ICT FYP Activities Plan2

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Department of Information & Communication Technology

ICT Final Year Project
Activities Plan
Phase, activity, task


Marks . .

Page No

14 Feb

28 Feb

02 Mar

10 Mar

18 Mar

25 Mar


09 April

16 April

23 April

10 May

27 May

03 June

10 June

17 June

24 June

01 July

08 July

4 Aug
1. Proposal 0 2
2. Introduction 0 2
3. Literature review 5 10
4. Specification and design 5 15
5. Implementation 5 15
6. Evaluation & Testing 3 10
7. Future work 2 5
8. Conclusion 0 3
9. Software CD 10
10. FYP Book Complete 10
11. Present. & Defense FYP 60

Key Supervisor
Starting stage Khalid M. Ismail Hoori
Under process stage Email: khaamoh@gmail.com
First Submit Deadline stage [Get marks] Phone: 0634488817
Resubmit deadline after supervisor is commented

Evaluation Recommended
90 – 100  A = 4 * 6 Credit Hours = 24 Points
80 – 89  B = 3 * 6 Credit Hours = 18 points

ICT FYP Activities Plan | Any submission will be submitted to supervisor’s email.

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