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MODULE 4 (Wednesday)

Modeling Consumer Demand

 Consumer demand theory postulates that quantity demanded of a commodity is
a function (or depends on) of price of a commodity (Px), consumer’s income (Y),
price of related commodity (Pxy), and tastes and preferences (T&P)

 Function form = QDx = f(Px, Y, Pxy, T&P)

o Where:
 QDx = demand for commodity X
 f = function of or depends on
 Px = price of commidty X
 Y = consumer’s income
 Pxy = price of related commodity
 T&P = tastes and preferences

Example: Demand for sweet potatoes in the US for 1949 to 1972

QDs = 7609 – 1606Ps + 59N + 947Y + 479Pw – 271t
QDs = demand for sweet potatoes (kg)
Ps = price of sweet potato ($/kg)
N = population
Y = disposable income ($)
Pw = price of white potato ($/kg)
t = time period (t1 is for 1949; t2 = 1950 up to t24 for 1972)
Suppose N = 150.73, Y = 1.76, Pw = 2.94 and t = 1, demand for sweet potatoes (QDs)
in the US in 1949
QDs = 7609 – 1606Ps + 59N + 947Y + 479Pw – 271t
QDs = 7609 – 1606Ps + 59(150.73) + 947(1.76) + 479(2.94) – 271(1)
QDs = 7609 – 1606Ps + 8893.07 + 1666.72 + 1408.26 – 271

Source: Principles of Managerial Economics. The Open University of Hongkong. The Saylor Foundation.

QDs = 19306.05 – 1606Ps = demand function of sweet potato

at Ps = $2.00; QDs = 19306.05 – 1606Ps
QDs = 19306.05 – 1606(2)
QDs = 16,094 kg
at Ps = $3.00; QDs = QDs = 19306.05 – 1606Ps
QDs = 19306.05 – 1606(3)
QDs = 14,488 kg
at Ps = $4.00; Ds = QDs = 19306.05 – 1606Ps
QDs = 19306.05 – 1606(4)
QDs = 12,882 kg
at Ps = $5.00; QDs = QDs = 19306.05 – 1606Ps
QDs = 19306.05 – 1606(5)
QDs = 11,276 kg
at Ps = $6.00; QDs = QDs = 19306.05 – 1606Ps
QDs = 19306.05 – 1606(5)
QDs = 9,670 kg



Source: Principles of Managerial Economics. The Open University of Hongkong. The Saylor Foundation.

Suppose Mr. Smith, the manager of the marketing division of Chevrolet at General Motors
estimated the following demand function of Chevrolet automobiles:
Qc = 100,000 – 100Pc + 2000N + 50Y + 30PF – 1000PG + 3A + 40,000 PI
Qc = quantity demand for Chevrolet automobiles
Pc = price of Chevrolet ($)
N = population
Y = disposable income ($)
PF = price of Ford ($)
PG = price of gasoline ($/gal)
A = ads expenditures
PI = credit incentives
a) Find the value of Qc if N = 200; Y = $10,000; PF = $8000; PG = 80; A = $200,000; PI = 1
b) Determine the demand schedule for Chevrolet Pc = $7000, 8000, 9000, 10,000 and
c) Plot the demand curve of Chevrolet.
d) Show your solutions.

Source: Principles of Managerial Economics. The Open University of Hongkong. The Saylor Foundation.

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