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Scene 1: School (Classroom)

Class is about to end

(Students are seen flying paper airplanes, chatting, using cellphones, standing, being noisy, teasing each
other, some are daydreaming, and some are maybe listening)

Teacher: Okay, class. Did you understand our lesson for today? (Annoyed)

Teacher: Goodbye, class. See you tomorrow.

Student: Goodbye, teacher!

Scene 2: At home

The teacher comes home exhausted from school.

(She changes clothes and immediately goes to the kitchen)

Teacher: Have you cooked our dinner? (Notices there's no cooked food, gets angry)

Teacher: What's wrong with you, kids? You didn't even cook our dinner. I'm so exhausted from school.
Can't you do things on your own?

Teacher: Where is your sister? (Raising her voice)

Child 1: She's out again, Mom.

Teacher: Oh, always the same. And your father?

Child 2: He left, we don't know where he went.

Teacher: Oh, here we go again...

Teacher: Okay, kids, just stay there, I'll cook our meal.

All children: Okay.

(Complaining while cooking... then calls the kids to eat)

Teacher: Kids, it's time to eat! (Shouting)

(The kids go to the dining table)

(Suddenly, the husband arrives, drunk from drinking)

Teacher: There you go again, coming home drunk. Are you with another woman again? Behave yourself!

Husband: No, my love. You are the only one I love. (Trying to be affectionate)

(The husband falls asleep without eating)

Teacher: He's asleep from being drunk... this life...

(A few minutes later, the eldest child arrives)

Teacher: Where have you been?

Eldest child: Nowhere.

Teacher: Answer me!

Eldest child: Nowhere, Mom.

Eldest child: Why do you get to do whatever you want, but we can't?

Teacher: I'm not doing anything wrong.

Eldest child: You think you're not, but you are (slaps)

(The child leaves and goes to the room)

(After a night)

(The teacher wakes up to prepare for school)

Teacher: I'm leaving for work now.

(The kids and husband are still asleep)

Scene 3: At school

(Enters the classroom)

Teacher: Good morning, class. (No response from a student)

(The students are noisy, restless, and can't sit still)

Teacher: Class, be quiet... class... class. (Raises her voice)

(The students finally sit down)

Teacher: Cedrick, why are you late?

(Cedrick sits down)

(An hour later, while teaching, the teacher notices a student struggling to keep up with the class)

Teacher: Okay, class, that's all for today. Cedrick, can you stay behind?

(The teacher talks to Cedrick)

Teacher: Are you okay, dear?

Cedrick: I'm okay, ma'am.

(Cedrick's sad response)

Teacher: Why are you always late?

Cedrick: Ma'am, my mom is sick. (Cedrick sadly explains)

Teacher: I want to talk to your parents. I'll visit your home tomorrow.

Cedrick: Okay, ma'am.

Scene 4: At Cedrick's home

(Ma'am Sheryl knocks on the door)

Teacher: Excuse me!

(Getting water)

Cedrick: Oh, Ma'am, you're here. Please come in.

(She enters the house)

Cedrick: Ma'am, I'm sorry I'm always late. My mom has tuberculosis, so I have to do the household
chores. That's why I'm sometimes late. I'm sorry, ma'am.

Teacher: And your father?

Cedrick: My father works as a construction worker. He rarely comes home.

Teacher: (Crying while speaking) I'm sorry for always shouting at you. I didn't know your mom was sick...
and your father isn't around...

Cedrick: Yes, ma'am.

Teacher: If you need help, don't hesitate to come to me.

Cedrick: Yes, ma'am. Thank you very much!

Teacher: I'll go now. I'll connect you with the government to help you and to get your mom treated.

Cedrick: Thank you, ma'am.

(The teacher leaves)

Scene 5: At the teacher's home

(The husband is drunk again)

Mharjel: Where have you been this time? It's late. (Drunkly says)

Teacher: I just visited my student. Did you cook dinner?

Mharjel: Ask your children... Look over there. (Mumbling)

Teacher: You didn't cook again... Do you know how tired I am from work? Where's Carla?

(Carla suddenly arrives)

Teacher: Carla, where have you been?

Carla: Just around, Mom.

Teacher: Were you with your boyfriend again?! You're not taking care of the house because you're
always out. You're the eldest, so you should be responsible.

Carla: And you? Are you fulfilling your responsibilities as a mother to us? No! Because you prioritize your

(She suddenly slaps her daughter)

Teacher: I didn't mean to. (Holding Carla's hand) Let me explain. (Begging)

Carla: Let me go! I don't want to hear what you have to say! (Leaves the house)

Teacher: Wait, forgive me. I didn't mean to. (The mother says tearfully)
Scene 6: At school

(Teacher She walks in and overhears two co-teachers talking)

Co-Teacher 1: I heard her eldest ran away?

Co-Teacher 2: Really?!

Co-Teacher 1: Do you know why? Because she couldn't handle her daughter's irresponsibility. Because...

(She couldn't finish her sentence as Teacher She suddenly arrives, and they didn't realize she heard
everything they said)

Teacher: Good morning! (Cheerful greeting)

(Teaching) BELL

On the way

After class, as Teacher She is heading home, she sees her husband at a bar with another woman.

Scene 7: At the teacher's home

(Teacher She plays a sad song, feeling emotional. In the midst of her emotions, her husband arrives, and
they start arguing about the woman Teacher She saw with her husband.)

Carla enters with her boyfriend

Carla: Mom, Dad.

(The couple stops arguing)

Teacher: Carla, my child. (Hugs Carla)

Carla: Mom, this is Charles, my boyfriend.

Charles: Good evening, Mom, Dad. I'm Charles, Carla's boyfriend.

Charles bows

Charles: Don't worry, I will do everything. I will work hard to give Carla and our future child a good life.

(The couple is surprised by Charles' words)

Mharjel: Boyfriend? When did this happen? (Stutters)

Teacher: What do you mean? A-a-a child?

Carla: I'm sorry for telling you just now. (She says guiltily)

I'm pregnant.

Teacher & Mharjel: What?! (The couple can't believe what they just heard.)

Teacher: Ho-ho-how?... faints

(The three are shocked, and they quickly attend to her and take her to the hospital)

Scene 8: At the Hospital

(Outside the ER, Teacher She's husband, children, and Carla's boyfriend are waiting)

The Doctor comes out

Doctor: Are you Ms. Sheryl's family?

Children: Yes.

Mharjel: Yes, I'm her husband. Doc, how is my wife? (Worriedly asks)

Doctor: I hope you won't be surprised, but based on the test results, it appears she has a serious illness,
so we suggest she stays in the hospital for a few days for proper treatment and recovery.

Mharjel: Okay, Doc, whatever is best for my wife.

Doctor: Don't worry, we'll do our best.

holds the doctor's hand and says

Mharjel: Thank you very much.

Children: Thank you.

(After a few hours, Teacher She wakes up. Upon waking up, she sees her husband and children by her
side, and Carla, who notices her mother waking up, quickly approaches her)

Carla: Mom (hugs her mother) How are you feeling?

(Her husband and other children also approach)

Teacher: What happened?

Mharjel: You suddenly passed out. We were all worried. You have a serious illness, why didn't you tell

angrily and worriedly says while holding her hand

Teacher: I'm sorry, children. As a mother, I admit I have many shortcomings towards you. It's also hard
for me to deal with what's happening. As a mother, it hurts me that I can't take care of you, be there for
you, or even ask how you are. (The mother says tearfully)

(They approach their mother and hug her tightly)

Child: It's okay, mom, we understand.

Carla: I'm sorry, Mom (Carla says tearfully while hugging her mother)

Mharjel: Children, please forgive your father as well. I promise from now on, your father will change. (He
approaches his wife and children and hugs them)

Scene 9: At home

AFTER 10 days, Teacher She is discharged from the hospital and is preparing to teach again.

At home

(Teacher She comes out of the room to do household chores, but she sees her children and husband
preparing food)

Children: Good morning, Mom! (Smiling greetings to their mother and sit down to eat)

Teacher: What's going on?

Carla: You always take care of us and worry about us, so from now on, let us take care of you both.

Children: we love you, Mom and Dad!

(The whole family hugs)

Scene 10: At school

(Teacher She walks to her room)

Teacher: Good morn...

Students: Welcome back, Teacher She!

(A student approaches to put a crown on the teacher and sits her in the middle... as Teacher She
wonders what's happening)

Students: We are happy for your return. That's why we prepared a song for you.
(The students sing, then after the song, they approach one by one to give flowers to the teacher and say

Students: We are grateful and happy that you are finally back and fine! We love you!


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