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Translated and Published by
Japanese Standards Association

JIS Z 3120:2014
Method and acceptance criteria oftest for
gas lpressure we!dedljoint ofsteei bars for
concrete reinbrcement

ICIS 25.160.40
Reお r● ュ S Z 3120:2014(ω )
z 3L20:20t4

Date of Establishment: 1980'04-03

Date of Bevision: 2014-06-25
Date of Public Notice in Offrcial Gazette: 2014-06-25
Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
Standards Board
Technical Committee on Welding

lls Z 3120 : 201,4, First English edition published in 2015-05

Translated and published by: fapanese Standards Association

Mita MT Building, 3-1.3-12, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073 JAPAN

In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents,

the original [S is to be the final authority.

o trsA 2016
All rights reserved. Unless otlrerwise specified, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in ]apan HN




Scope 1

Normative references 1

Terms and definitions 1

Tlpe of test """' 2

Test pieee 2

6 Test methods """""' 3

6。 1 Appearance test 3
6.2 Tensile test "".'"' 3
6.3 Bend test 3

7 Acceptance criteria 3
7.1 Acceptance criteria for appearance test 3
7.2 Acceptance criteria for tensile test ""' 5
7.3 Acceptance criteria for bend test " " " " " 5

8 5
8.1 Betest conditions 5
8.2 Test piece for retest 5
8。 3 Acceptance criteria for retest 5
9 Other requirements """' "" 5
9。 1 Reinforcing bars of different steel grades to be jointed ..... -. .- 5
9.2 Reinforcing bars of different diameters to be jointed 6
10 Record "" 6




This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial
Standard revised by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tour{sm through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards
Committee as the result of prroposal for revision of Japanese Industrial
Standard submitted by Japan Reinforcing Bar Joints Institute (JR^II)/
Japan Testing Center for Coustruction Materials (JTCCM) with the draft
being attached, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the In-
dustrial Standardization Law applicable to the case of revision by the
provision of Article 14. Consequently JIS Z 3120:2009 is replaced with
this Standard.
This JIS documeut is protected by the Copyright Law.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of thie Standard
may conflict with patent richts, applications for a patent after opening to
the public or utility model rights. T?re relevant Minister and the Japanese
Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identifring any of
such patent rights, applications for a patent after opening to the pubLic or
utility model rights.


Method and acceptance sriteria of teet for gas pressure

welded joint of steel bars for ooncrete reinforcement

1 Scope

This Japanese Industrial Standaril specifres the method and the acceptance criteria
of tests for gas pressure welded joints by manual gas pressurte welding method, auto-
matic gas pressure welding method and gae pressure welding by hot trimming in the
case of using steel bare for concrete reinforrcement (hereafter r.eferred to as reinforcing
bars) specified in JIS G 3112 for the conetruction.

2 Noruative reftr.ences
The following standards contain provisions which, through refer.ence in this t€xt,
constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards (in-
cluding amendments) indicated below shall be applied.
JIS G 3112 Steel bars for concrete reinforcement
JIS G 319f Dintensione, maas and perruissible variations ofhot rulled steel barc
and bat in coil
JISZ 2241 Metallic materials Tensile testing Method of test at toom tem-
- -
JIS Z 2248 Metallic materials * Bend test
JIS Z 3001-1 Welding aad allied pmcesses Vocabulaty Pafi 1 : Geaeral
- -
JIS Z 3001-2 Weldbg and allied pnxesses Vocabulary Part 2 : Welding pm-
- -

3 Terms and rlefinitions

For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions given in JIS Z 3001-1,
JIS Z 3001-2 and the following apply.
3.1 gae pressure welded joint
butt joiat made by heating reinforcing bars with orygen'acetylene gas flame and weld-
ing them with mechanical pressure
3.2 ','anual gas pressure welding
gas pressure welding by manual burner operation

3.3 automatic gaa preesure weltling

gas pressure welding that is intended to use gas pressul€ welding apparatus to control
automatically heating, pressure application and burner operation
3.4 gas pressule welding by hot trimrning


gas pressurc welding that is intended, after weld'ing, to trim convex on the weld with
shearing blade white the weld ie still hot
3.5 surface of pressure weld
weld surface jointed by pressure welding
3.6 pressure weld
generic term for joints which include the surface of pressure weld and the heat-affected

3.7 retest
test to be conducted. in case that, due to its defects or the like, a test material failed to
meet the acceptance criteria of the appearance test, tensile test or bend test

4 ftpe of test
Tests shall eonsist of appearance test and tensile test. When irnpracticable, tensile
test may be replaced by bend test based on the agreement between the manufacturer
and the purchaser for joint works.

6 Test piece
The shape and d.imensions of test piece shall be as given in Table 1. The test piece
shall be as gas pressure welded. For tensile or bend test, the test pieces which passed
the appearance test shall be used. For bend test pieces made by manual or automatic
gas pressure welding, remove the convex at the side which comes in contact with man-
drel up to the external line of parrent material in order to bend a test piece properly.

Tabl,e 1 Sbape and dimeneions of teat pieces for gas pressure welded joint
Surface of pressure weld Steel bar for concrete

Test piece Length Z-"'

Tensile test piece [8d.] holdl or over
+ tong
Bend test piece 1Od+ 100) or over but not less than 300 mm
Notes a) Replace 8dwith Sdwhen the nominal diameter is 25.4
mm or over for deformed bars, and when the standard
diameter specified in Table 1 of JIS G 3191 exceeds 25
mm for touud bars.
b) "d " refers to the standard diameter specified in JIS G
3191 for round bars, or refers to the nominal diameter
specified in JIS G 3112 for deformed bars.


6 Test methods
6.1 Appearance test
The appearance test shall be conducted on the pressure weld visually or instrumen'
tally (e.s. using vernier calliper, scale rule), in order to examine the diameter and
length of convexi displacement of the surfacei eccentricity of the central axis of rein'
forcing bari bending ofpressure weld, partial convexi significant sagging, cratering and
cracking by overheating.
6.2 Tensile test
The tensile test shall be in aceordance with JIS Z 22.41. To obtain the tensile
strength of joint, use the nominal cross'sectional area specified in JIS G 8112 for de-
formed bars, or use the cross'sectional area determined from the standard diameter
specifred in JIS G 3191 for round bars.
6.8 Bend tegt
The bend test shall be eonducted by press bending method specifred in JIS Z 2248.
The bending angle sha[ be 45" or more, and the inside radius shall be as given in JIS
G 3112.

7 Acceptance criteria
7.1 Acrceptancre eriteria for appearance tert
Test pieces shall be deemed to have passed the test when all of them meet the fol'
lowing acceptance criteria.
a) The criteria for test pieces prepared by manual or automatic gas pressure welding
shall be as follows.
1) The diameter (D of convex on the pressure weld shall be at least 1.4 times the
diameter or nominal diameter of reinforcing bar. For test piece of SD 490 specifred
in JIS G 3112, it shall be at least 1.5 times (see Figure 1).
il The length (l) of convex on the pr€ssure weld shall be at least 1.1 times the diam-
eter or nominal dismeter of reinforring bar. For test piece of SD 490 specified in
JIS G 3112, it shall be at least 1.2 times (see Figure 1).

Frgune 1 Diameter and. length of convex on pressure weld.

3) The displacement (d) of the surdace of pressure weld ehall be no more than 1.l4 of
the diameter or nominal diameter of reinforcing bar (see Figure 2).

Zi 3120:2014

Surface of pressure weld
Top of convex
Figue 2 Displacement of eurface of preeeure weld

4) The eccentricity (e) of both central axes of reinforcing bar at the pressure weld
shall be not more than 1/5 of the diameter or nominal diameter of reinforcing bar
(see Figure 3).

FiSure 3 Eccentricity

5) The partial convex (41l) on the pressuDe weld shall be no more than l/E of the di-
ametet or nominal diameter of reinforcing bar (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 Partial convex

6) No bending is observed vieually at the pressure weld.

7) No eigrrificant sagging, cratering or cracking by overheating can be observed vis-
ually at the pressure weld.
b) The criteria for test pieces preparned by gas pressure welding by hot trimming shall
be ae follows.
1) The length (/) of the convex on the pressure weld shall be at leagt 1.1 times the
diameter or nominal diameter of rebforcing bar. For test piece of SD 490 specified
in JIS G 3112, it shall be at Ieast 1.2 times (see ['igure 5).

z 3120 : 2014

Figure 6 Length of connex on pressure weld

2) No cracking or cratering is observed on the pl€ssule weld which corresponds

to a
trimmed surface of the pressure weld.
3) No surface irregularities by overheating are observed. on a trimmed sur{ace of the
pressure weld.

7.2 Acceptance criteria for tensile tegt

Test pieces shall be deemed to have passed the tensile test when all of them meet the
specifications in JIS G 3112.
7.3 Acceptance criteria for bend test
Test pieces shall be deemed to have passed the bend test when all of them are free
from fracture on the surface of the pressure weld when bent up to 4Eo.

I Reteet
8.1 Reteat oouditiong
Betest can be conducted only once when the test pieces have failed the tensile or
bend test by one of the following reasons.
a) Test failure due to test material conditions (e.g. slag inclusion, cracking, piping,
b) Test failure due to external deterioration of test piece during preparation
c) Test failure due to incorrect operation
d) Bend test failur"e due to fraeture at a bending angle below 45o on other part than
the surface of the pressure weld.
8.2 Test pi,ece for retest
For each test piece that failed, sample a test piece from other joints prepared under
the same condition.
8.3 Acceptance criteria for r,etest
Test pieces shall be deemed to have passed the retest when all of them meet the
specifieations in clause 7.

I Other requircmenta
9.1 Reinforcing bars of diftrent eteel gradee to be jointed
For bending radius in 6.3 and tensile strength in 7.2, the specifications for reinforc'
ing bars of lower strength shall be applied.


9.2 ]b お聾hg bar8 0f ditte"nt ameterBわ be jOinted

For the diameter or nominal diameter in Clause 5 and 7.1,and for the bending radius
in 6.3,the speciicationSibr患 3infOrCing bar8 0fSmaner diameter Shan be applied.

10 11eoord
The lo■owing itemS Shau be FeCOrded alter the teSt.

a)Identiicatb■ ofwelding
b)Name ofpressure welder(company)
c)Method ofpЮ ssu“ wenng
υ Da“ of ttst

e) Evaluation of assess]ment
O IManufacturerts name,classiication and designation of reinお rCing bar

」 Any other intrmation

qdalily doaaol published
Errata for JIS (Eugligh edition) arc prhted in sran datdizatioD aid
aontbly by the Japanese Standar;s Aseociation, and aJso provided to eubscribere of JIS
(En8lish editiod i-o ,4o, tblv lafoaaatioa"

Errata {,i]l be provided upon requeet, please contact:

Publilhira Group, Japa!6re Staualard. A!&ciation
Mita MT Building, 3'13'12, Mita, Minato'ku, ToLvo' 108'0073 JAPAN
Tfir- 03-4231'8550 FAX. 03-4231'8665


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