Main Topic One Paragraph

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What is this paragraph about? Read the paragraph and decide which topic is the best?

Make a circle to the letter as the best topic. Write “too specific” or “too general” after
the other topics.

1. People have always been interested in bees. This interest may have begun with the honey
that bees make. In fact, archeologists have found evidence that people have been eating
honey for many thousands of years. In the more recent past, people were interested in the
way bees made honey. They admired the way bees seem to work so hard. Some
languages even developed expression about people working like bees. In English, for
example, we talk about a “busy bee”. Now scientists have a new reason to be interested in
bees. They have discovered that bees are able to communicate with each other. Research
has revealed some surprising facts about this, but there are still many mysteries. (cause &
A. Expressions about bees in English
B. The story of bees
C. People’s interest in bees

2. Communication is also possible among bees through their sense of smell. A group of
bees, called a colony, uses smell to protect itself from other bees. This is possible because
all of the bees in a colony have a common smell. This smell acts like a chemical signal. It
warns the group of bees when a bee from a different colony is near. This way, bees from
outside cannot enter and disturb a hive (the bee colony’s home). If an outsider does try to
enter, the bees of that colony will smell it and attack it. (Cause & effect)
A. The chemical signals of bees
B. How bees live
C. How bees communicate through smell


3. Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. Whales are the largest sea animals.
These two huge animals may, in fact, come from the same biological family. Biologists
now believe that the ancestors of elephants once lived in the sea, like whales. There is
plenty of evidence to support this idea. For example the shape of an elephant’s head is
similar to a whale’s. Another similarity is in the fact that both animals are excellent
swimmers. Some elephants have chosen to swim for food to island up to 300 miles away.
Like the whale, the elephant uses sounds to show anger or for other kinds of
communication. Finally, both female elephants and female whales stay close to other
females and help them when they give birth. (comparisson)
A. How elephants are good swimmers
B. The largest animals in the world
C. How elephants and whales are alike

4. The elephant’s trunk is not just a large nose or upper lip. It’s an essential and unique
feature that serves many purposes for this animal. For one, it is used to make many kinds
of sounds. With its trunk, the elephant can communicate anger, fear, or happiness. The
trunk is also used as if it were a kind of hand. At the end of the trunk are two muscles
shaped like fingers. These muscles can pick up food and water and carry them to the
elephant’s mouth. Elephants use their trunks to take dust baths, too, throwing the dust
over their backs. If an elephant’s trunk is seriously injured, the elephant may die. Without
its trunk, it has great difficulty getting enough to eat. (descriptive)
A. The elephant’s trunk
B. The elephant’s body
C. The elephant’s dust baths

5. The intelligence of the elephant is widely known. We say “the elephant never forgets” in
honor of its excellent memory. Elephants are also surprisingly good at solving problems.
An Indian farmer who kept elephants discovered this fact, to his misfortune. He had
noticed that his elephants were eating his bananas at night. No fence could keep out the
elephants, of course, so he decided to tie bells on them. Then he would hear them when
they came to eat the bananas and he could chase them away. A few mornings later,
however, the bananas were all gone, though he had heard nothing at night. When he
checked the elephants, he found that they had played a trick on him. They have filled the
bells with mud so they would not make any noise. (cause and effect)
A. Facts about elephants
B. How elephants get bananas
C. The intelligence of elephants

The Construction of Houses

6. People usually build their houses out of the materials that are easily available to them. In
some areas, most people build their home out of wood. This is true in parts of North
America and in Scandinavia. These areas have large forests, so wood is easy to get in and
inexpensive. In many other areas of Europe, there are few forests left. Stone and brick
are cheaper, so most people build their houses of these materials. In tropical regions,
houses are sometimes made from plants that grow there. For example, in parts of Africa
or Asia, houses may be made out of bamboo. Finally, in the very coldest areas near the
arctic, people make their home out of blocks of ice. (description)
A. Materials used for houses
B. The wooden houses of Scandinavia
C. Houses around the world

7. The differences in climate throughout Europe have resulted in differences in the way
houses are built. In hot countries, such as Spain, Greece, or Italy, the houses usually have
small windows to keep out the heat. However, in the cooler northern countries, such as
Sweden or Holland, people want to let in as much sunlight as possible, so the windows
are usually larger. In the southern countries, the houses usually have some kind of
outdoor living area balcony, terrace, or courtyard where people can enjoy the cool breeze.
In the northern countries, on the other hand, houses usually do not have such areas.
People in colder climates spend less time outdoors. (comp. & cont)
A. The architecture of houses
B. Houses in hot and cold countries
C. Houses with small windows

8. One of the most famous houses in the United States is Monticello. It was the home of
Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States. Located on a hill near
Charlottesville, Virginia, it has a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside. The
house is famous (first of all) because it belonged to a president. It is also a fine example
of early nineteenth century American architecture. Jefferson designed it himself in a style
he had admired in Italy. Many American buildings of that time, in fact, imitated European
styles. But while most were just imitations, his Monticello is a lovely in itself.
Furthermore, the design combines a graceful style with a typical American concern for
comfort and function. (cause and effect)
A. The view from Monticello
B. American architecture
C. Reasons for Monticello’s home

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