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CPT-SPT Correlation of Volcanic Soils in Kediri, East Java

Conference Paper · November 2021

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10465947


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3 authors, including:

Aflizal Arafianto
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan


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CPT-SPT Correlation of Volcanic Soils in Kediri, East Java
Aflizal Arafianto
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
Gregorius Rayhan
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
Martin Wijaya
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

ABSTRAK: Korelasi CPT-SPT merupakan salah satu korelasi yang paling umum dibuat dalam praktek
geoteknik. Penelit-peneliti telah mengusulkan korelasi tersebut untuk tanah kohesif maupun tanah granular.
Namun demikian, korelasi untuk tanah khusus, misalnya tanah vulkanik, masih terbetas. Artikel ini membahas
tentang korelasi CPT-SPT pada tanah vulkanik di Kediri, Jawa Timur. Uji Penetrasi Konus (CPT), yaitu dalam
hal ini uji piezocone (CPTu), dilakukan secara berdampingan dengan Uji Penetrasi Standar (SPT). Tujuh belas
pasang data CPTu dan SPT digunakan untuk membuat korelasi qt – N dan fs – N. Korelasi qt – N memberikan
hasil rasio qt/N = 2.15 (qt dalam satuan kg/cm2) dengan koefisien determinasi R2 sebesar 0.92. Korelasi ini
cenderung mirip dengan korelasi untuk material lempung dan lempung kelanauan. Korelasi yang baik juga
diperoleh untuk hubungan fs – N, dimana dihasilkan rasio fs/N = 9 (fs dalam satuan kPa) dengan R2 sebesar 0.88.
Sebagai tambahan, nilai N-SPT terstandardisasi (N60) diestimasi menggunakan korelasi antara indeks perilaku
tanah (Ic) dari pengukuran CPTu dan nilai N-SPT yang diusulkan Lunne dkk. (1997) dan Robertson (2012).
Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa kedua korelasi memberikan nilai N60 terprediksi lebih rendah 20 hingga 49
persen daripada nilai N60 yang terukur di lapangan. Dengan demikian, sebuah korelasi baru diusulkan untuk
jenis tanah spesifik ini dan didapati korelasi yang lebih baik.
Kata Kunci: Uji Penetrasi Konus (CPT), Uji Penetrasi Standar (SPT), korelasi, tanah vulkanik

ABSTRACT: CPT-SPT correlation is one of the most common correlations made in geotechnical practice.
Researchers have been proposed such correlations for both cohesive and granular soils. However, correlations
for a particular soil, for instance, volcanic soils, are still limited. This paper presents CPT-SPT correlations of
volcanic soils in Kediri, East Java. Cone penetration tests, namely piezocone test (CPTu), were conducted side-
by-side with Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Seventeen CPTu and SPT data pairs were mainly used to
develop qt – N and fs – N correlations. The qt – N correlation results qt/N = 2.15 (qt in kg/cm2) with a coefficient
of determination R2 of 0.92. This relationship tends to be similar to the same correlation for clay and silty clay
materials. A good agreement is also obtained for the fs – N correlation, which resulted in fs/N = 9 (fs in kPa)
with an R2 of 0.88. Additionally, a standardized SPT N-value (N60) is estimated using a relationship between
soil behavior index (Ic) from the CPTu measurement and SPT N-value, suggested by Lunne et al. (1997) and
Robertson (2012). Results show that both relationships give 22 to 49 percent lower predicted values of N60
compared to in-situ N60 values. A new correlation, thus, is proposed for this particular soil type, and a better
agreement is obtained.
Keywords: Cone Penetration Test (CPT), Standard Penetration Test (SPT), correlation, volcanic soils

1 INTRODUCTION common since they were required by

Indonesian National Standard (SNI),
Cone Penetration Test (CPT) and Standard specifically SNI 8460:2017 (SNI, 2017) about
Penetration Test (SPT) are two in-situ tests Geotechnical Design Requirements.
most used globally, including Indonesia. Their Additionally, many future projects, both scaled
application in projects has become more
locally and nationally, promote the usage of should be noted that every soil type has
these tests even more. different qc/N ratios, and other materials
The abundance of CPT and SPT data may have unique ratios.
encourages researchers and practitioners to
study and correlate these two test results for Table 1. Some Published qc – N Correlations
practical use. Many empirical CPT-SPT qc/N
correlations for numerous soils have been Soil Type References
proposed, including non-textbook materials, for Silts, sandy silts,
example, residual and volcanic soils. In fact, in Schmertmann
slightly cohesive 2
Indonesia, both practitioners and academicians (1970)
silt-sand mixtures
often encounter these unique materials in Clay, silty clay,
projects. Nonetheless, it appears that even 3.5 Velloso (1959)
clayey silt
though the CPT and SPT data are plentiful, such 3 Sanglerat (1972)
correlations on these materials are still limited. 1.3 Kruizinga (1982)
This paper attempts to provide reliable local Sandy clay and silty
CPT-SPT correlations for volcanic soils in 2 Velloso (1959)
Kediri. The relationship between the two tests Sandy clay 4 Sanglerat (1972)
was developed using high-quality field data. Sandy silt 3.5 Velloso (1959)
Therefore, the proposed correlations can be Clean, fine to
utilized maximally by practical engineers to Schmertmann
medium sands and 3–4
evaluate and design various geotechnical (1970)
slightly silty sands
works. Moreover, this study was also intended Silty sand 5 Sanglerat (1972)
to suggest a new CPT-SPT correlation between Coarse sands and
(qt/pa)/N60 and CPT-based SBT Index (Ic) for Schmertmann
sands with little 5–6
this specific soil type. The suggested (1970)
correlation can then be used for predicting Clayey sand 6 Sanglerat (1972)
standardized N60 values using piezocone Meigh and Nixon
(CPTu) soundings. (Silty) fine sand 4
Fine sand 4 Meyerhof (1956)
6 Velloso (1959)
2 PREVIOUS STUDIES OF CPT-SPT Medium and coarse Meigh and Nixon
sand (1961)
Sand 10 Velloso (1959)
Zhao and Cai (2013) noted that the study of 4.5 Kruizinga (1982)
CPT-SPT correlations could be broadly Sandy gravels and Schmertmann
delineated into three categories: 8 – 10
gravel (1970)
Meigh and Nixon
1. Ratio method Gravelly sand 12
In this method, the cone resistance of the Meigh and Nixon
CPT and the SPT N-value was assumed to Sandy gravel 12 – 16
have a simple linear relationship. Many
researchers have proposed the ratio of qc /N Table 2. Available qc – N Correlations for Other
for various types of soils, including other Materials
materials such as volcanic soils. Table 1
and Table 2 recap some available qc – N Soil Type References
correlations from the 1950s to 2000s. This
Pumice, volcanic Miura et al.
method is prevalent because of its 8
ash, loam (2003)
practicability and convenience since many
Alluvium silty
geotechnical designs often use empirical Takesue et al.
sand, silt (volcanic 8.5
correlations based on CPT and SPT. For (1996)
soil deposits)
instance, if the qc data are present, they can
Silty sand (residual
be converted easily to SPT N-value or vice 3.9 Costa et al. (2016)
versa. The converted values are then can be
Sandy estuarine
used for the evaluation or design of 2.2 Kantey (1965)
geotechnical works. Nevertheless, it
Chalk 3–7 Power (1982)
2. Function method Robertson (2012) reported that the
This method considers that the relation above method had been shown to work
between qc and SPT N-values is not linear. effectively in a wide range of soils.
Some researchers suggested a more However, recent experience in North
complicated function of these two America has shown that equation (1) tends
parameters to increase the accuracy (Akca to underpredict the N60 values in some
2003; Kara and Gunduz 2010; Zhao and clays. Hence, Robertson (2012)
Cai 2013). This approach, however, did not recommended an updated relationship that
consider the soil properties which may can be defined by an equation as follows:
affect the CPT-SPT correlation. Moreover,
a complicated mathematical expression is ( / )/ = 10( . – . )
often less preferable to engineers because
it includes time-consuming math He added that the above equation
operations. produced a slightly larger N60 in fine-
grained soils than the Jefferies and Davies
3. Soil parameter method (1993) method. In fine-grained soils with
One of the first CPT-SPT correlation high sensitivity, equation (3) may
studies that included soil properties was overestimate the N60.
Robertson et al. (1983), which suggested
the qc/N ratio as a function of mean grain
size (D50). Ten years later, Jefferies and 3 CPT AND SPT METHODOLOGY
Davies (1993) discovered a new
relationship between the qc/N ratio and Soil CPT and SPT data used in this research were
Behavior Type (SBT) Index, Ic. They collected from an airport project at Kediri, East
suggested that the most reliable way to Java. All test was carried out by the same
obtain SPT N-values was to perform a CPT company, and the same procedure was applied
and convert them to an equivalent SPT. to all locations. The following subsection
outlines the CPT and SPT methodology utilized
They proposed a method to convert the
CPT cone resistance, qt, to an equivalent for each testing point.
SPT N-value at 60% energy, N60, using
Jefferies and Davies’s Soil Behavior Type 3.1 Cone Penetration Testing
(SBT) index, IcJD.
Jefferies and Davies (1993) method was The Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is a versatile
and widely used method for geotechnical
then modified by Lunne et al. (1997), in
which they used the Ic formulation from investigation. In the research site, the CPT
Robertson and Wride (1990) as follows: conducted were all piezocone (CPTu) tests. In
principle, the test is performed by pushing a
= [(3.47 − log ) + (log + 1.22) ] (1) piezocone into the soil with a constant pushing
rate, following ASTM D5778 (ASTM, 2020).
where: Fig. 1 shows the overview of CPT.
Qt = normalized cone resistance
= (qt – σvo)/σ’v
Fr = normalized friction ratio
= fs/(qt – σvo)
qt = corrected cone resistance
= qc + (1 – a) u2 ;
a = area ratio of the cone
σvo = overburden pressure (total)
σv’ = overburden pressure (effective)

Then, the CPT-SPT relationship they

proposed can be expressed as:

( / )/ = 8.5 [1 − ( /4.6)] (2) Fig. 1. Overview of the Cone Penetration Test

(CPT) Per ASTM D 5778 Procedures (Mayne,
3.2 Standard Penetration Testing
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) was
performed following the ASTM D1586
(ASTM, 2018). The test drives a standard split
spoon sampler into the soil/rock at a certain
depth in a borehole. An automatic hammer of
63.5 kg weight falling freely from a height of
75 cm (30 inches) on the drill rod is used to
drive the sampler. The number of hammer
blows to drive the second and the third 15 cm
of penetration is called the SPT N-value,
representing the number of blows per 30 cm of
In order to calculate the standardized SPT N- Fig. 2. Calculation of CPT Parameters based on SPT
value (N60), the following equation is used: Location (Wotherspoon et al. 2015)

= × × × × (4) There were more than 100 CPT and

60 boreholes available on the research site, and
these data undoubtedly provide valuable
where: information for local correlations. However,
N = field-measured blow count not all of them can be utilized because there
ER = SPT hammer efficiency as determined were differences in testing elevation and the
by energy measurements in accordance distance between the tests was too far apart.
with ASTM D4633 (ASTM, 2016) Hence, to refine the datasets, the following
CB = correction factor for borehole diameter filters were applied:
CS = correction factor for sampler geometry
CR = correction factor for rod length  CPT and SPT soundings used are only
spaced equals or less than 10 m apart
In this study, since the test was performed and with the same test elevations. The
using the automatic hammer, the ER was taken reason behind this is to reduce the effect
75. Other SPT correction factors such as of inhomogeneity.
borehole diameter, sampler geometry, and rod  All incomplete SPT drive lengths were
length were assumed to be 1.0. removed (i.e., those with less than 450
mm total penetration).
 SPT N-values higher than 20 were
4 DATA PROCESSING AND DEVELOPED excluded since the specific CPT
CORRELATIONS apparatus used in the field hardly
penetrates this stratum.
4.1 Data Processing
Based on the above filters, a total of six CPT
It is well known that the mechanism of CPT and and SPT soundings were evaluated, resulting in
SPT is different from one to another, especially 17 data pairs for correlations. The location of
regarding the measurement of resistance of the the tests is shown in Fig. 3. The majority of the
soils. In the CPT, the soil resistance is measured testing points were located in the north area
due to quasi-static penetration of the cone. On except for the CPT PCPT1-15 and borehole
the other hand, SPT measures soil resistance BH2-11.
based on dynamic force from a free-fall The observed depths range from 1 to 14 m
hammer transferred to the rod at a certain depth. below the existing ground, with 12 data located
Thus, to provide a comparable CPT and SPT above the groundwater level (GWL). As for the
measurement, the mean of each CPT variable soil types, the identification was determined
(qc, fs, and Ic) was determined over the 300 mm using the Unified Soil Classification System
length of each SPT. Averaging on the seating (USCS). Table 3 summarizes the filtered data
drive was excluded since the soil experienced used for developing correlations. It is clearly
high disturbance from the hammer blows. Fig. shown that silts are the most common soil type
2 visualizes the averaging method of the CPT found on site.
Fig. 3. Borehole and Piezocone (CPTu) Locations

application. The ratio of cone resistance and

Table 3. Filtered Data for Correlations SPT N-value (qt/N) was developed based on a
BH No. CPT No. Depth Sample Soil
simple linear relationship with zero intercept.
(m) Location Type This approach is very logical and widely
accepted by engineers and academicians. In
BH6-37 PCPT1-32 6 Above GWL ML
addition to qt/N, the same approach was applied
BH6-37 PCPT1-32 8 Above GWL ML
to develop the ratio of sleeve friction to SPT N-
BH6-36 PCPT2-48 2 Above GWL SM
value (fs/N).
BH7-2 C2-8 2 Above GWL MH
Furthermore, the CPT-SPT relationship in
BH7-2 C2-8 4 Above GWL MH
terms of Soil Behavior Type (SBT) Index, Ic,
BH7-2 C2-8 6 Above GWL ML
formulated by Robertson and Wride (1990),
BH7-2 C2-8 12 Above GWL CL
was suggested. Previous correlations from
BH7-2 C2-8 14 Below GWL CL
Lunne et al. (1997) and Robertson (2012) are
BH8-57 C2-9 7 Above GWL ML
used to evaluate their reliability to estimate N60
BH8-57 C2-9 9 Above GWL ML
values of Kediri volcanic soils. Finally, this
BH5-24 S-26 2 Above GWL CH
study aims to provide a local relationship
BH5-24 S-26 4 Above GWL MH
between (qt/pa)/N60 and Ic for this specific soil
BH5-24 S-26 8 Below GWL MH
BH2-11 PCPT1-15 1 Above GWL ML
BH2-11 PCPT1-15 3 Above GWL ML
BH2-11 PCPT1-15 5 Above GWL CH
BH2-11 PCPT1-15 7 Above GWL ML
The ground condition can be assessed using in-
4.2 Developed Correlations situ test data and information from a local
geological map. Rather than contradicting each
As mentioned earlier in section 2, the study of other, these two pieces of information are more
CPT-SPT correlations can be divided into three likely to complement. The CPT and SPT
categories: ratio method, function method, and provide measured data and actual condition of
soil parameter method. In this study, the the ground, while a geological map gives an
proposed correlations focus on the first and the idea of what geological layer is beneath the
third method, considering the more practical project location.
Fig. 4. Soil Condition from SPT and CPT Soundings

Fig. 5. Research Site on Geological Map of Madiun Quadrangle, Java (Map Data: Google, © 2021 Maxar
Technologies; geological map reprinted from Hartono et al. 1992)

Drilling and SPT identified the surface layer agglomerate, and lava. Therefore, it can be
as a cohesive stratum of clays and silts with expected that the soils were volcanic soils and
medium to stiff consistency and a thickness of the weathering products of volcanic rocks.
2 to 3 meters. A hard layer was found at a depth
of about 16 m below the existing ground level.
This condition was also consistent with the CPT 6 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
soundings. In addition, based on the collected
samples, the cementation of materials was not
6.1 qt – N and fs – N Correlations
present except for the hard consistency of the
volcanic breccia layer. Fig. 4 depicts the typical As presented earlier in the introduction section,
soil stratification at the research site based on numerous researchers have proposed qc/N ratios
the CPT and SPT. The volcanic breccia stratum for many soils, but only some researchers
in this figure is not visible because it is located suggested fs/N correlation (Kruizinga 1982;
30 m below the ground surface. Takesue et al. 1996). In fact, for most soils, the
Information contained in the geological map SPT N-value is dominated by sampler side
is also beneficial for identifying the soil friction. Therefore, this study presents both
condition. Based on the geological map of correlations to provide options to geotechnical
Madiun Quadrangle (Hartono et al. 1992), the engineers for design. Fig. 6 shows the obtained
research site is located on the geological layer correlations for Kediri volcanic soils.
of Qp, which consists of volcanic breccia, tuff,
shows the comparison between measured N60
and N60 estimated by the two equations.

a) Based on Equation from Lunne et al. (1997)

Fig. 6. qt – N and fs – N Correlations for Volcanic

Soils in Kediri

Results show that a good agreement is

obtained for both qt – N, and fs – N correlations,
in which the coefficient of determination (R2) b) Based on Equation from Robertson (2012)
are 0.92 and 0.88, respectively. The qt/N (in
kg/cm2) ratio is approximately 2.15, close to the Fig. 7. Prediction of N60 from CPT
ratio for cohesive silt-sand mixtures proposed
by Schmertmann (1970). This correlation, The graphs show that the two equations
however, is significantly different from the underpredict the N60 by 49% for the Lunne et al.
results obtained by Miura et al. (2003). The (1997) method and 22% for the Robertson
reason is that the Kediri volcanic soils are not (2012) method. Although it is better than the
cemented, and thus, the effect of particle Lunne et al. (1997) method, estimation based
crushing during SPT is not present. Moreover, on Robertson’s method still depicts a scattered
the ratio of fs/N (in kPa) is about 9, higher than data, with most of them produces lower values
quartz sands and alluvium silty sands and silts. of N60. This result shows that the existing
These results were obtained since the soils are equations are less suitable for Kediri volcanic
dominated by cohesive soils (clays and silts). soils.
A graph was made with SBT Index (Ic) in the
x-axis and the ratio of (qt/pa)/N60 in the y-axis to
6.2 Estimation of N60 from CPTu develop a more accurate prediction of N60.
Based on the previous studies of Lunne et al. Measured data were then plotted into the graph,
(1997) and Robertson (2012), this study and a trendline was proposed. The suggested
examines whether their proposed correlations relationship is slightly modified from
can be used for Kediri volcanic soils. Robertson (2012), and it can be written as
Equivalent N60 values were predicted using both follows:
methods to evaluate their reliability. Fig. 7 ( / )/ = 10( . – . )
Fig. 8 shows the proposed and previous 7 CONCLUSION SUMMARY
CPT-SPT correlations, along with the Kediri
volcanic soils data. Some ML soil type data CPT – SPT correlation for volcanic soils of
points seem to be out of the flock because their Kediri has been proposed, namely qt – N and fs
(qt/pa)/N60 equals or less than unity. – N correlation. Estimation of N60 from CPTu
Nevertheless, the above relationship represents was also performed based on existing
the best fit line to the data. equations, and a specific equation for Kediri
volcanic soils was suggested. The results of this
study can be summarized as follows:

1. From 17 data pairs of CPT and SPT results,

the ratio of qt /N for Kediri volcanic soils is
about 2.15 (in kg/cm2), which is similar to
clays and silt-like materials rather than
volcanic-cemented soils in Japan (as
reported by Miura et al. 2003). The reason
is that the observed volcanic soils in Kediri
are mainly uncemented silts and clays.
2. The fs/N ratio (in kPa) was found around 9,
higher than those of quartz sands and
alluvium silty sand and silt reported by
Fig. 8. Proposed and Previous SPT-CPT Takesue et al. (1996). Again, this finding is
Correlations in terms of (qt/pa)/N60 and CPT-based because those Kediri volcanic soils are
SBT Index Ic predominantly clays and silts, and
therefore, the sleeve resistance (fs) is higher
Estimation of N60 was performed once again
using the proposed equation. The comparison than those in sands.
of the predicted and the measured N60 can be 3. Estimation of N60 from CPTu using
seen in Fig. 9. The result showed that a good existing equations from Lunne et al. (1997)
agreement was met, in which the estimated N60 and Robertson (2012) resulted in lower
was 7% higher than the measured data. Though values of N60 compared to measured N60,
scatters can still be recognized, for Kediri and thus, less suitable for practical
volcanic soils, the proposed relationship better
predicts N60 values than two previous application on Kediri volcanic soils. A new
correlations. equation was suggested in a simpler
expression, and it resulted in a better
estimation of N60 with only 7% higher than
the in-situ N60 values.


The authors are grateful to PT Geotechnical

Engineering Consultant for allowing and
sharing the geotechnical investigation data to be
used in this study. Also, the authors express
their gratitude to the Geotechnical Engineering
Division of Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
for their comments and suggestions to improve
this research.
Fig. 9. Prediction of N60 from CPT Based on the
Proposed Equation
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