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FASTING ASSIGNMENT OF GRADE XII (Science and Social Program) Directions: Read the text of Putri Bungsu and

d The Dragons Answer the questions! Try to do it as early as possible, submit it at least in 5th September 2011 (the rst day of your school day) on my table at most 07.30. If you are late, your assignment will not be accepted. Enjoy your holiday. See you again in September. Have a great fasting, and Happy Aidil Fitri.

Putri Bungsu and The Dragons (Folklore from South Aceh) Once upon a time, there were two dragons lived in South Aceh. The dragons were male and female, they were husband and wife. The dragons really wanted to have a child. They always prayed to God to give them a child. One day the dragons were resting at the river side. Suddenly they saw a baby beside a basket. The basket was drifting by the current of the water. "My husband, look! There is a human baby inside the basket. Let's save the baby!" said the mother dragon. The father dragon immediately swam fast. He brought the baby to the side. She was a baby girl. The dragons were very happy. They had a child. Although the baby was a human child, the dragons really loved her. They named her Putri Bungsu. Days passed by, Putri Bungsu was adult. She was very beautiful. The dragons always took care of her. They also always protected her. In mean time, putri Bungsu real parents were looking for her. In the mean time, Putri Bungsu real parents were looking for her. There was an incident and accidentally Putri Bungsu was drifting in the river. After years looking for her, Putri Bungsu's real parents nally found her. "My child, thank God we nally found you. You are our daughter. We know it from the mark in your hand," said the mother. The dragons were angry! They said Putri Bungsu was their daughter. "No! She is our daughter! We have raised her since she was a baby. We loved her and she loved us," said the mother dragon. Putri Bungsu's real parents and the dragons were arguing. They each claimed to be Putri's Bungsu's parents and they asked Putri bungsu to stay with them. They were arguing and they did not get any solutions. Putri Bungsu's real parents asked for help. They asked Tuan Tapa to help them. Tuan Tapa was a holy man. He also had supernatural power. Tuan Tapa then asked the dragons to let Putri Bungsu leave and stay with her real parents. The dragons were angry. They asked Tuan Tapa not to interfere. Tuan Tapa realized that the dragons could not negotiate. Therefore Tuan Tapa challenged them to ght. "If you win, you can keep her. However you have to let her go and stay with her real parents if you both lose the ght," said Tuan Tapa. "Ha ha ha...No problem! We will win the ght!" Then Tuan Tapa and the dragons were ghting bravely. Although he was alone and had to ght with two dragons, Tuan Tapa was very brave. He used all his skills to ght them. And nally he won the ght! The father dragon was dead. The mother dragon was very sad and angry. She knew she could not win the ght. She escaped. The mother dragon was very angry. She wagged her tail. It broke an island into two small islands, people named the islands as Pulau Dua. The tail also wagged another big island into many small islands. People named the island as Pulau Banyak. While the body of the father dragon changed into a big stone, people named it as Batu Hitam, and the blood dried into a big red stone, people named it as Batu Merah. Adapted from :

Answer these questions! 1. Where did the story take place? 2. Where did the dragons nd the baby? 3. Why did the dragons ght with Tuan Tapa? 4. Who won the ght? 5. What happened with the father dragon? Fill in the table correctly with the verb 1, and 3 then nd the meaning of the words!
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Verb 1 see Verb 2 saw raised swam found said asked won changed wagged realized claimed escaped challenged knew dried took Verb 3 seen Meaning melihat

Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets !
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The lights WENT (go) out last night, so we LIT.. (light) some candles. We ...... (visit) Susi last week but she ..... (be not) at home. They ...... (plant) a tree in their garden last month but it ....... (die) a week later. He ..... (hurt) his leg when he .. (fall) down just now. She .. (be ill) yesterday morning, so she . (not go) to school. The glass (break) when she (drop) it just now. We . (meet) your brother just now. He . (speak) to us for a few minutes and then he . (drive) off. He .. (come) home at a quarter past seven last night. Then he .. (go) straight to bed. He .. (not wake) up until it . (be) eleven oclock this morning. I (visit) Australia in July last year. I (enjoy) my stay there. I even (take) a photograph of a kangaroo, but I (forget) to take it home with me when I (leave).




Last Sunday my father (take) us to the beach. Half-way through the journey


(start) to rain. The road .. (become) very slippery. Suddenly our car skidded at a sharp bend in the road and (crash) into big drain. Luckily none of us . (be) hurt.

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