials that highlight the
firm’s dedication to personal injury cases. Clients have expressed gratitude for
the compassionate and professional service they received, emphasizing the
team’s approachability and helpfulness. Many testimonials mention the firm’s
commitment to providing a free consultation, which seems to be a key aspect of
their client service approach.

Clients have shared stories of how Sokoloff Lawyers supported them through
difficult times, ensuring they received the necessary services and attention to
detail. The testimonials also reflect the firm’s professionalism and the positive
outcomes they’ve helped clients achieve. This feedback underscores the firm’s
reputation for being client-focused and attentive to individual needs.

3. Television Commercials, Radio Ads, Spotify Podcasts and other Campaigns

Sokoloff Lawyers has numerous TV and radio ad campaigns aired nationally.

Sokoloff Lawyers has indeed made a significant impact with their TV and radio ad
campaigns, which have been aired nationally. These campaigns are designed to
reach a broad audience and often feature memorable messages or slogans that
resonate with viewers and listeners. These ads highlight the firm’s expertise in
personal injury law, their commitment to clients, and the legal services they offer.

The firm’s approach to advertising seems to be about creating a strong brand

presence and establishing trust with potential clients. By utilizing both TV and
radio platforms, they ensure their message is disseminated widely, catering to
different demographics and preferences.

Diamond and Diamond

1. Canada’s largest injury law firm by the number of lawyers

Diamond and Diamond is a personal injury law firm based in Toronto, known for
handling a variety of cases such as car accidents, slip and fall injuries, brain
injuries, work-related injuries, wrongful death cases, and long-term disability
claims. They have been serving clients across Ontario for over 40 years. They
claim to be Canada’s largest injury law firm by the number of lawyers.
2. Website and Client Testimonials
Their website features over 1,000 5-star reviews. Clients have praised the firm
for excellent communication, understanding of legal matters, and satisfactory

They offer a free consultation and operate on a contingency fee basis for
personal injury cases, meaning clients don’t pay until they recover money for

Diamond and Diamond Lawyers highlight their successful case results and
settlements to demonstrate their legal expertise and the positive outcomes
they’ve achieved for their clients. Showcasing specific cases with significant
settlement amounts, such as a $1.6 million car accident settlement or a $1.25
million head-on collision settlement
3. TV, Radio, and Other Online Platform Campaigns

They have used television commercials, radio ads on Toronto’s Z103.5 station
and later expanded to other stations, and other digital marketing strategy,
including Google Ads and SEO, to promote their legal services. These
campaigns have contributed to the firm’s growth and presence in the personal
injury law sector.

Overcoming the intangibility of services is a common challenge for service-based

businesses, including law firms. Both Sokoloff Lawyers and Diamond and Diamond
Lawyers have implemented strategies to address this issue.
Sokoloff Lawyers emphasizes their personalized approach, offering support in over 30
languages and free consultations, which can make their services feel more tangible and
accessible to potential clients. Client testimonials reflect satisfaction with the firm’s
approachability and communication, which are tangible aspects that clients can
appreciate before experiencing the service itself.
Diamond and Diamond Lawyers, on the other hand, market themselves as Canada’s
largest injury law firm, which may convey a sense of reliability and resources available
to clients. They also showcase their successful case results and settlements, which
provide tangible evidence of their capabilities. Their aggressive digital marketing
strategy, including Google Ads and SEO, helps to create a strong online presence that
can make their services feel more tangible.
In my opinion, both firms use different methods to overcome service intangibility,
but Diamond and Diamond might have a slight edge due to their extensive use of
digital marketing and clear communication of their successful outcomes, which can help
potential clients perceive the value of their services more tangibly.


Colleges in Canada effectively employ a range of communication tactics to surmount

the challenge of service intangibility for prospective students. Below are some
significant communication tactics from Centennial College and Humber College to
overcome service intangibility in the minds of prospective students.

Centennial College
1. “Get Ready for Anything” Campaign
The “Get Ready for Anything” campaign by Centennial College emphasizes the
importance of not just obtaining an education but being fully prepared to compete
and succeed in today’s competitive world. The campaign’s brand manifesto
encourages students to get a seat at the table, speak their mind, and immerse
themselves in an educational experience tailored to their future, not just anyone’s
They have this series available on Youtube which showcases the experiences of
Centennial students and alumni, highlighting how the college helps them prepare
for their careers. It features interviews with current and graduating students. It’s
not only about the students’ experiences but also produced by students, offering
them real-world experience and helping launch their careers.

This campaign reflects Centennial College’s commitment to equipping students

with both the technical and life skills necessary to stand out and seize
opportunities in their respective fields.

2. Information Sessions
Centennial College offers live webinar series where prospective students will
have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the programs and admissions
representatives from all their academic schools. These college info sessions help
future students by explaining how to apply, what programs are available, and
how to get financial aid. They also let students meet the people who work at the
college and get a feel for what it’s like there. The main goal is to make starting
college easier and clearer.

Humber College
1. “Bring It” Campaign
The “Bring It” campaign by Humber College is a motivational initiative
encouraging prospective students to bring their talent, drive, and individuality to
the college. It emphasizes the opportunities Humber provides to connect,
celebrate, and support students in achieving their dreams. The campaign
includes a range of programs and credentials to help students stay competitive in
the job market.

2. Ask Humber
“Ask Humber” is a series of sessions hosted by Humber College where
prospective and current students can join live Q&A chats, presentations, and
more. It’s an opportunity to get all your questions about Humber answered,
whether it’s about finding a program, starting your first day of class, or
understanding the services available to you. It has live Q&A Sessions where
prospective and current students engage with Humber representatives in real-
time to get answers to their questions. Also, during events like the March Break,
Humber hosts presentations and campus tours to help prospective students
experience the college environment.

In my opinion, the significant communication tactics that both the Centennial College
and Humber College use to overcome service intangibility in the minds of prospective
students are effective as evidenced by the high number of enrolled students and
successful alumni of both schools. The benefits of the campaigns from Centennial
College and Humber College are numerous and impactful for prospective students:

For Centennial College, the “Get Ready for Anything” campaign prepares students for
real-world challenges, ensuring they are not just educated but ready to compete and
succeed. Its YouTube series offers students production experience, contributing to their
career readiness. Also, during information sessions, prospective students are provided
with a platform for direct interaction with college representatives, aiding in clarity about
programs and admissions.

For Humber College, the “Bring It” campaign motivates students to bring their unique
talents to the college, fostering a sense of belonging and individual achievement. The
real-time support, “Ask Humber” sessions, offer immediate assistance and answers to
student queries, enhancing their decision-making process.
Both colleges emphasize academic flexibility, cultural diversity, and career-oriented
education, which are significant benefits for students aiming for a comprehensive
educational experience.


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