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Did you know that one of America’s closest allies, Mexico, went to war with the

U.S.? If not, you might want to hear what I’m about to say. In 1846, America
declared war on Mexico as they were fighting over Texan land. 2 years later, in
1848, the war ended with a peaceful agreement between the two countries. This
seemingly insignificant scuffle actually influenced significant events in America

To understand why these 2 countries went to war, we must go back 10 years. In

1836, the Republic of Texas declared independence from Mexico. Initially, the U.S.
didn’t even want this land because the President thought it would stir up debates
over slavery in America. But, James K. Polk, the newest President elected in 1845,
did not think of such consequences and campaigned that Texas should be re-
annexed. Mexico considered this re-annexation as an act of aggression and
decided to attack American soldiers. Polk thought this was a full-on act of war and
declared war on Mexico.

Thus beginning the Mexican-American War of 1846. Once the war began,
President James Polk moved American soldiers into the borders of Texas to help
defend the soon-to-be annexed country. These troops would win the Battle of
Palo Alto and the Battle of Resaca de la Palma, as well as 4 other battles. Several
battles were also fought throughout the Republic of Texas, all won by the U.S.
Finally, in 1846, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed by both countries to
end the war. As per the treaty, America got the Republic of Texas as their land and
Mexico got $18 million as compensation.

The war had ended, but it was only just beginning to impact America. The Treaty
of Guadalupe Hidalgo had both a positive and a negative effect on the U.S. The
treaty had indeed eased tensions between America and Mexico. However, the
gained land of Texas had also revived debates over slavery in the U.S. The
northern half of the country wanted the new land to be a free state. The southern
half on the other hand wanted the recently gained state to be a slave state. These
opposing opinions on Texas and many more states would soon cause the
American Civil War.

In conclusion, the Mexican-American War was a war that took place in the 1840s.
This war was fought over the land of Texas between Mexico and the U.S. After two
years of fighting, America won the war and gained Texas as its own. This had
impacted America and its relations severely.

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