Detailed Lesson Plan in PE

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Detailed Lesson Plan

in Health 5
Prepared by: Sarah Jane G. Vidad

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the students should be to;

a. Identify the basic first aid for common injuries and conditions
b. Appreciate the ways of giving first aid
c. Perform the appropriate first aid application

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Basic First Aid for common Injuries and Conditions

Reference: Curriculum Guide in MAPEH 5 (page 423-430)
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, pictures

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
Before proceeding to our lesson this morning, let In the name the father, and of the Son and the Holy
us all stand for our prayer. Jia, kindly lead the Spirit, Amen
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy
name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen

In the name the father, and of the Son and the Holy
Spirit, Amen.


Good morning, class Good morning, Ma’am

How are you feeling today? We’re fine teacher, how about you?
I’m fine too

3.Attendance Checking
Before we start our discussion this morning, I will
be going to check first your attendance.

Based on the attendance chart there is no absent None ma’am.

Very good let’s clap our hands because there is no absent. (student’s clap their hands)
4. Classroom Agreements
Before we start our proper discussion let us all be
reminded to our classroom rules.
Everybody read
 Sit Properly  Sit Properly
 Listen attentively  Listen attentively
 Raise your hand if you want to answer  Raise your hand if you want to answer
 Participate the activity actively  Participate the activity actively

What will you going to do to feel comfortable on your

sit? Sit properly
Very good!
You need to properly so that you feel comfortable
Are you sitting properly their class? Yes ma’am

What will you going to do if the teacher talking Infront? Listen attentively
Very good you need to listen
attentively so that you can answer of what the teacher
discusses Infront
Understood? Yes ma’am

What will you going to do if you want to answer?

Very good! Raise your hand if you want to answer
If you want to answer just raise your right hand it either
left hand
Yes ma’am

B. Motivation

C. Presentation

Our topic for today is all about Basic First Aid for
common Injuries and Conditions

But before we proceed to our proper discussion, I want

you all to read our objectives.
Everybody read
a. Identify the basic first aid for common
injuries and conditions
b. Appreciate the ways of giving first aid
c. Perform the appropriate first aid

 Unlocking Difficulties

Before we proceed to our topic, let’s have a

vocabulary game first. This game called 4 pics 1
IRSTF IDA- emergency care
or treatment given to an ill or
injured person before regular
medical aid can be obtained.

NOUDW- an injury to live

tissue caused by a cut, blow, or
other impact, usually with the
skin being sliced or broken.

PISRAN- you accidentally injure a joint, such as

your ankle or wrist, by twisting or bending it

OSNELBDEE- is the loss of blood from the

tissue lining your nose.

URNBSNDADLSCSA- damage to the skin

caused by heat.

D. Discussion

Now let’s discussed about the basic first aid for common
injuries and conditions so first let’s tackle the first aid for
common injuries and conditions which are;

1. Wound- an injury to live tissue caused by a cut,

blow, or other impact, usually with the skin being
sliced or broken.

So, here are the steps

 Cover the wound temporarily with the clean

 Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm
 Use disposable gloves to avoid touching the skin
with your fingers.
 Use clean cotton to clean its surrounding areas so
that it does not go near the wound.
 Cover with a bandage.

2. Sprain- a joint such as your ankle or wrist, you

accidentally damage it by twisting it or bending it

Think R.I.C.E
 Rest the injured part until it’s less painful.
 Ice for 20 minutes at a time, four to eight
times a day.
 Compression to help reduce swelling.
 Elevation the injured part above heart
level to decrease swelling.
3. Nosebleed- is the loss of blood from the tissue
lining your nose.

 Have the person sit down with the head

bent slightly forward.
 Never let the head tip back.
 Tell the person to rest and breathe through
the mouth.
 Pinch the nose just below the bridge for 10
 If the bleeding stops, release the pressure
and clean the nose and mouth with warm
water while the person is still learning

4. Burns and scalds- damage to the skin caused by


 Hold the injury under cold running water

or a bath of cold water.
 Keep cooling the injury for at least 10
minutes to ease the pain.
 Gently remove anything tight near the
burn or scald.
 Cover the injury with a clean and dry
bandage. You can also use a handkerchief
or towel.

E. Application

Now, I will group you into two groups, I have

here a cut of pieces of paper and I want you to
pick and also, I have here an envelope that include
a task

Direction: In 5 minutes perform on how to apply

the basic first aid for common injuries and
conditions (Wound, Sprain, Nosebleed, and Burns
and scalds)

F. Generalization

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