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Time: 2:30HRS


Answer all questions in this section.

For each of the items (i ____x )choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter
in the box provided.

i. In our group discussion we discussed on the use of dictionary as follows:Daines said it is used to
find the meaning of various sukuma languages Mwamvua said it is used to know the meaning of
English language only, Sarah said it helps us to have a good hand writing and Maimartha said it
helps us to know meaning of various words, origin of the word, and spellings of the word, Who is
a. Daines
b. Mwamvua
c. Sarah
d. Maimartha.
ii Mr Mitumba informed us that" By this time next year he Will be harvesting his tobacco "
the bolded sentence means that
a. The action will be done at certain future
b. The action will be taking place at a certain future
c. The action will have done by Mr Mitumba
d. The action continue to take place at the moment
iii Teacher Mpamile wanted his students to explain the difference between common and proper
noun , what Will be the proper answer
a. Proper noun allows plural while common noun does not.
b. Proper noun allows singular while common noun does not
c. Proper noun does not allow plural while common noun does
d. Common noun does not allow plural while proper noun does
iv.Jumanne's father works in a garden and looks after plants.So he is a___
a. Messenger
b. Gardens
c. Garden man
d. Gardener.
v. My mother introduced to me my grandmother because my grandmother is my
a. Sister
b. Mother
c. Grandma
d. Daughter.
vi. When I was travelling to Dodoma I saw Mr Joel making chairs and tables out timber. what
do you think Mr Joel is?
a. A tailor
b. Carpenter
c. Mason
d. Timber land
Vii . My grandmother cannot eat maize,grandnut, unboiled cassava and sugarcane. This is
because she has lost all her teeth . therefore she is
a. Toothier
b. Toothfull
c. Toothless
d. toothpick
Viii.when someone is traveling from one place to another he /she must pay bus _________.
a. Fee
b. Fees
c. Fare
d. Fine
ix. In my every day routine when I'm at school in the afternoon I always eat___
a. Breakfast
b. Dinner
c. Lunch
d. Supper
x.Mr Shemahonge, what time is it now? It is 06:15pm.this means that
a. It is quarter past six in the evening
b. It is quarter past twelve in the evening
c. It is quarter to twelve in the evening
d. It is quarter to six in the evening

2.Match the descriptions in list A with their appropriate terms in list B by writing the letter of correct
term below the item number in the table provided.
List A List B

i Head word a) head words plus its


ii Guide words b) Words which are opposite in

their meanings

iii Entries c)Words written at the top

corner of each page in dictionary
showing the first and last word
in that page

Iv Synonym d)Words in bold print arranged

in alphabet from A to Z

V Antonyms e) words with the same

pronunciations but different in

f) different words with the same


SECTION B .(70marks)

3 Mary has been given these names by her English teacher. Mary, Mariana,Merina, Joyce, Scolastica,
Zainabu , Fatuma, Zuhura, Betty and Anitha,but she failed to arrange them alphabetically. Now help
her to arrange them alphabetically.
4.Form two students were assigned by their English teacher to connect various sentences. How will they
connect the following sentences?
a. He taught us.we got tired to his lesson. Use(... until........)
b. We are going is raining. Use ( ..... even if......)
c. I shall give go there if you give me money. Begin with ( if ......)
d. If she come early, she will be punished. Use ( ........ unless........)
e. She comes on time however she missed the English language lesson. Begin with
( however........)

5 Assume that your mother caught you dancing music instead of going to the farm. And she has told
you to tell her five things you expect to do for your future with music in order to stop punishing you.
Make five sentences expressing your future plans in music.
6.When form one arrived at Mzumbe secondary school, they were un aware with the school daily routine.
Now assume that you are the Head Prefect (HP), explain the Mzumbe secondary school student's
daily routine to form one. Write five sentences following the guide words inspection, sweep, parade,
start lesson, arrive)
7.write the following sentences into negative.
a. I'm your Mathematics teacher
b. I have spoken broken English
c. They visited us on Monday
d. They will visit you today after classes.
e. By this time tomorrow I shall be here.

8. My name is Sadock Msemakweli Mbembati, I'm a man of twenty one Year old, I was born at Ludewa
hospital in Njombe district Tanzania. My father is teaching at Njombe secondary school while my mother
is a nurse. I like watching music and reading news papers . I'm a player of Njombe mji team as a goal
keeper. And my national Identity number is 19880930- 8-53.

Use the above information to fill the hospital form concerning the above person.


First name:_____

Middle name:______




Nationality: ______

Place of birth:_________

Designation / occupation:_________


National Identity namba:_____________

9. Assume you have a friend in Morogoro P.o box 3 Morogoro , write a letter to her telling her that, you
are planning to visit Mikumi national park during the Holiday.Sign your name as Mapera.

SECTION C.( 15marks)

10. .Rose advised her friend to read different class readers in order to get various lessons for her
life.what lessons do you think Rose got after reading the two class readers. Use three points for each

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