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1 Log|ca| reason|ng

lL ls easy buL overall 10 Lo 13 blLs are very easySo ldenLlfy Lhem and flrsL do LhaL blLssome quesLlons
llke asserLlons are very Luff so do lL laLer

1 13 33 37 79 911 ?
a) 1113 b) 1114 c) 933 d) 1131
Ans a
CCulnC Anu uLCCulnC(43C)
1hree are easy(add 2 and 1 alLernaLlvely)anoLher Lwo ls blL dlfflculL

Cne ls
? x A u v C S 1 ? ?
C8uL8 C8 1?L Cl SLn1LnCL

1asserLlon 2supporLlng assorLlon 3counLer 4 lrrespecLlve
4 senLence r glve and 4 choose r also we musL flnd Lhe correcL choce Lhese ls based on loglcal Lhlnklng
(3 q)
Lhere r slx frnds ranl sushma and Lhere havlng dlffernL color shlrLs and welghLs are glven Some
quesLlon r posed on Lhese daLa(3 q)
CL8A1C8S (3C)
some quesLlon r lf * ls ls + such quesLlon are
one ls 48*28/392 ?
anoLher ls 16+24/86/2*3 ? eLc
1hls ls noL very Lough noL a hlgh vacab(noL from C8L) !usL baslc knowledge ln LnCLlSP ls requlred
cuLLoff ls 8 marks
llll Lhe black wlLh proper word C8 meanlng of word ln senLence( 3 C)

CorrecLlon of senLence(3 C)
1 puzzles LesL
Lhere r slx frnds ranl sushma and Lhere havlng dlffernL color car and sporLs are glven Some
quesLlon r posed on Lhese daLa(3 q)
2order or Lype of senLence
1asserLlon 2supporLlng assorLlon 3counLer 4 lrrespecLlve
4 senLence r glve and 4 choose r also we musL flnd Lhe correcL choce Lhese ls based on loglcal Lhlnklng
(3 q)
3uaLa Suffclency(3C)
4some quesLlon r lf * ls ls + such quesLlon are(3C)
3aLLenLlon Lo deLalls(3 C)
Lhls ls very Lough one Lhere analogles(3 C) baslcally from C8L CorrecLlon of senLence(3 C) flll Lhe black
wlLh proper word C8 meanlng of word ln senLence( 3 C) cuLLoff ls 8 marks
afLer LhaL hr and Lechnlcal round Lhese very Lo go Lhrough conceLraLe on Lell me abouL u r self and
brush up wlLh mlcro prosss u8MS core sub[ecLs CS
be confldence and be sharp and smarL
abouL famlly relaLlons llke x and ? are husband and wlfe Lhelr chlldren are so and soand Lhelr chlldren
are so and so and broLher of ? ls L and explanaLlon abouL Lhelr famllyLhen quesLlons comes as who
can marry whomhow many male and femaleswho ls relaLed Lo who ln whlch relaLlon
2Lhere are 6 glrls each are named and Lhey we wearlng 6 color dress we have Lo flnd who wears whaL
color dressLhey glve Lhe hlnL by menLlonlng Lhe welghL of glrls based on LhaL we have Lo flnd who wears
whaL color
3k ls + m ls l ls /n ls
Cne plpe fllls ln 4 hrs and anoLher ln 3hrs when Lhey boLh work alLernaLely how much Llme wlll be Laken
Lo flll Lhe Lank
LCM of 3 nos ls 120 whlch of Lhe followlng no musL noL be Lhelr PCl a 8 b24 c12 d24 and 30
1wo Lralns from Lhe polnLs A and 8 movlng ln opposlLe dlrecLlon aL Lhe polnL Lhey meeL Lhe second
Lraln Lravels 120 kms more Lhan Lhe flrsL 1he speeds are 30kmph and 60kmph respecLlvely flnd Lhe
dlsLance beLween A and 8?
Cne monkey cllmbs a poll aL Lhe raLe of 6mLs/mln and fell down 3mLs ln Lhe alLernaLely LengLh of Lhe
poll ls 60 mLs how much Llme lL wlll Lake Lo reach Lhe Lop?
a 31 b33 c37 d40 (ans 37)
A number when mulLlplled by 7/18 lnsLead of 7/8 and goL Lhe resulL 770 less Lhan Lhe acLual resulL
flnd Lhe
orlglnal number?
1he volume and Lhe radlus of boLh cone and sphere are equal Lhen flnd Lhe raLlo of helghL of Lhe cone
Lo Lhe dlameLer of Lhe sphere?
A and 8 sLarLed a buslness wlLh 1300 and 2300 and goL a proflL 800 rs Palf of Lhe proflL ls shared equally
Lhe remalnlng ls shared accordlng Lo Lhelr lnvesLmenL llnd Lhelr proflLs
1he dlfference beLween Lhe slmple lnLeresL and compound lnLeresL for 2 years?
A8 23 and 8C36 Lhen flnd A8C
An amounL of 64 8s has Lo become 123 ln 3 years ln compound lnLeresL flnd Lhe raLe of lnLeresL?
A slmllar Lo Lhe above problem flnd Lhe Llme(raLe of lnLeresL ls glven)
1he prlme no whlch ls greaLer Lhan 6 when dlvlde by 6 wlll always glves Lhe remalnder ans 1 or 3
LengLh of a recLangle ls lncreased by 30 and breadLh ls decreased by 23 whaL ls Lhe dlfference ln Lhe
Mr x poslLlon ln a class ls 13Lh from flrsL and 17Lh from lasL and 8Lh from Lhe flrsL and 13Lh from lasL ln
passed candldaLes llsL Lhen how many candldaLes falled ln Lhe exam
1wo successlve dlscounLs of 20 and 13 ls equal Lo a neL dlscounL of
A Lwo dlglL number ls 4 Llmes Lo lLs sum of dlglLs when 9 ls added Lo Lhe number Lhe dlglLs wlll geL
1hen whaL ls LhaL number? Ans 12
1he lengLh of Lhe followlng recLangle ls '4a' and lLs breadLh ls '2a' 8adlus of Lhe Lwo clrcles ls 'a' 1hen
flnd Lhe raLlo of LoLal area of Lhe recLangle Lo Lhe area noL covered by Lhe Lwo clrcles wlLh ln Lhe
A person sLarLs wlLh Lhe speed of u/1 kmph and reLurns wlLh Lhe speed of u/2 kmph whaL ls hls average
A clsLern wlll be fllled ln 9 hrs buL becoz of an ouLleL lL ls fllled ln 10 hrs lf Lhe clsLern ls fllled Lhen how
Llme Lhe ouLleL Lakes Lo empLy Lhe clsLern
ln a rlghL angled Lrlangle A8C angle 8 90 8M ls Lhe medlan Lo AC Lhen A82 + 8C2 (ln Lerms of 8M)
1hree clrcles wlLh same radlus r are drawn wlLh cenLres as Lhree verLlces of a Lrlangle WhaL ls Lhe sum
of areas of Lhe lnLersecLlons of Lhese clrcles wlLh Lhe Lrlangle
x men work for x days Lo produce x producLs Lhen ? men can produce ? producLs ln days
1he compound lnLeresL for flrsL and second years ls 200 and 220 on a cerLaln amounL llnd Lhe sum
Marked prlce of a commodlLy ls 33 above Lhe cosL prlce lf he glves a dlscounL of 13 how much he
galns on Lhe deal
3 mangoes + 4 oranges 7 mangoes + 1 orange llnd Lhe raLlo of mango Lo orange
A man sLarLs a work afLer some Llme some one [olns hlmllke Lhls
lood ls sufflclenL for 100men for 60days lor how many days Lhe food ls sufflclenL for 300men?
lf 8men 8hrs per day works for 8days geL 43/ Lhen how many men requlred lf Lhe work ls 3hrs per day
for10days Lhey geL 60/?
A person sold an lLem aL a proflL of 12 lf he sold lL aL a loss of 12 Lhen he would geL 8s6/ less WhaL
ls Lhe
cosL prlce?
(1 Z /((3/42/3 )/(2/3+4/3))) * ((2 /((4/32/3 )/(3/3+6/3))) (numbers dlfferenL)
Avg age of x number of adulLs ln a class ls 30yrs lf 12 new adulLs wlLh avg age of 32 [olned wlLh Lhem
Lhen Lhe
avg age lncreases by one llnd x?
A sphere of radlus 2cms ls dropped lnLo a cyllnder of radlus 4 cms conLalnlng waLer upLo cerLaln level
1he ralse
ln Lhe waLer level ls (noL sure)
llnd Lhe average of reclprocals of x and y
ln a school Lhere are 1000 sLudenLs ln Lhe year 1999 1he number of sLudenLs lncreased by 20 ln Lhe
year 2000 And lL ls lncreased by 13 ln Lhe year 2001 8uL lL ls decreased by 18 ln 2002 1hen whaL ls
Lhe sLrengLh ln 2002(numbers may dlffer)
Cdd man ouL
a) sLem b) frulLs c) flowers d) Lree e) rooL
9 13 18 21 24
seaLlng arrangemenL(2 puzzles)
books arrangemenL (puzzle)
lf 3rd day of a monLh ls Monday 1hen whaL ls Lhe 3Lh day afLer 21sL of LhaL monLh?
blood relaLlon
Sample 1esL aper
Maxlmum numbers LhaL can be formed uslng all Lhe 4 dlglLs 6 4 8 1 wlLhouL repeLlLlon and whlch ls
dlvlslble by 9( ans none)
llnd Lhe number of sldes of a regular convex polygon whose angle ls 40degrees
a+b+c0 Lhen rooLs of ax2+bx+c0 ls1lmag 2real 3colncldenLal 4zero
ulfference b/w Lhe compound lnLeresL and slmple lnLeresL for 8s2300 for 2 years ls glven flnd Lhe
raLe of lnLeresL
1here was one more quesLlon on Sl and Cl
1he mlnlmum number by whlch 60 ls Lo be mulLlplled Lo generaLe a squareans 13
A monkey cllmbs 6 mLs and falls 3mLs ln alLernaLe mlnuLes1hen Llme Laken Lo cllmb a Lree 60meLres
a 33 b37 c32 d34 (Lhlnk Lhe answer ls 37)
(1hls was Lhe second lasL quesLlon) A buckeL conLalns z drops and lL leaks x drops ln L secsLhen Lhe Llme
requlred Lo empLy Lhe buckeL(ln mlnuLes)?
6 plpes flll or empLy Lhe clsLern flnd Lhe number of empLylng plpes lff lL Lakes 18hrs Lo flll and 18 hrs
Lo empLy (donL remember Lhe quesLlon exacLly)
1he largesL no whlch ls a facLor of 1080 and 729
no of spheres of radlus 1 LhaL can be goL from sphere of radlus (or dlameLer donL recall) 8
(Lhlnk Lhe lasL buL Lhree quesLlon)1ravelllng aL 3/4Lh Lhe speed a man ls 20 mlnuLes laLer Lhen speed
1here are 6 keys and 6 locks Lhen number of comblnaLlons Lo be Lrled ouL Lo geL Lhe acLual soluLlon
a 36 b63 (donL remember Lhe resL)
Chooslng 2 people ouL of 10 ln how many comblnaLlons can a parLlcular person(some name) be always
lrom 6 whlLe balls and 7 black balls probablllLy LhaL 2 balls drawn aL random are of Lhe same color?
lf a sales man geLs successlve galn of 13 and 20 Lhen hls acLual galn? ans 38
A sLrlng of pearls such LhaL 1/3 ls losL and of LhaL 1/4Lh ls mlsslng remalnlng ls 20 Lhen acLual number of
ans 40
A man geLs a galn of x buL lf he had sold aL Lwlce Lhe cosL prlce whaL wlll be hls galn?(quesLlon noL
sure) a 2x b2002x c100+x (noL sure of Lhe opLlons)
A clock was 7mLs behlnd Lhe acLual Llme on 3 pm on wednesday and 8 mLs ahead of acLual Llme on (noL
4 pm frlday when wlll lL show Lhe correcL Llme?
8oaL moves upsLream ln 6 hrs and covers Lhe same dlsLance downsLream ln 3 hrs Lhen speed of a rafL
floaLlng?(accuracy of quesLlon noL sure)
(Lhls was Lhe lasL quesLlon) no ldea whaL lL sLands for some klnd of noLaLlon llke
S((M((u(ab)2)))(M(S(u(ab)opLlons were
1 ab 2(ab)2 3(a+b)2 4none
lf x men worklng x hrs per day can do x unlLs of work ln x days Lhen y men worklng y hrs/day would be
able Lo
compleLe how many unlLs of work l y days? ans y3/x2 (quesLlon ln 8S Agarwal)
1here was one more quesLlon on volume and surface area
1 8s 30 ps 23 ps colns are ln Lhe raLlo Lhen Lhe number of 30 ps colns lf Lhey sum Lo
8s(slmllar quesLlon ln 8SAgarwal)
1here was one more quesLlon on colns le abL geLLlng a change of 10ps and 23 colns for 8s(how
many posslble comblnaLlons or so posslble)
x/y+y/x40/21(donL remember Lhe exacL value belleve Lhls ls Lhe one) flnd x and yLhere were 2
quesLlons on Lraln and one was llke
A goods Lraln sLarLs and afLer 2 hrs a passenger Lraln aL 4km/hr sLarLs and overLakes Lhe goods Lraln
afLer 4 hrs Lhen Lhe speed of goods Lraln?
13hrs of boys work6 hrs of womens work 3/3 of Lhe work ls done by boys and women Pow
much Llme would beLhe quesLlon)
1here was one quesLlon on Lrlangle
A flgure was glven a square wlLh four corners shaded and asked Lo flnd Lhe area of Lhe shaded
porLlon le area of squarearea of Lhe regular ocLagon
Some flow charL ls glven llve quesLlon on Lhls flow charL
l WheLher l wlll Lake Lhe value 0
ll llnd value of l
lll llnd value of a
lv llnd value of [
l ?es
ll 4
lll 13
lv 29
Cne more flow charL llve quesLlons
l s value aL 6Lh lLeraLlon
ll value f3 when n6
lll f3 doesnL Lake whlch value
lv When s37 whaL ls Lhe value of f3
v WhaL ls Lhe value n when program LermlnaLes
l 31
ll 34
lll 9
lv 89
v 11
lormulae lnvolved ln Lhe flow charL
S n2 ( n 1)
l3 l1 + l2
l1 l2
l2 l3
mug Lhls flow charL same flow charL came for uslL ls very dlfflculL Lo remember Lhe ques l am sorry
LhaL l cudnL able Lo reproduce for Lhe 3rd SecLlon l remember few que
SecLlon 3 1 problem on Lower of hanol ans 7
problem on flg flnd Lhe shaded area square of slze 14cm ans 42
problem on symmeLrlc flg ans less Lhan Lhe 1172 (check)
few quesLlons on blood relaLlonshlp (refer rs agrawal reasonlng) sample quesman looklng aL phoLo
Lells LhaL Lhe daughLer of Lhls person ls Lhe only son eLc Lry Lo famlllar on Lhls
Agaln ques on relaLlonshlp 6 persons are Lhere A 8 C u L l
l) how many male ans 4
ll)how many female ans 2
lll) how u relaLed Lo A slmllar ques easy
?ou have Lhe serles of leLLersneed Lo flnd Lhe odd one ouL Llps u ldenLlfy Lhe paLLern all Lhe cholces
follow Lhe paLLern excepL one
eg glven words are say A8Cu !kLM CC8 uvWx LCPl ln Lhls Lhe lasL seL do noL follow Lhe
paLLernln case of A8Cu all are conLlnlous !kLM CC8 uvWxfollow same all are conLlnlous
lf u see Lhe LCPl Lhls ls noL conLlnlous as LlCP shud me LheregoL lL u have 4 ques on Lhlseasy
one6 ?ou have Lo flll Lhe mlsslng leLLer ln Lhe serles llLLle blL Lough 4 quesbuL easy
?ou have 3 flgure based on Lhe flgures ques asked easy one eg llg 1rlangle means SLrong llg Square
means 1all llg Clrcle means lalrCues asked ls flnd Lhe number LhaL represenLs SLrong 1all and lalr
persons easy one So u have 3 ques on Lhls paLLern
?ou have ques on flow charLeasyvery slmple nC1L Lhey r looklng for Lhe Loppers so lf u r Lhe
Lopper Lhan no probs MosLly CCA of 8 + ls Lhey expecL 1o shorLllsL
1he hlghesL Score ln an lnnlngs was 3/11 of Lhe LoLal and Lhe nexL hlghesL was 3/11 of Lhe remlnder lf
Lhe scores dlffered by 9 flnd Lhe LoLal score
a) 131 b) 161 c) 121 a d) 101 e) 137 Ans c
A boy was asked Lo mulLlply a cerLaln number by 33 Pe mulLlplled lL by 33 and goL hls answer less Lhan
Lhe correcL one by 1206 llnd Lhe number Lo be mulLlplled
a) 37 b) 67 a c) 87 d) 97 e) 107 Ans 67
A roblem llke Lhls noL exacLly Lhe same buL on same model lf Lhe manufacLurer galns 10 Lhe
wholesale dealer 13 and Lhe reLaller 23 Lhen Lhe cosL of roducLlon of a Lable lf Lhe reLall prlce ls
a) 63230 b) 800 c) 814 d) 83424 Ans b
A Lrader marks hls goods up by 30 and declares Lwo successlve dlscounLs of 20 each WhaL ls hls
galn? a) 10 galn b) 4 galn c) 4 loss (A) d) 10 loss e) no loss no galn
SLC1lCn l
lew quesLlons on flndlng ouL Lhe segmenL of senLence whlch ls wrong
1 celebraLemarrlage
2 bouqueLflowers
SLC1lCn ll
Maxlmum numbers LhaL can be formed uslng all Lhe 4 dlglLs 6 4 8 1 wlLhouL repeLlLlon and whlch ls
dlvlslble by 9( ans none)
llnd Lhe number of sldes of a regular convex polygon whose angle ls 40degrees
a+b+c0 Lhen rooLs of ax2+bx+c0 ls
1lmag 2real 3colncldenLal 4zero
ulfference b/w Lhe compound lnLeresL and slmple lnLeresL for 8s2300 for 2 years ls glven flnd Lhe
raLe of lnLeresL

1here was one more quesLlon on Sl and Cl
1he mlnlmum number by whlch 60 ls Lo be mulLlplled Lo generaLe a square
ans 13
A monkey cllmbs 6 mLs and falls 3mLs ln alLernaLe mlnuLes1hen Llme Laken Lo cllmb a Lree 60meLres
a 33 b37 c32 d34 (Lhlnk Lhe answer ls 37)
(1hls was Lhe second lasL quesLlon) A buckeL conLalns z drops and lL leaks x drops ln L secsLhen Lhe Llme
requlred Lo empLy Lhe buckeL(ln mlnuLes)?
6 plpes flll or empLy Lhe clsLern flnd Lhe number of empLylng plpes lff lL Lakes 18hrs Lo flll and 18 hrs Lo
empLy (donL remember Lhe quesLlon exacLly)
1he largesL no whlch ls a facLor of 1080 and 729
no of spheres of radlus 1 LhaL can be goL from sphere of radlus (or dlameLer donL recall) 8
(Lhlnk Lhe lasL buL Lhree quesLlon)1ravelllng aL 3/4Lh Lhe speed a man ls 20 mlnuLes laLer Lhen speed ls??
1here are 6 keys and 6 locks Lhen number of comblnaLlons Lo beLrled ouL Lo geL Lhe acLual soluLlon
a 36 b63 (donL remember Lhe resL)
Chooslng 2 people ouL of 10 ln how many comblnaLlons can a parLlcular person(some name) be always
lrom 6 whlLe balls and 7 black balls probablllLy LhaL 2 balls drawn aL random are of Lhe same color?
lf a sales man geLs successlve galn of 13 and 20 Lhen hls acLual galn?
ans 38
A sLrlng of pearls such LhaL 1/3 ls losL and of LhaL 1/4Lh ls mlsslng remalnlng ls 20 Lhen acLual number of
pearls? ans 40
A man geLs a galn of x buL lf he had sold aL Lwlce Lhe cosL prlce whaL wlll be hls galn?(quesLlon noL
a 2x b2002x c100+x (noL sure of Lhe opLlons)
A clock was 7mLs behlnd Lhe acLual Llme on 3 pm on wednesday and 8 mLs ahead of acLual Llme on
(noL sure) 4 pm frlday when wlll lL show Lhe correcL Llme?
8oaL moves upsLream ln 6 hrs and covers Lhe same dlsLance downsLream ln 3 hrs Lhen speed of a rafL
floaLlng?(accuracy of quesLlon noL sure)
(Lhls was Lhe lasL quesLlon) no ldea whaL lL sLands forsome klnd of noLaLlon llke
opLlons were
1 ab 2(ab)2 3(a+b)2 4none
lf x men worklng x hrs per day can do x unlLs of work ln x days Lhen y men worklng y hrs/day would be
able Lo compleLe how many unlLs of work l y days?
ans y3/x2 (quesLlon ln 8S Agarwal)
( Lhls was a quesLlon ln Lhe flrsL page of Lhe secLlon ll bookleL) a cone wlLh radlus and helghL a
hemlsphere covers Lhe cone such LhaL base of hemlsphere meeLs LhaL of Lhe cone Lhen Lhe enclose
volume(8S Agarwal
conslsLs of slmllar quesLlons)
1here was one more quesLlon on volume and surface area
1 8s 30 ps 23 ps colns are ln Lhe raLlo Lhen Lhe number of 30 ps colns lf Lhey sum Lo 8s
(slmllar quesLlon ln 8SAgarwal)
1here was one more quesLlon on colns le abL geLLlng a change of 10ps and 23 colns for 8s(how
many posslble comblnaLlons or so posslble)
x/y+y/x40/21(donL remember Lhe exacL value belleve Lhls ls Lhe one) flnd x and y Lhere were 2
quesLlons on Lraln and one was llke
A goods Lraln sLarLs and afLer 2 hrs a passenger Lraln aL 4km/hr sLarLs and overLakes Lhe goods Lraln
afLer 4 hrs Lhen Lhe speed of goods Lraln?
13hrs of boys work6 hrs of womens work 3/3 of Lhe work ls done by boys and women Pow
much Llme would be Lhe quesLlon)
flgure was glven a square wlLh four corners shaded and asked Lo flnd Lhe area of Lhe shaded porLlon
le area of squarearea of Lhe regular ocLagon
SLC1lCn lll
A slmple flowcharL whose sLeps are as follows value of r and h are glven a and b0 mpl*r*r*h
n(pl*r*r*h)/3 lf (mn) do else b4*pl*r*h prlnL a and b uCn1 8LMLM8L8 ll condlLon ls mn
or mn
(second lasL quesLlon Lhls was also easy) lL was abL a seL of people Lalklng 4 languages and Lhen qns
were abL who could acL as a LranslaLor Lo whom
1here were 3 quesLlons based on an argumenL glven quesLlons were Lo flnd ouL whlch sLaLemenL ln
Lhe ob[ecLlves glven could sLrengLhen Lhe argumenL or Lo weaken Lhe argumenL(blL confuslng)
8lood relaLlonshlp quesLlon( l remember all Lhe sLaLemenLs glven Lhough noL Lhe quesLlon) 10 people
ln a famlly A 8 C are husbands u L l are wlves alLogeLher Lhere are only 4 women each famlly can have
aLmosL 2 chlldren and C has aLleasL 1 chlld u and C are relaLed Lo A LcannoL be relaLed Lo P and l and !
are noL relaLed

(Lhls conslsLs of Lhe mosL confuslng seL of quesLlons) a seL of sLaLemenLs are glven and Lhen quesLlons
were asked Lhe sLaLemenLs were llkeAll A 8 C u L l are Cs All As are 8s (beLLer leave Lhls quesLlon
for Lhe lasL)
Allce works on Monday Wednesday and lrlday
8 does noL work on Wed
C works only on 1uesday and someoLherday(donL remember)
u does noL work on lrlday
L works on all days excepL on Lhe flrsL Monday and 1hursdayLhen quesLlons llke who all wlll be avallable
on whlch days
flrsL quesLlon) abL 4 buses wlLh dlfferenL seaLlng capaclLyand dlfferenL charges and quesLlons were Lo
flnd ouL Lhe mlnlmum number of Lrlps requlred Lhe maxlmum charge Lhe second hlghesL charge eLc
1) II john move Irom his home towards north 3km, then west 6km then again north 11km. how
long is he is Irom his home.
2) a,b, c, d, and e are Iriends. iI
a and b plays carrom and hockey,
c and d plays cricket and chess
e plays carrom, cricket and hockey
a and d plays carrom and chess
c and b plays cricket and hockey.
who plays all maximum three? who plays carrom and chess? who plays cricket and hockey?
3) iI x and k are childrens oI L who is oI opposite sex, a and b are childrens oI x who is oI
opposite sex. b is same as the sex oI her mother y. L is the spouse oI j who is the brother oI o.
and q is the spouse oI o. s is the son oI q. t is q's spouse and m and n are their children oI the
same sex.
how is a related to j.
how many males and Iemales are there? like wise....
and coming to verbal it is like exact meanings and come questions as below
boquet: Ilower:: ?
out oI 800 candidates only 80 were short listed.
the second round is technical round. where questions are Irom os, data structures and dbms. some
questions are Irom c and c also.
the third round is hr. only 50 candidates were selected.

2) How is b related to e.
3)Like this --------------------------





11,12.13,14,15-------(5 MARKS).
(16-20) (20-25)(10 marks ).
tis 2 sections are general logical reasoning .( Irm logical reasoning r.s.Agarwal )
didn't remem those ? exactly.ok



c)iii only.
d) iii, iv.
1. The highest Score in an innings was 3/11 oI the total and the next highest
was 3/11oI the reminder. II the scores diIIered by 9, Iind the total score.
a) 151 b) 161 c) 121 a d) 101 e) 137
Ans: c
2. A boy was asked to multiply a certain number by 53. He multiplied it by 35 and
got his answer less than the correct one by 1206. Find the number to be multiplied.
a) 37 b) 67 a c) 87 d) 97 e) 107
Ans: 67
3. A Problem like this not exactly the same but on same model.II the
manuIacturer gains 10 , the wholesale dealer 15 and the retailer 25 then the cost
oI Production oI a table, iI the retail price is Rs.1265
a) 632.50 b) 800 c) 814 d) 834.24
Ans: b
4. A trader marks his goods up by 50 and declares two successive discounts oI
20 each. What is his overall gain?
a) 10 gain b) 4 gain c) 4 loss (A) d) 10 loss e) No loss No gain
5. Age problems -3 , Iind mothers age,Iathers age etc.
6. Statistics Problems(probability) as A-this much , B-This Much, A n B-this much
and A u B - ?
7. Angle Problems which deals with triangle - 3 problems.
Section III - Logical reasoning - 30 qns in 30 mins.
8. Tower oI Hanoi Problem -
9. problem on Iig. Iind the shaded area, square oI size 14cm
10. problem on symmetric Iig ;; ans less than the 1172(check)
11. Blood Relation Problems - 3
12. Find odd man out oI the given series - 3 problems
13.O Analytical Test
14.O 101`100 -1 is divisible by.....
15.O Question on boat ( stream velocity given...)
16.O Train Question( Goods and Passenger train.. their speeds given..)
17.O Pipe question (with leak at the bottom..)
18.O Salary & Proportion problem
19.O Another problem on Salary & Proportion
20.O Age question-Iather and son
21.O Another age question
22.O Question onratios(Sachin:SauravSaurav:Rahul3:2....together they scored some
runs,you had to Iind the runs scored by Sachin)
23.O Angle between hands when time is 2:20
24.O x`2 4 y`2 4xy.Find x:y
25.O A question on Arithmetic Progression(something like 5 times the 5th term is 8 times
the 8th term..Iind 12th term...)
26.O A and B's work units given.They were together gievn Rs.720.When C joined,they
together completed the work in 5 days.Find C's wages
27.O There was a circle.A square oI max size was cut Irom it.From this square,a circle oI
max size was cut.What was the ratio oI this Iinal size w.r.t initial size?
28.O A runs 3/4th Iaster than B.One oI them was placed some metres ahead.How Iar should
the Iinishing post be placed so that both oI them Iinish at the same time?
29.O Longest time one has to wait Ior next birthday?(366/365/4 years/8years)
30.O Next no: in the seq: 7,11,,19,23
31.O Some question on was 10 It ant travelled upwards..and total time
32.O Cricket-some data on runrate oI the opposition being 15....
33.O Time & Distance..somebody was travelling along the circumIerence.... The questions
are not at all complete because lack oI memory :-)
1. equanimity
2. sequester
3. apathetic
4. dislodge
5. sedate
1. celeberate:marriage::
a. window:bedroom b. lument:barevemant
c. pot:pan d. Iace:penalty
2. neglegent:requirement::
remises:duty cognet:argument
easy:hard careIul:position
3. Germ:disease::
man:women doctor:medicine
war:destrustion shopkeeper:goods
4. bouquet:Ilower::
skin:body chain:link
product:Iactory page:book
5. letter:word::
club:people page:book
product:Iactory picture:paper
Part II
1. One monkey climbs a poll at the rate oI 6mts/min and Iell down 3mts in the
alternately. Length oI the poll is 60 mts , how much time it will take to reach the top? a.
31 b.33 c.37 d.40 (ans: 37)
2. X men work Ior X days to produce X products, then Y men can produce Y
products in - - - - days. (ans: y`3/x`2)
3. sqrt(12 sqrt(12) ((sqrt(12) ......................inIinity) ? (ans: 4)
4. consider a square ABCD, in which E is the mid-point oI BC & F is that oI CD.
Now Iind the ratio oI area oI triangle AEF to the area oI square ABCD. (ans: 3/8)
Part III (Reasoning)
1. There are 4 buses - A,B,C,D. There are 220 students in a school. A can carry 60
students. B can carry 50 students. C can carry 40 students. D can carry 35 students Cost
oI travelling in the 4 buses were given, A - 160 , B- 140, C- 125 , D- 95 (not exact
a) Find the bus combinations, so that all the students can be carried in the minimum cost
(One can use any no. oI buses oI a particular type)
b) Find the min. no. oI buses required to carry all students etc.
2. ( not exact ) P speakes Italian & French Q speakes Spanish & English R speakes
Italian & German S speakes Spanish & French T speakes English & German etc. Find a)
Mediator between P & Q b) Most popular language etc
3. All P's are Q's some R's are not C's Some C's are P's & so on ( 5 Q's based on
these Iacts)
4. One Logical Venn diagram problem
5. One simple Ilow chart
1. Which is greater (1000)pow1001 and 1001pow999
2. One container contains milk and water in the ratio 3:7 and the other contains
8:11,in what ratio these two containers is to be mixed so that the ratio oI milk and
water is 4:5
3. There are two simple problems on time and work.
4. Four points will be given and you have to Irame two st. line eq.s in such a way
that their point oI interesection lies in one oI the Iour options.
5. There are two to three problems on proIit and loss which are little bit time taking
,so i didn't attempt.
6. A series oI nos will be given where the ans can be Iound by observing the diII
bet two consecutive nos
Logical Reasoning
1. Air is cloud cloud is rain rain is water wateris sand so what is cloud? ans :sand
2. One quesion on relations
3. TraIic: signal ans : river :dam
4. Two more quesions are there
5. Dsoighkl now iI lk-(?)-sd , Iind letter in 4th place
6. Some mammals are donkeys allbuIIalos will have horns based on this 3 quesions
r ther
7. Four persons are there wearing diIIerent coloured shirts eg. A,B,C,D wearing
blue ,green, red, yellow.Now,
1. A cannot wear yellow.
2. B can wear blue or green.
3. C /D is wearing yellow. You have to Iind who is wearing which coloured shirt.
8. Find the root oI 4a2b2c24ab-2bc-4ac Ans: 2ab-c.Two pipes can Iill a tank
in 5 hrs and 8 hrs. while a hole can empty it in 40 hrs. What will be the time taken to
Iill iI each operate at a time. Soln: 1\x 1\5 1\8 - 1\40
9. A can beat B by 20 mts. While C can beat B by 40 mts. In a race oI 100 mts.
By how much can C beat A? Soln: 75 mts.
10. II u start your journey 30 minutes late , u have to increase your speed
by250kms\hr. to cover up 1500 kms. In same time. What is your usual speed? Ans:
11. For a circle, radius is inc. by some , Iind net changein area? mathematical qus
/ aptitudes.
12. A sum oI money doubles in 5 years by simple interest. how much time it will
take Ior 300 to become 2400.a~40 years b~25 years c~35 years d~ 20 years.
13. II length oI a rectangle is made 4 less and breadth is increased by 3 then the
resultant square ?s area is equal to the rectangle. What is the perimeter oI the rectangle
.( options were given)
14. What will be the no. at ? position below
51 11 61
64 30 32
35 ? 43
15. The L.C.M. and H.C.F. oI two nos. are 84 and 21 and the nos. are in the ratio oI
1:4 ,. Find the nos.ans: 21, 84
16. Find the volume oI the hemisphere having radius 2m .
17. Problem based on compound interest were asked . so see the Iormula oI
compound interest.
18. A train goes Irom a to b. iI it travels with 50 km/s then it is late by 10 mins.
When it travels with30km/s then it bis late by
50 mins. Fi nd the distance between a and b.
19. A river is 8 m deep and 150 m wide.river?s speed is 5 km/s. Iind the volume oI
water passed in one min.(1 m cube 1000 c.c.)
20. Fin dthe equation oI the st. line passing thru the intersection oI the two lines and
two other lines.(equ. Were given)
21. A man sells 20 mangoes 15 oranges ath the same price as 15 mangoes20
oranges. Ho would judge which is costlier .
( Iour options were given . I didn?t remember those)
22. A graph was given representing joint venture in the years. An dquestion related
to the graph were asked such as
A)in which year there was max. change.(ans. Was in the last year)
23. A is counting the no Irom 1 to 32 and b Irom 32 .A is counting the odd no. only
.both?s speed is same.
What will be the number which will be pronounced by A & B together. ( ans . aws
none oI these )but conIirm yourselI .
24. In the word ?DISTURBANCE? 1st is replaced by last 2nd is replced by 10th ,
3rd is by 9th and so on. Which will be the next to ?T?.
25. GIVEN iI x/y3/5. iI 1 is added to num . and 1 is subtracted Irom denominator
then ratio 5/7. Iind the number
26. There are 5 black and 9 white balls .iI one ball is drawn then Iind the probability
oI being white.
27. Avg. age oI 5 children .a child oI 5 year age dies.aIter 4 years what will be the
avg. age.
28. Three nos. are given the product oI Iirst and last is equal to the square oI the
middle. Find the nos.(options were given)
(ans. 10, 20, 40)
29. A rectangle was having length 100 m breadth 60 m. there is a road oI 5m wide
on each side oI therectangle . Iind the area oI the road.
30. Fir no. is the double oI 2nd and oI the 3rd .other statement was also given
which I don?t rememeber.(ansH,24,96)
31. A girl cuts a cake in two halevs. One halI is again cut into six equal parts . wt.
OI the smaller one was 20 gms. Fin the wt. OI the whole cake.(ans240gms.)
32. A person Iirst goes upstream then down stream .river?s speed was given .also
the diII. OI time was given . Iind the speed oI the man.
33. Ravana speed is 5000 km/s when going towards the heaven. The distance
75000. ravana has traveled 2 mins.When god?s messenger reaches the earth . Rama
told him to go back. The speed oI the god?s messenger `00 km/s. By how much he
will increase or decrease his speed so that he and Ravana reaches exactly at the same
34. A man sells a product by giving 10 reduction on it .in spite oI this he gets 10
proIit . on a product oI 330 rs. Original price What will be the buying price.
36.I will be explaining the paper details now.......Iirst oI all , the pattern was like this
37.There r two section Reasoning & Verbal total 40 marks
38.Reasoning --25 verbal--- 15
39.CUTOFF --13 --- 8
40.Coming to
Logical Reasoning
42.(1-5 ) Tat is on Blood Relationship ...... here v hav 5 question Ior it
(sum clues they giv) i) T has two children M and N both are oI opposite sex.. N is
the parent oI P... P has H has brother
43. ii) X is spouse oI L..........M is cousin oI X...............
44. iii) not all the names r correct but,,,,, its similar patternn
45.questions r
46.1) How is M related to H???
47.2) Among them who r oI same sex???
48.3) etc etc...............??
51.(-1) They ll b giving u Iour statements n u hav to observe,,,,,,,,,,
52.which statement is main point oI view Ior the conversation
53.which is supporting the main point oI view
54.which is against the point oI view....and more.......... and then u hav to opt the answers acc to the conditions given
56.there ll b instructions guys..... dnt worry Iriendzz ............... was just g;3g u br01 /0a
58.Teena ,Reema ,Seema, ....etc..... are the six girls ,went 2 movie, they are wearing
diIIerent colors T shirts & now their heights has Iound ,Irom the inIormation given
59.(sum clues they giv)
i) reema is inthe 4th seat..........
60.ii) no two gals hav the same weights........
61.iii) gal who were red ll b in the...................... etc etc.......
62.and Questions related to tat................
65.easy Question like
66.1) figure out the number missing in the figure....................
70.M"" ; N"-" ; P"`"; Q"/" ; he ll give sum equations u hav to solvee
72.1) 9N2(12P|4Q2|)
73.other Iour similar to the abovv
78.they are 15 Questions Iriendzzz plzzz reIer GRE Barrons TEST Papers like Synonyms,
Analogys , Select sentence Ior a given option Ior similer
phrase etc .................. iI u r able to solve n b conIident on atleast 7or 8,,.. u cud b in saIe
side........... 8 is the cut oII....... so just go through the exercises which r there in the
barrons gre buk in back pages Iriendzzzzzzzzz......
79.Actually,,,,, we had the Exam at 4 : 30 to 5:30.. They told they will intimate the results
with in 2 to 3 hrs..... so v all back to home as it ll b late ....... tomoro is hr
80.any how ......... I kno that i had done well in both the sections ( i had done 22 oI 25 in
reasoning ,,,, and 8 conIident in aptitude.. remaining
atleast sum ll bring to marks i excepted) Thats it!!! M a gr8 conIidence aItr this test as i
was sure i had done well!!!!!!!!!!!
81.lets hope tat............. ("CUT OFF DOESNT INCREASE FOR TAT BAD REASON")
82." There are hundreds oI languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. Keep

1> the reasoning
it consisted oI 25 questions , pretty easy ones mixed with moderately tuII questions , so i'd rate
this section as moderate... i can mention some oI the questions that i remember , like choose the
odd word out ...then there was one question like...iI sachin is wearing sourav's t shirt...sehwag is
wearing yuvraj's...sourav comes to bat ahead oI rahul..etc..whose t shirt would sourav be
wearing..was easy one..
then there was one blood relationship question ... another one was a series like
AB*!1DE*2G3I*K(this is not the exact question)
5 questions were based on this series like - iI order oI series is reversed , Iind the 11th element to
the leIt oI 7th element Irom right , Iind 7th ele Irom leIt oI 11th Irom right...
iI later halI oI series is reversed , what would be the 7th ele. Irom right oI 11th..
how many symbols are immediately Iollowed by odd no. etc. (simple questions)
this was a good section..a passage with 5 questions..
5 questions on - some sentences were given and Iind the error in one oI the word/words
underlined like
one day / mary and jane / has gone to the / village to Ietch / some water
a b c d e
( just an example , not actual question , sentences were tuIIer than this one) etc
The Iirst 5 questions were to pick up the odd one out
3 oI then was a)Wheat b)Barley c)Gram d)rie e) pulses Ans (d)
a)pouch b)stall c)...sth like that I mark b) stall as answer.
II u want to go through Barrons u can but they change questions.

The next set oI quetions were based on the string like L4$E5RA6TH!7 sth like that not
exact questions like oI digits Iollowed by symbols was which is the 7 position right to the leIt oI the string sth like that.
3.which is the last iI we select Irom Iirst then last ,second then second last
this type oI questions were easy do practice it One question which repeated was oI T-shirt oI
Sourav ,Sachin Sehwag,Rahul 3 conditions were given pretty easy u can do it.
5 questions were oI syllolism like all cats are dog all dogs are cow
u have select the best possible sequence.a)BDE b)CDE c)ACE practice this type oI questions.
This section is easy iI u r thorough with ur grammar Iill in the words in the passage Duration :
Don't stuck to one sections do both the sections precisely otheriwse u will run out oI time.
AIter the test they shown us the ppt .It was nice.
test started at 11:15 result oI wirtten declared at 3.30pm 2000(approx) appeared Ior the test out
oI which 100(approx) clear the test.2 batches were there Ior the written round.
Then we assemble at the audi they gave us Biodata Iorm we have to Iill it and attach with our
cv,grade sheet photocopy, and submit it.Do keep atleast 3 copies oI your marksheets(attested), cv
otherwise they will make u run at the time oI Interview. Also veriIication oI marksheet is done.

1hen LesL sLarLed aL 12 pm whlch was
Pope Lhls wlll Lell u how slmple lL was some of Lhe quesLlons l remembered
1anology Lype quesLlons llke
Lhls was very slmple u donL even have Lo Lhlnk
2odd man ouL
llke glass mug poLLery beaker
ans ls beaker Lhls was slmple buL u wlll have Lo Lhlnk on Lhere properLles
3flndlng relaLlons
MarbleSlaLes Cnelss
1All 2 r meLamorphlc rocks
2All 3 ln whlLe color such 4 opLlons were Lheer ans ls 1sL one
4 lf x exceed half of x by 33 Lhen flnf value of x?
3 lf x ls added Lo Lwelve Llme LhaL no Lhen ans ls 169 Lhe flnd x?
6Codlng Lype problem
1hey had glven LhaL A1 82 C3 so on
1hen whaL ls Lhe code for blue such 3 quesLlons were Lhere
7 now here onwards u wlll have Lo be alerL
lL was based on loglc LhaL lf Lhere r 3 persons abcde aall Lravel Lo bangalore kolkaLa chennal delhl
by mumbal uslng Lraln bus boaL aeroplane car n some condlLlons were glven [usL analyse n u can asw all
3 quesLlons based on LhaL
8 daLa lnLerpreLaLlon
Cne Lable was glven based on skllled unskllled seml skllled worker Lhls was slmple
9 Llme and work problem
3 quesLlon ouL of LhaL 1 was easy buL oLher were bouncer buL lf u have sLudled Lhen u can manage
10 ln Lngllsh [usL prepare for anomaly Lype quesLlon n arLlcle Lenses slmple u can manage lf ur engllsh ls
noL good (mlnd my word lf noL good)
1. DESIM is coded as CAMEL,then TIGER is coded as "______"?

2.COLOUR is coded as OCOLURL,then SPECTRUM is coded as "______"?

3.Three dog Roxy,Tiger,Jack.They want to be a friend of 2 cat named Sally and Billy.Among
the 3 dog,one dog failed to make a fiend.Sally and Billy succed to make a friend.Then, Tiger
succeed to make friend with?

4.A's father has a mother K and K's husband is T and T's brother is M and M's grandson is
S.Then what is the relation of A and S?



7.(A direction question,but cant remember the exact question) Africa is north of
Atlanta,greenland is in the south of Africa,Aulica is in the east of Atlanta and in the west of
New Zeeland and Texus is in the South of New Zeeland.So,Africa is in which side of Texus?

8.In a job seekers line,every 3rd man is liar and every 4th man is a B.Tech holder.Then how
many B.Tech holder are liar?

9.MARRIAGE is coded is AMRRAIEG,...then you have to find some thing code that I cant

10.Some questions are from Logical Reasonig.

11.Some questions on probability.

12.Arrange the sentences A,B,C,D in a logical sequence to form a coherent paragraph.

A. It is because Japanese companies do not have to pay the consultancies inflated fees the
argument goes ,that companies have more money to devote to `real investment and
because they are not tempted to follow the latest management fashions that they can
develop a coherent ,long term strategy.

B. The average salary man,relaxing after a ten hour day over yakitori and sake, hardly
Spends his time talking about Drucker -san and Peter-san .
C. It might seem far fetched to argue that Japans post war growth has anything to do With
management theory.
D.Critics of management theory happily point out that thirty years after arriving ,
Western consultancies are still to make ends meet ,and that Japan has few business
Schools ,none of them very prestigious.
Options: 1. CADB 2. CBDA 3. DBAC 4. DBCA
(2-3 this type of question)
14.Odd man series out question.
I cant remember the other question.
1) (Last question and the easiest) a simple flowchart whose steps are as follows. value of r
and h are given, a and b=0 m=pi*r*r*h n=(pi*r*r*h)/3 if (m==n) do ------else b=4*pi*r*h
print a and b
Don't remember if condition is m==n or m

2) (Second last question this was also easy) it was about a set of people talking 4 languages
and then questions were about who could act as a translator to whom?
3) There were 3 questions based on an argument given questions were to find out which
statement in the
objectives given could strengthen the argument or to weaken the argument. (Bit confusing)

4) Blood relationship question (I remember all the statements given, though not the
question) 10 people in a family A B C are husbands D E F are wivesaltogether there are only
4 women. Each family can have atmost 2
children and C has at least 1 child. D and G are related to A. E
cannot be related to H and I and J are not related.

5) (This consists of the most confusing set of questions)
a set of statements are given and then questions were asked, the statements were like
All A B C D E F are Q's
All A's are B's
(better leave this question for the last)

6) Alice works on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
B does not work on Wed
C works only on Tuesday and some other day(don't remember)
D does not work on Friday
E works on all days except on the first Monday and Thursday
1. Find the next number in the series-4 problems they were so easy like:
Increase by 2,4,16,25 etc.

2. Find the odd one out-3 problems
All numbers resulted in 9 while adding their digits, except 1
All numbers were divisible by some number say x, except 1

3. Find the correct spelling- 1 problem ( I dont remember the word, but it was easy to make
out from the option choice)

4. Blood relation-2 problems

5. Reading comprehension -3 questions (from the same passage, appeard on a single page)

6. Find which part of the sentence has error - 3 problems
the sentence was broken and each section was given as an option. Very easy like, basic
grammar ( from-since, have been, adverb usage)

7. All diamond rings are blue.

Some blue rings are costly.

All diamond rings are blue 4 questions of this sort, and they ask you to arrange these 3
rules in order
options were a.123, b.231, c.213, 4.132

8. In a certain language, manage is coded as namega, then wats the code for nature? (This
is a basic question. 2 or 3 tricky ones were there)
4 problems of this sort

9. Alphabetical ordering questions(interesting)-4 problems
abbcccddddeeeeefffff?? (ans:fg)
adg hkm oru ??? (ans:vyb)

10.A Situation explained in a passage..and 3 questions following (say like, arrangement -
tough). 12 questions (totally 4 such problems)

11.direction- 2 problems
like- A is 20m to the south of B who is 20m to the west of C. then wat can u say about A
and C?(something of this sort with 4 options including the angle and direction between A
and B)

12.Incomplete sentence-3 problems
like: Im have been longing to go to London _____ from my childhood(with 4 options)
1.Abridge :
2.Abash :
3.Abase :
4.Aberration :
5.Abstract :
1.intimidness: Iear
2.crust: wave
3.assist: save
4.aIIirm: hint
1. Odd man out : a)stem b) Iruits c) Ilowers d) tree e) root
2. 9, , 15, 18, 21, 24
3. Seating arrangement(2 puzzles)
4. Books arrangement (puzzle)
5. Flowchart
6. II 3rd day oI a month is Monday. Then what is the 5th day aIter 21st oI that month?
7. Blood relation question
Aptitude Questions:
1. one pipe Iills in 4 hrs and another in 5hrs when they both work alternately how much time will
be taken to Iill the tank.
2. LCM oI 3 nos is 120 which oI the Iollowing no must not be their HCF
a. 8 , b.24 c.12 d.24 and 30
3.two trains Irom the points A and B moving in opposite direction , at the point they meet the
second train travels 120 kms more than the Iirst. The speeds are 50kmph and 60kmph
respectively Iind the distance between A and B?
4. One monkey climbs a poll at the rate oI 6mts/min and Iell down 3mts in the alternately.
Length oI the poll is 60 mts , how much time it will take to reach the top?
a. 31 b.33 c.37 d.40 (ans: 37)
5.a number when multiplied by 7/18 instead oI 7/8 and got the result 770 less than the actual
result , Iind the original number?
6. The volume and the radius oI both cone and sphere are equal , then Iind the ratio oI height oI
the cone to the diameter oI the sphere?
7. A and B started a business with 1500 and 2500 and got a proIit 800 rs. HalI oI the proIit is
shared equally the remaining is shared according to their investment. Find their proIits.
8. The diIIerence between the simple interest and compound interest Ior 2 years?
A:B 2:3 and B:C5:6 then Iind A:B:C
9. an amount oI 64 Rs has to become 125 in 3 years in compound interest , Iind the rate oI
10. a similar to the above problem Iind the time(rate oI interest is given)
11. the prime no., which is greater than 6 when divide by 6 will always gives the remainder
ans: 1 or 5
12.Length oI a rectangle is increased by 50 and breadth is decreased by 25 what is the
diIIerence in the area
13. Mr X position in a class is 13th Irom Iirst and 17th Irom last, and 8th Irom the Iirst and 13th
Irom last in passed candidates list, then how many candidates Iailed in the exam
14. Two successive discounts oI 20 and 15 is equal to a net discount oI ..
15. A two digit number is 4 times to its sum oI digits , when 9 is added to the number, the digits
will get reversed. Then what is that number?
Ans: 12
16. The length oI the Iollowing rectangle is `4a` and its breadth is `2a`. Radius oI the two circles
is a`. Then Iind the ratio oI total area oI the rectangle to the area not covered by the two circles
with in the rectangle
17. A person starts with the speed oI u/1 kmph and returns with the speed oI u/2 kmph, what is
his average speed.
18. A cistern will be Iilled in 9 hrs, but becoz oI an outlet it is Iilled in 10 hrs, iI the cistern is
Iilled, then how much time the outlet takes to empty the cistern.
19. In a right angled triangle ABC angle B 90 , BM is the median to AC , then AB2 BC2 (in
terms oI BM)
20. Three circles with same radius r are drawn with centres as three vertices oI atriangle. What is
the sum oI areas oI the intersections oI these circles with the triangle.
21. X men work Ior X days to produce X products, then Y men can produce Y products in
22. The compound interest Ior Iirst and second years is 200 and 220 on a certain amount. Find
the sum.
23. Marked price oI a commodity is 35 above the cost price. II he gives a discount oI 15,
how much he gains on the deal.
24. 5 mangoes 4 oranges 7 mangoes 1 orange. Find the ratio oI mango to orange.
25. A man starts a work, aIter some time some one joins this
26. Food is suIIicient Ior 100men Ior 60days. For how many days the Iood is suIIicient Ior
27. II 8men 8hrs per day works Ior 8days get 45/- then how many men required iI the work is
5hrs per day Ior10days they get 60/-?
28. A person sold an item at a proIit oI 12 .II he sold it at a loss oI 12 then he would get
Rs.6/- less. What is the cost price?
29. (1 1/2 /((3/4-2/5 )/(2/34/5))) * ((2 3/4 /((4/3-2/5 )/(5/36/5))) (Numbers diIIerent)
30. Avg age oI X number oI adults in a class is 30yrs. II 12 new adults with avg age oI 32 joined
with them then the avg age increases by one. Find X?
31. A sphere oI radius 2cms is dropped into a cylinder oI radius 4 cms containing water upto
certain level. The raise in the water level is (not sure)
32. .. Iind the average oI reciprocals oI x and y :
33. In a school there are 1000 students in the year 1999. The number oI studentsincreased by
20 in the year 2000. And it is increased by 15 in the year 2001. But it is decreased by 18 in
2002. Then what is the strength in 2002.
Section I - Verbal - 25 qns - 15 mins
Section II - Quantitative Aptitude - 30 qns - 45 mins
Section III - Logical Reasoning - 30 qns - 30 mins

Total 85qns - 90 Mins

Section - I - Verbal - 25 qns in 15 mins, refer Barron's
GRE guide.

Fill up the sentences
Find the Word that has to be replaced
Form a Sentence and find the last word

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Syntel Aptitude Questions | Syntel Technical Questions |
Syntel Interview Questions

Section - II - Quantitative Aptitude 30 qns in 45mins -
please refer Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal to

few qns i remember are

The highest Score in an innings was 3/11 of the total and
the next highest was 3/11 of the reminder. If the scores
differed by 9, find the total score.
a) 151 b) 161 c) 121 d) 101 e) 137
Ans: c

A boy was asked to multiply a certain number by 53. He
multiplied it by 35 and got his answer less than the
correct one by 1206. Find the number to be multiplied.
a) 37 b) 67 c) 87 d) 97 e) 107

Ans: 67


A Problem like this not exactly the same but on same model.
If the manufacturer gains 10 %, the wholesale dealer 15 %
and the retailer 25 % then the cost of Production of a
table, if the retail price is Rs.1265
a) 632.50 b) 800 c) 814 d) 834.24
Ans: b

A trader marks his goods up by 50% and declares two
successive discounts of 20% each. What is his overall
a) 10% gain b) 4% gain c) 4% loss d) 10% loss e) No
loss No gain

Train Problems - 3 as finding speed of train, how many secs
it will cross each other etc.


Age problems -3 , find mothers age,fathers age etc.


Statistics Problems(probability) as A-this much , B-This
Much, A n B-this much and A u B - .


Angle Problems which deals with triangle - 3 problems.

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Syntel Interview Questions

Section III - Logical reasoning - 30 qns in 30 mins.

Tower of Hanoi Problem - Ans : 7

problem on fig. find the shaded area, square of size 14cm..
ans: 42

problem on symmetric fig ;; ans less than the 1172(check) .

Blood Relation Problems - 3

Then a passage is given on blood relation and 4 qns asked
how many male: ans -4 and few etc.

Find odd man out of the given series - 3 problems
pretty simple put A-Z and number them 1-26 and then u can
find easily odd man out.

Find the missing letter - was a bit tough to establish
relation - 3 problems

u have 3 figure -based on the figures ques asked.. easy
eg: Fig Triangle means Strong, Fig Square means Tall, Fig
Circle means Fair.

Ques asked is find the number that represents Strong Tall
and Fair persons.. easy one ..

ANs : 4

ANother question Women,Sub inspector,graduates - Ans: 3

An Flow Chart - GIven Units - 250
find final Value with formulae - (units1.25) and few
calculations like this Ans:506.25

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