X - Sci - Answer Key - Set A

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(DEC 2022)


1. (d) A & B The reaction between CaO and H2O to form Ca (OH)2 is an exothermic
and combination reaction.--------------1

2. (c) Baking soda is a mixture of sodium hydrogen carbonate and a mild edible acid
like tartaric acid or citric acid.-------------1

3. b)Fe3O4-------------------1

4.b) Iodine is an oxidizing agent, and hydrogen sulphide is the reducing agent in the
reaction mentioned above.-----------------1
5.(c) As the aqueous solution of A turns phenolphthalein solution pink, hence A is
basic in nature (pH is greater than 7). On adding an acidic solution, the pink colour
will disappear. Hence, B is an acid (pH is less than 7).--------------1

6.b)It is due to the formation of basic copper carbonate [CuC03.Cu(0H)2].--------1

7. a) Alcohol--------------1
8. (d) the same in all the cases --------- 1

9. C- anticlockwise----------------1

10.a) -75cm------------1

11.b) 30V------------1

12. b ------------1

13. b ------------1

14. d ------------1

15. b ------------1
16. a------------1
17. c) A is true and R is false---------------1
18. a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. ------------1
19. c ------------1
20. c ------------1


21.(a) Ferrous sulphate crystals (FeSO4.7H2O) lose water when heated and the
colour of the crystals changes. It then decomposes to ferric oxide (Fe2O3), sulphur
dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide (SO3) with a smell of burning sulphur.-----------
- 1 b) 2FeSO4 → Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3 ----------------1

21.(a) During electrolytic refining, impure metal is used as anode and pure metal is
used as cathode. So, impure silver will be used as an anode, and pure silver will be
used as a cathode.----------------1
(b) Silver sulphate or Silver nitrate solution can be an appropriate electrolyte. We will
obtain pure silver on the cathode because metals are electropositive.(1/2+1/2)
22.a)Splitting of white light into its constituent colours when it is passed through a
prism is called dispersion of whitelight. (1/2)

(1) (1)

b) B (1/2)

He is myopic. (1/2) Myopia can be corrected by using concave lens. (1/2)


23. (a) When a mature spirogyra filament reaches a considerable length then mature
spirogyra splits into two or more fragments. Then these fragments develop into an
entire organism. (1m)

(b) When Planaria accidentally gets cut into many pieces, each piece grows the
missing part and forms the complete organism. (1m)
24. The accumulation of chemicals in the topmost organism of the trophic level or
food chain is called biological magnification. Example: Farmer sprays pesticides on
the crops which enter the food chain from crops these pesticides enter into the
organisms that feed on it. (2m)



26. Two different in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in human body and
their products are: (i) In absence of oxygen (aerobic): glucose is converted to lactic
acid and 2 molecules of ATP (1m)

(ii) In presence of oxygen (anaerobic): glucose is converted to carbon dioxide, water

and energy. (1m)

27. (a) Fe2O3 (s) + 2 Al (s) → Al2O3 (s) + 2 Fe (l) + Heat
It is a displacement or redox reaction.--------------1
(b) 3 Mg (s) + N2 (g) → Mg3N2 (s)
It is a combination reaction.--------------------1
(c) C2H4 (g) + 3 O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g) + Heat + light
It is a redox or a combustion reaction.---------------1

28. (a) Take two beakers, one containing HCl acid and other containing alcohol which
is not an acid but contains hydrogen. Now, fix two iron nails on a rubber cork and
insert in a beaker and connect the nail to the two terminal of 6V battery through a
switch and a bulb. Pour some dilute HCl solution in beaker and switch on the
current. The bulb starts glowing. This shows that acids get dissociated as H+ and
Cl– ions and these ions are responsible for conducting electricity.------1/2 +1/2
Let us now take alcohol solution in the beaker and switch on the current. The bulb
does not glow in this case. This shows that alcohol does not conduct electricity.-------

So, all acids have hydrogen but all hydrogen containing compounds are not acid.
(a) HCl dissociates in aqueous solution to give hydrogen ions (or hydronium
ions) and chloride ions.

NaOH when dissolved in water produces sodium ions and hydroxide ions in
the solution.


29.2.1 / Req = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 ...

1 / Req = 1 / (4 Ω) + 1 / (12 Ω)
1 / Req = 0.333 Ω-1
Req = 1 / (0.333 Ω-1)
Req = 3.00 Ω
Rtot = R1 + 3 Ω + R4 = 5 Ω + 3 Ω + 8 Ω
Rtot = 16 Ω ---------------------------------------- 1/2
Itot = Vtot / Rtot = (24 V) / (16 Ω)
Itot = 1.5 Amp ------------------------------------1/2
Itot = I1 = I4 = 1.5 Amp
V1 = I1 • R1 = (1.5 Amp) • (5 Ω)
V1 = 7.5 V ---------------------------------------1/2
V4 = I4 • R4 = (1.5 Amp) • (8 Ω)
V4 = 12 V
V2 =V3 = 4.5 V -----------------------------1/2
I2 = V2 / R2 = (4.5 V) / (4 Ω)
I2 = 1.125 A
(b) I3 = V3 / R3 = (4.5 V) / (12 Ω)
(c) I3 = 0.375 A

b) If X and Y are of same material then length of wire X= l

Area of cross-section=A
Rx = p l/A
Ry = p 2l/A
Ry = 2Rx
Wire Y has two times resistance than that of wire X

30.a) Figure B represents the correct pattern of magnetic field lines of a pair of
magnets. Figure A does not represent the correct pattern of field lines because
magnetic field lines never cross each other.

Poles of magnets facing each other are north poles as the magnetic field lines
emerge from a magnet at N-pole. (1)

b) As per Fleming’s left hand rule the electron will experience a force
upward. So it will move perpendicularly outward. (1/2)

Fleming’s left hand rule -stretch the forefinger, the middle finger and the
thumb of the left hand mutually perpendicular to each other in such a
way that forefinger points the direction of magnetic field, middle finger
points the direction of current (opposite to the flow of electrons)then the
thumb will point the direction of force on the conductor (charge). (1)

c) A current carrying conductor experience maximum force in a magnetic

field when the direction of current is perpendicular to the magnetic field.
31. a)i)Angle of refraction in medium C is minimum. Hence medium C is
maximum optical denser. (1/2)
ii) In least denser medium, A the speed of light will be maximum. (1/2)

iii) Towards normal (1/2)

iv) Less than 1 (1/2)

b) Nature of image formed by spherical mirror Real, inverted Magnification, m = -

2, Object distance, u = ? Image distance, v = -30 cm (-ve sign is for real
image) f =? m = −v/u
⇒ −v/u = -2
⇒ −30/u = 2
2u = -30
∴ u = -15 cm

According to the mirror formula: 1/f=1/v+1/u

1/f = 1/-30 * 1/-15

1/f = -3/30

F = -10cm (1/2)
If the object is shifted 10 cm towards the mirror then, u = 15 – 10 = 5 cm.
In this case the object is placed between pole and focus of the spherical mirror.
Therefore, the image formed is virtual, erect, magnified and behind the mirror. (1/2)

a. Convex lens when object is in between F and C (2F).

b. Concave mirror when object is in between P and F its enlarged, erected and
virtual image is formed.


c) i) P =2D, Convex lens

f = 1/P = ½
f = 50cm (1/2)
ii) P =-4D, Concave lens
f = 1/-4 = -25cm (1/2)

32. (a)


This type of double circulation is necessary in human beings to separate oxygenated

and deoxygenated blood as this enhances the efficiency of cellular respiration in
humans and consequently helps in maintaining a constant body temperature.
(1 ½ m)

(b) The pigment that helps in carrying oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body
is known as respiratory pigment. Hemoglobin is the iron-containing respiratory
pigment in humans and is present in the red blood cells. (1/2m)

(a) OR
(1 ½ m)

(b)Alveoli are tiny air sacs present in the lungs which appear like a bunch of grapes.
In the process of respiration, alveoli provide the surface within the lungs for the
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from blood during the process of breathing in
and breathing out. In the process of respiration, alveoli provide the surface within the
lungs for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from blood during the process of
breathing in and breathing out. (1 ½ m)

33 (a) 5J (1/2m)

(b)The damage to the ozone layer is a cause for concern because:

It causes skin darkening, skin cancer, aging, and corneal cataracts in human beings.
It can result in the death of many phytoplankton which leads to increased global
warming. (1 ½ m)
To limit the damage to the ozone layer, the release of CFCs into the atmosphere must
be reduced. CFCs used as refrigerants and in fire extinguishers should be replaced
with environmentally- safe alternatives. Also, the release of CFCs through industrial
activities should be controlled. (1m)


34. The molecular formula of carboxylic acid is C2H4O2. Thus, it should be acetic acid
(ethanoic acid).

It reacts with alcohol in presence of acid catalyst to give compound ‘X’.

As alcohol on oxidation with alkaline KMnO4 gives the same acid i.e. ethanoic acid,
hence alcohol must contain two carbon atoms. Thus, formula for alcohol is CH3CH2OH
i.e. ethanol.
Reactions involved are:-----------(1 + 1)
(i) Structure of ethanoic acid:---1/2 +1/2

(ii) (ii) Structure of ethanol: :---1/2 +1/2

(iii) (iii) Structure of ethyl ethanoate (X): :---1/2 +1/2


34. (a) (i) When ethanol is heated with cone. H2SO4 at 443 K, ethene is obtained due
to dehydration of ethanol.

(ii) When 5 % alkaline KMnO4 solution is added drop by drop to warm ethanol then it
gets oxidised to ethanoic acid.

(b) Addition reactions: Those reactions in which atoms or group of atoms are simply
added to a double or triple bond without the elimination of any atom or molecule, are
known as addition reactions.--------------1/2


Substitution reactions: The reactions which involve the displacement or substitution

of an atom or a group of atoms in an organic compound by another atom or group of
atoms, are known as substitution reactions.---------------------1/2

Saturated hydrocarbons are fairly unreactive and inert in the presence of most of the
reagents. However, in presence of sunlight, hydrocarbons undergo rapid substitution
reactions, e.g.




b)(i)DC,AC (1/2)

(ii)cell, AC generator (1/2)

(iii) *.Magnitude of DC is constant magnitude of AC is varying

*DC is unidirectional ac changes its direction after a fixed period. (1/2)

(iv) AC can be transmitted by changing it at high voltage with the help of

transformer to minimize loss in transmission. (1/2)

c) The direction of a changes every 0.01sec. (1/2)

Thus time of one complete cycle=0.02sec
in1secno.ofcycle=1/0.02= 100/2=50 Hz
d) A solenoid is a large number of turns of insulated copper wires having shape
of a cylinder or helix. (1/2)

(a) A current carrying solenoid be haves as a bar magnet one end of the
solenoid behaves like a N pole and another end as S pole like two poles in bar
magnet, so the field lines of a solenoid and bar magnet appear same in many
ways: (any one point)
(i) Magnetic lines of force inside the body is strong and uniform.
(ii) In both the cases stronger field exists at the poles compared to the
middle part. (1/2)


(i) In bar magnet, magnetism is permanent but in solenoid it exists only till
there is a current in solenoid. (1/2)

36.(a)(i)Testis: to produce male gametes. (1/2m)

(ii)Scrotum: to provide optimal temperature to the testis for the formation of
sperm. (1/2m)
(iii)Vas deferens: to deliver the sperms to the urinary bladder. (1/2m)
(iv) Prostrate glands: secrete the fluid which provides nutrition and medium for
the transport of sperms. (1/2m)
(b) Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections transmitted from an infected
person to an uninfected person through sexual contact. STDs can be caused by
bacteria, viruses, or parasites. (1m)

Four methods of contraception are

Barrier method: use of condoms. (1/2m)

Surgical methods: vasectomy (in the male), tubectomy (in female). (1/2m)
Intrauterine devices: copper T. (1/2)
Oral contraception: oral hormonal pills. (1/2m)


If the egg is fertilized by a sperm as it travels down the fallopian tube, then
pregnancy occurs. The fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. The placenta
then develops. (1 ½ m)

The placenta is an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy. This structure
provides oxygen and nutrients to a growing baby. It also removes waste products
from the baby's blood. The placenta attaches to the wall of the uterus, and the baby's
umbilical cord arises from it. (1 ½ m)


37a) i) 2Zn(s) + 3O2(g) Δ→ 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g)-----------1


Minerals are the natural inorganic
Ores are the Minerals from which metal can
substance that exist in earth’s
be extracted economically and conveniently.
All minerals are not ores. All ores are not minerals.
b) 2Cu2O + 3O2Δ→2Cu2O(s) + 2SO2(g)---------------1
On further heating: 2Cu2O + Cu2S Δ→ 6 Cu(s) + SO2(g)--------------1
The middle of the reactivity series metals is extracted by reducing their oxides with
carbon, aluminium, sodium, or calcium. Some moderately reactive metals are found
as oxides in nature, while others are found as carbonates or sulphide ores. Metals
are now easier to be obtained by reduction from their oxides than from carbonates
and sulphides.-------------1/2
ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2
(Zinc carbonate) (Zinc oxide) (Carbon dioxide)--------------1/2
2ZnS + 3O2 → 2ZnO + 2SO2
(Zinc sulphide)(Oxygen) (Zinc oxide) (Sulphur dioxide)---1/2
zinc is recovered from its oxide by reducing it with carbon or coke. When zinc oxide
is heated with carbon, zinc metal is produced.
ZnO + C → Zn + CO----1/2
(Zinc oxide) (Carbon) (Zinc) (Carbon monoxide)

i) Principal focus
ii) b) focus point and center of curvature
iii) a)R = 3m. f= R/2 = 1.5m
1/f = 1/v + 1/u
1/v = 1/f – 1/u
1/v =1/1.5 – 1/-5
V = 15/13 = 1.15 m
m = -v/u = -15/13*-5 =0.23
i.e image is virtual, erected and smaller in size behind the mirror

b) Use of concave mirrors

(i) Headlight of vehicles
(ii) Used by ENT doctors to focus the light
Use of convex mirror: Used as rearview mirrors in vehicles.


iii)a)Focal length of a mirror is given by

Focal length = Radius of curvature/2
Since both the mirrors have same radius of curvature, therefore focal length of the
two mirrors will be same, i.e.,
f1/f2 = 1/1
Since virtual image is always formed by convex mirror. The mirror AB will always
form virtual image. b) m=+4 of a concave mirror means virtual, erect,
enlarged image is formed behind the mirror.


a) .A chromosome concerned in determining the sex of an organism, typically one of

two kinds is called sex chromosome. (1m)

b). sex chromosomes present in human male- XY, human female-XX (1m)

c). The sperm has either X or Y chromosome and the egg has an only X chromosome.
So if sperm carrying the Y chromosome fuses with the egg the newly born child will
be a male child and if sperm carrying the X chromosome fuses with the egg the newly
born child will be a female child.

There is an equal chance of fusion of either the X or Y chromosome with the egg so
we can say that the sex of the newborn child is a matter of chance and none of the
parents is responsible for it.

Sex determination in humans is shown below: (2m)

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