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SynLel 1echnlcal CuesLlons

1ulfference beLween vlrLual and AbsLracL MeLhod ?

2WhaL ls 8unLlme olymorphlsm ?
3WhaL ls Cverldlng ?
4WhaL ls Lhe use of a prlvaLe consLrucLor?
3WhaL deslgn paLLerns you used ln Lhe pro[ecL ?
6WhaL ls an lnLerface ? ls Lhere any relaLlon beLweem lnLerface and performance ?
7whaL ls an absLracL class ?
8WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween uaLaSeL and uaLa8eader ?
9WhaL ls Command8ullder ?
10WhaL ls Lhe ulfference beLween AppllcaLlon and Sessslon ?
11Pow do you PosL a Servlce ?
12WhaL ls a Cursor Pow do you replace a Cursor ?
13Whare are Lemp Lables ?
14WhaL ls Channel lacLory ?
13whaL ls heap memory ?
16wrlLe a program for llbonaccl serles?
17wrlLe a program for llnked llsL?

2011 Syntel technical interview questions:-
O A structure was given and it contained normal data as well as some bit-wise data.You had
to Iind the total size taken up by the structure
O A big code with lots oI pointers. There was a struct which contained 2 arrays. Then an
array oI that structure was declared. The code used these structures and you had to Iind
the values oI a variable j` at various points inside the code
O A code which had some declarations oI some data items. There were a couple oI normal
data items(char,int..) and some pointers as well and a malloc call. You have to Iind the
total memory taken up in the stack(Hint:Pointers and all are allocated in heap, not in
stack, so dont count them).Also in most oI these questions, they were speciIying that the
OS was 32 bit
O A question on nesting oI pointers. There was this pointer to a Iunction which returned an
array oI char pointers...You had to give the exact deIinition oI the Iunction
O 'alue oI 2 particular variables in C(MAXINT and some other constant)
O hat do you need to do to open more than 10 Iiles simultaneously in MicrosoIt
Operating System? -change stdio.h/change CONFIG.SYS/compiler dependent
O A question on Macro( consisted oI something like CTRL&037)
O Another question on Macro expansion
O Yet another question on Macro expansion
O &NIX question on who` output and then doing some other operation and then asking you
whats the output.
O &NIX question on awd` operation.
O what are the customization u have done in sap mm
O what is the smart identiIication techniqu?what r the diIIerent mechanisums used in it?
O what are the diIIerent kinds oI Irameworks in automation?
O what is On Error Resume Next ?
O when to start the automation?
O what is veriIication & validation?
O what is the diIIerance between Iunctionality and Iunctional testing?
O what is soc7 abend?how u can trace it?
O write sql query to remove null value Iollowing table id name 101 dinesh null jyothi null
bharathi 102 suresh null shilpha 103 prakesh null suma i want the output id name 101
dinesh 102 suresh 103 prakesh
O write a query to remove null value Iollwing table? col1 col2 col3 dinesh null null null
suresh null null null prakesh i want the output col1 col2 col3 dinesh suresh prakesh
O how do display only hidden Iiles in unix?
O how to Iind multiple string?
O what are diIIerence between c and c?
O Graphics:Painters algorithm is used Ior.....
O Graphics:hy is Lighting` operations done on orld Coordinates?
O Graphics:One more question
O Some question on C External 'ariables.
O How can you call a Iunction written in FORTRAN Irom a C program ?
O Normal question on pointer addition
O Another question on pointer addition
O There was a circle.A square oI max size was cut Irom it.From this square,a circle oI max
size was cut.hat was the ratio oI this Iinal size w.r.t initial size?
O A runs 3/4th Iaster than B.One oI them was placed some metres ahead.How Iar should
the Iinishing post be placed so that both oI them Iinish at the same time?
O Longest time one has to wait Ior next birthday?(366/365/4 years/8years)
O Next no: in the seq: 7,11,,19,23
1ech |nterv|ew (alLhough lL was noL aL all Lechnlcal)

lnLervlewer hl vansha[ have a seaL

1hen he Lold me hls name and deslgnaLlon and locaLlon

lnLervlewer Lell me someLhlng abL yourself

Me blah blah

lnLervlewer Lell me abouL your pro[ecL

Me flnal year pro[ecL?

lnLervlewer yeah

Me blah blah

CulLe convlnced wlLh pro[ecL and commenLed lL ' lnnovaLlve'

lnLervlewer(afLer golng Lhru my resume) l Lhlnk ur done wlLh languages u have wrlLLen so shall l ask
some analyLlcal puzzle?

Me sure slr

lnLervlewer l am glvlng u 30 seconds Lo Lell me approxlmaLely no of seconds ln a year and no of hours
ln 10 years and whlch ls more

l Lrled Lo solve Lhe problem and he was looklng ln hls waLch unforLunaLely l don'L Lell hlm Lhe answer
however lL was a very slmple quesLlon however l have applled some approach Pe asked me my
approach Lhen he Lold me hls approach

lnLervlewer ok Lell me a rough esLlmaLe of how many barber shops are Lhere ln uelhl/nC8

l was qulLe amazed wlLh such a quesLlon compleLely blank asked hlm Lo glve some raw daLa regardlng
dls buL he Lold me noLhlng ls glven and lmaglne LhaL u are a manager and u have esLlmaLe Lhls lL Lrled
an approach and Lell hlm sLep by sLep

lnLervlewer l am noL convlnced aL all

l was Lhlnklng LhaL l am gone now Lhen l Lrled Lo relaLe lL wlLh Lhe enLlre populaLlon and Lhen he Lold me
LhaL leL populaLlon of nC8 ls 13 crore and Lhen l furLher Lell hlm my approach wlLaklng LhaL flgure of
populaLlon and flnally he sald LhaL Lhls ls wanL Lo hear from you l am very much convlnced

lnLervlewer l am done wlLh you any querles?

Me lf l am selecLed Lhen on whaL Lechnology we be Lralned on?

lnLervlewer canL say now dependlng on requlremenL

Me ok

lnLervlewer any more querles

Me no

lnLervlewer u walL ouLslde somebody wlll call you

llnally l was selecLed for Lhe Pr round

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